Source code for cruzdb

cruzdb: library for pythonic access to UCSC genome-browser's MySQL database
import soup
import sys

class BigException(Exception): pass

from tests import test

def _open(filelike, mode='r'):
    if hasattr(filelike, 'read'): return filelike
    return open(filelike, mode)

[docs]class Genome(soup.Genome): """ Connect to a particular database Returns a new Genome object Parameters ---------- db : str either an sqlalchemy dburl, or just the database name. user : str if `db` is a dburl, this is not needed. otherwise it's the database user host : str if `db` is a dburl, this is not needed. otherwise it's the database host password : str if `db` is a dburl, this is not needed. otherwise it's the database password engine : sqlalchemy.engine if specified, all other parameters must be unused. just forces use of an existing engine """ url = "mysql://%(user)s%(password)s@%(host)s/%(db)s"
[docs] def __init__(self, db="", user="genome", host="", password="", engine=None): self.create_url(db, user, host, password) soup.Genome.__init__(self, self.dburl) self.session.autoflush = False
[docs] def create_url(self, db="", user="genome", host="", password=""): """ internal: create a dburl from a set of parameters or the defaults on this object """ if db.startswith(("sqlite://", "mysql://", "postgresql://")): self.db = self.url = db self.dburl = db self.user = = self.password = "" else: self.db = db if user == "genome" and host != "": import getpass user = getpass.getuser() = host self.user = user self.password = (":" + password) if password else "" self.dburl = self.url % dict(db=self.db, user=self.user,, password=self.password)
[docs] def mirror(self, tables, dest_url): """ miror a set of `tables` from `dest_url` Returns a new Genome object Parameters ---------- tables : list an iterable of tables dest_url: str a dburl string, e.g. 'sqlite:///local.db' """ from mirror import mirror return mirror(self, tables, dest_url)
[docs] def dataframe(self, table, limit=None, offset=None): """ create a pandas dataframe from a table or query Parameters ---------- table : table a table in this database or a query limit: integer an integer limit on the query offset: integer an offset for the query """ from pandas import DataFrame if isinstance(table, basestring): table = getattr(self, table) records = if not limit is None: records = records.limit(limit) if not offset is None: records = records.offset(offset) records = list(records.execute()) cols = [ for c in table._table.columns] return DataFrame.from_records(records, columns=cols)
@property def tables(self): return self._cache.keys()
[docs] def load_file(self, fname, table=None, sep="\t", bins=False, indexes=None): """ use some of the machinery in pandas to load a file into a table Parameters ---------- fname : str filename or filehandle to load table : str table to load the file to sep : str CSV separator bins : bool add a "bin" column for efficient spatial queries. indexes : list[str] list of columns to index """ convs = {"#chr": "chrom", "start": "txStart", "end": "txEnd", "chr": "chrom", "pos": "start", "POS": "start", "chromStart": "txStart", "chromEnd": "txEnd"} if table is None: import os.path as op table = op.basename(op.splitext(fname)[0]).replace(".", "_") print >>sys.stderr, "writing to:", table from import sql import pandas as pa from toolshed import nopen needs_name = False for i, chunk in enumerate(pa.read_csv(nopen(fname), iterator=True, chunksize=100000, sep=sep, encoding="latin-1")): chunk.columns = [convs.get(k, k) for k in chunk.columns] if not "name" in chunk.columns: needs_name = True chunk['name'] = chunk.get('chrom', chunk[chunk.columns[0]]) if bins: chunk['bin'] = 1 if i == 0 and not table in self.tables: schema = sql.get_sqlite_schema(chunk, table) print schema self.engine.execute(schema) elif i == 0: print >>sys.stderr,\ """adding to existing table, you may want to drop first""" tbl = getattr(self, table)._table cols = chunk.columns data = list(dict(zip(cols, x)) for x in chunk.values) if needs_name: for d in data: d['name'] = "%s:%s" % (d.get("chrom"), d.get("txStart", d.get("chromStart"))) if bins: for d in data: d['bin'] = max(Genome.bins(int(d["txStart"]), int(d["txEnd"]))) self.engine.execute(tbl.insert(), data) self.session.commit() if i > 0: print >>sys.stderr, "writing row:", i * 100000 if "txStart" in chunk.columns: if "chrom" in chunk.columns: ssql = """CREATE INDEX "%s.chrom_txStart" ON "%s" (chrom, txStart)""" % (table, table) else: ssql = """CREATE INDEX "%s.txStart" ON "%s" (txStart)""" % (table, table) self.engine.execute(ssql) for index in (indexes or []): ssql = """CREATE INDEX "%s.%s" ON "%s" (%s)""" % (table, index, table, index) self.engine.execute(ssql) if bins: ssql = """CREATE INDEX "%s.chrom_bin" ON "%s" (chrom, bin)""" % (table, table) self.engine.execute(ssql) self.session.commit()
[docs] def david_go(refseq_list, annot=('SP_PIR_KEYWORDS', 'GOTERM_BP_FAT', 'GOTERM_CC_FAT', 'GOTERM_MF_FAT')): """ open a web-browser to the DAVID online enrichment tool Parameters ---------- refseq_list : list list of refseq names to check for enrichment annot : list iterable of DAVID annotations to check for enrichment """ URL = "" import webbrowser % ",".join(set(refseq_list)) + ",".join(annot))
[docs] def bin_query(self, table, chrom, start, end): """ perform an efficient spatial query using the bin column if available. The possible bins are calculated from the `start` and `end` sent to this function. Parameters ---------- table : str or table table to query chrom : str chromosome for the query start : int 0-based start postion end : int 0-based end position """ if isinstance(table, basestring): table = getattr(self, table) try: tbl = table._table except AttributeError: tbl = table.column_descriptions[0]['type']._table q = table.filter(tbl.c.chrom == chrom) if hasattr(tbl.c, "bin"): bins = Genome.bins(start, end) if len(bins) < 100: q = q.filter(tbl.c.bin.in_(bins)) if hasattr(tbl.c, "txStart"): return q.filter(tbl.c.txStart <= end).filter(tbl.c.txEnd >= start) return q.filter(tbl.c.chromStart <= end).filter(tbl.c.chromEnd >= start)
[docs] def upstream(self, table, chrom_or_feat, start=None, end=None, k=1): """ Return k-nearest upstream features Parameters ---------- table : str or table table against which to query chrom_or_feat : str or feat either a chromosome, e.g. 'chr3' or a feature with .chrom, .start, .end attributes start : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer start end : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer end k : int number of upstream neighbors to return """ res = self.knearest(table, chrom_or_feat, start, end, k, "up") end = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "end", end) start = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "start", start) rev = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "strand", "+") == "-" if rev: return [x for x in res if x.end > start] else: return [x for x in res if x.start < end]
[docs] def downstream(self, table, chrom_or_feat, start=None, end=None, k=1): """ Return k-nearest downstream features Parameters ---------- table : str or table table against which to query chrom_or_feat : str or feat either a chromosome, e.g. 'chr3' or a feature with .chrom, .start, .end attributes start : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer start end : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer end k : int number of downstream neighbors to return """ res = self.knearest(table, chrom_or_feat, start, end, k, "down") end = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "end", end) start = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "start", start) rev = getattr(chrom_or_feat, "strand", "+") == "-" if rev: return [x for x in res if x.start < end] else: return [x for x in res if x.end > start]
[docs] def knearest(self, table, chrom_or_feat, start=None, end=None, k=1, _direction=None): """ Return k-nearest features Parameters ---------- table : str or table table against which to query chrom_or_feat : str or feat either a chromosome, e.g. 'chr3' or a feature with .chrom, .start, .end attributes start : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer start end : int if `chrom_or_feat` is a chrom, then this must be the integer end k : int number of downstream neighbors to return _direction : (None, "up", "down") internal (don't use this) """ assert _direction in (None, "up", "down") # they sent in a feature if start is None: assert end is None chrom, start, end = chrom_or_feat.chrom, chrom_or_feat.start, chrom_or_feat.end # if the query is directional and the feature as a strand, # adjust... if _direction in ("up", "down") and getattr(chrom_or_feat, "strand", None) == "-": _direction = "up" if _direction == "down" else "up" else: chrom = chrom_or_feat qstart, qend = long(start), long(end) res = self.bin_query(table, chrom, qstart, qend) i, change = 1, 350 try: while res.count() < k: if _direction in (None, "up"): if qstart == 0 and _direction == "up": break qstart = max(0, qstart - change) if _direction in (None, "down"): qend += change i += 1 change *= (i + 5) res = self.bin_query(table, chrom, qstart, qend) except BigException: return [] def dist(f): d = 0 if start > f.end: d = start - f.end elif f.start > end: d = f.start - end # add dist as an attribute to the feature return d dists = sorted([(dist(f), f) for f in res]) if len(dists) == 0: return [] dists, res = zip(*dists) if len(res) == k: return res if k > len(res): # had to break because of end of chrom if k == 0: return [] k = len(res) ndist = dists[k - 1] # include all features that are the same distance as the nth closest # feature (accounts for ties). while k < len(res) and dists[k] == ndist: k = k + 1 return res[:k]
[docs] def sql(self, query): """ show the sql of a query """ return self.engine.execute(query)
[docs] def annotate(self, fname, tables, feature_strand=False, in_memory=False, header=None, out=sys.stdout, parallel=False): """ annotate a file with a number of tables Parameters ---------- fname : str or file file name or file-handle tables : list list of tables with which to annotate `fname` feature_strand : bool if this is True, then the up/downstream designations are based on the features in `tables` rather than the features in `fname` in_memoory : bool if True, then tables are read into memory. This usually makes the annotation much faster if there are more than 500 features in `fname` and the number of features in the table is less than 100K. header : str header to print out (if True, use existing header) out : file where to print output parallel : bool if True, use multiprocessing library to execute the annotation of each chromosome in parallel. Uses more memory. """ from .annotate import annotate return annotate(self, fname, tables, feature_strand, in_memory, header=header, out=out, parallel=parallel)
[docs] def bins(start, end): """ Get all the bin numbers for a particular interval defined by (start, end] """ if end - start < 536870912: offsets = [585, 73, 9, 1] else: raise BigException offsets = [4681, 585, 73, 9, 1] binFirstShift = 17 binNextShift = 3 start = start >> binFirstShift end = (end - 1) >> binFirstShift bins = [1] for offset in offsets: bins.extend(range(offset + start, offset + end + 1)) start >>= binNextShift end >>= binNextShift return frozenset(bins)
def __repr__(self): return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.url % dict(db=self.db, user=self.user,, password="?" if self.password else "")) @classmethod
[docs] def save_bed(cls, query, filename=sys.stdout): """ write a bed12 file of the query. Parameters ---------- query : query a table or query to save to file filename : file string or filehandle to write output """ out = _open(filename, 'w') for o in query: out.write(o.bed() + '\n')
if __name__ == "__main__": #g = Genome(db="hg18", host="localhost", user="") import sys #g = Genome(db="hg18", host="localhost") g = Genome("sqlite:///hg18.db") #g.load_file('GSM882245.hg18.bed', bins=True) #g.load_file('', # table='cpgRafaLab', bins=True) #1/0 print g.cpgIslandExt[12].bed() print g.cpgIslandExt[12].bed('length', 'perCpg') #sys.exit() print "refGene" f = g.refGene[19] print f.bed12() f = g.refGene[19] print repr(f), f.cdsStart, f.cdsEnd print "exons", f.exons print "coding exons", f.coding_exons print "cds", f.cds print "introns", f.introns print "5'utr", f.utr5 print "3'utr", f.utr3 print f.browser_link #f.txEnd = f.txStart + 30 #print list(f.blat()) #print f.cds_sequence import time from sqlalchemy import and_ query = g.refGene.filter(and_(g.refGene.txStart > 10000, g.refGene.txEnd < 40000)) t = time.time() print query query.all() print time.time() - t query = g.refGene.filter(and_(g.refGene.txStart > 10000, g.refGene.txEnd < 40000)) query = query.filter(g.refGene.bin.in_(Genome.bins(10000, 40000))) t = time.time() query = g.bin_query(g.refGene, "chr1", 10000, 40000) query.all() print time.time() - t g = Genome('hg19') t = time.time() q = g.snp135Common q = q.filter(q.bin.in_(Genome.bins(1000, 2000))) print q q.first() print time.time() - t Genome.save_bed(query) for transcript in g.refGene: print transcript, transcript.sequence()[:100] + "..." if transcript.txEnd > 8000: break kg = g.refGene._table q = < 5000) print list(g.session.execute(q))