User mobile number setup. Here user himself sets the two-step verification.
import logging
from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
from z3c.form import button, field
from plone.directives import form
from plone import api
from plone.z3cform.layout import wrap_form
from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
from zope.schema import TextLine
from collective.smsauthenticator.helpers import generate_code, send_mobile_number_setup_confirmation_code_sms
logger = logging.getLogger('collective.smsauthenticator')
_ = MessageFactory('collective.smsauthenticator')
class ISetupMobileNumberForm(form.Schema):
Interface for the SMS Authenticator mobile number setup form.
mobile_number = TextLine(
title=_(u"Mobile number"),
description=_(u"Enter your mobile number to be used for two-step verification."),
[docs]class SetupMobileNumberForm(form.SchemaForm):
Form for the SMS Authenticator setup.
fields = field.Fields(ISetupMobileNumberForm)
ignoreContext = True
schema = ISetupMobileNumberForm
label = _("Setup mobile number for two-step verification")
description = _(u"To setup two-step verification you need to enter your mobile phone number"
u"to which you will be receiving SMS messages with login codes.")
css_class = "enableAutoFocus"
[docs] def handleSubmit(self, action):
if bool(api.user.is_anonymous()) is True:
self.request.response.setStatus(401, _('Forbidden for anonymous'), True)
return False
data, errors = self.extractData()
if errors:
return False
mobile_number = data.get('mobile_number', '')
reason = None
if mobile_number:
# Set the ``enable_two_step_verification`` to True
user = api.user.get_current()
# Send a code to confirm the mobile number
mobile_number_confirmation_code = generate_code(user)
# Send the SMS
mobile_number = mobile_number,
code = mobile_number_confirmation_code
mapping = {
'mobile_number': mobile_number,
'mobile_number_reset_code': mobile_number_confirmation_code,
_("A confirmation SMS message has been sent to the mobile number specified."),
redirect_url = "{0}/@@setup-two-step-verification".format(self.context.absolute_url())
except Exception as e:
reason = _(str(e))
reason = _("Invalid mobile number.")
if reason is not None:
IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage(_("Setup failed! {0}".format(reason)), 'error')
redirect_url = "{0}/@@setup-mobile-number".format(self.context.absolute_url())
[docs] def updateFields(self, *args, **kwargs):
Bar code image is applied here.
if bool(api.user.is_anonymous()) is False:
# Something happens here...
return super(SetupMobileNumberForm, self).updateFields(*args, **kwargs)
# View for the ``SetupMobileNumberForm``.
SetupMobileNumberFormView = wrap_form(SetupMobileNumberForm)