Command-Line Reference



$ compoze [GLOBAL OPTIONS] [subcommand [SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS]]*

Global options:

-h, --help
Show usage and exit.
-s, --help-commands
Print help on the available sub-commands.
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file=CONFIG_FILE

Parse options from an INI-style config file.

May be repeated: if so, options repeated in later files override those in earlier files.

-q, --quiet
Suppress all non-essential output.
-v, --verbose
Print more informative output.
-p PATH, --path=PATH
Use PATH as the default path for subcommands.
-u INDEX_URL, --index-url=INDEX_URL
Add INDEX_URL to the list of indexes to consult when searching for a source distribution. May be repeated. If not passed, default to searching PyPI (
Add FIND_LINKS_URL to the list of pages in which to search for links to source distribution archives. May be repeated.
-f, --fetch-site-packages
In addition to any requirement specified on the command line, fetch source distribution archives for each project installed in the current Python environment.
-V, --use-versions

Parse requirements from a section of the config file.

By default, uses the [versions] section. Use --versions-section to override the default.

Override the namae of the config file section to parse for any additional requirements. Implies --use-versions.
-b, --include-binary-eggs
Search binary distribution archives in addition to source distribution archives for each requirement. Disabled by default.
-k, --keep-tempdir
Don’t remove the temporary directory created during the indexing operation (normally useful only for debugging a command).

compoze fetch Subcommand




-h, --help
Show usage and exit.
-q, --quiet

Suppress all non-essential output.

Overrides global option.

-v, --verbose

Print more informative output.

Overrides global option.

-p PATH, --path=PATH

Fetch source distribution archives into PATH.

Overrides global option.

-u INDEX_URL, --index-url=INDEX_URL

Add INDEX_URL to the list of indexes to consult when searching for a source distribution. May be repeated. If not passed, default to searching PyPI (

Overrides global option.


Add FIND_LINKS_URL to the list of pages in which to search for links to source distribution archives. May be repeated.

Overrides global option.

-f, --fetch-site-packages

In addition to any requirement specified on the command line, fetch source distribution archives for each project installed in the current Python environment.

Overrides global option.

-V, --use-versions

Parse requirements from a section of the config file.

By default, uses the [versions] section. Use --versions-section to override the default.

Overrides global option.


Override the namae of the config file section to parse for any additional requirements. Implies --use-versions.

Overrides global option.

-b, --include-binary-eggs

Search binary distribution archives in addition to source distribution archives for each requirement. Disabled by default.

Overrides global option.

-k, --keep-tempdir

Don’t remove the temporary directory created during the indexing operation (normally useful only for debugging the command).

Overrides global option.

compoze index Subcommand


$ compoze [GLOBAL OPTIONS] index [OPTIONS]


-h, --help
Show usage and exit.
-q, --quiet

Suppress all non-essential output.

Overrides global option.

-v, --verbose

Print more informative output.

Overrides global option.

-p PATH, --path=PATH

Index source distribution archives in PATH.

Overrides global option.

-n INDEX_NAME, --index-name=INDEX_NAME
Use INDEX_NAME as the name of the index subdirectory inside the directory being indexed. Defaults to “simple”.
-k, --keep-tempdir

Don’t remove the temporary directory created during the indexing operation (normally useful only for debugging the command).

Overrides global option.

compoze pool Subcommand




-h, --help
Show usage and exit.
-q, --quiet

Suppress all non-essential output.

Overrides global option.

-v, --verbose

Print more informative output.

Overrides global option.

-p PATH, --path=PATH

Move source distribution archives from PATH into POOL_DIR, and create symlinks in PATH.

Overrides global option.

compoze show Subcommand




-h, --help
Show usage and exit.
-q, --quiet

Suppress all non-essential output.

Overrides global option.

-v, --verbose

Print more informative output.

Overrides global option.

-u INDEX_URL, --index-url=INDEX_URL

Add INDEX_URL to the list of indexes to consult when searching for a source distribution. May be repeated. If not passed, default to searching PyPI (

Overrides global option.

-f, --fetch-site-packages

In addition to any requirement specified on the command line, show information about source distribution archives for each project installed in the current Python environment.

Overrides global option.

-V, --use-versions

Parse requirements from a section of the config file.

By default, uses the [versions] section. Use --versions-section to override the default.

Overrides global option.


Override the namae of the config file section to parse for any additional requirements. Implies --use-versions.

Overrides global option.

-o, --show-only-best
Show information only for the “best” source distribution for each requirement. By default, show information for each source distribution matching a given requirement.
-b, --include-binary-eggs

Search binary distribution archives in addition to source distribution archives for each requirement. Disabled by default.

Overrides global option.

-d, --include-develop-eggs
Search development egg projects in addition to source distribution archives for each requirement. Disabled by default.