EcohydroLib  1.29
Namespaces | Functions File Reference


 Make tabular queries against USDA Soil Data Mart SOAP web service interface.


def ecohydrolib.ssurgo.attributequery.strListToString (strList)
 Converts a Python list of string values into a string containing quoted, comma separated representation of the list. More...
def ecohydrolib.ssurgo.attributequery.computeWeightedAverageKsatClaySandSilt (soilAttrTuple)
 Computes weighted average for Ksat, clay/silt/sand for a SSURGO mukey based on values for each component in the mukey; weights based on component.comppct_r. More...
def ecohydrolib.ssurgo.attributequery.joinSSURGOAttributesToFeaturesByMUKEY_GeoJSON (geojson, typeName, ssurgoAttributes)
 Join SSURGO tabular attributes to MapunitPoly or MapunitPolyExtended features based on MUKEY. More...
def ecohydrolib.ssurgo.attributequery.getParentMatKsatTexturePercentClaySiltSandForComponentsInMUKEYs (mukeyList)
 Query USDA soil datamart tabular service for ksat, texture, % clay, % silt, % sand for all components in the specified map units. More...