base class for all bots.
Bases: fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict
base class for all bots.
send action to channel.
broadcast txt to all joined channels.
connect to the server.
disable plugin given its modulename.
do a command.
dispatch an event.
do a nick change.
give nick ops.
dispatch an event.
create an START event and send it to callbacks.
enable plugin given its modulename.
exit the bot.
put output onto one of the output queues.
invite another user/bot.
join a channel.
join channels.
split up in parts of <nr> chars overflowing on word boundaries.
load plugins from packagelist.
insert an event into the callbacks chain.
chop output in pieces and stored it for !more command.
create a response from a string and result list.
request all names of a channel.
convert markup to IRC bold.
output method with OUTPUT event generated.
create an OUTPUT event with provided txt and send it to callbacks.
output function without callbacks called.. override this in your driver.
check if provided userhost belongs to an owner.
leave a channel.
put an event on the worker queue.
put output onto one of the output queues.
close connection with the server.
reconnect to the server.
save bot state if available.
default method to send txt from the bot to a user/channel/jid/conference etc.
set state on the bot.
set users on the bot.
shutdown the bot.
return sizes of output queues.
start the mainloop of the bot.
output method with OUTPUT event generated.
output function without callbacks called.. override this in your driver.
# fbf/lib/ # # """ base class for all bots. """
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from .runner import defaultrunner, callbackrunner, waitrunner from .eventhandler import mainhandler from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict from .plugins import plugs as coreplugs from .callbacks import callbacks, first_callbacks, last_callbacks, remote_callbacks from .eventbase import EventBase from .errors import NoSuchCommand, PlugsNotConnected, NoOwnerSet, NameNotSet, NoEventProvided from .commands import Commands, cmnds from .config import Config, getmainconfig from fbf.utils.pdod import Pdod from .channelbase import ChannelBase from .less import Less, outcache from .boot import boot, getcmndperms, default_plugins from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec from .exit import globalshutdown from fbf.utils.generic import splittxt, toenc, fromenc, waitforqueue, strippedtxt, waitevents, stripcolor from fbf.utils.trace import whichmodule from .fleet import getfleet from .aliases import getaliases from import stripname from .tick import tickloop from .threads import start_new_thread, threaded from .morphs import inputmorphs, outputmorphs from .gatekeeper import GateKeeper from .wait import waiter from .factory import bot_factory from fbf.lib.threads import threaded from fbf.utils.locking import lock_object, release_object from fbf.utils.url import decode_html_entities from fbf.lib.users import getusers from fbf.imports import gettornado tornado = gettornado()
import time import logging import copy import sys import getpass import os import _thread import types import threading import queue import re import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error from collections import deque
cpy = copy.deepcopy
reconnectlock = threading.RLock() reconnectlocked = lockdec(reconnectlock) lock = _thread.allocate_lock() locked = lockdec(lock)
class BotBase(LazyDict): """ base class for all bots. """ def __init__(self, cfg=None, usersin=None, plugs=None, botname=None, nick=None, bottype=None, ordered=False, *args, **kwargs): logging.debug("type is %s" % str(type(self))) if cfg: self.cfg = cfg ; botname = botname or if not botname: botname = "default-%s" % str(type(self)).split('.')[-1][:-2] if not botname: raise Exception("can't determine botname") self.fleetdir = 'fleet' + os.sep + stripname(botname) if not self.cfg: self.cfg = Config(self.fleetdir + os.sep + 'config') = botname or if not raise Exception("name is not set in %s config file" % self.fleetdir) logging.debug("name is %s" % LazyDict.__init__(self) logging.debug("created bot with config %s" % self.cfg.tojson(full=True)) self.ecounter = 0 self.ignore = [] self.ids = [] self.aliases = getaliases() self.reconnectcount = 0 self.plugs = coreplugs self.gatekeeper = GateKeeper( self.gatekeeper.allow(self.user or self.jid or self.cfg.server or self.starttime = time.time() self.type = bottype or "base" self.status = "init" self.networkname = self.cfg.networkname or or "" from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir datadir = getdatadir() self.datadir = datadir + os.sep + self.fleetdir self.maincfg = getmainconfig() self.owner = self.cfg.owner if not self.owner: logging.debug("owner is not set in %s - using mainconfig" % self.cfg.cfile) self.owner = self.maincfg.owner self.users = usersin or getusers() logging.debug("owner is %s" % self.owner) self.users.make_owner(self.owner) self.outcache = outcache self.userhosts = LazyDict() self.nicks = LazyDict() self.connectok = threading.Event() self.reconnectcount = 0 self.cfg.nick = nick or self.cfg.nick or 'fbf' try: if not os.isdir(self.datadir): os.mkdir(self.datadir) except: pass self.setstate() self.outputlock = _thread.allocate_lock() if ordered: self.outqueue = queue.PriorityQueue() self.eventqueue = queue.PriorityQueue() else: self.outqueue = queue.Queue() self.eventqueue = queue.Queue() logging.debug("event queues is %s" % str(self.eventqueue)) self.encoding = self.cfg.encoding or "utf-8" self.cmndperms = getcmndperms() self.outputmorphs = outputmorphs self.inputmorphs = inputmorphs tickloop.start(self) def copyin(self, data): self.update(data) def _resume(self, data, botname, *args, **kwargs): pass def _resumedata(self): """ return data needed for resuming. """ try: self.cfg.fd = self.oldsock.fileno() except AttributeError: logging.warn("no oldsock found for %s" % return { dict(self.cfg)} def benice(self, event=None, sleep=0.005): if self.server and self.server.io_loop: logging.debug("i'm being nice") if event and self.server and event.handler: self.server.io_loop.add_callback(event.handler.async_callback(lambda: time.sleep(sleep))) elif self.server: self.server.io_loop.add_callback(lambda: time.sleep(sleep)) time.sleep(sleep) def enable(self, modname): """ enable plugin given its modulename. """ try: self.cfg.blacklist and self.cfg.blacklist.remove(modname) except ValueError: pass if self.cfg.loadlist and modname not in self.cfg.loadlist: self.cfg.loadlist.append(modname) def disable(self, modname): """ disable plugin given its modulename. """ if self.cfg.blacklist and modname not in self.cfg.blacklist: self.cfg.blacklist.append(modname) if self.cfg.loadlist and modname in self.cfg.loadlist: self.cfg.loadlist.remove(modname) def put(self, event, direct=False): """ put an event on the worker queue. """ if direct: self.doevent(event) else: if event: logging.debug("putted event on %s" % self.ecounter += 1 self.input(event.speed, event) else: self.input(0, None) return event def broadcast(self, txt): """ broadcast txt to all joined channels. """ for chan in self.state['joinedchannels']: self.say(chan, txt) def _eventloop(self): """ output loop. """ logging.debug('%s - starting eventloop' % self.stopeventloop = 0 while not self.stopped and not self.stopeventloop: try: res = self.eventqueue.get() if not res: break (prio, event) = res if not event: break logging.debug("%s - eventloop - %s - %s" % (, event.cbtype, event.userhost)) event.speed = prio self.doevent(event) self.benice() except queue.Empty: time.sleep(0.01) ; continue except Exception as ex: handle_exception() ; logging.warn("error in eventloop: %s" % str(ex)) logging.debug('%s - stopping eventloop' % def input(self, prio, event): """ put output onto one of the output queues. """ self.eventqueue.put(("%s-%s" % (prio, self.ecounter), event)) def _outloop(self): """ output loop. """ logging.debug('%s - starting output loop' % self.stopoutloop = 0 while not self.stopped and not self.stopoutloop: try: r = self.outqueue.get() if not r: continue (prio, res) = r logging.debug("%s - OUT - %s - %s" % (, self.type, str(res))) if not res: continue self.out(*res) except queue.Empty: time.sleep(0.1) ; continue except Exception as ex: handle_exception() logging.debug('%s - stopping output loop' % def _pingloop(self): """ output loop. """ logging.debug('%s - starting ping loop' % time.sleep(5) while not self.stopped: try: if self.status != "start" and not self.pingcheck(): self.reconnect() ; break except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) ; self.reconnect() ; break time.sleep(self.cfg.pingsleep or 60) logging.debug('%s - stopping ping loop' % def putonqueue(self, nr, *args): """ put output onto one of the output queues. """ self.outqueue.put((nr, args)) def sizes(self): """ return sizes of output queues. """ return (self.outqueue.qsize(), self.eventqueue.qsize()) def setstate(self, state=None): """ set state on the bot. """ self.state = state or Pdod(self.datadir + os.sep + 'state') if self.state and not 'joinedchannels' in = [] def setusers(self, users=None): """ set users on the bot. """ if users: self.users = users return import fbf.lib.users as u if not u.users: u.users_boot() self.users = u.users def loadplugs(self, packagelist=[]): """ load plugins from packagelist. """ self.plugs.loadall(packagelist) return self.plugs def joinchannels(self): """ join channels. """ time.sleep(getmainconfig().waitforjoin or 1) target = self.cfg.channels try: for i in self.state['joinedchannels']: if i not in target: target.append(i) except: pass if not target: target = self.state['joinedchannels'] for i in target: try: logging.debug("%s - joining %s" % (, i)) channel = ChannelBase(i, if channel: key = else: key = None if self.ids.append("%s/%s" % (i, start_new_thread(self.join, (i, key)) except Exception as ex: logging.warn('%s - failed to join %s: %s' % (, i, str(ex))) handle_exception() time.sleep(3) def boot(self): logging.warn("booting %s bot" % if not self.cfg.type: self.cfg.type = self.type ; fleet = getfleet() fleet.addbot(self) fleet.addnametype(, self.type) while 1: try: self.started = False if self.start(): break except Exception as ex: handle_exception() logging.error(str(ex)) logging.error("sleeping 15 seconds") time.sleep(15) def start(self, connect=True, join=True): """ start the mainloop of the bot. """ if self.started: logging.warn("%s - already started" % ; return self.stopped = False self.stopreadloop = False self.stopoutloop = False self.status = "start" start_new_thread(self._eventloop, ()) if connect: if not self.connect() : return False start_new_thread(self._readloop, ()) start_new_thread(self._outloop, ()) self.connectok.wait() if self.stopped: logging.warn("bot is stopped") ; return True if self.connectok.isSet(): logging.warn('%s - logged on !' % if join: start_new_thread(self.joinchannels, ()) elif self.type not in ["console", "base"]: logging.warn("%s - failed to logon - connectok is not set" % self.status == "started" self.started = True self.dostart(, self.type) return True def doremote(self, event): """ dispatch an event. """ if not event: raise NoEventProvided() event.nodispatch = True event.forwarded = True event.dontbind = True event.prepare(self) self.status = "callback" starttime = time.time() msg = "%s - %s - %s - %s" % (, event.auth,, event.cbtype) logging.warn(msg) try: logging.debug("remote - %s" % event.dump()) except: pass if self.closed: if self.gatekeeper.isblocked(event.origin): return if event.status == "done": logging.debug("%s - event is done .. ignoring" % return e0 = cpy(event) e0.speed = 1 remote_callbacks.check(self, e0) return def doevent(self, event): """ dispatch an event. """ time.sleep(0.01)"EVENT: %s - %s - %s" % (, event.cbtype, event.userhost)) if not self.cfg: raise Exception("eventbase - cfg is not set .. can't handle event.") ; return if not event: raise NoEventProvided() self.ecounter += 1 try: if event.isremote(): self.doremote(event) ; return if event.type == "groupchat" and event.fromm in self.ids: logging.debug("%s - receiving groupchat from self (%s)" % (, event.fromm)) return event.txt =, self.encoding), event) except UnicodeDecodeError: logging.warn("%s - got decode error in input .. ingoring" % ; return event.bind(self) try: logging.debug("%s - event dump: %s" % (, event.dump())) except: pass self.status = "callback" starttime = time.time() if self.closed: if self.gatekeeper.isblocked(event.origin): return if event.status == "done": logging.debug("%s - event is done .. ignoring" % return if event.msg or event.isdcc: event.speed = 2 e1 = cpy(event) first_callbacks.check(self, e1) if not e1.stop: callbacks.check(self, e1) if not e1.stop: last_callbacks.check(self, e1) event.callbackdone = True waiter.check(self, event) return event def ownercheck(self, userhost): """ check if provided userhost belongs to an owner. """ if self.cfg and self.cfg.owner: if userhost in self.cfg.owner: return True logging.warn("failed ownercheck for %s" % userhost) return False def exit(self, stop=True, close=True, save=True, quit=False): """ exit the bot. """ logging.warn("%s - exit" % if stop: self.stopped = True self.stopreadloop = True self.connected = False self.started = False if close: self.putonqueue(1, None, "") self.put(None) self.shutdown() save and fleet = getfleet() fleet.remove(self) if quit and not fleet.bots: globalshutdown() def _raw(self, txt, *args, **kwargs): """ override this. outnocb() is used more though. """ logging.debug("%s - out - %s" % (, txt)) print(txt) def makeoutput(self, printto, txt, result=[], nr=375, extend=0, dot=", ", origin=None, showall=False, *args, **kwargs): """ chop output in pieces and stored it for !more command. """ if not txt: return "" txt = self.makeresponse(txt, result, dot) if showall: return txt res1, nritems = self.less(origin or printto, txt, nr+extend) return res1 def out(self, printto, txt, how="msg", event=None, origin=None, *args, **kwargs): """ output method with OUTPUT event generated. """ self.outmonitor(origin, printto, txt, event=event) self.outnocb(printto, txt, how, event=event, origin=origin, *args, **kwargs) if event: event.ready() write = out def outnocb(self, printto, txt, how="msg", event=None, origin=None, *args, **kwargs): """ output function without callbacks called.. override this in your driver. """ self._raw(txt) writenocb = outnocb def say(self, channel, txt, result=[], how="msg", event=None, nr=375, extend=0, dot=", ", showall=False, *args, **kwargs): """ default method to send txt from the bot to a user/channel/jid/conference etc. """ logging.warn("saying to %s" % channel) if event: if event.userhost in self.ignore: logging.warn("%s - ignore on %s - no output done" % (, event.userhost)) ; return if == "msg" and self.type == "irc": target = event.nick else: target = channel if event.pipelined: dres = [] if issubclass(type(result), dict): for key, value in result.iteritems(): dres.append("%s: %s" % (key, value)) for i in dres or result: event.outqueue.append(i) return else: target = channel if showall or (event and event.showall): txt = self.makeresponse(txt, result, dot, *args, **kwargs) else: txt = self.makeoutput(channel, txt, result, nr, extend, dot, origin=target, *args, **kwargs) if txt: txt = decode_html_entities(txt) if event: event.nrout += 1 if event.displayname: txt = "[%s] %s" % (event.displayname, txt) for i in result: event.outqueue.append(i) event.resqueue.append(txt) if event.nooutput: event.ready() ; return else:"not putting txt on queues") txt =, event) self.out(target, txt, how, event=event, origin=target, *args, **kwargs) def saynocb(self, channel, txt, result=[], how="msg", event=None, nr=375, extend=0, dot=", ", showall=False, *args, **kwargs): logging.warn("saying to %s (without callbacks)" % channel) txt = self.makeoutput(channel, txt, result, nr, extend, dot, showall=showall, *args, **kwargs) if txt: if event: if in event.path: event.path.append( for i in result: event.outqueue.append(i) event.resqueue.append(txt) txt =, event) self.outnocb(channel, txt, how, event=event, origin=channel, *args, **kwargs) def less(self, printto, what, nr=365): """ split up in parts of <nr> chars overflowing on word boundaries. """ if type(what) == list: txtlist = what else: what = what.strip() txtlist = splittxt(what, nr) size = 0 if not txtlist: logging.debug("can't split txt from %s" % what) return ["", ""] res = txtlist[0] length = len(txtlist) if length > 1: logging.debug("addding %s lines to %s outcache (less)" % (len(txtlist), printto)) outcache.set("%s-%s" % (, printto), txtlist[1:]) res += "<b> - %s more</b>" % (length - 1) return [res, length] def reconnect(self, start=False, close=False): """ reconnect to the server. """ if self.stopped: logging.warn("%s - bot is stopped .. not reconnecting" % ; return time.sleep(2) while 1: self.reconnectcount += 1 sleepsec = self.reconnectcount * 5 if sleepsec > 301: sleepsec = 302 logging.warn('%s - reconnecting .. sleeping %s seconds' % (, sleepsec)) if not start: time.sleep(sleepsec) try: if not start: self.exit(close=close) if self.doreconnect(): break except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) def doreconnect(self, start=False): self.started = False return self.start() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ save bot state if available. """ if self.state: def makeresponse(self, txt, result=[], dot=", ", nosort=False, *args, **kwargs): """ create a response from a string and result list. """ res = [] dres = [] if issubclass(type(txt), dict) or issubclass(type(txt), list): result = txt txt = "" if issubclass(type(result), dict): for key in result: dres.append("%s: %s" % (key, result[key])) if dres: target = dres else: target = result if target: if not nosort: try: target.sort() except AttributeError: pass if txt: txt = "<b>" + txt + "</b>" counter = 1 for i in target: if not i: continue if issubclass(type(i), dict): for key, value in i.iteritems(): res.append("%s: %s" % (key, value)) else: if dot == "count": res.append("%s: %s" % (counter, i)) else: res.append(i) counter += 1 ret = "" if dot == "count": dot = "<br>" if txt: if res and self.type in ["console", "tornado"]: ret = "%s<br><br>" % txt + dot.join(res) elif res and self.type in ["sxmpp", "xmpp", "sleek"]: ret = "%s\n\n" % txt + dot.join(res) else: ret = txt + dot.join(res) elif res: ret = dot.join(res) if ret: return ret return "" def send(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def sendnocb(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def normalize(self, what): """ convert markup to IRC bold. """ if not what: return what txt = strippedtxt(what, ["\002", "\003"]) txt = re.sub("\s+", " ", what) txt = stripcolor(txt) txt = txt.replace("\002", "*") txt = txt.replace("<b>", "") txt = txt.replace("</b>", "") txt = txt.replace("<i>", "") txt = txt.replace("</i>", "") txt = txt.replace("<b>", "*") txt = txt.replace("</b>", "*") txt = txt.replace("<i>", "") txt = txt.replace("</i>", "") return txt def dostart(self, botname=None, bottype=None, *args, **kwargs): """ create an START event and send it to callbacks. """ e = EventBase() = self e.botname = botname or e.bottype = bottype or self.type e.origin = e.botname e.userhost = +'@' + self.cfg.uuid e.nolog = True = botname e.txt = "%s.%s - %s" % (e.botname, e.bottype, str(time.time())) e.cbtype = 'START' e.ttl = 1 e.nick = self.cfg.nick or self.doevent(e) logging.debug("%s - START event send to callbacks" % def outmonitor(self, origin, channel, txt, event=None): """ create an OUTPUT event with provided txt and send it to callbacks. """ if event: e = cpy(event) else: e = EventBase() if e.status == "done": logging.debug("%s - outmonitor - event is done .. ignoring" % return = self e.origin = origin e.userhost = str( +'@' + str(self.cfg.uuid) e.auth = e.userhost = channel e.txt = txt e.cbtype = 'OUTPUT' e.nodispatch = True e.ttl = 1 e.nick = self.cfg.nick or e.bonded = True e.isoutput = True e.dontbind = True first_callbacks.check(self, e) def make_event(self, origin, channel, txt, event=None, wait=0, showall=False, nooutput=False, cbtype=""): """ insert an event into the callbacks chain. """ if event: e = cpy(event) else: e = EventBase(bot=self) e.cbtype = cbtype or "CMND" e.origin = origin or "test@test" e.auth = e.origin e.userhost = e.origin = channel e.txt = str(txt) e.nick = e.userhost.split('@')[0] e.showall = showall e.nooutput = nooutput e.wait = wait e.closequeue = False e.prepare(self) return e def execstr(self, origin, channel, txt, event=None, wait=0, showall=False, nooutput=False): e = self.make_event(origin, channel, txt, event, wait, showall, nooutput) return e.execwait() def docmnd(self, origin, channel, txt, event=None, wait=0, showall=False, nooutput=False): """ do a command. """ if event: e = cpy(event) else: e = EventBase() e.cbtype = "CMND" = self e.origin = origin e.auth = origin e.userhost = origin = channel e.txt = str(txt) e.nick = e.userhost.split('@')[0] e.usercmnd = e.txt.split()[0] e.allowqueues = True e.closequeue = True e.showall = showall e.nooutput = nooutput e.bind(self) if cmnds.woulddispatch(self, e) or e.txt[0] == "?": return self.doevent(e) def join(self, channel, password, *args, **kwargs): """ join a channel. """ pass def part(self, channel, *args, **kwargs): """ leave a channel. """ pass def action(self, channel, txt, event=None, *args, **kwargs): """ send action to channel. """ pass def doop(self, channel, who): """ give nick ops. """ pass def invite(self, *args, **kwargs): """ invite another user/bot. """ pass def donick(self, nick, *args, **kwargs): """ do a nick change. """ pass def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): """ shutdown the bot. """ pass def quit(self, reason="", *args, **kwargs): """ close connection with the server. """ pass def connect(self, reconnect=False, *args, **kwargs): """ connect to the server. """ pass def names(self, channel, *args, **kwargs): """ request all names of a channel. """ pass def settopic(self, channel, txt): pass def gettopic(self, channel): pass def pingcheck(self): return True