NCreateHydroShareResource | |
NDemoWriteGageShapefile | |
NDumpClimateStationInfo | Dump point climate station information from EcohydroLib metadata to standard output |
NDumpMetadataToiRODSXML | Dump EcohydroLib metadata to iRODS XML metadata import format |
▼Necohydrolib | |
▼Nclimatedata | |
Nghcndquery | Query NCDC Global Historical Climatology Network dataset for daily climate data |
▼Ncommand | |
Nbase | Base classes for EcohydroLib commands |
Ndem | EcohydroLib commands related to acquiring Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data |
Nexceptions | Package defining exceptions for EcohydroLib commands |
Nhydroshare | EcohydroLib commands related to HydroShare ( data |
Nlandcover | EcohydroLib commands related to acquiring landcover data |
Nsoil | EcohydroLib commands related to acquiring soils data |
Ncontext | Class that encapsulated environment setup for ecohydrolib scripts |
Ndbf | Methods for reading and write DBF data files |
▼Ngeosciaus | |
Ndemwcs | Query DEM data from WCS service provided by Geoscience Australia |
Nsoilwcs | Query soils data from WCS service provided by CSIRO/Geoscience Australia |
Ngrasslib | Class that encapsulated environment setup for using GRASS GIS scripting and low-level APIs |
▼Nhydro1k | |
Nbasins | Methods for querying HYDRO1k basins |
Ndemtile | Extract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally |
Nhydroshare | Utilities for interacting with HydroShare ( |
Nmetadata | Classes for writing and reading metadata for Ecohydrology workflows |
▼Nnhdplus2 | |
Nnetworkanalysis | Methods for querying the NHDPlus V2 data set |
Nwebservice | Methods for querying the NHDPlus V2 data set via custom web service |
▼Nnlcd | |
Ndaacquery | Query NLCD data from ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics |
▼Nsolim | |
Ninference | Infer soil properties from SSURGO and terrain data using SOLIM framework |
▼Nspatialdata | |
Nutils | Generic utilities for manipulating spatial data sets |
▼Nssurgo | |
Nattributequery | Make tabular queries against USDA Soil Data Mart SOAP web service interface |
Nfeaturequery | Make feature queries against USDA Soil Data Mart OGC web service interface |
Nrasterize | Rasterize SSURGO features |
Nsaxhandlers | Xml.sax.ContentHandler subclass for parsing SSURGO features stored as GML files |
▼Ntests | |
Ntest_metadata | Test methods for ecohydrolib.metadata |
Ntest_nhdwebsvc | Test methods for ecohydrolib.nhdplus2.webservice |
▼Nusgs | |
Ndemwcs | Make WCS 1.1.1 query for DEM data hosted by U.S |
Nnlcdwcs | Query NLCD datasets from WCS service provided by U.S |
Nusgsdem | |
Nutil | Catch-all location for miscellaneous utility functions |
▼Nwcs4dem | |
Ndemquery | Query NASA EOS Education Alliance (NEHEA) GeoBrain for DEM data |
Nwcslib | Make WCS 1.1.1 query for DEM data hosted by U.S |
NGenerateSoilPropertyRastersFromSOLIM | Infer soil attributes associated with SSURGO mapunit features using SOLIM |
NGenerateSoilPropertyRastersFromSSURGO | Rasterize soil attributes associated with SSURGO mapunit features |
NGetBoundingboxFromStudyareaShapefile | Get bounding box for ESRI Shapefile projected in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) |
NGetCatchmentShapefileForHYDRO1kBasins | Extract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally |
NGetCatchmentShapefileForNHDStreamflowGage | Query NHDPlus2 database for shapefile of the drainage area of the given streamflow gage |
NGetDEMExplorerDEMForBoundingbox | Query GeoBrain WCS4DEM ( for digital elevation model (DEM) data |
NGetGAAustraliaDEMForBoundingBox | Query OGC WCS web services provided by Geoscience Australia ( for digital elevation model (DEM) data |
NGetGADEMForBoundingBox | |
NGetGHCNDailyClimateDataForBoundingboxCentroid | Query NCDC archive for climate data for a single station in the Global Historical Climatology Network ( |
NGetGHCNDailyClimateDataForStationsInBoundingbox | Query NCDC archive for climate data for all stations in the Global Historical Climatology Network ( that fall within a bounding box |
NGetHYDRO1kDEMForBoundingbox | Extract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally |
NGetNHDStreamflowGageIdentifiersAndLocation | Get NHDPlus2 streamflow gage identifiers (reachcode, measure along reach in percent) for a USGS gage |
NGetNLCDForDEMExtent | Extract a tile, the extent derived from the DEM of the project, of NLCD 2006 data from a locally stored copy of the entire NLCD 2006 dataset |
NGetSoilGridAustralia | Download Australian surface soil properties from |
NGetSSURGOFeaturesForBoundingbox | Query USDA soil datamart for SSURGO MapunitPolyExtended features and the following attributes, computed as a weighted average of the components in each mapunit, for the first soil horizon of each mapunit: ksat (chorizon.ksat_r), pctClay (chorizon.claytotal_r), pctSilt (chorizon.silttotal_r), pctSand (chorizon.andtotal_r), porosity (chorizon.wsatiated_r), 'fieldCap' (chorizon.wthirdbar_r), 'avlWatCap' (plant available water capacity; chorizon.awc_r), and drnWatCont (drainable water capacity; porosity - fieldCap) |
NGetUSGSDEMForBoundingbox | Create a new HydroShare resource by uploading the contents of an EcohydroLib project |
NGetUSGSNLCDForBoundingbox | Download NLCD 2006 or 2011 data hosted by U.S |
NGHCNDSetup | Builds SQLite3/Spatialite database needed for querying NCDC Global Historical Climatology Network station metadata downloaded from |
NNHDPlusV2Setup | Builds SQLite3 databases from NHDPlus V2 data archives downloaded from |
NRegisterDEM | Register digital elevation model (DEM) data into metadata store for a project directory, copying the DEM file into the project directory in the process |
NRegisterGage | Register streamflow gage coordinates from a point shapefile into metadata store for a project directory, copying the shapefile into the project directory in the process |
NRegisterRaster | Register raster into metadata store for a project directory, copying the raster into the project directory in the process |
NRegisterStudyAreaShapefile | Register shapefile into metadata store for a project directory, copying the source shapefile into the project directory in the process (if the source layer is not a shapefile, it will be converted on copy) |
NRunCmd | Run an arbitrary command operating on data stored in a project directory, with the command and its arguments captured in the metadata for the project |
Nsetup | |