Source code for cruzdb.models

This is used to create a Model with the appropriate methods
from a UCSC table. It uses sqlalchemy reflection to
do the lifiting.

from sqlalchemy import Column, String, ForeignKey, Float, Integer
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.schema import PrimaryKeyConstraint

import sys
from operator import itemgetter

# needed to avoid circular imports
#CHANGED:from init import Base
from sequence import sequence as _sequence
from __init__ import Genome

import re

def _ncbi_parse(html):
    from collections import OrderedDict

        info = html.split("Sequences producing significant alignments")[1].split("<tbody>")[1]
    except IndexError:
        print >>sys.stderr, html
    info = info.split("</table>")[0]
    regexp = re.compile(r'<tr>(.+?)(<\/tr>)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    tdreg = re.compile(r'<td.*?>(.+?)(?:</td>)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    colnames = ("accession", "org", "description", "max_score", "total_score",
                    "query_coverage", "e_value", "max_ident", "link")
    for record in (r.groups(0)[0] for r in regexp.finditer(info)):
            cols = tdreg.findall(record)
            pcols = [c.split(">")[1].split("<")[0].strip() if "<" in c else c.strip() for c in cols[:-1]]
            pcols.insert(1, " ".join(pcols[1].replace("PREDICTED: ", "").split(" ")[:2]))
            except IndexError: # no link
            yield OrderedDict(zip(colnames, pcols))
            print >>sys.stderr, record

class CruzException(Exception):

[docs]class Interval(object): """ Interval class for convenience Parameters ---------- start : int end : int chrom : str name : str optional name for the interval """ __slots__ = ('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'gene_name') def __init__(self, start, end, chrom=None, name=None): self.start, self.end = start, end self.chrom = chrom = self.gene_name = name
[docs] def overlaps(self, other): """ check for overlap with the other interval """ if self.chrom != other.chrom: return False if self.start > other.end: return False if other.start > self.end: return False return True
[docs] def is_upstream_of(self, other): """ check if this is upstream of the `other` interval taking the strand of the other interval into account """ if self.chrom != other.chrom: return None if getattr(other, "strand", None) == "+": return self.end <= other.start # other feature is on - strand, so this must have higher start return self.start >= other.end
[docs] def distance(self, other_or_start=None, end=None, features=False): """ check the distance between this an another interval Parameters ---------- other_or_start : Interval or int either an integer or an Interval with a start attribute indicating the start of the interval end : int if `other_or_start` is an integer, this must be an integer indicating the end of the interval features : bool if True, the features, such as CDS, intron, etc. that this feature overlaps are returned. """ if end is None: assert other_or_start.chrom == self.chrom other_start, other_end = get_start_end(other_or_start, end) if other_start > self.end: return other_start - self.end if self.start > other_end: return self.start - other_end return 0
[docs]class ABase(object): """ Base object that wraps returned database rows """ _prefix_chain = ("tx", "chrom") @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__ __table_args__ = {'autoload': True} __mapper_args__= {'always_refresh': False, 'exclude_properties': ['dist', '_dist']} anno_cols = ("name", "distance", "feature") @property def is_coding(self): try: return self.cdsStart != self.cdsEnd except AttributeError: return False def _repr_html_(self): info = dict(db=self.db, start=self.start, end=self.end, chrom=self.chrom) info['name'] = url = "" % info return "<iframe src='%s' style='margin:0px; border:0; height:500px; width:100%%' ></iframe>" % url @property
[docs] def exons(self): """ return a list of exons [(start, stop)] for this object if appropriate """ # drop the trailing comma if not self.is_gene_pred: return [] if hasattr(self, "exonStarts"): starts = (long(s) for s in self.exonStarts[:-1].split(",")) ends = (long(s) for s in self.exonEnds[:-1].split(",")) else: # it is bed12 starts = [self.start + long(s) for s in self.chromStarts[:-1].split(",")] ends = [starts[i] + long(size) for i, size \ in enumerate(self.blockSizes[:-1].split(","))] return zip(starts, ends)
[docs] def gene_features(self): """ return a list of features for the gene features of this object. This would include exons, introns, utrs, etc. """ nm, strand = self.gene_name, self.strand feats = [(self.chrom, self.start, self.end, nm, strand, 'gene')] for feat in ('introns', 'exons', 'utr5', 'utr3', 'cdss'): fname = feat[:-1] if feat[-1] == 's' else feat res = getattr(self, feat) if res is None or all(r is None for r in res): continue if not isinstance(res, list): res = [res] feats.extend((self.chrom, s, e, nm, strand, fname) for s, e in res) tss = self.tss(down=1) if tss is not None: feats.append((self.chrom, tss[0], tss[1], nm, strand, 'tss')) prom = self.promoter() feats.append((self.chrom, prom[0], prom[1], nm, strand, 'promoter')) return sorted(feats, key=itemgetter(1))
[docs] def tss(self, up=0, down=0): """ Return a start, end tuple of positions around the transcription-start site Parameters ---------- up : int if greature than 0, the strand is used to add this many upstream bases in the appropriate direction down : int if greature than 0, the strand is used to add this many downstream bases into the gene. """ if not self.is_gene_pred: return None tss = self.txEnd if self.strand == '-' else self.txStart start, end = tss, tss if self.strand == '+': start -= up end += down else: start += up end -= down start, end = end, start return max(0, start), max(end, start, 0)
[docs] def promoter(self, up=2000, down=0): """ Return a start, end tuple of positions for the promoter region of this gene Parameters ---------- up : int this distance upstream that is considered the promoter down : int the strand is used to add this many downstream bases into the gene. """ if not self.is_gene_pred: return None return self.tss(up=up, down=down)
[docs] def coding_exons(self): """ includes the entire exon as long as any of it is > cdsStart and < cdsEnd """ # drop the trailing comma starts = (long(s) for s in self.exonStarts[:-1].split(",")) ends = (long(s) for s in self.exonEnds[:-1].split(",")) return [(s, e) for s, e in zip(starts, ends) if e > self.cdsStart and s < self.cdsEnd]
[docs] def cds(self): """just the parts of the exons that are translated""" ces = self.coding_exons if len(ces) < 1: return ces ces[0] = (self.cdsStart, ces[0][1]) ces[-1] = (ces[-1][0], self.cdsEnd) assert all((s < e for s, e in ces)) return ces
cdss = cds def _cds_sequence(self, cds): seqs = [] if len(cds) == 0: return [] # grab all the sequences at once to reduce number of requests. all_seq = _sequence(self.db, self.chrom, cds[0][0] + 1, cds[-1][1]) if len(cds) == 1: return all_seq lowest = cds[0][0] cds0 = [(s - lowest, e - lowest) for s, e in cds] for cstart, cend in cds0: seqs.append(all_seq[cstart:cend]) return seqs @property
[docs] def cds_sequence(self): """ a list of genomic sequences for the CDS's """ return self._cds_sequence(self.cds)
[docs] def mrna_sequence(self): """ a list of genomic sequences for the mRNA's """ return self._cds_sequence(self.coding_exons)
@property def browser_link(self): return "" % (self.db, self.position) @property
[docs] def position(self): " a chrom:start-stop representation of this feature" return "%s:%i-%i" % (self.chrom, self.start, self.end)
[docs] def bins(self): """ return the bins for efficient querying """ return Genome.bins(self.start, self.end)
def _introns(self, exons=None): if not self.is_gene_pred: return [] se = self.exons if not (se or exons) or exons == []: return [] starts, ends = zip(*exons) if exons is not None else zip(*se) return [(e, s) for e, s in zip(ends[:-1], starts[1:])] introns = property(_introns) def _xstream(self, s, e): f = Feature() f.txStart = s f.txEnd = e = "region" f.cdsStart = f.cdsEnd = s f.strand = self.strand f.chrom = self.chrom return f
[docs] def is_upstream_of(self, other): """ return a boolean indicating whether this feature is upstream of `other` taking the strand of other into account """ if self.chrom != other.chrom: return None if getattr(other, "strand", None) == "+": return self.end <= other.start # other feature is on - strand, so this must have higher start return self.start >= other.end
[docs] def is_downstream_of(self, other): """ return a boolean indicating whether this feature is downstream of `other` taking the strand of other into account """ if self.chrom != other.chrom: return None if getattr(other, "strand", None) == "+": return self.start >= other.end # other feature is on - strand, so this must have higher start return self.end <= other.start
[docs] def features(self, other_start, other_end): """ return e.g. "intron;exon" if the other_start, end overlap introns and exons """ # completely encases gene. if other_start <= self.start and other_end >= self.end: return ['gene' if self.cdsStart != self.cdsEnd else 'nc_gene'] other = Interval(other_start, other_end) ovls = [] tx = 'txEnd' if self.strand == "-" else 'txStart' if hasattr(self, tx) and other_start <= getattr(self, tx) <= other_end \ and self.cdsStart != self.cdsEnd: ovls = ["TSS"] for ftype in ('introns', 'exons', 'utr5', 'utr3', 'cdss'): feats = getattr(self, ftype) if not isinstance(feats, list): feats = [feats] if any(Interval(f[0], f[1]).overlaps(other) for f in feats): ovls.append(ftype[:-1] if ftype[-1] == 's' else ftype) if 'cds' in ovls: ovls = [ft for ft in ovls if ft != 'exon'] if self.cdsStart == self.cdsEnd: ovls = ['nc_' + ft for ft in ovls] return ovls
[docs] def distance(self, other_or_start=None, end=None, features=False): """ check the distance between this an another interval Parameters ---------- other_or_start : Interval or int either an integer or an Interval with a start attribute indicating the start of the interval end : int if `other_or_start` is an integer, this must be an integer indicating the end of the interval features : bool if True, the features, such as CDS, intron, etc. that this feature overlaps are returned. """ if end is None: assert other_or_start.chrom == self.chrom other_start, other_end = get_start_end(other_or_start, end) if other_start > self.end: return other_start - self.end, "intergenic" if self.start > other_end: return self.start - other_end, "intergenic" if features: return (0, "+".join(self.features(other_start, other_end))) return (0, "")
[docs] def upstream(self, distance): """ return the (start, end) of the region before the geneStart """ if getattr(self, "strand", None) == "+": e = self.start s = e - distance else: s = self.end e = s + distance return self._xstream(s, e)
[docs] def downstream(self, distance): """ return the (start, end) of the region before the geneStart """ if getattr(self, "strand", None) == "+": s = self.end e = s + distance else: e = self.start s = e - distance return self._xstream(s, e)
[docs] def utr5(self): """ return the 5' UTR if appropriate """ if not self.is_coding or len(self.exons) < 2: return (None, None) if self.strand == "+": s, e = (self.txStart, self.cdsStart) else: s, e = (self.cdsEnd, self.txEnd) if s == e: return (None, None) return s, e
[docs] def utr3(self): """ return the 3' UTR if appropriate """ if not self.is_coding or len(self.exons) < 2: return (None, None) if self.strand == "-": s, e = (self.txStart, self.cdsStart) else: s, e = (self.cdsEnd, self.txEnd) if s == e: return (None, None) return s, e
def __len__(self): return self.end - self.start def __cmp__(self, other): if self.chrom != getattr(other, "chrom", other): return 0 if self.start < other.start: return -1 return 1 @property def start(self): for prefix in self._prefix_chain: try: return getattr(self, prefix + "Start") except AttributeError: pass raise Exception("no start for %r" % self) @property def end(self): for prefix in self._prefix_chain: try: return getattr(self, prefix + "End") except AttributeError: pass raise Exception("no end for %r" % self) def __repr__(self): try: self.start return "%s(%s:%s:%i-%i)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.chrom, self.gene_name, self.start, self.end) except: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__tablename__, self.chrom) @property def gene_name(self): if hasattr(self, "name2"): return self.name2 if hasattr(self, "name"): return return self.position @property def db(self): # grab the database name from the current row # e.g. hg18 return self._table.bind.url.database def __str__(self): # output something bed-like fields = "chrom start end gene_name".split() s = "\t".join(map(str, (getattr(self, field) for field in fields))) if hasattr(self, "score"): s += "\t%.2f" % (self.score) if hasattr(self, "strand"): s += "\t%s" % (self.strand) elif hasattr(self, "strand"): s += "\t.\t%s" % (self.strand) return s
[docs] def sequence(self, per_exon=False): """ Return the sequence for this feature. if per-exon is True, return an array of exon sequences This sequence is never reverse complemented """ db = self.db if not per_exon: start = self.txStart + 1 return _sequence(db, self.chrom, start, self.txEnd) else: # TODO: use same strategy as cds_sequence to reduce # of requests. seqs = [] for start, end in self.exons: seqs.append(_sequence(db, self.chrom, start + 1, end)) return seqs
def __iter__(self): for k in ('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'score', 'strand'): yield str(getattr(self, k, ""))
[docs] def ncbi_blast(self, db="nr", megablast=True, sequence=None): """ perform an NCBI blast against the sequence of this feature """ import requests requests.defaults.max_retries = 4 assert sequence in (None, "cds", "mrna") seq = self.sequence() if sequence is None else ("".join(self.cds_sequence if sequence == "cds" else self.mrna_sequence)) r ='', timeout=20, data=dict( PROGRAM="blastn", #EXPECT=2, DESCRIPTIONS=100, ALIGNMENTS=0, FILTER="L", # low complexity CMD="Put", MEGABLAST=True, DATABASE=db, QUERY=">%s\n%s" % (, seq) ) ) if not ("RID =" in r.text and "RTOE" in r.text): print >>sys.stderr, "no results" raise StopIteration rid = r.text.split("RID = ")[1].split("\n")[0] import time time.sleep(4) print >>sys.stderr, "checking..." r ='', data=dict(RID=rid, format="Text", DESCRIPTIONS=100, DATABASE=db, CMD="Get", )) while "Status=WAITING" in r.text: print >>sys.stderr, "checking..." time.sleep(10) r ='', data=dict(RID=rid, format="Text", CMD="Get", )) for rec in _ncbi_parse(r.text): yield rec
[docs] def blat(self, db=None, sequence=None, seq_type="DNA"): """ make a request to the genome-browsers BLAT interface sequence is one of None, "mrna", "cds" returns a list of features that are hits to this sequence. """ from . blat_blast import blat, blat_all assert sequence in (None, "cds", "mrna") seq = self.sequence() if sequence is None else ("".join(self.cds_sequence if sequence == "cds" else self.mrna_sequence)) if isinstance(db, (tuple, list)): return blat_all(seq, self.gene_name, db, seq_type) else: return blat(seq, self.gene_name, db or self.db, seq_type)
[docs] def is_gene_pred(self): """ """ return hasattr(self, "exonStarts") or hasattr(self, 'chromStarts')
[docs] def bed(self, *attrs, **kwargs): """ return a bed formatted string of this feature """ exclude = ("chrom", "start", "end", "txStart", "txEnd", "chromStart", "chromEnd") if self.is_gene_pred: return self.bed12(**kwargs) return "\t".join(map(str, ( [self.chrom, self.start, self.end] + [getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs if not attr in exclude] )))
[docs] def bed12(self, score="0", rgb="."): """ return a bed12 ( representation of this interval """ if not self.is_gene_pred: raise CruzException("can't create bed12 from non genepred feature") exons = self.exons # go from global start, stop, to relative start, length... sizes = ",".join([str(e[1] - e[0]) for e in exons]) + "," starts = ",".join([str(e[0] - self.txStart) for e in exons]) + "," name = self.name2 + "," + if hasattr(self, "name2") \ else return "\t".join(map(str, ( self.chrom, self.txStart, self.txEnd, name, score, self.strand, self.cdsStart, self.cdsEnd, rgb, len(exons), sizes, starts)))
def globalize(self, position, cdna=True): 1/0 start, end = (self.cdsStart, self.cdsEnd) if cdna else \ (self.start, self.end) exons = self.exons or None pos = position + start if exons is None: return pos subtract = 0 print >>sys.stderr, "exon lengths:", sum((ie - ib) for ib, ie in self.exons) for estart, eend in exons: if iend < pos: subtract += (iend - istart) elif istart < pos and iend > pos: subtract += (pos - istart) print >>sys.stderr, subtract, (istart, iend), pos return pos - subtract
[docs] def localize(self, *positions, **kwargs): """ convert global coordinate(s) to local taking introns into account and cds/tx-Start depending on cdna=True kwarg """ cdna = kwargs.get('cdna', False) # TODO: account for strand ?? add kwarg ?? # if it's to the CDNA, then it's based on the cdsStart start, end = (self.cdsStart, self.cdsEnd) if cdna else \ (self.start, self.end) introns = self.introns or None if cdna: if not self.is_coding: return ([None] * len(positions)) if len(positions) > 1 else None introns = self._introns(self.cds) or None if introns is None: local_ps = [p - start if (start <= p < end) else None for p in positions] return local_ps[0] if len(positions) == 1 else local_ps introns = [(s - start, e - start) for s, e in introns] positions = [p - start for p in positions] # now both introns and positions are local starts based on cds/tx-Start local_ps = [] l = end - start for original_p in positions: subtract = 0 p = original_p print >>sys.stderr, p, l if p < 0 or p >= l: # outside of transcript local_ps.append(None) continue for s, e in introns: # within intron if s <= p <= e: subtract = None break # otherwise, adjust for intron length. elif p >= e: subtract += (e - s) local_ps.append(p - subtract if subtract is not None else None) assert all(p >=0 or p is None for p in local_ps), (local_ps) return local_ps[0] if len(positions) == 1 else local_ps
def get_start_end(other_or_start, end): if end is None: other_start, other_end = other_or_start.start, other_or_start.end else: other_start, other_end = other_or_start, end return other_start, other_end class Feature(ABase): name = Column(String, unique=False, primary_key=True) class cpgIslandExt(Feature): anno_cols = ("name", "distance", "feature") def distance(self, other_or_start=None, end=None, features="unused", shore_dist=3000): """ check the distance between this an another interval Parameters ---------- other_or_start : Interval or int either an integer or an Interval with a start attribute indicating the start of the interval end : int if `other_or_start` is an integer, this must be an integer indicating the end of the interval features : bool if True, the features, such as CDS, intron, etc. that this feature overlaps are returned. """ # leave features kwarg to match signature from Feature.distance if end is None: assert other_or_start.chrom == self.chrom other_start, other_end = get_start_end(other_or_start, end) dist = 0 if other_start > self.end: dist = other_start - self.end elif self.start > other_end: dist = self.start - other_end assert dist >= 0 if dist > 0: dist = (dist, "shore" if abs(dist) <= shore_dist else "") else: dist = (0, "island") return dist cpgRafaLab = cpgIslandExt class SNP(ABase): __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('name', 'chrom', 'chromStart'), dict(autoload=True),) # can't add name or it gives error on select. #name = Column(String, unique=False) @property def name2(self): return + (("-" + self.func) if self.func != "unknown" else "") def to_simple(self): return Interval(self.chromStart, self.chromEnd, self.chrom, self.name2) class chromInfo(ABase): def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s:%i)" % (self.__tablename__, self.chrom, self.size) __str__ = __repr__ class Blat(Feature): identity = Column(Float) span = Column(Integer) db = Column(String(6)) def __str__(self): res = Feature.__str__(self).replace("\t.\t", "\t%.1f%%\t" % self.identity) res += "\t%s\t%s" % (self.span, self.db) return res @property def score(self): return self.identity @property def hit_length(self): return self.span class kgXref(ABase): __tablename__ = "kgXref" kgID = Column(String, primary_key=True) # @declared_attr # def kgID(self): # return Column(String, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s/%s)" % (self.__tablename__, self.geneSymbol, self.kgID) __str__ = __repr__ class knownGene(ABase): __tablename__ = "knownGene" __mapper_args__= {'always_refresh': False, 'exclude_properties': ['dist', '_dist']} __preload_classes__ = ("kgXref",) anno_cols = ("name", "distance", "feature") @declared_attr def name(cls): return Column(ForeignKey('kgXref.kgID'), primary_key=True) #@declared_attr #def kgXref(cls): # #return relationship("kgXref", backref=backref("knownGene"), lazy="subquery") # # return relationship(lambda: kgXref, # primaryjoin=lambda:, # lazy="subquery") #viewonly=True) @property def name2(self): return self.kgXref.geneSymbol def link(self): l = "" return l % (, self.db) @property def protein(self): from toolshed import nopen l = "" url = l + seq = [x.strip() for x in nopen(url) if x.strip() and not ">" in x] return "".join(seq)