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Source code for cno.io.xcnograph

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of the cinapps.tcell package
#  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer (cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk)
#  Distributed under the GLPv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: www.cellnopt.org
from __future__ import print_function

from matplotlib import colors
import pylab
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from cno.io.cnograph import CNOGraph

__all__ = ["XCNOGraph"]

[docs]class XCNOGraph(CNOGraph): """Extra plotting and statistical tools related to CNOGraph""" def __init__(self, model=None, midas=None, verbose=False): super(XCNOGraph, self).__init__(model, midas, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def hcluster(self): """ .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) c.hcluster() .. warning:: experimental """ from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from scipy.spatial import distance path_length=nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self.to_undirected()) n = len(self.nodes()) distances=np.zeros((n,n)) nodes = self.nodes() for u,p in path_length.items(): for v,d in p.items(): distances[nodes.index(u)-1][nodes.index(v)-1] = d sd = distance.squareform(distances) hier = hierarchy.average(sd) pylab.clf(); hierarchy.dendrogram(hier) pylab.xticks(pylab.xticks()[0], nodes)
[docs] def plot_degree_rank(self, loc='upper right', alpha=0.8, markersize=10, node_size=25, layout='spring', marker='o', color='b'): """Plot degree of all nodes .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif")) c.plot_degree_rank() """ degree_sequence=sorted(nx.degree(self).values(),reverse=True) # degree sequence pylab.clf() pylab.loglog(degree_sequence, color+'-', marker=marker, markersize=markersize) pylab.title("Degree/rank and undirected graph layout") pylab.ylabel("Degree") pylab.xlabel("Rank") # draw graph in inset if loc == 'upper right': pylab.axes([0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45]) else: pylab.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.45, 0.45]) UG = self.to_undirected() Gcc = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(UG)) Gcc = Gcc[0] if layout == 'spring': pos = nx.spring_layout(Gcc) else: pos = nx.circular_layout(Gcc) pylab.axis('off') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(Gcc, pos, node_size=node_size) nx.draw_networkx_edges(Gcc, pos, alpha=alpha) pylab.grid() #pylab.show()
[docs] def plot_feedback_loops_histogram(self, **kargs): """Plots histogram of the cycle lengths found in the graph :return: list of lists containing all found cycles """ data = list(nx.simple_cycles(self)) if len(data): pylab.hist([len(x) for x in data], **kargs) pylab.title("Length of the feedback loops") else: print('No loop/cycle found') return data
[docs] def plot_in_out_degrees(self, show=True,ax=None, kind='kde'): """ .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) c.plot_in_out_degrees() """ ts1 = pd.TimeSeries(self.in_degree()) ts2 = pd.TimeSeries(self.out_degree()) df = pd.DataFrame([ts1, ts2]).transpose() df.columns = ["in","out"] if show: df.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax) # kernerl density estimation (estimiation of histogram) #df = ... #df.transpose().hist() return df
[docs] def plot_feedback_loops_species(self, cmap="heat", **kargs): """Returns and plots species part of feedback loops :param str cmap: a color map :return: dictionary with key (species) and values (number of feedback loop containing the species) pairs. .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) c.plot_feedback_loops_species(cmap='heat', colorbar=True) """ if len(self) == 0: self.logging.warning("Empty graph") return data = nx.simple_cycles(self) data = list(pylab.flatten(data)) # FIXME: may not be robust to have "and": could be a valid name counting = [(x, data.count(x)) for x in self.nodes() if data.count(x)!=0 and str(x).startswith('and') is False and self.isand(x) is False] for node in self.nodes(): self.node[node]['loops'] = 0 if len(counting): M = float(max([count[1] for count in counting])) # set a default #for node in self.nodes(): # self.node[node]['loops'] = "#FFFFFF" for count in counting: #ratio_count = sm.to_rgba(count[1]/M) ratio_count = count[1]/M colorHex = ratio_count #self.node[count[0]]['loops'] = colorHex self.node[count[0]]['loops'] = ratio_count self.node[count[0]]['style'] = 'filled,bold' self.plot(node_attribute="loops", cmap=cmap, **kargs) return counting
[docs] def degree_histogram(self, show=True, normed=False): """Compute histogram of the node degree (and plots the histogram) .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) c.degree_histogram() """ degree = self.degree().values() Mdegree = max(degree) if show == True: pylab.clf() res = pylab.hist(degree, bins=range(0,Mdegree+1), align='left', rwidth=0.8, normed=normed) xlims = pylab.xlim() ylims = pylab.ylim() pylab.axis([0, xlims[1], ylims[0], ylims[1]*1.1]) pylab.grid() pylab.title("Degree distribution") return res
[docs] def plot_adjacency_matrix(self, fontsize=12, **kargs): """Plots adjacency matrix :param kargs: optional arguments accepted by pylab.pcolor From the following graph, .. plot:: :width: 70% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyMMB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyMMB.csv")) c.plot() The adjacency matrix can be created as follows: .. plot:: :width: 70% :include-source: from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyMMB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyMMB.csv")) c.plot_adjacency_matrix() """ nodeNames = sorted(self.nodes()) nodeNamesY = sorted(self.nodes()) nodeNamesY.reverse() N = len(nodeNames) data = self.adjacency_matrix(nodelist=nodeNames) # This is now a sparse matrix (networkx 1.9). try: data = data.todense() except: pass pylab.pcolor(pylab.flipud(pylab.array(data)), edgecolors="k", **kargs) pylab.axis([0, N, 0, N]) pylab.xticks([0.5+x for x in pylab.arange(N)], nodeNames, rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.yticks([0.5+x for x in pylab.arange(N)], nodeNamesY, rotation=0, fontsize=fontsize) try:pylab.tight_layout() except:pass
[docs] def dependency_matrix(self, fontsize=12): r"""Return dependency matrix * :math:`D_{i,j}` = green ; species i is an activator of species j (only positive path) * :math:`D_{i,j}` = red ; species i is an inhibitor of species j (only negative path) * :math:`D_{i,j}` = yellow; ambivalent (positive and negative paths connecting i and j) * :math:`D_{i,j}` = red ; species i has no influence on j .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XCNOGraph, cnodata c = XCNOGraph(cnodata("PKN-ToyPB.sif"), cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) c.dependency_matrix() """ nodes = sorted(self.nodes()) N = len(nodes) data = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for i,node1 in enumerate(nodes): paths = nx.shortest_path(self, node1) for j,node2 in enumerate(nodes): if node1 == node2: data[i][j] = 0 elif node2 not in paths.keys(): data[i][j] = 0 else: path = paths[node2] links = [self.edge[path[ii]][path[ii+1]]["link"] for ii in range(0,len(path)-1)] if len(np.unique(links)) == 2: data[i][j] = 1 # yellow elif "+" in links: data[i][j] = 2 #green elif "-" in links: if links.count("-") % 2 ==0: data[i][j] = 2 else: data[i][j] = 3 #red nodeNames = [node.replace("_", "\_") for node in nodes] nodeNamesY = [node.replace("_", "\_") for node in nodes] norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=3) cmap = colors.ListedColormap([[0., 0, 0], [1,1,0],[.5, 1, 0.], [1., 0, 0.]]) indices = [i for i, node in enumerate(nodes) if "and" not in node or "+" in nodes] pylab.clf() pylab.pcolor(pylab.flipud(data[indices][:,indices]), edgecolors="w", cmap=cmap, norm=norm); N = len(indices) nodeNames = np.array(nodeNames)[indices] nodeNamesY = np.array(nodeNamesY)[indices[::-1]] X = [0.5+x for x in range(0, len(nodeNames))] pylab.xticks(X, nodeNames, rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.yticks(X, nodeNamesY, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.xlim([0, len(X)]) pylab.ylim([0, len(X)])
[docs] def random_cnograph(self, nStimuli=5, nSignals=14, fraction_activation=0.9, nTranscript=5, nExtraNode=10): """ Create the nodes first (stimuli, signals, transcripts, extra nodes). Them add edges such that the ratio of activation/inhibition is fixed. no self loop """ assert fraction_activation >=0 and fraction_activation<=1 assert nStimuli>=1 assert nExtraNode >= 1 assert nSignals >= 1 assert nTranscript >=1 and nTranscript <= nSignals self.clear() # add stimuli stimuli = ['L' + str(i) for i in range(1, nStimuli+1)] self.add_nodes_from(stimuli) self._stimuli = stimuli[:] signals = ['S' + str(i) for i in range(1, nSignals+1)] self.add_nodes_from(signals) self._signals = signals[:] self.add_nodes_from(['N'+str(i) for i in range(1,nExtraNode+1)]) nodes = self.nodes() # select the transcript: transcripts = [x for x in self.nodes() if x not in self.stimuli] transcripts = transcripts[0:nTranscript] def get_link(): link = np.random.uniform() if link < fraction_activation: return "+" else: return "-" count = 0 N = len(self.nodes()) while nx.is_connected(self.to_undirected()) is False and count < N * 3: np.random.shuffle(nodes) n1 = nodes[0] n2 = nodes[1] if n2 in self.stimuli or n1 in transcripts: continue # ignore self loop if n1 == n2: continue self.add_edge(n1, n2, link=get_link()) count += 1 # some nodes (non-stimuli/non-signals) may have no input connections, which is # not wanted. tofix = [x for x in self.nodes() if self.in_degree()[x] == 0 and x.startswith('N')] for nodetofix in tofix: nodes = [node for node in self.nodes() if node !=tofix] np.random.shuffle(nodes) self.add_edge(nodes[0], nodetofix, link=get_link()) # make sure the ligands are connected: for stimulus in self._stimuli: if len(self.successors(stimulus)) == 0: print("fixing stimulus %s" % stimulus) nodes = [node for node in self.nodes() if node not in self._stimuli] np.random.shuffle(nodes) self.add_edge(stimulus, nodes[0])
[docs] def random_poisson_graph(self, n=10, mu=2.5, ratio=0.9, remove_unconnected=True, Nsignals=5, Nstimuli=5, remove_self_loops=True, maxtrials=50): """Experimental random graph creation""" count = 0 while count < maxtrials: self._random_poisson_graph(n, mu, ratio=ratio, remove_unconnected=remove_unconnected, remove_self_loops=remove_self_loops) if nx.is_connected(self.to_undirected()): count = maxtrials + 1 else: count += 1
def _random_poisson_graph(self, n=10, mu=2.5, ratio=0.9, remove_unconnected=True, remove_self_loops=True, Nsignals=5, Nstimuli=5): from scipy.stats import poisson z = [poisson.rvs(mu) for i in range(0,n)] G = nx.expected_degree_graph(z) self.clear() # converts to strings edges = [(str(e[0]), str(e[1])) for e in G.edges()] assert ratio >= 0 assert ratio <= 1 N = int(len(edges)* ratio) edges_pos = edges[0:N] edges_neg = edges[N:] self.add_edges_from(edges_pos, link="+") self.add_edges_from(edges_neg, link="-") # remove self loop first if remove_self_loops: self.remove_self_loops() if remove_unconnected == False: # add all nodes (even though they me be unconnected self.add_nodes_from(G.nodes()) ranks = self.get_same_rank() sources = ranks[0] sinks = ranks[max(ranks.keys())] Nstim = min(len(sources), Nstimuli) Nsignals = min(len(sinks), Nsignals) self._stimuli = sources[0:Nstim] self._signals = sinks[0:Nsignals] self.set_default_node_attributes()