# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# dcf (discounted cashflow)
# -------------------------
# A fast, efficient Python library for generating business cashflows inherited.
# Typical banking business methods are provided like interpolation, compounding,
# discounting and fx.
# Author: pbrisk <pbrisk@icloud.com>
# Copyright: 2016, 2017 Deutsche Postbank AG
# Website: https://github.com/pbrisk/dcf
# License: APACHE Version 2 License (see LICENSE file)
from math import exp, log
import interpolation
import compounding
def _day_count(start, end):
if hasattr(start, 'diff_in_years'):
# duck typing businessdate.BusinessDate.diff_in_years
return start.diff_in_years(end)
d = end - start
if hasattr(d, 'days'):
# assume datetime.date or finance.BusinessDate (else days as float)
d = d.days
return float(d) / 365.25
DAY_COUNT = _day_count
[docs]class Curve(object):
def __init__(self, x_list=None, y_list=None, y_inter=None):
Curve object to build function
:param list(float) x_list: source values
:param list(float) y_list: target values
:param list(interpolation.interpolation) y_inter: interpolation function on x_list (optional)
or triple of (left, mid, right) interpolation functions with
left for x < x_list[0] (as default triple.right is used)
right for x > x_list][-1] (as default interpolation.constant is used)
mid else (as default interpolation.linear is used)
Curve object to build function :math:`f:R \rightarrow R, x \mapsto y`
from finite point vectors :math:`x` and :math:`y`
using piecewise various interpolation functions.
if not y_inter:
y_inter = interpolation.linear()
y_left, y_mid, y_right = interpolation.constant(), interpolation.linear(), interpolation.constant()
if isinstance(y_inter, (tuple, list)):
if len(y_inter) == 3:
y_left, y_mid, y_right = y_inter
elif len(y_inter) == 2:
y_mid, y_right = y_inter
y_left = y_right
elif len(y_inter) == 1:
y_mid = y_inter[0]
raise ValueError
elif isinstance(y_inter, interpolation.interpolation):
y_mid = y_inter
raise (AttributeError, str(y_inter) + " is not a proper interpolation.")
assert len(x_list) == len(y_list)
assert len(x_list) == len(set(x_list))
#: Interpolation:
self._y_mid = type(y_mid)(x_list, y_list)
self._y_right = type(y_right)(x_list, y_list)
self._y_left = type(y_left)(x_list, y_list)
def domain(self):
return self._y_mid.x_list
def __call__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
return [self(xx) for xx in x]
y = 0.0
if x < self._y_left.x_list[0]:
# extrapolate to left
y = self._y_left(x)
elif x > self._y_right.x_list[-1]:
# extrapolate to right
y = self._y_right(x)
# interpolate in the middle
y = self._y_mid(x)
return y
def __add__(self, other):
x_list = sorted(set(self.domain + other.domain))
y_list = [self(x) + other(x) for x in x_list]
return self.__class__(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
def __sub__(self, other):
x_list = sorted(set(self.domain + other.domain))
y_list = [self(x) - other(x) for x in x_list]
return self.__class__(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
def __mul__(self, other):
x_list = sorted(set(self.domain + other.domain))
y_list = [self(x) * other(x) for x in x_list]
return self.__class__(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
def __div__(self, other):
x_list = sorted(set(self.domain + other.domain))
y_list = [self(x) / other(x) for x in x_list]
return self.__class__(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
def __str__(self):
return str([z for z in zip(self.domain, self(self.domain))])
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + self.__str__() + ')'
[docs] def update(self, x_list=list(), y_list=list()):
self._y_left.update(x_list, y_list)
self._y_mid.update(x_list, y_list)
self._y_right.update(x_list, y_list)
[docs] def shifted(self, delta=0.0):
if delta:
x_list = [x + delta for x in self.domain]
x_list = self.domain
y_list = self(self.domain)
return self.__class__(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
[docs]class DateCurve(Curve):
def __init__(self, x_list, y_list, y_inter=None, origin=None, day_count=None):
if origin is not None:
self.origin = origin
self.origin = x_list[0]
if day_count is not None:
self.day_count = day_count
self.day_count = DAY_COUNT
self._relative_mode = not isinstance(self.origin, (int, float))
if self._relative_mode:
super(DateCurve, self).__init__([x - self.origin for x in x_list], y_list, y_inter)
super(DateCurve, self).__init__(x_list, y_list, y_inter)
self._domain = x_list
def domain(self):
return self._domain
def __call__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
return [self(xx) for xx in x]
if self._relative_mode:
return super(DateCurve, self).__call__(x - self.origin)
return super(DateCurve, self).__call__(x)
def __add__(self, other):
new = super(DateCurve, self).__add__(other.shifted(self.origin - other.origin))
new.origin = self.origin
return new
def __sub__(self, other):
new = super(DateCurve, self).__sub__(other.shifted(self.origin - other.origin))
new.origin = self.origin
return new
def __mul__(self, other):
new = super(DateCurve, self).__mul__(other.shifted(self.origin - other.origin))
new.origin = self.origin
return new
def __div__(self, other):
new = super(DateCurve, self).__div__(other.shifted(self.origin - other.origin))
new.origin = self.origin
return new
[docs] def to_curve(self):
x_list = self.domain
if self._relative_mode:
y_list = self([x - self.origin for x in x_list])
y_list = self(x_list)
return Curve(x_list, y_list, (self._y_left, self._y_mid, self._y_right))
[docs] def update(self, x_list=list(), y_list=list()):
if y_list:
for x in x_list:
if x not in self._domain:
self._domain = sorted(self._domain)
if self._relative_mode:
super(DateCurve, self).update([x - self.origin for x in x_list], y_list)
super(DateCurve, self).update(x_list, y_list)
[docs]class RateCurve(DateCurve):
[docs] def cast(cls, other):
new = cls(other.domain,
[other.get_storage_type(x) for x in other.domain],
(other._y_left, other._y_mid, other._y_right),
return new
def __init__(self, x_list, y_list, y_inter=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None):
super(RateCurve, self).__init__(x_list, y_list, y_inter, origin, day_count)
if forward_tenor is not None:
self.forward_tenor = forward_tenor
self.forward_tenor = FORWARD_RATE_TENOR
def __add__(self, other):
casted = self.__class__.cast(other)
new = super(RateCurve, self).__add__(casted)
new.forward_tenor = self.forward_tenor
return new
def __sub__(self, other):
casted = self.__class__.cast(other)
new = super(RateCurve, self).__sub__(casted)
new.forward_tenor = self.forward_tenor
return new
def __mul__(self, other):
casted = self.__class__.cast(other)
new = super(RateCurve, self).__mul__(casted)
new.forward_tenor = self.forward_tenor
return new
def __div__(self, other):
casted = self.__class__.cast(other)
new = super(RateCurve, self).__div__(casted)
new.forward_tenor = self.forward_tenor
return new
[docs] def get_storage_type(self, x):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_discount_factor(self, start, stop):
ir = self.get_zero_rate(start, stop)
t = self.day_count(start, stop)
return compounding.continuous_compounding(ir, t)
[docs] def get_zero_rate(self, start, stop):
if start==stop:
stop += TIME_SHIFT
df = self.get_discount_factor(start, stop)
t = self.day_count(start, stop)
return compounding.continuous_rate(df, t)
[docs] def get_short_rate(self, start, shift=TIME_SHIFT):
up = self.get_zero_rate(self.origin, start + shift)
dn = self.get_zero_rate(self.origin, start - shift)
t = self.day_count(start - shift, start + shift)
return (up - dn) / t
[docs] def get_cash_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None):
if stop is None:
if step is None:
stop = start + self.forward_tenor
stop = start + step
df = self.get_discount_factor(start, stop)
t = self.day_count(start, stop)
return compounding.simple_rate(df, t)
[docs] def get_swap_annuity(self, date_list):
return sum([self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, t) for t in date_list])
[docs] def get_swap_leg_valuation(self, date_list, flow_list):
if isinstance(flow_list, float):
return flow_list * self.get_swap_annuity(date_list)
return sum([self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, t) * r for t, r in zip(date_list, flow_list)])
[docs]class DiscountFactorCurve(RateCurve):
[docs] def get_storage_type(self, x):
return self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, x)
[docs] def get_discount_factor(self, start, stop):
if stop is None or stop is self.origin:
return self(start)
return self(start) / self(stop)
[docs]class ZeroRateCurve(RateCurve):
[docs] def get_storage_type(self, x):
return self.get_zero_rate(self.origin, x)
[docs] def get_zero_rate(self, start, stop):
if stop is None or stop is self.origin or start == stop:
return self(start)
df = exp(self(start) * self.day_count(self.origin, start)
- self(stop) * self.day_count(self.origin, stop))
t = self.day_count(start, stop)
return compounding.continuous_rate(df, t)
[docs]class CashRateCurve(RateCurve):
[docs] def get_storage_type(self, x):
return self.get_cash_rate(x)
[docs] def get_discount_factor(self, start, stop):
df = 1.0
current = start
while current < stop:
t = self.day_count(current, current + self.forward_tenor)
df *= compounding.simple_compounding(self(current), t)
current += self.forward_tenor
t = self.day_count(current, stop)
df *= compounding.simple_compounding(self(current), t)
return df
[docs] def get_cash_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None):
if step is not None and stop is not None:
raise TypeError, "one argument (stop or step) must be None."
if stop is None:
if step is None or step is self.forward_tenor:
return self(start)
return super(CashRateCurve, self).get_cash_rate(start, step=step)
return super(CashRateCurve, self).get_cash_rate(start, stop)
[docs]class ShortRateCurve(RateCurve):
[docs] def get_storage_type(self, x):
return self.get_short_rate(x)
[docs] def get_zero_rate(self, start, stop):
# integrate from start to stop
ir = 0.0
current = start
while current < stop:
t = self.day_count(current, current + TIME_SHIFT)
ir = self(current) * t
current += TIME_SHIFT
t = self.day_count(current, stop)
ir = self(current) * t
return ir
[docs] def get_short_rate(self, start, shift=None):
return self(start)
[docs]class CreditCurve(RateCurve):
generic curve for default probabilities (under construction)
_inner_curve = RateCurve
def __init__(self, x_list, y_list, y_inter=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None):
if forward_tenor is None:
forward_tenor = FORWARD_CREDIT_TENOR
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(x_list, y_list, y_inter, origin, day_count, forward_tenor)
[docs] def get_survival_prob(self, start, stop):
return self.get_discount_factor(start, stop)
[docs] def get_flat_intensity(self, start, stop):
return self.get_zero_rate(start, stop)
[docs] def get_forward_survival_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None):
if step is not None and stop is not None:
raise TypeError, "one argument (stop or step) must be None."
if stop is None:
return self.get_cash_rate(start, step=step)
return self.get_cash_rate(start, stop)
[docs] def get_hazard_rate(self, start, shift=None):
return self.get_short_rate(start, shift)
[docs]class SurvivalProbabilityCurve(DiscountFactorCurve, CreditCurve):
[docs]class FlatIntensityCurve(CreditCurve):
[docs]class ForwardSurvivalRate(CreditCurve):
[docs]class HazardRateCurve(CreditCurve):