
maintain bot output cache.

class fbf.lib.less.Less

Bases: builtins.object

output cache .. caches upto <nr> item of txt lines per channel.

add(channel, listoftxt)

add listoftxt to channel’s output.


clear outcache of channel.


return 1 item popped from outcache.


return 1 item popped from outcache.


return more entry and remaining size.

set(channel, listoftxt)

set listoftxt to channel’s output.


# fbf/less.py

""" maintain bot output cache. """

# fbf imports

from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.utils.limlist import Limlist
from fbf.lib.cache import get, set, delete

basic imports

import logging

Less class

class Less(object):

    """ output cache .. caches upto <nr> item of txt lines per channel. """

    def clear(self, channel):
        """ clear outcache of channel. """
        channel = str(channel).lower()
        try: delete("outcache-" + channel)
        except KeyError: pass

    def add(self, channel, listoftxt):
        """ add listoftxt to channel's output. """
        channel = str(channel).lower()
        data = get("outcache-" + channel)
        if not data: data = []
        set("outcache-" + channel, data, 3600)

    def set(self, channel, listoftxt):
        """ set listoftxt to channel's output. """
        channel = str(channel).lower()
        set("outcache-" + channel, listoftxt, 3600)

    def get(self, channel):
        """ return 1 item popped from outcache. """
        channel = str(channel).lower()
        global get
        data = get("outcache-" + channel)
        if not data: txt = None
            try: txt = data.pop(0) ; set("outcache-" + channel, data, 3600)
            except (KeyError, IndexError): txt = None
        if data: size = len(data)
        else: size = 0
        return (txt, size)

    def copy(self, channel):
        """ return 1 item popped from outcache. """
        channel = str(channel).lower()
        global get
        return get("outcache-" + channel)

    def more(self, channel):
        """ return more entry and remaining size. """
        return self.get(channel)

outcache = Less()

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