
exception dynts.exceptions.DyntsException

Base class of exceptions raised by dynts

exception dynts.exceptions.InvalidBackEnd

A DyntsException exception raised when an invalid dynts.TimeSeries bcakend name is given.

exception dynts.exceptions.MissingDataProvider

A DyntsException exception raised when a Data provider is not available

exception dynts.exceptions.BadSymbol

A DyntsException exception raised when an exception occurs during parsing of a dynts.dsl.Symbol

exception dynts.exceptions.FormattingException

A DyntsException exception raised when an exception occurs during formatting of a dynts.TimeSeries

exception dynts.exceptions.DateNotFound

A DyntsException exception raised when a date is not found in a dynts.TimeSeries.

exception dynts.exceptions.DyntsOutOfBound

A DyntsException exception raised when trying to access dynts.TimeSeries outside its dates range.

exception dynts.exceptions.RightOutOfBound

A DyntsOutOfBound exception raised when trying to access dynts.TimeSeries after the end date.

exception dynts.exceptions.LeftOutOfBound

A DyntsOutOfBound exception raised when trying to access dynts.TimeSeries before the start date.

exception dynts.exceptions.ExpressionError

A DyntsException exception raised when errors occur during dsl language translation.

exception dynts.exceptions.FunctionError

Function Error

exception dynts.exceptions.FunctionInternalError(function, msg)

Function Error

exception dynts.exceptions.FunctionDoesNotExist(function)

Function does not exist

exception dynts.exceptions.BadConcatenation(type1, type2)

Error cause by bad concatentaiuon types

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