Request the mobile number reset. What actually happens here, is that user provides his username and a mobile number. After that an confirmation email is sent to users’ email address (taken from the profile). Also, an SMS message with code to reset the mobile number is immediately sent to the phone number given. No other information is specified in the SMS. Once user checks his email and follows the link given, he lands on the page on which he is supposed to fill in the verification code received by SMS. Upon successful validation, the mobile number is reset.
Bases: plone.directives.form.form.SchemaForm
Form for request to reset to the SMS Authenticator mobile number form.
Reset bar-code. This is the place where the new number is actually set (upon confirmation). First of all upon landing on the page (GET request) the validity of the URL is checked, since it’s signed and has an expiration limit of 10 minutes. The phone number to be added to users’ profile is taken from the GET request as well, but no worries - it’s signed too, thus, in case of data tumpering, the entire signature would become invalid. Note, that signature used for resetting the mobile number is written to the users’ profile on the moment request is sent. No unauthorised reproduction is possible, since we match it to the one in users’ profile.
If all things mentioned above are in good order, user would see a form where he can fill in the verification code received by SMS. That code had been stored in users’ profile too and is simply matched the one filled in.
If all checks pass well, the mobile number is definitely set in users’ profile.
Bases: plone.directives.form.form.SchemaForm
Form for the resetting the mobile number.
What happens here is:
Token validation. Here user is supposed to fill in the token received by SMS.
Bases: plone.directives.form.form.SchemaForm
Form for the SMS Authenticator Token validation. Any user that has two-step verification enabled, uses this form upon logging in.
User mobile number setup. Here user himself sets the two-step verification.
Bases: plone.directives.form.form.SchemaForm
Form for the SMS Authenticator setup.
User setup. Here user himself sets the two-step verification.
Bases: plone.directives.form.form.SchemaForm
Form for the SMS Authenticator setup.