Package fedex :: Package services :: Module track_service
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Source Code for Module

  1  """ 
  2  Tracking Service Module 
  4  This package contains the shipment tracking methods defined by Fedex's  
  5  TrackService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy access.  
  6  For more details on each, refer to the respective class's documentation. 
  7  """ 
  9  from ..base_service import FedexBaseService, FedexError 
12 -class FedexInvalidTrackingNumber(FedexError):
13 """ 14 Exception: Sent when a bad tracking number is provided. 15 """ 16 17 pass
18 19
20 -class FedexTrackRequest(FedexBaseService):
21 """ 22 This class allows you to track shipments by providing a tracking 23 number or other identifying features. By default, you 24 can simply pass a tracking number to the constructor. If you would like 25 to query shipments based on something other than tracking number, you will 26 want to read the documentation for the L{__init__} method. 27 Particularly, the tracking_value and package_identifier arguments. 28 """ 29
30 - def __init__(self, config_obj, *args, **kwargs):
31 """ 32 Sends a shipment tracking request. The optional keyword args 33 detailed on L{FedexBaseService} apply here as well. 34 35 @type config_obj: L{FedexConfig} 36 @param config_obj: A valid FedexConfig object. 37 """ 38 39 self._config_obj = config_obj 40 41 # Holds version info for the VersionId SOAP object. 42 self._version_info = { 43 'service_id': 'trck', 44 'major': '10', 45 'intermediate': '0', 46 'minor': '0' 47 } 48 self.SelectionDetails = None 49 """@ivar: Holds the SelectionDetails WSDL object that includes tracking type and value.""" 50 51 # Set Default as None. 'INCLUDE_DETAILED_SCANS' or None 52 self.ProcessingOptions = None 53 """@ivar: Holds the TrackRequestProcessingOptionType WSDL object that defaults no None.""" 54 55 # Call the parent FedexBaseService class for basic setup work. 56 super(FedexTrackRequest, self).__init__( 57 self._config_obj, 'TrackService_v10.wsdl', *args, **kwargs) 58 self.IncludeDetailedScans = False
60 - def _prepare_wsdl_objects(self):
61 """ 62 This sets the package identifier information. This may be a tracking 63 number or a few different things as per the Fedex spec. 64 """ 65 66 self.SelectionDetails = self.client.factory.create('TrackSelectionDetail') 67 68 # Default to Fedex 69 self.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode = 'FDXE' 70 71 track_package_id = self.client.factory.create('TrackPackageIdentifier') 72 73 # Default to tracking number. 74 track_package_id.Type = 'TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG' 75 76 self.SelectionDetails.PackageIdentifier = track_package_id
79 """ 80 Checks the response to see if there were any errors specific to 81 this WSDL. 82 """ 83 if self.response.HighestSeverity == "ERROR": # pragma: no cover 84 for notification in self.response.Notifications: 85 if notification.Severity == "ERROR": 86 if "Invalid tracking number" in notification.Message: 87 raise FedexInvalidTrackingNumber( 88 notification.Code, notification.Message) 89 else: 90 raise FedexError(notification.Code, notification.Message)
93 """ 94 Fires off the Fedex request. 95 96 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(), WHICH RESIDES 97 ON FedexBaseService AND IS INHERITED. 98 """ 99 100 client = self.client 101 # Fire off the query. 102 return client.service.track( 103 WebAuthenticationDetail=self.WebAuthenticationDetail, 104 ClientDetail=self.ClientDetail, 105 TransactionDetail=self.TransactionDetail, 106 Version=self.VersionId, 107 SelectionDetails=self.SelectionDetails, 108 ProcessingOptions=self.ProcessingOptions)