.. _ref-templates: ========= Templates ========= List of template files coming with Django-ContactMe. **inviteme/contactme.html** Entry point for the Django-ContactMe form. Template rendereded when visiting the ``/contact/`` URL. It makes use of the ``render_contact_form`` templatetag (see :doc:`templatetags`). **inviteme/form.html** Used by the templatetag ``render_contact_form`` (see :doc:`templatetags`). **inviteme/preview.html** Rendered either when the contact form has errors or when the user click on the ``preview`` button. **inviteme/confirmation_email.txt** Email message sent to the user when the contact form is clean, after the user clicks on the ``post`` button. **inviteme/confirmation_sent.html** Rendered if the contact form is clean when the user clicks on the ``post`` button and right after sending the confirmation email. **inviteme/discarded.html** Rendered if a receiver of the ``confirmation_received`` signal returns False. The signal ``confirmation_received`` is sent when the user click on the URL sent by email to confirm the contact message. See :doc:`signals`. **inviteme/accepted.html** Rendered when the user click on the URL sent by email to confirm the contact message. If there are no receivers of the signal ``confirmation_received`` or none of the receivers returns False, the template is rendered and a ``ContactMsg`` model instance is created.