
users related commands.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_addperm(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <permission> - add permission to user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_addpermit(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <permit> - allow another user to perform actions on your data.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_addstatus(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <status> - add status to a user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_adduser(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <userhost> - introduce a new user to the bot.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_adduserhost(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <userhost> - add to userhosts of user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_check(bot, ievent)

arguments: <nick> - get data of a user based on nick name.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_delemail(bot, ievent)

no arguments - reset email of user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_delete(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - remove user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_delperm(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <perm> - delete permission from user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_delstatus(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <status> - delete status.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_deluserhost(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <userhost> - remove from userhosts of name.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_email(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show email of user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getemail(bot, ievent)

arguments: <user> - get email addres of a user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getname(bot, ievent)

arguments: <nick> - fetch username of nick.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getperms(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - get permissions of name.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getstatus(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - get status of a user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getuserhosts(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - get userhosts of a user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getuserperm(bot, ievent)

arguments: <perm> - list users with permission <perm>.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_getuserstatus(bot, ievent)

arguments: <status> - list users with <status>.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_import(bot, ievent)

arguments: <userhost> - merge the userhost into user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_match(bot, ievent)

arguments: <userhost> - get data of user based on userhost.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_meet(bot, ievent)

arguments: <nick> - introduce a new user to the bot.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_merge(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <nick> - merge the userhost belonging to <nick> into an already existing user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_name(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show name of user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_names(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show registered users.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_permit(bot, ievent)

no arguments - get permit list of user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_perms(bot, ievent)

no arguments - get permissions of the user given the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_setemail(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <email> - set email of a user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_show(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - get data of a user based on username.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_status(bot, ievent)

no arguments - get status of user given the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_undelete(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> - remove user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_userdelpermit(bot, ievent)

arguments: <name> <permit> - remove (name, permit) from permit list.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_userhosts(bot, ievent)

no arguments - get userhosts of user giving the command.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_userscan(bot, ievent)

arguments: <searchtxt> - scan for user.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_usersearch(bot, ievent)

arguments: <searchtxt> - search for user matching given userhost.

fbf.plugs.core.user.handle_whoami(bot, ievent)

no arguments - get your username.


# fbf/plugs/core/

""" users related commands. """

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.generic import getwho
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from import stripname
from fbf.lib.users import users
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples

basic imports

import logging

user-whoami command

def handle_whoami(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - get your username. """
    ievent.reply('%s' % bot.users.getname(ievent.auth))

cmnds.add('user-whoami', handle_whoami, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-whoami', 'get your username', 'user-whoami')

user-meet command

def handle_meet(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <nick> - introduce a new user to the bot. """
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    if bot.users.exist(nick):
        ievent.reply('there is already a user with username %s' % nick)
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    logging.warn("users - meet - userhost is %s" % userhost)
    if not userhost:
        ievent.reply("can't find userhost of %s" % nick)
    username = bot.users.getname(userhost)
    if username:
        ievent.reply('we already have a user with userhost %s (%s)' % (userhost, username))
    result = 0
    name = stripname(nick.lower())
    result = bot.users.add(name, [userhost, ], ['USER', 'GUEST'])
    if result: ievent.reply('%s - %s - (%s) added to user database' % (nick, userhost, name))
    else: ievent.reply('add failed')

cmnds.add('user-meet', handle_meet, ['OPER', 'MEET'])
examples.add('user-meet', '<nick> .. introduce <nick> to the bot', 'user-meet dunker')

user-add command

def handle_adduser(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <userhost> - introduce a new user to the bot. """
    try: (name, userhost) = ievent.args
    except ValueError:
        ievent.missing('<name> <userhost>')
    username = bot.users.getname(userhost)
    if username:
        ievent.reply('we already have a user with userhost %s (%s)' % (userhost, username))
    result = 0
    name = stripname(name.lower())
    result = bot.users.add(name, [userhost, ], ['USER', 'GUEST'])
    if result: ievent.reply('%s added to user database' % name)
    else: ievent.reply('add failed')

cmnds.add('user-add', handle_adduser, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-add', 'add user to the bot', 'user-add dunker bart@localhost')

user-merge command

def handle_merge(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <nick> - merge the userhost belonging to <nick> into an already existing user. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <nick>')
    name, nick = ievent.args
    name = name.lower()
    if bot.users.gotperm(name, 'OPER') and not bot.users.allowed(ievent.userhost, 'OPER'):
        ievent.reply("only OPER perm can merge with OPER user")
    if name == 'owner' and not bot.ownercheck(ievent.userhost):
         ievent.reply("you are not the owner")
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("we have no user %s" % name)
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost:
        ievent.reply("can't find userhost of %s" % nick)
    if bot.ownercheck(userhost):
        ievent.reply("can't merge with owner")
    result = bot.users.merge(name, userhost)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s merged' % nick)
    else: ievent.reply('merge failed')

cmnds.add('user-merge', handle_merge, ['OPER', 'MEET'])
examples.add('user-merge', '<name> <nick> .. merge record with <name> with userhost from <nick>', 'user-merge bart dunker')

user-import command

def handle_import(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <userhost> - merge the userhost into user giving the command. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 1:
    userhost = ievent.args[0]
    if bot.ownercheck(userhost):
        ievent.reply("can't merge owner")
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("i don't know you %s" % ievent.userhost)
    result = bot.users.merge(name, userhost)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s imported' % userhost)
    else: ievent.reply('import failed')

cmnds.add('user-import', handle_import, ['IMPORT', 'OPER'])
examples.add('user-import', 'user-import <userhost> .. merge record with \
<name> with userhost from the person giving the command (self merge)', 'user-import')

user-del command

def handle_delete(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - remove user. """
    if not bot.ownercheck(ievent.userhost):
        ievent.reply('only owner can use delete')
    if len(ievent.args) == 0:
    name = ievent.args[0]
    result = 0
    name = stripname(name)
    name = name.lower()
        result = bot.users.delete(name)
        if result:
            ievent.reply('%s deleted' % name)
    except KeyError: pass
    ievent.reply('no %s item in database' % name)

cmnds.add('user-del', handle_delete, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-del', 'user-del <name> .. delete user with <username>' , 'user-del dunker')

user-undel command

def handle_undelete(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - remove user. """
    if not bot.ownercheck(ievent.userhost):
        ievent.reply('only owner can use delete')
    if len(ievent.args) == 0:
    name = ievent.args[0]
    result = 0
    name = stripname(name)
    name = name.lower()
    user = bot.users.byname(name)
    if user: = False
        ievent.reply('%s undeleted' % name)
    else: ievent.reply('no %s item in database' % name)

cmnds.add('user-undel', handle_undelete, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-undel', 'user-del <name> .. undelete user with <username>' , 'user-undel dunker')

user-scan command

def handle_userscan(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <searchtxt> - scan for user. """
    try:name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    name = name.lower()
    names = bot.users.names()
    result = []
    for i in names:
        if i.find(name) != -1: result.append(i)
    if result: ievent.reply("users matching %s: " % name, result)
    else: ievent.reply('no users matched')

cmnds.add('user-scan', handle_userscan, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-scan', '<txt> .. search database for matching usernames', 'user-scan dunk')

user-names command

def handle_names(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show registered users. """
    ievent.reply("usernames: ", bot.users.names())

cmnds.add('user-names', handle_names, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-names', 'show names of registered users', 'user-names')

user-name command

def handle_name(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show name of user giving the command. """
    ievent.reply('your name is %s' % bot.users.getname(ievent.auth))

cmnds.add('user-name', handle_name, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-name', 'show name of user giving the commands', 'user-name')

user-getname command

def handle_getname(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <nick> - fetch username of nick. """
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:

    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost:
        ievent.reply("can't find userhost of %s" % nick)

    name = bot.users.getname(userhost)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("can't find user for %s" % userhost)


cmnds.add('user-getname', handle_getname, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-getname', 'user-getname <nick> .. get the name of <nick>', 'user-getname dunker')

user-addperm command

def handle_addperm(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <permission> - add permission to user. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <perm>')
    name, perm = ievent.args
    perm = perm.upper()
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    result = 0
    if bot.users.gotperm(name, perm):
        ievent.reply('%s already has permission %s' % (name, perm))
    result = bot.users.adduserperm(name, perm)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s perm added' % perm)
    else: ievent.reply('perm add failed')

cmnds.add('user-addperm', handle_addperm, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-addperm', 'user-addperm <name> <perm> .. add permissions to user <name>', 'user-addperm dunker rss')

user-getperms command

def handle_getperms(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - get permissions of name. """
    try: name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    perms = bot.users.getuserperms(name)
    if perms: ievent.reply("permissions of %s: " % name, perms)
    else: ievent.reply('%s has no permissions set' % name)

cmnds.add('user-getperms', handle_getperms, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-getperms', 'user-getperms <name> .. get permissions of <name>', 'user-getperms dunker')

user-perms command

def handle_perms(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - get permissions of the user given the command. """
        ievent.reply("use getperms to get the permissions of somebody else")
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
         ievent.reply("can't find username for %s" % ievent.userhost)
    perms = bot.users.getuserperms(name)
    if perms: ievent.reply("you have permissions: ", perms)

cmnds.add('user-perms', handle_perms, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-perms', 'get permissions', 'user-perms')

user-delperm command

def handle_delperm(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <perm> - delete permission from user. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <perm>')
    name, perm = ievent.args
    perm = perm.upper()
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    result = bot.users.deluserperm(name, perm)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s perm removed' % perm)
    else: ievent.reply("%s has no %s permission" % (name, perm))

cmnds.add('user-delperm', handle_delperm, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-delperm', 'delete from user <name> permission <perm>', 'user-delperm dunker rss')

user-addstatus command

def handle_addstatus(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <status> - add status to a user. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <status>')
    name, status = ievent.args
    status = status.upper()
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    if bot.users.gotstatus(name, status):
        ievent.reply('%s already has status %s' % (name, status))
    result = bot.users.adduserstatus(name, status)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s status added' % status)
    else: ievent.reply('add failed')

cmnds.add('user-addstatus', handle_addstatus, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-addstatus', 'user-addstatus <name> <status>', 'user-addstatus dunker #dunkbots')

user-getstatus command

def handle_getstatus(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - get status of a user. """
    try: name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    status = bot.users.getuserstatuses(name)
    if status: ievent.reply("status of %s: " % name, status)
    else: ievent.reply('%s has no status set' % name)

cmnds.add('user-getstatus', handle_getstatus, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-getstatus', 'user-getstatus <name> .. get status of <name>', 'user-getstatus dunker')

user-status command

def handle_status(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - get status of user given the command. """
    status = bot.users.getstatuses(ievent.userhost)
    if status: ievent.reply("you have status: ", status)
    else: ievent.reply('you have no status set')

cmnds.add('user-status', handle_status, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-status', 'get status', 'user-status')

user-delstatus command

def handle_delstatus(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <status> - delete status. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <status>')
    name, status = ievent.args
    status = status.upper()
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    result = bot.users.deluserstatus(name, status)
    if result: ievent.reply('%s status deleted' % status)
    else: ievent.reply("%s has no %s status" % (name, status))

cmnds.add('user-delstatus', handle_delstatus, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-delstatus', '<name> <status>', 'user-delstatus dunker #dunkbots')

user-adduserhost command

def handle_adduserhost(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <userhost> - add to userhosts of user. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <userhost>')
    name, userhost = ievent.args
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    if bot.users.gotuserhost(name, userhost):
        ievent.reply('%s already has userhost %s' % (name, userhost))
    result = bot.users.adduserhost(name, userhost)
    if result: ievent.reply('userhost added')
    else: ievent.reply('add failed')

cmnds.add('user-adduserhost', handle_adduserhost, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-adduserhost', 'user-adduserhost <name> <userhost>', 'user-adduserhost dunker')

user-deluserhost command

def handle_deluserhost(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <userhost> - remove from userhosts of name. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 2:
        ievent.missing('<name> <userhost>')
    name, userhost = ievent.args
    name = name.lower()
    if bot.ownercheck(userhost):
        ievent.reply('can delete userhosts from owner')
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    result = bot.users.deluserhost(name, userhost)
    if result: ievent.reply('userhost removed')
    else: ievent.reply("%s has no %s in userhost list" % (name, userhost))

cmnds.add('user-deluserhost', handle_deluserhost, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-deluserhost', 'user-deluserhost <name> <userhost> .. delete from usershosts of <name> userhost <userhost>','user-deluserhost dunker')

user-getuserhosts command

def handle_getuserhosts(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - get userhosts of a user. """
    try: who = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    who = who.lower()
    userhosts = bot.users.getuserhosts(who)
    if userhosts: ievent.reply("userhosts of %s: " % who, userhosts)
    else: ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % who)

cmnds.add('user-getuserhosts', handle_getuserhosts, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-getuserhosts', 'user-getuserhosts <name> .. get userhosts of <name>', 'user-getuserhosts dunker')

user-userhosts command

def handle_userhosts(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - get userhosts of user giving the command. """
    userhosts = bot.users.gethosts(ievent.userhost)
    if userhosts: ievent.reply("you have userhosts: ", userhosts)
    else: ievent.reply('no userhosts found')

cmnds.add('user-userhosts', handle_userhosts, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-userhosts', 'get userhosts', 'user-userhosts')

user-getemail command

def handle_getemail(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <user> - get email addres of a user. """
    try: name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    name = name.lower()
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    email = bot.users.getuseremail(name)
    if email: ievent.reply(email)
    else: ievent.reply('no email set')

cmnds.add('user-getemail', handle_getemail, ['USER', ])
examples.add('user-getemail', 'user-getemail <name> .. get email from user <name>', 'user-getemail dunker')

user-setemail command

def handle_setemail(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <email> - set email of a user. """
    try: name, email = ievent.args
    except ValueError:
        ievent.missing('<name> <email>')
    if not bot.users.exist(name):
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    bot.users.setemail(name, email)
    ievent.reply('email set')

cmnds.add('user-setemail', handle_setemail, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-setemail', 'user-setemail <name> <email>.. set email of user <name>', 'user-setemail dunker')

user-email command

def handle_email(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show email of user giving the command. """
    if len(ievent.args) != 0:
        ievent.reply('use getemail to get the email address of an user .. email shows your own mail address')
    email = bot.users.getemail(ievent.userhost)
    if email: ievent.reply(email)
    else: ievent.reply('no email set')

cmnds.add('user-email', handle_email, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-email', 'get email', 'user-email')

user-delemail command

def handle_delemail(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - reset email of user giving the command. """
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("can't find user for %s" % ievent.userhost)
    result = bot.users.delallemail(name)
    if result: ievent.reply('email removed')
    else: ievent.reply('delete failed')

cmnds.add('user-delemail', handle_delemail, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-delemail', 'reset email', 'user-delemail')

user-addpermit command

def handle_addpermit(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <permit> - allow another user to perform actions on your data. """
    try: who, what = ievent.args
    except ValueError:
        ievent.missing("<name> <permit>")
    if not bot.users.exist(who):
        ievent.reply("can't find username of %s" % who)
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("i dont know %s" % ievent.userhost)
    if bot.users.gotpermit(name, (who, what)):
        ievent.reply('%s is already allowed to do %s' % (who, what))
    result = bot.users.adduserpermit(name, who, what)
    if result: ievent.reply('permit added')
    else: ievent.reply('add failed')

cmnds.add('user-addpermit', handle_addpermit, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-addpermit', 'user-addpermit <nick> <what> .. permit nick access to <what> .. use setperms to add permissions', 'user-addpermit dunker todo')

user-permit command

def handle_permit(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - get permit list of user giving the command. """
        ievent.reply("use the user-addpermit command to allow somebody something .. use getname <nick> to get the username of somebody .. this command shows what permits you have")
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("can't find user for %s" % ievent.userhost)
    permits = bot.users.getuserpermits(name)
    if permits: ievent.reply("you permit the following: ", permits)
    else: ievent.reply("you don't have any permits")

cmnds.add('user-permit', handle_permit, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-permit', 'show permit of user giving the command', 'user-permit')

user-delpermit command

def handle_userdelpermit(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> <permit> - remove (name, permit) from permit list. """
    try: who, what = ievent.args
    except ValueError:
        ievent.missing("<name> <permit>")
    if not bot.users.exist(who):
        ievent.reply("can't find registered name of %s" % who)
    name = bot.users.getname(ievent.auth)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("i don't know you %s" % ievent.userhost)
    if not bot.users.gotpermit(name, (who, what)):
        ievent.reply('%s is already not allowed to do %s' % (who, what))
    result = bot.users.deluserpermit(name, (who, what))
    if result: ievent.reply('%s denied' % what)
    else: ievent.reply('delete failed')

cmnds.add('user-delpermit', handle_userdelpermit, ['USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('user-delpermit', 'user-delpermit <name> <permit>', 'user-delpermit dunker todo')

user-check command

def handle_check(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <nick> - get data of a user based on nick name. """
    try: nick = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    userhost = getwho(bot, nick)
    if not userhost:
        ievent.reply("can't find userhost of %s" % nick)
    name = bot.users.getname(userhost)
    if not name:
        ievent.reply("can't find user")
    userhosts = bot.users.getuserhosts(name)
    perms = bot.users.getuserperms(name)
    email = bot.users.getuseremail(name)
    permits = bot.users.getuserpermits(name)
    status = bot.users.getuserstatuses(name)
    ievent.reply('userrecord of %s = userhosts: %s perms: %s email: %s permits: %s status: %s' % (name, str(userhosts), str(perms), str(email), str(permits), str(status)))

cmnds.add('user-check', handle_check, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-check', 'user-check <nick>', 'user-check dunker')

user-show command

def handle_show(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <name> - get data of a user based on username. """
    try: name = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    name = name.lower()
    user = bot.users.byname(name)
    if not user:
        ievent.reply("can't find user %s" % name)
    userhosts = str(
    perms = str(
    email = str(
    permits = str(
    status = str(
    ievent.reply('userrecord of %s = userhosts: %s perms: %s email: %s permits: %s status: %s' % (name, userhosts, perms, email, permits, status))

cmnds.add('user-show', handle_show, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-show', 'user-show <name> .. show data of <name>', 'user-show dunker')

user-match command

def handle_match(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <userhost> - get data of user based on userhost. """
    try: userhost = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    user = bot.users.getuser(userhost)
    if not user:
        ievent.reply("can't find user with userhost %s" % userhost)
    userhosts = str(
    perms = str(
    email = str(
    permits = str(
    status = str(
    ievent.reply('userrecord of %s = userhosts: %s perms: %s email: %s permits: %s status: %s' % (userhost, userhosts, perms, email, permits, status))

cmnds.add('user-match', handle_match, ['OPER', ])
examples.add('user-match', 'user-match <userhost>', 'user-match test@test')

user-allstatus command

def handle_getuserstatus(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <status> - list users with <status>. """
    try: status = ievent.args[0].upper()
    except IndexError:
    result = bot.users.getstatususers(status)
    if result: ievent.reply("users with %s status: " % status, result)
    else: ievent.reply("no users with %s status found" % status)

cmnds.add('user-allstatus', handle_getuserstatus, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-allstatus', 'user-allstatus <status> .. get all users with <status> status', 'user-allstatus #dunkbots')

user-allperm command

def handle_getuserperm(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <perm> - list users with permission <perm>. """
    try: perm = ievent.args[0].upper()
    except IndexError:
    result = bot.users.getpermusers(perm)
    if result: ievent.reply('users with %s permission: ' % perm, result)
    else: ievent.reply("no users with %s permission found" % perm)

cmnds.add('user-allperm', handle_getuserperm, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-allperm', 'user-allperm <perm> .. get users with <perm> permission', 'user-allperm rss')

user-search command

def handle_usersearch(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <searchtxt> - search for user matching given userhost. """
    try: what = ievent.args[0]
    except IndexError:
    result = bot.users.usersearch(what)
    if result:
        res = ["(%s) %s" % u for u in result]
        ievent.reply('users matching %s: ' % what, res)
    else: ievent.reply('no userhost matching %s found' % what)

cmnds.add('user-search', handle_usersearch, 'OPER')
examples.add('user-search', 'search users userhosts', 'user-search gozerbot')