
class ecyglpki.Problem

A GLPK problem

add_cols(int number)

Add new columns to problem object

Parameters:number (int) – the number of columns to add
Returns:the index of the first column added
Return type:int

Add new columns to problem object

Parameters:names (tuple of str) – the names of the columns to add, none may exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8

Add new rows to problem object

Parameters:names (tuple of str) – the names of the rows to add, none may exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8
add_rows(int number)

Add new rows to problem object

Parameters:number (int) – the number of rows to add
Returns:the index of the first row added
Return type:int

Construct advanced initial LP basis

analyze_bound(ind, names_preferred=False)

Analyze active bound of non-basic variable

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices
analyze_coef(ind, names_preferred=False)

Analyze objective coefficient at basic variable

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

Check if LP basis factorization exists

Return type:bool

Check if LP basis factorization has been updated

Return type:bool
btran(tuple rhs)

Perform backward transformation (solve system B’x = b)


Check for CNF-SAT problem instance

Return type:bool
check_kkt(str solver, str condition, bool dual=False, names_preferred=False)

Check feasibility/optimality conditions

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the row or column name or index

Clear column of the constraint matrix

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column

Clear row of the constraint matrix

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row

Clear the whole constraint matrix

copy_prob(Problem source, bool copy_names)

Copy problem object content

  • source (Problem) – the problem to copy
  • copy_names (bool) – whether to copy problem component names or not

the copied problem

Return type:



Construct Bixby’s initial LP basis


Delete specified columns from problem object

Parameters:cols (tuple of int or str) – the indices or the names of the columns

Delete specified rows from problem object

Parameters:rows (tuple of int or str) – the indices or names of the rows
dual_rtest(coeffs, int direction, double eps, names_preferred=False)

Perform dual ratio test

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

Erase problem object content

eval_tab_col(ind, names_preferred=False)

Compute column of the simplex tableau

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices
eval_tab_row(ind, names_preferred=False)

Compute row of the simplex tableau

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices
exact(SimplexControls controls)

Solve LP problem in exact arithmetic


Compute LP basis factorization

find_col(str name)

Find column by its name

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the column
Returns:the column index
Return type:int
Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the column index
Return type:int
find_row(str name)

Find row by its name

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the row
Returns:the row index
Return type:int
Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the row index
Return type:int
ftran(tuple rhs)

Perform forward transformation (solve system B*x = b)


Retrieve LP basis factorization control parameters

Returns:basis factorization control parameter object
Return type:FactorizationControls
get_bhead(int k, names_preferred=False)

Retrieve LP basis header information

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the row or column name or index

Retrieve column index in the basis header

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:basis header index
Return type:int

retrieve column dual value (basic solution)

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve column kind

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the column kind, either 'continuous', 'integer', or 'binary'
Return type:str

Retrieve column lower bound

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the lower bound
Return type:float
get_col_name(int col)

Retrieve column name

Parameters:col (int) – the index of the column
Returns:the problem name
Return type:str
get_col_name_if(int col, names_preferred=False)
  • col (int) – the index of the column
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the column name or index

the column name or index

Return type:

str or int


Retrieve column primal value (basic solution)

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve column status

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the column status, either 'basic', 'lower', 'upper', 'free', or 'fixed'
Return type:str

Retrieve column type

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the column type, either 'free', 'dominating', 'dominated', 'bounded', or 'fixed'
Return type:str

Retrieve column upper bound

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the upper bound
Return type:float

Retrieve status of dual basic solution

get_mat_col(col, names_preferred=False)

Retrieve column of the constraint matrix

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

the column

Rtype coeffs:

Mapping from row names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)

get_mat_row(row, names_preferred=False)

Retrieve row of the constraint matrix

  • row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

the row

Rtype coeffs:

Mapping from column names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)


Retrieve number of binary columns

Returns:the number of binary columns
Return type:int

Retrieve number of columns

Returns:the number of columns
Return type:int

Retrieve number of integer columns

Returns:the number of integer columns
Return type:int

Retrieve number of constraint coefficients

Returns:the number of (non-zero) constraint coefficients
Return type:int

Retrieve number of rows

Returns:the number of rows
Return type:int

Retrieve obj. coefficient

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the coefficient value
Return type:float

Retrieve obj. constant term

Returns:the constant value
Return type:float

Retrieve optimization direction flag

Returns:the objective direction, either 'minimize' or 'maximize'
Return type:str

Retrieve objective function name

Returns:the objective name
Return type:str

Retrieve objective value (basic solution)

Returns:the objective value of the basic solution
Return type:float

Retrieve status of primal basic solution


Retrieve problem name

Returns:the problem name
Return type:str

Retrieve row scale factor

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the scale factor
Return type:float

Retrieve row index in the basis header

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:basis header index
Return type:int

Retrieve row dual value (basic solution)

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve row lower bound

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the lower bound
Return type:float
get_row_name(int row)

Retrieve row name

Parameters:row (int) – the index of the row
Returns:the row name
Return type:str
get_row_name_if(int row, names_preferred=False)
  • row (int) – the index of the row
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the row name or index

the row name or index

Return type:

str or int

get_row_or_col_name(int ind)

Retrieve row or column name

Parameters:ind (int) – the row/column index
Returns:a pair, either 'row' or 'col' and the row or column name
Return type:(str, str)
get_row_or_col_name_if(int ind, names_preferred=False)
  • ind (int) – the row/column index
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the row or column name or index

a pair, either 'row' or 'col' and the row or column name

Return type:

(str, str)


Retrieve row primal value (basic solution)

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve row status

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the row status, either 'basic', 'lower', 'upper', 'free', or 'fixed'
Return type:str

Retrieve row type

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the row type, either 'free', 'dominating', 'dominated', 'bounded', or 'fixed'
Return type:str

Retrieve row upper bound

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the upper bound
Return type:float

Retrieve column scale factor

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the scale factor
Return type:float

Retrieve generic status of basic solution


Determine variable causing unboundedness

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return the row or column name or index
interior(IPointControls controls)

Solve LP problem with the interior-point method

intfeas1(bool use_bound, int obj_bound)

Solve integer feasibility problem

intopt(IntOptControls controls)

Solve MIP problem with the branch-and-bound method


Retrieve column dual value (interior point)

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve column primal value (interior point)

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve objective value (interior point)

Returns:the objective value of the interior point solution
Return type:float

Retrieve row dual value (interior point)

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve row primal value (interior point)

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve status of interior-point solution


Load (replace) the whole constraint matrix

Parameters:coeffsMapping from row and column name (str string) pairs (length-2 tuple) to coefficient values (Real)

Solve CNF-SAT problem with MiniSat solver


Retrieve column value (MIP solution)

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve objective value (MIP solution)

Returns:the objective value of the MIP solution
Return type:float

Retrieve row value (MIP solution)

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
Returns:the solution value
Return type:float

Retrieve status of MIP solution

prim_rtest(coeffs, int direction, double eps, names_preferred=False)

Perform primal ratio test

Parameters:names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices
print_ipt(str fname)

Write interior-point solution in printable format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
print_mip(str fname)

Write MIP solution in printable format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
print_ranges(row_or_cols, str fname)

Print sensitivity analysis report

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
print_sol(str fname)

Write basic solution in printable format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
read_cnfsat(str fname)

Read CNF-SAT problem data in DIMACS format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
Returns:the problem read
Return type:Problem
read_ipt(str fname)

Read interior-point solution from text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
read_lp(str fname)

Read problem data in CPLEX LP format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
Returns:the problem read
Return type:Problem
read_mip(str fname)

Read MIP solution from text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
read_mps(str format, str fname)

Read problem data in MPS format

  • format (str) – the MPS file format, either 'fixed' or 'free'
  • fname (str) – file name

the problem read

Return type:


read_prob(str fname)

Read problem data in GLPK format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
Returns:the problem read
Return type:Problem
read_sol(str fname)

Read basic solution from text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name

Scale problem data

Parameters:algorithms – the algorithms to apply, one or more from 'auto', 'skip', 'geometric', 'equilibration', 'round'
set_bfcp(FactorizationControls controls)

Change LP basis factorization control parameters

set_col_bnds(col, lower, upper)

Set (change) column bounds

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • lower (Real or NoneType) – lower bound (None if unbounded from below)
  • upper (Real or NoneType) – upper bound (None if unbounded from above)
set_col_kind(col, str kind)

Set (change) column kind

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • kind (str) – the column kind, either 'continuous', 'integer', or 'binary'
set_col_name(col, str name)

Change column name

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • name (str) – the name of the column, it may not exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8
set_col_stat(col, str status)

Set (change) column status

Parameters:col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
set_mat_col(col, coeffs)

Set (replace) column of the constraint matrix

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • coeffsMapping from row names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)
set_mat_row(row, coeffs)

Set (replace) row of the constraint matrix

  • row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
  • coeffsMapping from column names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)
set_obj_coef(col, double coeff)

Set (change) obj. coefficient

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • coeff (Real) – the coefficient value
set_obj_const(double coeff)

Set (change) obj. constant term

Parameters:coeff (Real) – the coefficient value
set_obj_dir(str direction)

Set (change) optimization direction flag

Parameters:direction (str) – the objective direction, either 'minimize' or 'maximize'
set_obj_name(str name)

Assign (change) objective function name

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the objective, it may not exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8
set_prob_name(str name)

Assign (change) problem name

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the problem, it may not exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8
set_rii(row, double sf)

Set (change) row scale factor

  • row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
  • sf (Real) – the scale factor
set_row_bnds(row, lower, upper)

Set (change) row bounds

  • row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
  • lower (Real or NoneType) – lower bound (None if unbounded from below)
  • upper (Real or NoneType) – upper bound (None if unbounded from above)
set_row_name(row, str name)

Change row name

  • row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
  • name (str) – the name of the row, it may not exceed 255 bytes encoded as UTF-8
set_row_stat(row, str status)

Set (change) row status

Parameters:row (int or str) – the index or name of the row
set_sjj(col, double sf)

Set (change) column scale factor

  • col (int or str) – the index or name of the column
  • sf (Real) – the scale factor
simplex(SimplexControls controls)

Solve LP problem with the simplex method


Sort elements of the constraint matrix


Construct standard initial LP basis

transform_col(coeffs, names_preferred=False)

Transform explicitly specified column

  • coeffsMapping from row names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

transformed column

Return type:

Mapping from row and column names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)

transform_row(coeffs, names_preferred=False)

Transform explicitly specified row

  • coeffsMapping from column names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)
  • names_preferred (bool) – whether to return row and column names or indices

transformed row

Return type:

Mapping from row and column names (str strings) to coefficient values (Real)


Unscale problem data


“Warm up” LP basis

write_cnfsat(str fname)

Write CNF-SAT problem data in DIMACS format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
write_ipt(str fname)

Write interior-point solution to text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
write_lp(str fname)

Write problem data in CPLEX LP format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
write_mip(str fname)

Write MIP solution to text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
write_mps(str format, str fname)

Write problem data in MPS format

  • format (str) – the MPS file format, either 'fixed' or 'free'
  • fname (str) – file name
write_prob(str fname)

Write problem data in GLPK format

Parameters:fname (str) – file name
write_sol(str fname)

Write basic solution to text file

Parameters:fname (str) – file name

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