
List of template files coming with Django-ContactMe.

Entry point for the Django-ContactMe form. Template rendereded when visiting the /contact/ URL. It makes use of the render_contact_form templatetag (see Templatetags).
Used by the templatetag render_contact_form (see Templatetags).
Rendered either when the contact form has errors or when the user click on the preview button.
Email message sent to the user when the contact form is clean, after the user clicks on the post button.
Rendered if the contact form is clean when the user clicks on the post button and right after sending the confirmation email.
Rendered if a receiver of the confirmation_received signal returns False. The signal confirmation_received is sent when the user click on the URL sent by email to confirm the contact message. See Signals.
Rendered when the user click on the URL sent by email to confirm the contact message. If there are no receivers of the signal confirmation_received or none of the receivers returns False, the template is rendered and a ContactMsg model instance is created.

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