
Release 3.7.1 (2017-06-05)

  • Now compatible with Python 3.6.

Release 3.7 (2016-06-20)

  • Dugong now supports server responses that specify just Connection: close instead of providing the response length or using chunked encoding.
  • Dugong now honors the check_hostname attribute of SSLContext objects.

Release 3.6 (2016-04-23)

  • Dugong now uses semantic versioning. This means that backwards-incompatible versions (i.e., versions that change the existing API in some way) will be reflected in an increase of the major version number, i.e. the next backwards-incompatible version will have version 4.0.
  • Various minor bugfixes.

Release 3.5 (2015-01-31)

  • The is_temp_network_error function now knows about more kinds of temporary errors, in particular also about those that do not have a corresponding Python exception (e.g. no route to host).

Release 3.4 (2014-11-29)

  • The examples/ script is now Python 3.3 compatible again.
  • Dugong now has proper proxy support for plain HTTP connections. Thanks to Vincent Bernat for the patch.
  • Dugong now raises DNSUnavailable or HostnameNotResolvable exceptions instead of the more generic socket.gaierror and socket.herror exceptions where possible.

Release 3.3 (2014-08-06)

Release 3.2 (2014-07-27)

  • A HTTPConnection instance can now be used as a context manager.

  • If a connection is closed unexpectedly while request body data is being written to the server (i.e., during a call to HTTPConnection.write or HTTPConnection.co_write), dugong now pretends that the body has been sent to the server completely (while still raising ConnectionClosed).

    This makes it possible to catch the exception and nevertheless call read_response (or co_read_response) to try to read an error response that the server may have sent during the upload (if no response has been received, ConnectionClosed will be raised again).

  • is_temp_network_error now actively tries to distinguish between permanent and temporary name resolution problems by attempting to resolve a number of test hostnames.

  • HTTPConnection has a new timeout attribute. Regular HTTPConnection methods (i.e., no coroutines) will now raise ConnectionTimedOut if no data could be send or received for timeout seconds.

Release 3.1 (2014-06-28)

  • Fixed a problem with some testcases failing with a BrokenPipeError.
  • Fixed a bug that, in some cases, resulted in additional \0 bytes being appended at the end of the response body, or in an incorrect InvalidResponse exception being raised.
  • When trying to continue reading or writing body data after calling HTTPConnection.disconnect, dugong now raises ConnectionClosed instead of AttributeError.

Release 3.0, (2014-04-20)

  • Major version bump because of backwards incompatible changes.
  • Added HTTPConnection.read_raw method.
  • The PollNeeded class now uses the select.POLLIN and select.POLLOUT constants instead of select.EPOLLIN and select.EPOLLOUT to signal what kind of I/O needs to be performed. This makes dugong compatible with systems lacking epoll (e.g. FreeBSD).
  • The unit tests now check if the host is reachable before trying to run the example scripts. This avoids bogus test errors if there is no internet connection or if the remote host is down. (issue #7).

Release 2.2 (2014-03-14)

  • Unittests requiring the asyncio module are now skipped if this module is not available.

Release 2.1 (2014-03-11)

  • Fixed a problem where data was not sent to the server if the syscall was interrupted by a signal.
  • It is no longer necessary to read from response body at least once even if has zero length.
  • PollNeeded.poll now uses select.poll instead of This avoids a “filedescriptor out of range” exception that may be raised by when the filedescriptor exceeds some system-specific value.

Release 2.0 (2014-02-23)

  • Renamed module from httpio to dugong.
  • The coroutine based API was completely overhauled.
  • Introduced BodyFollowing class for use with body parameter of send_request method.
  • send_request now returns a HTTPResponse instance instead of a tuple.
  • The HTTPConnection.get_current_response() method has been removed.
  • The HTTPConnection.fileno() method has been removed.
  • Added CaseInsensitiveDict class.
  • send_request now converts the header parameter to a CaseInsensitiveDict.
  • send_request now automatically generates a Content-MD5 header when the body is passed in as a bytes-like object.
  • now accepts None for the len_ parameter.
  • HTTPConnection instances now support a bare-bones io.IOBase interface so that they can be combined with io.TextIOWrapper to read text response bodies.
  • The HTTPConnection.close() method was renamed to HTTPConnection.disconnect to prevent confusion related to the closed attribute (which may be True if the connection is established, but there is no active response body).
  • Repeatedly trying to read more response data after the response body has been read completely no longer results in StateError being raised, but simply returns b''.

Release 1.0 (2013-07-13)

  • Initial release.