Package pamfax :: Package processors
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Source Code for Package pamfax.processors

   1  """ 
   2  The classes defined in this module should correspond 1-to-1 to the  
   3  specifications in the PamFax API docs. See the link below for more info: 
   7  Users should not need to instantiate this class in applications using PamFax. 
   8  Instead, just call the action directly on the PamFax object, and it will be 
   9  delegated to the correct processor automatically. 
  10  """ 
  12  try: 
  13      import cjson as jsonlib 
  14      jsonlib.dumps = jsonlib.encode 
  15      jsonlib.loads = jsonlib.decode 
  16  except ImportError: 
  17      try: 
  18          from django.utils import simplejson as jsonlib 
  19      except ImportError: 
  20          try: 
  21              import simplejson as jsonlib 
  22          except ImportError: 
  23              import json as jsonlib 
  25  from httplib import HTTPException 
  26  from urllib import urlencode 
  28  import mimetypes 
  29  import socket 
  31  IP_ADDR = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) 
  32  USER_AGENT = 'dynaptico-pamfax' 
  33  ORIGIN = 'script' 
  34  CONTENT_TYPE = 'content-type' 
  35  CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = 'application/json' 
  37  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  38  # "private" helper methods 
  39  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
41 -def _get_url(base_url, action, api_credentials, **kwargs):
42 """Construct the URL that corresponds to a given action. 43 All kwargs whose value is None are filtered out. 44 45 Arguments: 46 base_url -- The base of the URL corresponding to the PamFax processor name 47 action -- The PamFax method to append to the base URL 48 api_credentials -- The API credentials including user token extracted from /Session/VerifyUser 49 50 Keyword arguments: 51 **kwargs -- optional HTTP parameters to send to the PamFax URL 52 53 """ 54 url = '%s/%s%s' % (base_url, action, api_credentials) 55 if len(kwargs) == 0: 56 return url 57 query = {} 58 for arg in kwargs: 59 kwarg = kwargs[arg] 60 if kwarg is not None: 61 if isinstance(kwarg, list): 62 for i in range(0, len(kwarg)): 63 query['%s[%d]' % (arg, i)] = kwarg[i] 64 else: 65 query[arg] = kwarg 66 url = '%s&%s' % (url, urlencode(query)) 67 return url
69 -def _get_and_check_response(http):
70 """Wait for the HTTP response and throw an exception if the return 71 status is not OK. Return either a dict based on the 72 HTTP response in JSON, or if the response is not in JSON format, 73 return a tuple containing the data in the body and the content type. 74 75 """ 76 response = http.getresponse() 77 codes = (response.status, response.reason) 78 print codes 79 if response.status != 200: 80 raise HTTPException("Response from server not OK: %s %s" % codes) 81 content_type = response.getheader(CONTENT_TYPE, None) 82 if content_type is not None and content_type.startswith(CONTENT_TYPE_JSON): 83 return jsonlib.loads( 84 else: 85 return (, content_type)
87 -def _get(http, url, body=''):
88 """Gets the specified url and returns the response.""" 89 print "getting url '%s' with body '%s'" % (url, body) 90 http.request('GET', url, body) 91 return _get_and_check_response(http)
93 -def _post(http, url, body, headers={}):
94 """Posts to the specified url and returns the response.""" 95 print "posting to url '%s' with body '%s'" % (url, body) 96 http.request('POST', url, body, headers) 97 return _get_and_check_response(http)
99 -def _encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files):
100 """Encode multipart form data per mime spec and return (content_type, body) 101 102 Arguments: 103 fields -- A sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields. 104 files -- A sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be uploaded as files 105 106 """ 107 BOUNDARY = '----------Boundary_of_form_part_$' 108 CRLF = '\r\n' 109 L = [] 110 for (key, value) in fields: 111 L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) 112 L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) 113 L.append('') 114 L.append(value) 115 for (key, filename, value) in files: 116 L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) 117 L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename)) 118 L.append('Content-Type: %s' % mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream') 119 L.append('') 120 L.append(value) 121 L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--') 122 L.append('') 123 body = CRLF.join(L) 124 content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY 125 return content_type, body
126 127 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128 # Common 129 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130
131 -class Common:
132 """Class encapsulating common actions for the PamFax API""" 133
134 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
135 """Instantiates the Common class""" 136 self.base_url = '/Common' 137 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 138 self.http = http
140 - def get_current_settings(self):
141 """Returns the current settings for timezone and currency. 142 This is the format/timezone ALL return values of the API are in. These are taken from the user 143 (if logged in, the api user's settings or the current ip address) 144 145 """ 146 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetCurrentSettings', self.api_credentials) 147 return _get(self.http, url)
149 - def get_file(self, file_uuid):
150 """Returns file content. 151 152 Will return binary data and headers that give the filename and mimetype. 153 Note: User identified by usertoken must be owner of the file or 154 the owner must have shared this file to the requesting user. 155 Share dependencies are resolved (dependend on the type) via the 156 fax_inbox, fax_history_files or user_covers table. 157 158 Arguments: 159 file_uuid -- The uuid of the file to get 160 161 """ 162 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetFile', self.api_credentials, file_uuid=file_uuid) 163 return _get(self.http, url)
165 - def get_geo_ip_information(self, ip):
166 """Returns Geo information based on the given IP address (IPV4) 167 168 Arguments: 169 ip -- the ip to get geo information off 170 171 """ 172 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetGeoIPInformation', self.api_credentials, ip=ip) 173 return _get(self.http, url)
175 - def get_page_preview(self, uuid, page_no, max_width=None, max_height=None):
176 """Returns a preview page for a fax. 177 178 May be in progress, sent or from inbox. 179 180 Arguments: 181 uuid -- The uuid of the fax to get preview for 182 page_no -- Page number to get (1,2,...) 183 max_width -- Maximum width in Pixel 184 max_height -- Maximum height in Pixel 185 186 """ 187 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetPagePreview', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid, page_no=page_no, max_width=max_width, max_height=max_height) 188 return _get(self.http, url)
190 - def list_constants(self):
191 """DEPRECATED""" 192 return None
194 - def list_countries(self):
195 """Returns all countries with their translated names and the default zone""" 196 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListCountries', self.api_credentials) 197 return _get(self.http, url)
199 - def list_countries_for_zone(self, zone):
200 """Returns all countries in the given zone 201 202 Result includes their translated names, countrycode and country-prefix. 203 204 Arguments: 205 zone -- Zone of the country which is wanted (1-7) 206 207 """ 208 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListCountriesForZone', self.api_credentials, zone=zone) 209 return _get(self.http, url)
211 - def list_currencies(self, code=None):
212 """Returns the list of supported currencies. 213 214 Result contains convertion rates too. 215 If code is given will only return the specified currency's information. 216 217 Keyword arguments: 218 code -- CurrencyCode 219 220 """ 221 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListCurrencies', self.api_credentials, code=code) 222 return _get(self.http, url)
224 - def list_languages(self, min_percent_translated=None):
225 """List all available languages. 226 227 Result may be filtered tso that only languages are returned that are 228 at least translated $min_percent_translated % 229 230 Keyward arguments: 231 min_percent_translated -- the percentage value the languages have to be translated 232 233 """ 234 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListLanguages', self.api_credentials, min_percent_translated=min_percent_translated) 235 return _get(self.http, url)
237 - def list_strings(self, ids, culture=None):
238 """Returns a list of strings translated into the given language. 239 240 Arguments: 241 ids -- array of String identifiers. You may also pass a comma separated list as $ids[0] (ids[0]=BTN_YES,BTN_NO). 242 243 Keyword arguments: 244 culture -- culture identifier, defaults to users culture. Accepts full culture-codes like en-US, de-DE and just a language code like en, de, ... 245 246 """ 247 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListStrings', self.api_credentials, ids=ids, culture=culture) 248 return _get(self.http, url)
250 - def list_supported_file_types(self):
251 """Returns the supported file types for documents that can be faxed.""" 252 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListSupportedFileTypes', self.api_credentials) 253 return _get(self.http, url)
255 - def list_timezones(self):
256 """List all supported timezones""" 257 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListTimezones', self.api_credentials) 258 return _get(self.http, url)
260 - def list_versions(self):
261 """Lists the current Versions. 262 Result contains versions for the PamFax Gadget, Client etc and returns 263 the version and update url 264 """ 265 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListVersions', self.api_credentials) 266 return _get(self.http, url)
268 - def list_zones(self):
269 """Returns price and price_pro for a given zone""" 270 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListZones', self.api_credentials) 271 return _get(self.http, url)
272 273 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274 # FaxHistory 275 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276
277 -class FaxHistory:
278 """Class encapsulating actions related to fax history for this account""" 279
280 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
281 """Instantiates the FaxHistory class""" 282 self.base_url = '/FaxHistory' 283 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 284 self.http = http
286 - def add_fax_note(self, fax_uuid, note):
287 """Add a note (free text) to the fax 288 289 Arguments: 290 fax_uuid -- uuid of the fax 291 note -- text to add to the fax 292 293 """ 294 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddFaxNote', self.api_credentials, fax_uuid=fax_uuid, note=note) 295 return _get(self.http, url)
297 - def count_faxes(self, type):
298 """Returns the number of faxes from users history with a specific state. 299 300 Arguments: 301 type -- Possible values: history, inbox, inbox_unread, outbox or unpaid 302 303 """ 304 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'CountFaxes', self.api_credentials, type=type) 305 return _get(self.http, url)
307 - def delete_fax(self):
308 """DEPRECATED! Use DeleteFaxes instead""" 309 return None
311 - def delete_fax_from_trash(self):
312 """DEPRECATED! Use DeleteFaxesFromTrash instead""" 313 return None
315 - def delete_faxes(self, uuids, siblings_too=None):
316 """Moves faxes to the trash. 317 318 If siblings_too is true will perform for the given faxes and all other recipients 319 from the same fax jobs. 320 siblings_too will only be evaluated for uuids beloging to an outgoing fax and will be 321 ignored for incoming faxes uuids 322 323 """ 324 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'DeleteFaxes', self.api_credentials, uuids=uuids, siblings_too=siblings_too) 325 return _get(self.http, url)
327 - def delete_faxes_from_trash(self, uuids):
328 """Removes faxes from trash 329 330 This method is similar to EmptyTrash() which deletes all the faxes from trash 331 332 Arguments: 333 uuids -- ids of faxes to be removed vom trash 334 335 """ 336 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'DeleteFaxesFromTrash', self.api_credentials, uuids=uuids) 337 return _get(self.http, url)
339 - def empty_trash(self):
340 """Removes all faxes from trash for user and if user is member of a company and has delete rights also for the owners inbox faxes""" 341 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'EmptyTrash', self.api_credentials) 342 return _get(self.http, url)
344 - def get_fax_details(self, uuid):
345 """Returns the details of a fax in progress. 346 347 Arguments: 348 uuid -- UUID of the fax to show 349 350 """ 351 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetFaxDetails', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 352 return _get(self.http, url)
354 - def get_fax_group(self, uuid):
355 """Returns a fax groups details. 356 357 Arguments: 358 uuid -- Uuid of one of the faxes in the group. 359 360 """ 361 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetFaxGroup', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 362 return _get(self.http, url)
364 - def get_inbox_fax(self, uuid, mark_read=None):
365 """Returns the details of a fax in the inbox. 366 367 Arguments: 368 uuid -- UUID of the fax to show 369 mark_read -- If true marks the fax as read (default: false). 370 371 """ 372 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetInboxFax', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid, mark_read=mark_read) 373 return _get(self.http, url)
375 - def get_transmission_report(self, uuid):
376 """Get a .pdf-Version of a transmission report. 377 378 On the transmission report basic data of the fax and a preview of the first page is shown. 379 Should always be called with API_MODE_PASSTHRU, as the result is the pdf as binary data 380 381 Arguments: 382 uuid -- @attribute[RequestParam('uuid','string')] 383 384 """ 385 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetTransmissionReport', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 386 return _get(self.http, url)
388 - def list_fax_group(self, uuid, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
389 """Lists all faxes in a group (that are sent as on job). 390 391 Arguments: 392 uuid -- Uuid of one of the faxes in the group. 393 394 Keyword arguments: 395 current_page -- The page which should be shown 396 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 397 398 """ 399 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFaxGroup', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 400 return _get(self.http, url)
402 - def list_fax_notes(self, fax_uuid):
403 """Lists all notes for the given fax in reverse order (latest first) 404 405 Arguments: 406 fax_uuid -- uuid of the fax to list notes for 407 408 """ 409 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFaxNotes', self.api_credentials, fax_uuid=fax_uuid) 410 return _get(self.http, url)
412 - def list_inbox_faxes(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
413 """List all faxes in the inbox of the current user. 414 415 Keyword arguments: 416 current_page -- The page which should be shown 417 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 418 419 """ 420 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListInboxFaxes', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 421 return _get(self.http, url)
423 - def list_outbox_faxes(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
424 """Faxes in the outbox that are currently in the sending process 425 426 Keyword arguments: 427 current_page -- The page which should be shown 428 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 429 430 """ 431 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListOutboxFaxes', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 432 return _get(self.http, url)
434 - def list_recent_faxes(self, count=None, data_to_list=None):
435 """Returns a list of latest faxes for the user. 436 437 Does not contain deleted and delayed faxes (See ListTrash for deleted faxes). 438 439 Keyword arguments: 440 count -- The count of items to return. Valid values are between 1 and 100 441 data_to_list -- Any message types you want this function to return. Allowed models are 'sent', 'inbox', 'outbox'. Leave empty to get faxes of any type. 442 443 """ 444 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListRecentFaxes', self.api_credentials, count=count, data_to_list=data_to_list) 445 return _get(self.http, url)
447 - def list_sent_faxes(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
448 """List all sent faxes (successful or not) 449 450 Keyword arguments: 451 current_page -- The page which should be shown 452 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 453 454 """ 455 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListSentFaxes', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 456 return _get(self.http, url)
458 - def list_trash(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
459 """List all faxes in trash 460 461 Keyword arguments: 462 current_page -- The page which should be shown 463 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 464 465 """ 466 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListTrash', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 467 return _get(self.http, url)
469 - def list_unpaid_faxes(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
470 """Lists all unpaid faxes that are waiting for a payment. 471 472 When this user makes a transaction to add credit, these faxes will be sent automatically 473 if they are younger that 2 hours. 474 475 Keyword arguments: 476 current_page -- The page which should be shown 477 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 478 479 """ 480 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListUnpaidFaxes', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 481 return _get(self.http, url)
483 - def restore_fax(self, uuid):
484 """Restores a fax from the trash. 485 486 Arguments: 487 uuid -- uuid of fax to restore 488 489 """ 490 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RestoreFax', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 491 return _get(self.http, url)
493 - def set_fax_read(self, uuid):
494 """Sets a fax' read date to current time. 495 496 Fax needs to be a fax in the inbox. 497 498 Arguments: 499 uuid -- uuid of fax to set as read 500 501 """ 502 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetFaxRead', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 503 return _get(self.http, url)
505 - def set_faxes_as_read(self, uuids):
506 """Sets the read date of all the faxes to the current time 507 508 Arguments: 509 uuids -- array of uuids for faxes to set as read 510 511 """ 512 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetFaxesAsRead', self.api_credentials, uuids=uuids) 513 return _get(self.http, url)
515 - def set_spam_state_for_faxes(self, uuids, is_spam=None):
516 """Sets the spamscore for all the faxes depending on the flag "is_spam" 517 Takes an array of faxes UUIDs and marks them a spam if the second argument (is_spam) is true. 518 Removes the Spam state if is_spam is false. 519 If 15 or more faxes of the same sender has been marked as spam, all incoming faxes are directly moved to the trash. 520 This is user specific, so if user A reports 15 faxes of one sender, then only all incoming faxes from the sender to 521 him are directly sent to the trash. 522 523 """ 524 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetSpamStateForFaxes', self.api_credentials, uuids=uuids, is_spam=is_spam) 525 return _get(self.http, url)
526 527 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 528 # FaxJob 529 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 530
531 -class FaxJob:
532 """Class encapsulating a specific fax job""" 533
534 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
535 """Instantiates the FaxJob class""" 536 self.base_url = '/FaxJob' 537 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 538 self.http = http
540 - def add_file(self, filename, origin=None):
541 """Adds a file to the current fax. 542 543 Requires the file to be uploaded as POST paramter named 'file' as a standard HTTP upload. This could be either Content-type: multipart/form-data with file content as base64-encoded data or as Content-type: application/octet-stream with just the binary data. 544 See for documentation on file uploads. 545 546 Arguments: 547 filename -- Name of the file. You can also use the same file name for each file (i.e "fax.pdf") 548 549 Keyword arguments: 550 origin -- Optional file origin (ex: photo, scan,... - maximum length is 20 characters). 551 552 """ 553 file = open(filename, 'rb') 554 content_type, body = _encode_multipart_formdata([('filename', filename)], [('file', filename, filename)]) 555 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddFile', self.api_credentials, filename=filename, origin=origin) 556 return _post(self.http, url, body, {'Content-Type': content_type, 'Content-Length': str(len(body))})
558 - def add_file_from_online_storage(self, provider, uuid):
559 """Add a file identified by an online storage identifier. 560 561 You'll have to use the OnlineStorageApi to identify a user for an online storage provider first 562 and then get listings of his files. These will contain the file identifiers used by this method. 563 564 Arguments: 565 provider -- Identifies the provider used (see OnlineStorageApi) 566 uuid -- Identifies the file to be added (see OnlineStorageApi) 567 568 """ 569 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddFileFromOnlineStorage', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, uuid=uuid) 570 return _get(self.http, url)
572 - def add_recipient(self, number, name=None):
573 """Adds a recipient to the current fax.""" 574 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddRecipient', self.api_credentials, number=number, name=name) 575 return _get(self.http, url)
577 - def add_recipients(self, numbers, names=None):
578 """Adds recipients to the current fax. 579 The given recipients will be added to current recipients. 580 581 """ 582 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddRecipients', self.api_credentials, numbers=numbers, names=names) 583 return _get(self.http, url)
585 - def add_remote_file(self, url):
586 """Add a remote file to the fax. 587 url may contain username:password for basic http auth, but this is the only supported 588 authentication method. 589 URL Examples: 590 http://myusername:andpassord 591 592 """ 593 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddRemoteFile', self.api_credentials, url=url) 594 return _get(self.http, url)
596 - def cancel(self, uuid, siblings_too=None):
597 """Cancels fax sending for a fax recipient or a whole fax job. 598 If siblings_too is true will cancel all faxes in the job the 599 fax with uuid belongs to. 600 601 """ 602 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Cancel', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid, siblings_too=siblings_too) 603 return _get(self.http, url)
605 - def clone_fax(self, uuid, user_ip=IP_ADDR, user_agent=USER_AGENT):
606 """Clones an already sent fax in the API backend and returns it. 607 608 Arguments: 609 uuid -- The uuid of the source fax 610 611 Keyword arguments: 612 user_ip -- The IP address of the client (if available). Put your own IP address otherwise. 613 user_agent -- User agent string of the client device. If not available, put something descriptive (like "iPhone OS 2.2") 614 615 """ 616 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'CloneFax', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid, user_ip=user_ip, user_agent=user_agent) 617 return _get(self.http, url)
619 - def create(self, user_ip=IP_ADDR, user_agent=USER_AGENT, origin=ORIGIN):
620 """Creates a new fax in the API backend and returns it. 621 622 If a fax job is currently in edit mode in this session, this fax job is returned instead. 623 Note: This is not an error. It provides you with the possibility to continue with the fax. 624 625 Keyword arguments: 626 user_ip -- The IP address of the client (if available). Put your own IP address otherwise. 627 user_agent -- User agent string of the client device. If not available, put something descriptive (like "iPhone OS 2.2") 628 origin -- From where was this fax started? i.e. "printer", "desktop", "home", ... For reporting and analysis purposes. 629 630 """ 631 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Create', self.api_credentials, user_ip=user_ip, user_agent=user_agent, origin=origin) 632 return _get(self.http, url)
634 - def get_fax_state(self):
635 """Returns the state of the current fax.""" 636 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetFaxState', self.api_credentials) 637 return _get(self.http, url)
639 - def get_preview(self):
640 """Returns the states of all preview pages.""" 641 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetPreview', self.api_credentials) 642 return _get(self.http, url)
644 - def list_available_covers(self):
645 """Returns a list of all coverpages the user may use. 646 Result includes the "no cover" if the fax job already contains a file as in that case 647 there's no need to add a cover. 648 """ 649 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListAvailableCovers', self.api_credentials) 650 return _get(self.http, url)
652 - def list_fax_files(self):
653 """Get all uploaded files for the current fax""" 654 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFaxFiles', self.api_credentials) 655 return _get(self.http, url)
657 - def list_recipients(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
658 """Returns the recipients for the current fax. 659 660 Keyword arguments: 661 current_page -- The page which should be shown 662 items_per_page -- How many items are shown per page 663 664 """ 665 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListRecipients', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 666 return _get(self.http, url)
668 - def remove_all_files(self):
669 """Remove all uploaded files from the current fax""" 670 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RemoveAllFiles', self.api_credentials) 671 return _get(self.http, url)
673 - def remove_all_recipients(self):
674 """Removes all recipients for the current fax.""" 675 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RemoveAllRecipients', self.api_credentials) 676 return _get(self.http, url)
678 - def remove_cover(self):
679 """Removes the cover from fax""" 680 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RemoveCover', self.api_credentials) 681 return _get(self.http, url)
683 - def remove_file(self, file_uuid):
684 """Remove a file from the current fax.""" 685 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RemoveFile', self.api_credentials, file_uuid=file_uuid) 686 return _get(self.http, url)
688 - def remove_recipient(self, number):
689 """Removes a recipient from the current fax""" 690 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RemoveRecipient', self.api_credentials, number=number) 691 return _get(self.http, url)
693 - def send(self, send_at=None):
694 """Start the fax sending. 695 696 Only successful if all necessary data is set to the fax: at least 1 recipient and a cover page or a file uploaded. 697 Will only work if user has enough credit to pay for the fax. 698 You may pass in a datetime when the fax shall be sent. This must be a string formatted in the users chosen culture 699 (so exactly as you would show it to him) and may not be in the past nor be greater than 'now + 14days'. 700 701 """ 702 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Send', self.api_credentials, send_at=send_at) 703 return _get(self.http, url)
705 - def send_delayed_fax_now(self, uuid):
706 """Send a previously delayed fax now. 707 708 Use this method if you want to send a fax right now that was initially delayed (by giving a send_at value into Send). 709 710 """ 711 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SendDelayedFaxNow', self.api_credentials, uuid=uuid) 712 return _get(self.http, url)
714 - def send_later(self, send_at=None):
715 """Put the fax in the unpaid faxes queue. 716 717 Only possible if user has NOT enough credit to send this fax directly. 718 You may pass in a datetime when the fax shall be sent. This must be a string formatted in the users chosen culture 719 (so exactly as you would show it to him) and may not be in the past nor be greater than 'now + 14days'. 720 721 """ 722 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SendLater', self.api_credentials, send_at=send_at) 723 return _get(self.http, url)
725 - def send_unpaid(self):
726 """DEPRECATED! Use SendUnpaidFaxes instead""" 727 return None
729 - def send_unpaid_faxes(self, uuids):
730 """Send unpaid faxes 731 732 Will work until credit reaches zero. 733 Will return two lists: SentFaxes and UnpaidFaxes that contain the 734 faxes that could or not be sent. 735 736 """ 737 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SendUnpaidFaxes', self.api_credentials, uuids=uuids) 738 return _get(self.http, url)
740 - def set_cover(self, template_id, text=None):
741 """Sets the cover template for the current fax.""" 742 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetCover', self.api_credentials, template_id=template_id, text=text) 743 return _get(self.http, url)
745 - def set_notifications(self, notifications, group_notification=None, error_notification=None, save_defaults=None):
746 """Sets the notification options for the current fax. 747 748 Notification options that are not in the array will not be changed/resetted. 749 Note: defaults for notification settings will be taken from users account, so potentially not need 750 to call this on every fax. 751 752 Keyword arguments: 753 save_defaults -- Save Notification-Settings to user's Profile 754 755 """ 756 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetNotifications', self.api_credentials, notifications=notifications, group_notification=group_notification, error_notification=error_notification, save_defaults=save_defaults) 757 return _get(self.http, url)
759 - def set_recipients(self, numbers, names=None):
760 """Creates recipients for the current fax. 761 762 All recipients are replaced with the given ones! 763 764 """ 765 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetRecipients', self.api_credentials, numbers=numbers, names=names) 766 return _get(self.http, url)
768 - def start_preview_creation(self):
769 """Starts creating the preview for this fax. 770 771 Call after fax is ready (GetFaxState returns FAX_READY_TO_SEND) 772 773 """ 774 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'StartPreviewCreation', self.api_credentials) 775 return _get(self.http, url)
776 777 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 778 # NumberInfo 779 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 780
781 -class NumberInfo:
782 """Class encapsulating information for a given fax number""" 783
784 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
785 """Instantiates the NumberInfo class""" 786 self.base_url = '/NumberInfo' 787 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 788 self.http = http
790 - def get_number_info(self, faxnumber):
791 """Get some information about a fax number. 792 793 Result contains zone, type, city, ... 794 Validates and corrects the number too. 795 796 Arguments: 797 faxnumber -- The faxnumber to query (incl countrycode: +12139851886, min length: 8) 798 799 """ 800 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetNumberInfo', self.api_credentials, faxnumber=faxnumber) 801 return _get(self.http, url)
803 - def get_page_price(self, faxnumber):
804 """Calculate the expected price per page to a given fax number. 805 806 Use GetNumberInfo when you do not need pricing information, as calculating expected price takes longer then just looking up the info for a number. 807 808 Arguments: 809 faxnumber -- The faxnumber to query (incl countrycode: +12139851886, min length: 8). Login user first to get personalized prices. 810 811 """ 812 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetPagePrice', self.api_credentials, faxnumber=faxnumber) 813 return _get(self.http, url)
814 815 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 816 # OnlineStorage 817 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 818
819 -class OnlineStorage:
820 """Class encapsulating actions related to online storage""" 821
822 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
823 """Instantiates the OnlineStorage class""" 824 self.base_url = '/OnlineStorage' 825 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 826 self.http = http
828 - def authenticate(self, provider, username, password):
829 """Authenticate the current user for a Provider. 830 831 This is a one-time process and must be done only once for each user. 832 PamFax API will perform the login and store only an authentication token which 833 will be enaugh for future use of the service. 834 835 Arguments: 836 provider -- Provider name. See OnlineStorage::ListProviders for available providers. 837 username -- The user's name/login for the provider 838 password -- User's password to access his data at the provider side 839 840 """ 841 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Authenticate', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, username=username, password=password) 842 return _get(self.http, url)
844 - def drop_authentication(self, provider):
845 """Will drop the users authentication for the given provider. 846 847 This will permanently erase all data related to the account! 848 849 """ 850 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'DropAuthentication', self.api_credentials, provider=provider) 851 return _get(self.http, url)
853 - def get_provider_logo(self, provider, size):
854 """Outputs a providers logo in a given size. 855 856 Call ListProviders for valid sizes per Provider. 857 858 """ 859 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetProviderLogo', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, size=size) 860 return _get(self.http, url)
862 - def list_folder_contents(self, provider, folder=None, clear_cache=None):
863 """Lists all files and folders inside a given folder. 864 865 Leave folder empty to get the contents of the root folder. 866 User must be autheticated for the provider given here to be able to recieve listings (see Authenticate method). 867 If clear_cache is set to true all subitems will be deleted and must be refetched (previously cached UUIDs are invalid) 868 869 """ 870 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFolderContents', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, folder=folder, clear_cache=clear_cache) 871 return _get(self.http, url)
873 - def list_providers(self, attach_settings=None):
874 """Returns a list of supported providers.""" 875 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListProviders', self.api_credentials, attach_settings=attach_settings) 876 return _get(self.http, url)
878 - def set_auth_token(self, provider, token, username=None):
879 """Manually sets auth token for the current user. 880 881 token must contain an associative array including the tokens. 882 sample (google): 883 'auth_token_cp'=>DQAAAHoAAADCrkpB7Ip_vuelbla2UKE9s_ObVKTNA_kT6Ej26SwddJvMUmEz_9qbLlZJnsAdm583Sddp_0FYS9QmmwoUpf51RHxkgPUL20OqsdAP5OnCgY_TdVbvXX8tMQBBX30V4_NhTcE_0sI6zhba5Y3yZWV5nljliG98eA36ybekKucuhQ 884 'auth_token_writely'=>DQAAAHoAAADCrkpB7Ip_vuelbla2UKE9s_ObVKTNA_kT6Ej62SDwdJvMUmEz_9qbLlZJnsAdm583Sddp_0FYS9QmmwoUpf51RHxkgPUL20OqsdAP5OnCgY_TdVbvXX8tMQBBX30V4_NhTcE_0sI6zhba5Y3yZWV5nljliG98eA36ybekKucuhQ 885 'auth_token_wise'=>DQAAAHoAAADCrkpB7Ip_vuelbla2UKE9s_ObVKTNA_kT6Ej26SDdwJvMUmEz_9qbLlZJnsAdm583Sddp_0FYS9QmmwoUpf51RHxkgPUL20OqsdAP5OnCgY_TdVbvXX8tMQBBX30V4_NhTcE_0sI6zhba5Y3yZWV5nljliG98eA36ybekKucuhQ 886 'auth_token_lh2'=>DQAAAHoAAADCrkpB7Ip_vuelbla2UKE9s_ObkvTNA_kT6Ej26SDwdJvMUmEz_9qbLlZJnsAdm583Sddp_0FYS9QmmwoUpf51RHxkgPUL20OqsdAP5OnCgY_TdVbvXX8tMQBBX30V4_NhTcE_0sI6zhba5Y3yZWV5nljliG98eA36ybekKucuhQ 887 888 Arguments: 889 provider -- Provider name 890 token -- Associative array with token information 891 username -- Optional username (for displaying purposes) 892 893 """ 894 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetAuthToken', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, token=token, username=username) 895 return _get(self.http, url)
896 897 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 898 # Session 899 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 900
901 -class Session:
902 """Class encapsulating a PamFax session""" 903
904 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
905 """Instantiates the Session class.""" 906 self.base_url = '/Session' 907 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 908 self.http = http
910 - def create_login_identifier(self, user_ip=None, timetolifeminutes=None):
911 """Creates an identifier for the current user, which then can be passed to the portal to directly log in the user: 912 913 Be aware that these identifiers are case sensitive. Identifiers with ttl > 0 can only be used once. 914 915 Keyword arguments: 916 user_ip -- The IP address of the client on which this identifier will be bound to. Using the identfier from a different ip address will fail 917 timetolifeminutes -- Optional a lifetime of this identifier. Defaults to 60 seconds. If <= 0 is given, the identifier does not expire and can be used more then once, but are tied to your current API key and can not be passed to online shop, portal, ... in the url 918 919 """ 920 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'CreateLoginIdentifier', self.api_credentials, user_ip=user_ip, timetolifeminutes=timetolifeminutes) 921 return _get(self.http, url)
923 - def list_changes(self):
924 """Returns all changes in the system that affect the currently logged in user. This could be changes to the user's profile, credit, settings, ... 925 926 Changes will be deleted after you received them once via this call, so use it wisely ;) 927 928 """ 929 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListChanges', self.api_credentials) 930 return _get(self.http, url)
932 - def logout(self):
933 """Terminate the current session. Log out.""" 934 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Logout', self.api_credentials) 935 return _get(self.http, url)
937 - def ping(self):
938 """Just keeps a session alive. If there is no activity in a Session for 5 minutes, it will be terminated. 939 940 You then would need to call Session::VerifyUser again and start a new FaxJob 941 942 """ 943 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'Ping', self.api_credentials) 944 return _get(self.http, url)
946 - def register_listener(self, listener_types, append=None):
947 """Registers listeners for the current session. Any change of the listened types will then be available via Session::ListChanges function 948 949 Arguments: 950 listener_types -- Array of types to be registered ('faxall','faxsending','faxsucceeded','faxfailed','faxretrying') 951 952 """ 953 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RegisterListener', self.api_credentials, listener_types=listener_types, append=append) 954 return _get(self.http, url)
956 - def reload_user(self):
957 """Returns the current user object. 958 959 Use this if you need to ensure that your locally stored user 960 object is up to date. 961 962 """ 963 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ReloadUser', self.api_credentials) 964 return _get(self.http, url)
966 - def verify_user(self, username, password):
967 """Verifies a user via username/password 968 969 Arguments: 970 username -- Username of the user or the md5 of user's username. That's what he has entered when he registered 971 password -- The password (or the md5 of the password) that the user entered in the registration process for the given username (case sensitive) 972 973 """ 974 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'VerifyUser', self.api_credentials, username=username, password=password) 975 return _get(self.http, url)
976 977 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 978 # Shopping 979 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 980
981 -class Shopping:
982 """Class encapsulating shopping options available through PamFax""" 983
984 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
985 """Instantiates the Shopping class""" 986 self.base_url = '/Shopping' 987 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 988 self.http = http
990 - def add_credit_to_sandbox_user(self, amount, reason=None):
991 """Adds some credit in user's currency to the currently logged in user. 992 993 NOTES: 994 This method is for testing purposes only, so it is not available in the LIVE system. Use it to create 995 some 'virtual' credits for your users. 996 997 Arguments: 998 amount -- The amount of credit you want to add to the current user's pamfax credit. Currency is the user's currency. You can also pass a negative value to remove credit from user for testing. 999 1000 Keyword arguments: 1001 reason -- Optionally add some reason why you added this credit 1002 1003 """ 1004 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'AddCreditToSandboxUser', self.api_credentials, amount=amount, reason=reason) 1005 return _get(self.http, url)
1007 - def get_invoice(self, payment_uuid, hidecopy=None):
1008 """Returns an invoice pdf file for a payment (see UserInfo/ListOrders). 1009 1010 Returns binary data so call with API_FORMAT_PASSTHRU. 1011 1012 """ 1013 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetInvoice', self.api_credentials, payment_uuid=payment_uuid, hidecopy=hidecopy) 1014 return _get(self.http, url)
1016 - def get_nearest_fax_in_number(self, ip_address):
1017 """Get the nearest available fax-in area code for the given IP-Address. 1018 1019 Used to show "You can get a fax-in number in ..." to the user to offer PamFax plans to him 1020 1021 Arguments: 1022 ip_address -- IP-Address to find nearest number for 1023 1024 """ 1025 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetNearestFaxInNumber', self.api_credentials, ip_address=ip_address) 1026 return _get(self.http, url)
1027 1041
1042 - def list_available_items(self):
1043 """Returns a list of available items from the shop. 1044 1045 When a user is logged in, it will also contain the items only available to validated customers. 1046 1047 """ 1048 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListAvailableItems', self.api_credentials) 1049 return _get(self.http, url)
1051 - def list_fax_in_areacodes(self, country_code, state=None):
1052 """Returns available fax-in area codes in a given country+state""" 1053 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFaxInAreacodes', self.api_credentials, country_code=country_code, state=state) 1054 return _get(self.http, url)
1056 - def list_fax_in_countries(self):
1057 """Retruns a list of countries where new fax-in numbers are currently available""" 1058 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListFaxInCountries', self.api_credentials) 1059 return _get(self.http, url)
1061 - def redeem_credit_voucher(self, vouchercode):
1062 """Redeem a credit voucher. 1063 1064 These are different then the shop vouchers to be used in the online shop! 1065 You can use "PCPC0815" to test this function in the Sandbox API 1066 1067 Arguments: 1068 vouchercode -- The voucher code. Format is ignored. 1069 1070 """ 1071 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'RedeemCreditVoucher', self.api_credentials, vouchercode=vouchercode) 1072 return _get(self.http, url)
1073 1074 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1075 # UserInfo 1076 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1077
1078 -class UserInfo:
1079 """Class encapsulating user info""" 1080
1081 - def __init__(self, api_credentials, http):
1082 """Instantiates the UserInfo class""" 1083 self.base_url = '/UserInfo' 1084 self.api_credentials = api_credentials 1085 self.http = http
1087 - def create_user(self, name, username, password, email, culture, externalprofile=None, campaign_id=None):
1088 """Create a new PamFax user and logs him in 1089 1090 Arguments: 1091 name -- First and last name of the user 1092 username -- Unique username. Call will fail with bad_username error if the username already exists. Min 6 chars, max 60 chars. Can be left empty if externalprofile is given. Then the username will be generated from externalprofile. You could use UserInfo::ValidateNewUsername to create a unique username first and then pass it to this call 1093 password -- a password for the user. If left empty, a new password will be generated. Min 8 chars, max 20 chars. If length is 32, it's assumed as md5 of original password. Please then check min and max length by yourself! 1094 email -- A valid email address for this user. 1095 culture -- The culture of the user (en-US, de-DE, ...) 1096 1097 Keyword arguments: 1098 externalprofile -- External profile data. externalprofile["type"] is the type of data: skype. externalprofile["client_ip"] should be set to the user's ip address 1099 campaign_id -- is used to payout recommendation bonus to given user uuid. i.e if user clicked on links like, the b36d019d53ba should be passed as campaign_id 1100 1101 """ 1102 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'CreateUser', self.api_credentials, name=name, username=username, password=password, email=email, culture=culture, externalprofile=externalprofile, campaign_id=campaign_id) 1103 return _get(self.http, url)
1105 - def delete_user(self):
1106 """Deletes the currently logged in users account. 1107 1108 All assigned numbers and data will be deleted too! 1109 Warning: User will be deleted permanently without any chance to recover his data! 1110 1111 """ 1112 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'DeleteUser', self.api_credentials) 1113 return _get(self.http, url)
1115 - def get_culture_info(self):
1116 """Returns the users culture information""" 1117 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetCultureInfo', self.api_credentials) 1118 return _get(self.http, url)
1120 - def get_users_avatar(self, provider=None):
1121 """Returns avatars for current user 1122 1123 Keyword arguments: 1124 provider -- Provider to load Image from 1125 1126 """ 1127 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'GetUsersAvatar', self.api_credentials, provider=provider) 1128 return _get(self.http, url)
1130 - def has_avatar(self):
1131 """Return if Avatar is available or not""" 1132 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'HasAvatar', self.api_credentials) 1133 return _get(self.http, url)
1135 - def has_plan(self):
1136 """Check if the user has a Plan. 1137 1138 This would NOT include other fax numbers user has access to. Will return NONE if no plan, PRO or BASIC otherwise 1139 1140 """ 1141 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'HasPlan', self.api_credentials) 1142 return _get(self.http, url)
1144 - def list_expirations(self, type=None):
1145 """Returns expirations from current user 1146 1147 if type==false all Expirations are Returned 1148 else CREDIT, PROPLAN and 1149 1150 """ 1151 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListExpirations', self.api_credentials, type=type) 1152 return _get(self.http, url)
1154 - def list_inboxes(self, expired_too=None, shared_too=None):
1155 """Return the inboxes of the user with some additional data (like expiration). 1156 1157 Keyword arguments: 1158 expired_too -- If true, lists all expired numbers too. 1159 1160 """ 1161 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListInboxes', self.api_credentials, expired_too=expired_too, shared_too=shared_too) 1162 return _get(self.http, url)
1164 - def list_orders(self, current_page=None, items_per_page=None):
1165 """Returns a list of orders for this user""" 1166 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListOrders', self.api_credentials, current_page=current_page, items_per_page=items_per_page) 1167 return _get(self.http, url)
1169 - def list_profiles(self):
1170 """Read the full profile of the user.""" 1171 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListProfiles', self.api_credentials) 1172 return _get(self.http, url)
1174 - def list_user_agents(self, max=None):
1175 """Returns a list of user-agents the user has used to sent faxes. 1176 1177 List will be sorted by amount of faxes sent, so it is a top max list. 1178 1179 Keyword arguments: 1180 max -- How many results (5-20, default 5) 1181 1182 """ 1183 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListUserAgents', self.api_credentials, max=max) 1184 return _get(self.http, url)
1186 - def list_wall_messages(self, count=None, data_to_list=None):
1187 """Returns a list of activities for the user 1188 1189 This list contains report about what has been happened lately in users account 1190 (like messages sent to the user, faxes sent, faxes received, orders placed, ...) 1191 1192 Keyword arguments: 1193 count -- The count of items to return. Valid values are between 1 and 100 1194 data_to_list -- Any message types you want this function to return. Allowed models are 'faxsent', 'faxin', 'faxout', 'payment', 'message' and 'news'. Leave empty to get messages of any type. 1195 1196 """ 1197 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ListWallMessages', self.api_credentials, count=count, data_to_list=data_to_list) 1198 return _get(self.http, url)
1200 - def save_user(self, user=None, profile=None):
1201 """Saves user profile 1202 1203 Keyword arguments: 1204 user -- Users settings as associative array 1205 profile -- UserProfiles properties as associative array 1206 1207 """ 1208 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SaveUser', self.api_credentials, user=user, profile=profile) 1209 return _get(self.http, url)
1211 - def send_message(self, body, type=None, recipient=None, subject=None):
1212 """Send a message to the user 1213 1214 Arguments: 1215 body -- The message body 1216 1217 Keyword arguments: 1218 type -- Type of message to send. Currently implemented: email, skypechat or sms 1219 recipient -- Recipient of the message. Might be an email address, IM username or phone number depending on the message type 1220 subject -- Optionally a subject. Not used in all message types (likely not used in SMS and chat) 1221 1222 """ 1223 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SendMessage', self.api_credentials, body=body, type=type, recipient=recipient, subject=subject) 1224 return _get(self.http, url)
1226 - def send_password_reset_message(self, username, user_ip=None):
1227 """Send a password reset message to a user 1228 1229 Arguments: 1230 username -- PamFax username to send the message to 1231 1232 """ 1233 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SendPasswordResetMessage', self.api_credentials, username=username, user_ip=user_ip) 1234 return _get(self.http, url)
1236 - def set_online_storage_settings(self, provider, settings):
1237 """Sets users OnlineStorage settings. 1238 1239 Expects the settings to be given as key-value pairs. 1240 Currently supported settings are: 1241 - inbox_enabled: Store incoming faxes (0|1, required) 1242 - inbox_path: Path to store incoming faxes to (path as string folders separated by '/', leading and trailing '/' optional, required) 1243 1244 Arguments: 1245 provider -- Provider store settings for (see OnlineStorageApi::ListProviders) 1246 settings -- Key-value pairs of settings. 1247 1248 """ 1249 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetOnlineStorageSettings', self.api_credentials, provider=provider, settings=settings) 1250 return _get(self.http, url)
1252 - def set_password(self, password, hashFunction=None, old_password=None):
1253 """Set a new login password for the currently logged in user. 1254 1255 You may use md5 encrypted passwords by setting the value of hashFunction to 'md5'. 1256 Note: password values must be lower case when using a hashFunction other than 'plain'! 1257 1258 Arguments: 1259 password -- The new password. Needs to be between 6 and 60 chars long 1260 1261 Keyword arguments: 1262 hashFunction -- The function used to enrycpt the password. Allowed values: plain or md5. 1263 old_password -- The current password. This is optional for the moment but will be required in future versions. Note that the $hashFunction value applies to this argument too. 1264 1265 """ 1266 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetPassword', self.api_credentials, password=password, hashFunction=hashFunction, old_password=old_password) 1267 return _get(self.http, url)
1269 - def set_profile_properties(self, profile, properties, ignoreerrors=None):
1270 """Saves values to an extended user profile 1271 1272 Users may have different profiles. Use this method to store values in them. 1273 Profiles will be created if not present yet. 1274 1275 Arguments: 1276 properties -- key=>value pairs of all profiles properties to save 1277 1278 Keyword arguments: 1279 ignoreerrors -- If a field can not be found in the profile object, just ignore it. Otherwise returns an error 1280 1281 """ 1282 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'SetProfileProperties', self.api_credentials, profile=profile, properties=properties, ignoreerrors=ignoreerrors) 1283 return _get(self.http, url)
1285 - def validate_new_username(self, username, dictionary=None):
1286 """Validate a username for a new user. 1287 1288 Returns a list of suggestions for the username if given username is already in use. Call this prior to UserInfo/CreateUser to show alternative usernames to the user if the entered username is already occupied or invalid. 1289 1290 Arguments: 1291 username -- Unique username to validate. Call will fail with bad_username error if the username already exists. Min 6 chars, max 60 chars. 1292 1293 """ 1294 url = _get_url(self.base_url, 'ValidateNewUsername', self.api_credentials, username=username, dictionary=dictionary) 1295 return _get(self.http, url)