convert input/output stream.
Bases: builtins.object
transform stream.
do the morphing.
Bases: builtins.list
list of morphs.
activate morhps belonging to plug <plugname>.
add morph.
disable morhps belonging to plug <modname>.
call morphing chain.
unload morhps belonging to plug <modname>.
# gozerbot/ # # """ convert input/output stream. """
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.utils.trace import calledfrom
import sys import logging
class Morph(object): """ transform stream. """ def __init__(self, func): self.modname = calledfrom(sys._getframe(1)) self.func = func self.activate = True def do(self, *args, **kwargs): """ do the morphing. """ if not self.activate: logging.warn("morphs - %s morph is not enabled" % str(self.func)) ; return #logging.warn("morphs - using morph function %s" % str(self.func)) try: return self.func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: handle_exception() class MorphList(list): """ list of morphs. """ def add(self, func, index=None): """ add morph. """ m = Morph(func) if not index: self.append(m) else: self.insert(index, m)"morphs - added morph function %s - %s" % (str(func), m.modname)) return self def do(self, input, *args, **kwargs): """ call morphing chain. """ for morph in self: input =, *args, **kwargs) or input return input def unload(self, modname): """ unload morhps belonging to plug <modname>. """ for index in range(len(self)-1, -1, -1): if self[index].modname == modname: del self[index] def disable(self, modname): """ disable morhps belonging to plug <modname>. """ for index in range(len(self)-1, -1, -1): if self[index].modname == modname: self[index].activate = False def activate(self, plugname): """ activate morhps belonging to plug <plugname>. """ for index in range(len(self)-1, -1, -1): if self[index].modname == modname: self[index].activate = True
inputmorphs = MorphList() outputmorphs = MorphList()