console bot.
Bases: fbf.lib.botbase.BotBase
called on exit.
start the console bot.
Bases: code.InteractiveConsole
# fbf/console/ # # """ console bot. """
from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue from fbf.lib.errors import NoSuchCommand, NoInput from fbf.lib.botbase import BotBase from fbf.lib.exit import globalshutdown from fbf.utils.generic import strippedtxt, waitevents from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.lib.eventhandler import mainhandler from .event import ConsoleEvent
import time import queue import logging import sys import code import os import readline import atexit import getpass import re import copy
cpy = copy.deepcopy histfilepath = os.path.expanduser(getdatadir() + os.sep + "run" + os.sep + "console-history")
class HistoryConsole(code.InteractiveConsole): def __init__(self, locals=None, filename="<console>", histfile=histfilepath): self.fname = histfile code.InteractiveConsole.__init__(self, locals, filename) self.init_history(histfile) def init_history(self, histfile): readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") if hasattr(readline, "read_history_file"): try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) except IOError: pass def save_history(self, histfile=None): readline.write_history_file(histfile or self.fname)
console = HistoryConsole()
class ConsoleBot(BotBase): ERASE_LINE = '\033[2K' BOLD='\033[1m' RED = '\033[91m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' ENDC = '\033[0m' COMMON = '\003[9' def __init__(self, cfg=None, users=None, plugs=None, botname=None, *args, **kwargs): BotBase.__init__(self, cfg, users, plugs, botname, *args, **kwargs) self.type = "console" def startshell(self, connect=True): """ start the console bot. """ self.start(False) while not self.stopped: try: input = console.raw_input("\n> ") if self.stopped: return event = ConsoleEvent() event.parse(self, input, console) event.nooutput = True event.nodispatch = False e = self.put(event) res = e.wait() if res: txt = self.makeresponse(res, dot="<br>") self.out(e.userhost, txt) mainhandler.handle_one() except IOError: break except NoInput: continue except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): break except Exception as ex: handle_exception() ; break console.save_history() def outnocb(self, printto, txt, *args, **kwargs): assert printto assert txt if not self.cfg.uuid in printto: logging.error("%s is not the owner of this shell . not printing." % printto) ; return txt = self.normalize(txt) self._raw(txt) def _raw(self, txt): """ do raw output to the console. """"%s - out - %s" % (, txt)) sys.stdout.write(txt) sys.stdout.write('\n') def action(self, channel, txt, event=None): txt = self.normalize(txt) self._raw(txt) def notice(self, channel, txt): txt = self.normalize(txt) self._raw(txt) def exit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ called on exit. """ console.save_history() def normalize(self, what): what = strippedtxt(what) what = what.replace("<b>", self.BLUE) what = what.replace("</b>", self.ENDC) what = what.replace("<i>", self.YELLOW) what = what.replace("</i>", self.ENDC) what = what.replace("<h2>", self.GREEN) what = what.replace("</h2>", self.ENDC) what = what.replace("<h3>", self.GREEN) what = what.replace("</h3>", self.ENDC) what = what.replace("<b>", self.BOLD) what = what.replace("</b>", self.ENDC) what = what.replace("<br>", "\n") what = what.replace("<li>", "* ") what = what.replace("</li>", "\n") if what.count(self.ENDC) % 2: what = "%s%s" % (self.ENDC, what) return what