Source code for cashflow

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#  dcf (discounted cashflow)
#  -------------------------
#  A fast, efficient Python library for generating business cashflows inherited.
#  Typical banking business methods are provided like interpolation, compounding,
#  discounting and fx.
#  Author:  pbrisk <>
#  Copyright: 2016, 2017 Deutsche Postbank AG
#  Website:
#  License: APACHE Version 2 License (see LICENSE file)

from collections import OrderedDict

from curve import ZeroRateCurve

def _frange(start, stop=None, step=None):
    _frange range like function for float inputs
    :param start:
    :type start:
    :param stop:
    :type stop:
    :param step:
    :type step:
    if stop is None:
        stop = start
        start = 0.0
    if step is None:
        step = 1.0
    r = start
    while r < stop:
        yield r
        r += step

[docs]class CashFlowList(OrderedDict): """ CashFlowList """ def __init__(self, pay_date_list, amount_list=None): if amount_list is None: amount_list = [1e6] * len(pay_date_list) assert len(amount_list) == len(pay_date_list) super(CashFlowList, self).__init__(zip(pay_date_list, amount_list)) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): return [self[i] for i in item] else: return super(CashFlowList, self).__getitem__(item)
[docs] def get_value(self, discount_curve, valuation_date=None): if valuation_date is None: valuation_date = discount_curve.domain[0] pd = [d for d in self if valuation_date < d] return discount_curve.get_swap_leg_valuation(pd, self[pd])
[docs] def yield_to_maturity(self, valuation_date): # todo bracketing on yield last = None ytm = None for ytm in _frange(-0.1, 0.1, 0.001): value = self.get_value(ZeroRateCurve([ytm], [valuation_date])) if last is None or abs(last) >= abs(value): last = value return ytm
[docs]class AmortizingCashFlowList(CashFlowList): """ AmortizingCashFlowList """ # todo AmortizingCashFlowList pass
[docs]class AnnuityCashFlowList(CashFlowList): """ AnnuityCashFlowList """ # todo AnnuityCashFlowList pass
[docs]class RateCashFlowList(CashFlowList): """ RateCashFlowList """ def __init__(self, date_list, day_count, fixed_rate=0.0, forward_curve=None, notional_list=None): if notional_list is None: notional_list = [1e6] * len(date_list[1:]) self.fixed_rate = fixed_rate self.forward_curve = forward_curve self.day_count = day_count amount_list = list() for s, e, n in zip(date_list[:-1], date_list[1:], notional_list): amount_list.append(n * day_count(s, e)) super(RateCashFlowList, self).__init__(date_list[1:], notional_list) def __getitem__(self, item): """ getitem does re-calc float cash flows and does not use store notional values """ amount = super(RateCashFlowList, self).__getitem__(item) if self.forward_curve is None: return self.fixed_rate * amount else: return (self.fixed_rate + self.forward_curve(item)) * amount
[docs] def interest_accrued(self, valuation_date): # todo RateCashFlowList.interest_accrued() # get next cf # get yf until pay_date # calc interest_accrued next_pay_date = [d for d in self if valuation_date <= d][0] return self[next_pay_date] / (1 - self.day_count(valuation_date, next_pay_date))
[docs]class MultiCashFlowList(CashFlowList): """ MultiCashFlowList """ def __init__(self, legs): for l in legs: assert isinstance(l, CashFlowList) date_list = list(set().union([l.keys() in legs])) super(MultiCashFlowList, self).__init__(zip(date_list, [None] * len(date_list))) self.legs = legs def __getitem__(self, item): """ getitem does re-calc float cash flows and does not use store notional values """ super(MultiCashFlowList, self).__getitem__(item) return sum([l[item] for l in self.legs if item in l]) def __str__(self): return ', '.join([str(l) for l in self.legs])
[docs] def interest_accrued(self, valuation_date): """ interest_accrued :param valuation_date: :type valuation_date: :return: :rtype: """ return sum([l.interest_accrued(valuation_date) for l in self.legs if hasattr(l, 'interest_accrued')])
[docs]class FixedLoan(MultiCashFlowList): """ FixedLoan """ pass
[docs]class FloatLoan(MultiCashFlowList): """ FloatLoan """ pass
[docs]class FixedFloatSwap(MultiCashFlowList): """ ir swap that pays fixed and receives float. """ def __init__(self, date_list, fixed_rate, forward_curve, notional_list=None, day_count=None): # if args are tuples turn them into lists else build dupe lists if isinstance(fixed_rate, tuple): fixed_rate = list(fixed_rate) else: fixed_rate = [fixed_rate, 0.0] if isinstance(forward_curve, tuple): forward_curve = list(forward_curve) else: forward_curve = [None, forward_curve] if isinstance(notional_list, tuple): notional_list = list(notional_list) else: if notional_list is None: notional_list = [1e6] * len(date_list[1:]) notional_list = [notional_list, notional_list] if isinstance(day_count, tuple): day_count = list(day_count) else: day_count = [day_count, day_count] for i in (0, 1): if forward_curve[i] is not None: day_count[i] = forward_curve[i].day_count if isinstance(date_list, tuple): date_list = list(date_list) else: date_list = [date_list, date_list] # gather details from forward_curve tenor for i in (0, 1): if forward_curve[i] is not None: leg_date_list, leg_notional_list = self.gather_float_dates(date_list[i], notional_list[i], forward_curve[i].forward_tenor) # if lists do not meet required length, we'll have to replace them if not len(leg_date_list) == len(date_list[i]): date_list[i] = leg_date_list if not len(leg_notional_list) == len(notional_list[i]): notional_list[i] = leg_notional_list # build legs notional_list[0] *= -1 # swap pay sign = RateCashFlowList(date_list[0], day_count[0], fixed_rate[0], forward_curve[0], notional_list[0]) self.rec = RateCashFlowList(date_list[1], day_count[1], fixed_rate[1], forward_curve[1], notional_list[1]) super(FixedFloatSwap, self).__init__([, self.rec]) @staticmethod
[docs] def gather_float_dates(date_list, notional_list, forward_tenor): flt_date_list = list() flt_notional_list = list() cd = date_list[0] for ed, nl in zip(date_list[1:], notional_list): while cd < ed: flt_date_list.append(cd) flt_notional_list.append(nl) cd += forward_tenor return flt_date_list, flt_notional_list
[docs] def get_par_rate(self, discount_curve, leg_int=0, err=1e-8): x = self.legs[leg_int].fixed_rate pv = self.get_value(discount_curve) while abs(pv) > err: # todo implement bracketing break return x