
Basic Use

A HTTP request can be send and read in four lines:

with HTTPConnection('www.python.org') as conn:
    conn.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
    resp = conn.read_response()
    body = conn.readall()

send_request is a HTTPResponse object that gives access to the response header:

print('Server said:')
print('%03d %s' % (resp.status, resp.reason))
for (key, value) in resp.headers.items():
    print('%s: %s' % (key, value))

HTTPConnection.readall returns a a bytes-like object. To convert to text, you could do something like

hit = re.match(r'^(.+?)(?:; charset=(.+))?$', resp.headers['Content-Type'])
if not hit:
    raise SystemExit("Can't determine response charset")
elif hit.group(2): # found explicity charset
    charset = hit.group(2)
elif hit.group(1).startswith('text/'):
    charset = 'latin1' # default for text/ types by RFC 2616
    raise SystemExit('Server sent binary data')
text_body = body.decode(charset)

SSL Connections

If you would like to establish a secure connection, you need to pass the appropriate SSLContext object to HTTPConnection. For example:

ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
ssl_context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED

with HTTPConnection('www.google.com', ssl_context=ssl_context) as conn:
    conn.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
    resp = conn.read_response()
    body = conn.readall()

If you need information about the peer certificate, use the get_ssl_peercert method.

Streaming API

When retrieving larger objects, it’s generally better not to read the response body all at once but in smaller chunks:

BUFSIZE = 32*1024 # Read in 32 kB chunks

# ...

conn.send_request('GET', '/big_movie.mp4')
resp = conn.read_response()
assert resp.status == 200

with open('big_movie.mp4', 'wb') as fh:
    while True:
        buf = conn.read(BUFSIZE)
        if not buf:

Alternatively, the readinto method may give better performance in some situations:

buf = bytearray(BUFSIZE)
with open('big_movie.mp4', 'wb') as fh:
    while True:
        len_ = conn.readinto(buf)
        if not len_:

Uploading Data

If you want to send data to the server, you can provide the data directly to send_request,

# A simple SQL injection attack for your favorite PHP script
request_body = "'; DELETE FROM passwords;".encode('us-ascii')
with HTTPConnection('somehost.com') as conn:
    conn.send_request('POST', '/form.php', body=request_body)

or (if you want to send bigger amounts) you can provide it in multiple chunks:

# ...
with open('newest_release.mp4', r'b') as fh:
    size = os.fstat(fh.fileno()).st_size
    conn.send_request('PUT', '/public/newest_release.mp4',

    while True:
        buf = fh.read(BUFSIZE)
        if not buf:

resp = conn.read_response()
assert resp.status in (200, 204)

Here we used the special BodyFollowing class to indicate that the request body data will be provided in separate calls.

100-Continue Support

When having to transfer large amounts of request bodies to the server, you typically do not want to sent all the data over the network just to find out that the server rejected the request because of e.g. insufficient permissions. To avoid this situation, HTTP 1.1 specifies the 100-continue mechanism. When using 100-continue, the client transmits an additional Expect: 100-continue request header, and then waits for the server to reply with status 100 Continue before sending the request body data. If the server instead responds with an error, the client can avoid pointless transmission of the request body.

To use this mechanism, pass the expect100 parameter to send_request, and call read_response twice: once before sending body data, and a second time to read the final response:

# ...
with open('newest_release.mp4', r'b') as fh:
    size = os.fstat(fh.fileno()).st_size
    conn.send_request('PUT', '/public/newest_release.mp4',
                      body=BodyFollowing(size), expect100=True)

    resp = conn.read_response()
    if resp.status != 100:
        raise RuntimeError('Server said: %s' % resp.reason)

    while True:
        buf = fh.read(BUFSIZE)
        if not buf:

resp = conn.read_response()
assert resp.status in (200, 204)

Retrying on Error

Sometimes the connection to the remote server may get interrupted for a variety of reasons, resulting in a variety of exceptions. For convience, you may use the is_temp_network_error method to determine if a given exception indicates a temporary problem (i.e., if it makes sense to retry):

delay = 1
conn = HTTPConnection('www.python.org')
while True:
        conn.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
        body = conn.readall()
    except Exception as exc:
        if is_temp_network_error(exc):
            print('Got %s, retrying..' % exc)
            delay *= 2

Timing out

It can take quite a long time before the operation system recognises that a TCP/IP connection has been interrupted. If you’d rather be informed right away when there has been no data exchange for some period of time, dugong allows you to specify a custom timeout:

conn = HTTPConnection('www.python.org')
conn.timeout = 10
    conn.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
    body = conn.readall()
except ConnectionTimedOut:
    print('Unable to send or receive any data for more than',
          conn.timeout, 'seconds, aborting.')

Pipelining with Threads

Pipelining means sending multiple requests in succession, without waiting for the responses. First, let’s consider how do not do it:

conn = HTTPConnection('somehost.com')
for path in path_list:
    conn.send_request('GET', path)

bodies = []
for path in path_list:
    resp = conn.read_response()
    assert resp.status == 200

This will probably even work as long as you don’t have too many elements in path_list. However, it is very bad practice, because at some point the server will stop reading requests until some responses have been read (because all the TCP buffers are full). At this point, your application will deadlock.

One better way do it is to use threads. Dugong is not generally threadsafe, but using one thread to send requests and one thread to read responses is supported:

with HTTPConnection('somehost.com') as conn:

    def send_requests():
        for path in path_list:
            conn.send_request('GET', path)
    thread = threading.thread(target=send_requests)

    bodies = []
    for path in path_list:
        resp = conn.read_response()
        assert resp.status == 200


Another way is to use coroutines. This is explained in the next section.

Pipelining with Coroutines

Instead of using two threads to send requests and responses, you can also use two coroutines. A coroutine is essentially a function that can be suspended and resumed at specific points. Dugong coroutines suspend themself when they would have to wait for an I/O operation to complete. This makes them perfect for pipelining: we’ll define one coroutine that sends requests, and a second one to read responses, and then execute them “interleaved”: whenever we can’t send another request, we try to read a response, and if we can’t read a response, we try to send another request.

The following example demonstrates how to do this to efficiently retrieve a large number of documents (stored in url_list):

import asyncio
import atexit
from dugong import HTTPConnection, AioFuture

# Get a MainLoop instance from the asyncio module to switch
# between coroutines (and clean up at program exit)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

with HTTPConnection(hostname, port) as conn:
    # This generator function returns a coroutine that sends
    # all the requests.
    def send_requests():
        for path in path_list:
            yield from conn.co_send_request('GET', path)

    # This generator function returns a coroutine that reads
    # all the responses
    def read_responses():
        bodies = []
        for path in path_list:
            resp = yield from conn.co_read_response()
            assert resp.status == 200
            buf = yield from conn.co_readall()
        return bodies

    # Create the coroutines
    send_crt = send_requests()
    recv_crt = read_responses()

    # Register the coroutines with the event loop
    send_future = AioFuture(send_crt, loop=loop)
    recv_future = AioFuture(recv_crt, loop=loop)

    # Run the event loop until the receive coroutine is done (which
    # implies that all the requests must have been sent as well):

    # Get the result returned by the coroutine
    bodies = recv_future.result()

Here we have used the yield from expression to integrate the coroutines returned by co_send_request, co_read_response, and co_readall into two custom coroutines send_requests and read_responses. To schedule the coroutines, we use AioFuture to obtain asyncio Futures for them, and then rely on the asyncio module to do the heavy lifting and switch execution between them at the right times.

For more details about this, take a look at Coroutine API, or the asyncio documentation.