EcohydroLib  1.29
Namespaces | Functions File Reference


 Generic utilities for manipulating spatial data sets.


def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.bboxFromString (bboxStr)
 Get bbox dictionary from comma separated string of the form '-76.769782 39.273610 -76.717498 39.326008'. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.isValidSrs (srsString)
 Determine if spatial reference string is valid. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getEPSGStringForUTMZone (zone, isNorth)
 Get EPSG string, e.g. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getUTMZoneFromCoordinates (longitude, latitude)
 Determine the UTM zone for coordinate pair. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.transformCoordinates
 Transform a pair of X,Y coordinates from one reference system to another. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getRasterExtentAsBbox (extentRasterFilepath)
 Determine raster extent and store it in a bbox along with the spatial reference system of the raster. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.extractTileFromRasterByRasterExtent
 Extract a tile from a raster using the extent of another raster as the tile bounds. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.extractTileFromRaster (config, outputDir, inRasterFilename, outRasterFilename, bbox)
 Extract a tile from a raster. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.resampleRaster
 Resample raster from one spatial reference system and resolution to another. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.rescaleRaster (config, outputDir, inRasterFilepath, outRasterFilename, scalar)
 Rescale DN values of raster. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.convertGMLToShapefile (config, outputDir, gmlFilepath, layerName, t_srs)
 Convert a GML file to a shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.convertGMLToGeoJSON
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.convertGeoJSONToShapefile
 Convert a GeoJSON file to a shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.mergeFeatureLayers
 Combine vector feature files readable by OGR into a single feature layer. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.convertFeatureLayerToShapefile
 Convert a vector feature file readible by OGR to a shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.deleteShapefile (shpfilePath)
 Delete shapefile and its related files (.dbf, .prj, .shx) More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getCoordinatesOfPointsFromShapefile (shpFilepath, layerName, pointIDAttr, pointIDs)
 Get WGS84 coordinates of point features in shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.deleteGeoTiff (geoTiffPath)
 Delete GeoTIFF and its related files (.aux.xml) More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.isCoordinatePairInBoundingBox (bbox, coordinates)
 Determine whether coordinate pair lies within bounding box. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.calculateBoundingBoxCenter (bbox)
 Calculate the central point of the bounding box. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.calculateBoundingBoxArea
 Calculate bbox area in squared units of srs. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.tileBoundingBox
 Break up bounding box into tiles if bounding box is larger than threshold. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getBoundingBoxForShapefile
 Return the bounding box, in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinates, for the ESRI shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.bufferBoundingBox (bbox, buffer)
 Buffer the bounding by a given percentage. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getMeterConversionFactorForLinearUnitOfGMLfile (gmlFilename)
 Get conversion factor for converting a GML file's linear unit into meters. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getMeterConversionFactorForLinearUnitOfShapefile (shpFilename)
 Get conversion factor for converting a shapefile's linear unit into meters. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getNodataValuesForRaster (filename)
 Get nodata value for each band in a raster. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getSpatialReferenceForRaster (filename)
 Get pixel size and unit for DEM. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getDimensionsForRaster (filename)
 Get number of columns and rows for raster. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.getBoundingBoxForRaster (filename)
 Return the bounding box, in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinates, for the raster dateset. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.writeBboxPolygonToShapefile
 Write bbox to a shapfile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.writeCoordinatePairsToPointShapefile
 Write coordinates as a point shapefile. More...
def ecohydrolib.spatialdata.utils.copyRasterToGeoTIFF (config, outputDir, inRasterPath, outRasterName)
 Copy input raster from a location outside of outputDir to a GeoTIFF format raster stored in outputDir. More...