
used in a pipeline .. unique elements.

fbf.plugs.core.uniq.handle_uniq(bot, ievent)

no arguments - uniq the result list, use this command in a pipeline.


# fbf/plugs/core/uniq.py

""" used in a pipeline .. unique elements. """

__author__ = "Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman - http://tehmaze.com"
__license__ = 'BSD'

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue

basic imports

import time

uniq command

def handle_uniq(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - uniq the result list, use this command in a pipeline. """
    if not ievent.inqueue: time.sleep(0.5)
    result = list(ievent.inqueue)
    if not result: ievent.reply('no result')
    else: ievent.reply("result: ", result)

cmnds.add('uniq', handle_uniq, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('uniq', 'sort out multiple elements', 'list ! uniq')

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