CellNOpt homepage|cellnopt 0.1.3 documentation

Source code for cno.io.midas

#-*- python -*-
#  This file is part of the cellnopt package
#  Copyright (c) 2014 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer (cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk)
#  Distributed under the GLPv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: www.cellnopt.org
from __future__ import print_function
import types

import pylab
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from easydev.logging_tools import Logging
import colormap

from cno.io.measurements import Measurement
from cno.io import midas_normalisation as normalisation

from easydev import DevTools
from cno.misc import CNOError

__all__ = ["XMIDAS", "Trend", 'MIDASReader']

class MIDAS(object):
    """This is s a description of the MIDAS format (let us call it 1.0)

    column with those name are ignored:


    _valid_codes = {
                   'ID': 'identifier',
                   'TR': 'stimuli/inhibitors',
                   'DA': 'times',
                   'DV': 'measurements'}

    _ignore_codes = ['NOINHIB', 'NOCYTO', 'NOLIG', 'NO-CYTO', 'NO-INHIB', 'NO-LIG']

    def __init__(self, filename=None, verbose=False):
        """.. rubric:: Constructor

        :param str filename: the filename (including correct path)

        self._header = []
        self._names = []
        self.verbose = verbose

        #: filename of the original data
        self.filename = filename

        self.cmap_scale = 1 # 1 is same as CellNOptR
        self.fontsize = 16
        self.logging = Logging(verbose)
        self._colormap = colormap.Colormap()

        self._dev = DevTools()

[docs]class MIDASReader(MIDAS): """A MIDAS reader that converts the experiments and data into dataframes Used by XMIDAS to read and convert the data. CellLine must be encoded in the header as follows:: TR:name:CellLine If name is not provided, it is replaced internally with "undefined". Those columns are ignored in MIDASReader: ['NOINHIB', 'NOCYTO', 'NOLIG', 'NO-CYTO', 'NO-INHIB', 'NO-LIG'] User should not need to use this class. Use :class:`XMIDAS` instead. """ def __init__(self, filename, verbose='ERROR', exclude_rows={}): super(MIDASReader, self).__init__(filename, verbose) self.exclude_rows = exclude_rows # names of the multi index level (rows) self._levels = ["cell", "experiment", "time"]
[docs] def read(self): # If the provided filename is not defined, nothing to do if self.filename == None: return self.logging.debug("Reading the data") # skip spaces after delimiter self._data = pd.read_csv(self.filename, skipinitialspace=True, sep=",") self.logging.debug(" - Processing cell lines") self._preprocess_cellines() self.logging.debug(" - Filtering") self._filtering_raw_data() # remove columns that are invalid and check MIDAS validity self._midas_validity() self.logging.debug(" - Checking format") # some cleanup to remove columns that have to be ignored labels = ["TR:"+x for x in self._ignore_codes if "TR:"+x in self._data.columns] self._data = self._data.drop(labels, axis=1) # just clean up the labels (strip) self._data.columns = [x.strip() for x in self._data.columns] # from the data, build up the experiment and data dataframes self.logging.debug(" - Initialising") self._init() self.logging.debug(" - Data loaded")
def _filtering_raw_data(self): # problably not the most efficient but does the job: for key, value in self.exclude_rows.items(): self._data = self._data[self._data[key] != value] def _preprocess_cellines(self): #CellLine are tricky to handle with the MIDAS format because they use the #same prefix TR: as the treatments. You must be sure that (1) there are # 2 : signs (2) the suffix is called CellLine and (3) the middle name is # provided # Those could be recognised but only CellLine is correct. So, let us # enforce the correct one instead of dealing with all kind of user # choices. cellLines = [col for col in self._data.columns if "CellLine" in col] if len(cellLines) == 0: self.logging.warning("Could not find any column with the required keyword 'CellLine'" + "capitalisation matters !. Adding a column named TR:undefined:CellLine") self._data['TR:undefined:CellLine'] = [1] * self._data.shape[0] for name in cellLines: if name.count(":") != 2: txt = "Column name related to CellLine %s must have 2 : characters".format(name) txt += "{} has less or more than 2" raise CNOError(txt) # rename the cellLines if there are undefined # let us give thme the same name ('undefined') # this should be done at the level of the data count = 0 for i, name in enumerate(cellLines): if name.split(":")[1] == "": self.logging.warning("Found a CellLine column without name. Renamed to undefined.") columns = list(self._data.columns) columns[i] = "TR:undefined:CellLine" self._data.columns = columns count += 1 if count > 1: raise CNOError("More than 1 undefined cell line. " + "Please name the cellLine columns with TR:name:CellLine") # if there is only one undefined, no need for an error. # otherwise they will be an ambiguity. celltype_names = self._get_cellLines() if len(cellLines) >= 2: if self.cellLine == None or self.cellLine not in celltype_names: txt = "More than 1 celline was found.\n" txt += "You must select one amongst: {}".format([this.split(":")[1] for this in cellLines]) txt += "\n Use the keyword cellLine (note the capital L). e.g. cellLine='HepG2'" self.logging.warning(txt) self.cellLine = celltype_names[0] #raise CNOError(txt) else: # we could remove columns and rows where cell type is not correct. # but we are going to do it in the _init so that a user can # change his mind and reset the cell line to be looked at. pass # check that each row belongs to one and only one cell line N = len(self._data) if all(self._data[[x for x in self._data.columns if 'CellLine' in x]].sum(axis=1) == [1] * N) is not True: row_indices = (self._data[[x for x in self._data.columns if 'CellLine' in x]].sum(axis=1) != [1] * N) indices = self._data.index[row_indices] raise CNOError("cell line columns are not compatible in rows %s . " % indices + "Check that sum over cell line on each row is unity") if len(celltype_names) == 1: self._cellLine = celltype_names[0] def _midas_validity(self): # check validity of TR: for this in self._data.columns: if ":" not in this: txt = "Error in header of the input MIDAS file\n" txt += " Column's name must contain the special character ':'\n" txt += " Found {0}".format(this) raise CNOError(txt) if this.split(":")[0] not in self._valid_codes.keys(): txt = "Error in header of the input MIDAS file\n" txt += " Column's name must start with one of the valid code {}\n".format(self._valid_codes) raise CNOError(txt) # should have at least one DV if len([x for x in self._data.columns if x.startswith("DV")]) == 0: raise CNOError("Header of MIDAS file has no columns starting with DV. expects at least one") def _set_missing_time_zero(self): # check if zero time data is available for all experiments unique_times = sorted(list(self.df.index.levels[2])) self._missing_time_zero = False if len(unique_times) < 2 or 0 not in unique_times: self._missing_time_zero = True labels = list(self.df.index.labels[2]) counter = {} for label in set(labels): counter[label] = labels.count(label) for label in set(labels): if counter[0] != counter[label]: self._missing_time_zero = True def _init(self): """Builds the dataframe""" # select only data that matches the cell line choice made by the user. cellLine = 'TR:%s:CellLine' % self.cellLine if len(self._data) == 0: return # select data for the cell line provided by the user. _data = self._data[self._data[cellLine] == 1] # and remove all column with the CellLine keyword now _data = _data[ [col for col in _data.columns if "CellLine" not in col]] # drop ID columns if any self._data_raw = _data.copy() _data = _data[ [col for col in _data.columns if col.startswith("ID")==False]] # figure out the treatments, times and measurements df_tr = _data[[this for this in _data.columns if this.startswith("TR")]] df_da = _data[[this for this in _data.columns if this.startswith("DA")]] df_dv = _data[[this for this in _data.columns if this.startswith("DV")]] # let us gather experiments and replace empty fields with zeros ?? # FIXME filling NA with zero is it correct ? seems so # DATA should not be changed to zero though value_experiments = _data[df_tr.columns].copy() # This takes 40% of the time! value_experiments = value_experiments.fillna(0) value_signals = _data[df_dv.columns].as_matrix() value_times = _data[df_da.columns] names = [this for this in df_tr[:] if "CellLine" not in this] self._experiments = _data[names].drop_duplicates() self._experiments.index = range(0, self._experiments.shape[0]) self._experiments.index = ["experiment_{}".format(this) for this in self._experiments.index] # FIXME: already done above ...seemed required for time0_to_duplicate test # takes 35% of the time self._experiments = self._experiments.fillna(0) # FIXME this part is slow (for loop) # build the tuples that will be used by the MultiIndex dataframe tuples = [] self._values_exps = value_experiments N = len(value_experiments) map_index = dict(zip(value_experiments.index, range(0,N))) for ix in _data.index: # 1. find name of the experiment this_exp = value_experiments.values[map_index[ix]] # scan unique experiments and figure out which one is this_exp exp_name = None count = 0 for this_unique_exp in iter(self._experiments.values): if all(this_unique_exp == this_exp): # found it exp_name = self._experiments.index[count] count += 1 # if so, not need to look for others #temp_df.drop(exp_name, inplace=True) break else: count+=1 assert exp_name is not None # 2. times time = set(value_times.values[map_index[ix]]) assert len(time) == 1 time = list(time)[0] tuples.append((self.cellLine, exp_name, time)) # replace empty strings with 0 # note that ,,, is interpreted as ,NaN,NaN,NaN # but , , , is interpreted as ," "," "," ", self._experiments = self._experiments.applymap(lambda x: 0 if isinstance(x, str) and x.isspace() else x) # must convert read data into numeric value. self._experiments = self._experiments.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True, copy=True) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=self._levels) #keep = [this for this in self.df.columns if this not in ["experiments", "times"]] names_species = [x for x in _data.columns if x.startswith('DV:')] names_species = [x[3:] for x in names_species] self.df = pd.DataFrame(value_signals, index=index, columns=names_species) self.df = self.df.sortlevel(["experiment"]) self.df = self.df.sort_index(axis=1) # sort the species # Get rid of TR in experiments self._experiments.columns = [this.replace("TR:", "") for this in self._experiments.columns] cues = [] for c in self._experiments.columns: if c.count(":") >=2: raise CNOError("Invalid header. Found more than 2 : sign in a column") if c.endswith(":Stimuli"): cues.append(c.split(":")[0]) elif c.endswith(":Inhibitors"): cues.append(c.split(":")[0] + ":i") elif c.endswith("i"): cues.append(c[0:-1] + ":i") else: cues.append(c) self._experiments.columns = cues inh = [x for x in self._experiments.columns if x.endswith(":i") is True] stim = [x for x in self._experiments.columns if x.endswith(":i") is False] # Finally, build up the dataframe for experiments # which one are inhibitors / stimuli ? columns_is = [] for this in self._experiments.columns: if this.endswith(':i'): columns_is.append('Inhibitors') else: columns_is.append('Stimuli') columns = [x.replace(":i","") for x in self._experiments.columns] # add dummy columns that we will delete afterwards just to create the structure of themultiindex data = self._experiments.values if 'Inhibitors' not in columns_is: # let us add an inhibitors columns_is += ['Inhibitors'] columns += ['__dummy__inhibitor'] N = len(self._experiments.values) data = np.concatenate([self._experiments.values, np.array([[None]] * N)], axis=1) if 'Stimuli' not in columns_is: columns_is = ['Stimuli'] + columns_is columns = ['__dummy__stimulus'] + columns N = len(self._experiments.values) data = np.concatenate([self._experiments.values, np.array([[None]] * N)], axis=1) self._experiments = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[columns_is, columns], index= self._experiments.index) try: self._experiments.drop(('Inhibitors', '__dummy__inhibitor'), axis=1, inplace=True) except: pass try: self._experiments.drop(('Stimuli', '__dummy__stimulus'), axis=1, inplace=True) except: pass self._experiments.sortlevel(axis=1, inplace=True) #self.df = self.df.sort_index(axis=1) self._set_missing_time_zero() if self._missing_time_zero == True: # 3 cases: # - no time zero provided # - one control provided all inh and all stim off so sum==0 # - one control provided for each different set of inhibitors (could include previous case) df = self.df.query('time==0') if len(df) == 0: # no time 0 provided --> case 1 S = -1 else: # if S == 0, we may still be in case where there are # other control for different inhibitors, so we need t check that if len(set(df.reset_index()['experiment']))>1: S = 1 else: S = 0 if S > 0: self.logging.debug("Duplicating time zero based on inhibitors") self._duplicate_time_zero_using_inhibitors_only() elif S == 0: self.logging.debug("Duplicating time zero") self._duplicate_time_zero() elif S == -1: self.logging.debug("Adding time zero") self._add_time_zero() # drop the time 0, which has no data in principle # self._set_missing_time_zero() # if self._missing_time_zero is True: # raise CNOError("Issue with missing time zero ") if self.df.shape[0] > len(self.times) * self.experiments.shape[0]: self.logging.warning("You may have duplicated experiments. " + "Please average the replicates using self.average_replicates(inplace=True)") if self.df.max(skipna=True).max(skipna=True) > 1: self.logging.warning("values larger than 1. " + "You may want to normalise/scale the data") self.sim = self.df.copy() * 0 self.errors = self.df.copy() * 0 def _add_time_zero(self): # copy the dataframe with data assuming time0 does not exsits # actually, we should have a row only for each unique experiment # excluding time since we could have tim1, time2, ... times = self.df.query("time!=0").index.levels[2] time = times[0] tobeadded = self.df.query("time==@time") * 0 tobeadded.reset_index(inplace=True) tobeadded['time'] = [0] * len(tobeadded) tobeadded.set_index(self._levels, inplace=True) df = pd.concat([self.df, tobeadded]) #df = df.set_index(self._levels) df = df.sortlevel([self._levels[1], self._levels[2]]) # experiment #df = df.sort_index(axis=1) self.df = df.copy() def _duplicate_time_zero(self): tobeadded = pd.DataFrame() # Let us identify the data for the time0 df = self.df.query('time==0') # true if only one cell line assert len(set(df.reset_index()['experiment'])) == 1 exp0 = df.reset_index()['experiment'][0] df = self.df.query("time==0 and experiment==@exp0") # now, let us get rid of all time 0 self.df = self.df.query('time!=0') # experiments = list(self.experiments.index) for i, this_exp in enumerate(experiments): try: # first experiment (control) was dropped. # If there is no time1, this should fail times = list(self.df.xs((self.cellLine, this_exp)).index) except: # in which case, the exp shoudl be dropped as well self.experiments.drop(this_exp, inplace=True) continue if 0 in times: times.remove(0) if len(times) == 0: self.experiments.drop(this_exp, inplace=True) continue newrow = df.copy() # let us add some index information that is now missing newrow[self._levels[0]] = self.cellLine newrow[self._levels[1]] = this_exp newrow[self._levels[2]] = 0 # we can now merge with the full data set tobeadded = pd.concat([tobeadded, newrow]) # finally concatenate all the rows with the dataframe df df = pd.concat([self.df.reset_index(), tobeadded], ignore_index=True) df = df.set_index(self._levels) df = df.sortlevel([self._levels[1]]) # experiment self.df = df.copy() self._reset_experiment_names() def _reset_experiment_names(self): names = list(self.experiments.index) N = len(self.experiments) newnames = ['experiment_' + str(i) for i in range(0,N)] mapping = dict(zip(names,newnames)) self.experiments.rename(index=mapping, inplace=True) # also need to reset the experiment in df: self.df.reset_index(inplace=True) self.df['experiment'] = [mapping[x] for x in self.df['experiment']] self.df.set_index(self._levels, inplace=True) self.df = self.df.sort_index() def _duplicate_time_zero_using_inhibitors_only(self): """ Sometimes the time zero data sets are not explicitly written in MIDAS files. One example is MD-ExtLiverHepG2-MCP2010-mod4.csv A set of perturbations with same inhibitors but different stimuli have the same control, which is the perturbation with same inhibitor and no stimuli. That control can therefore be duplicated. """ # find experiment that have missing time zero data experiments = list(self.experiments.index) # FIXME: this is slow tobeadded = pd.DataFrame() for i, this_exp in enumerate(experiments): times = self.df.ix[self.cellLine].ix[experiments[i]].index if 0 not in times: # need to find the experiment with same inhibitors and time 0 # there should be only one ? maybe not if replicates. these_inhibitors = self.experiments.ix[this_exp].Inhibitors for this_exp_intern in experiments: times = self.df.ix[self.cellLine].ix[this_exp_intern].index if 0 in times: if all(self.experiments.ix[this_exp_intern].Inhibitors == these_inhibitors): break # so that if there are several replicates found, # we pick up the first one only # get the times for this experimenti. it must contain the time zero newdata = self.df.xs((self.cellLine, this_exp_intern)) # we only need the time 0 newrow = newdata[newdata.index == 0].copy() # let us add some index information that is now missing newrow[self._levels[0]] = self.cellLine newrow[self._levels[1]] = this_exp newrow[self._levels[2]] = 0 tobeadded = pd.concat([tobeadded, newrow]) # finally concatenate all the rows with the dataframe df df = pd.concat([self.df.reset_index(), tobeadded], ignore_index=True) df = df.set_index(self._levels) df = df.sortlevel([self._levels[1]]) # experiment self.df = df.copy()
[docs]class XMIDAS(MIDASReader): """The extended MIDAS data structure. .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.df # access to the data frame m.experiments # access to experiments m.sim # access to simulation m.plot() Please see main documentation for extended explanation and documentation of the methods here below. .. warning:: if there are replicates, call average_replicates before creating a simulation or calling plot"mode="mse") When reading a MIDAS file with several cell lines, all data is stored but only one cell line can be visualised and manipulated at a time:: # when reading, you must give the cell line name you want to activate multiple_cell = XMIDAS('somedata', 'cell1') # valid cell line names are stored in this attribute multiple_cell.cellLines # activating another cell line needs to set this attribute: multiple_cell.cellLine = 'cell2' """ def __init__(self, filename=None, cellLine=None, verbose=False, exclude_rows={}): """**Constructor** :param str filename: filename of a MIDAS file or a XMIDAS instance :param str cellLine: name of a cell Line (compulsory if several cell lines are present) """ super(XMIDAS, self).__init__(filename, verbose=verbose, exclude_rows=exclude_rows) self._data = pd.DataFrame() self._missing_time_zero = None self._cellLine = cellLine # multi index related (position of the columns) self._celltype_index = 0 self._experiment_index = 1 self._time_index = 2 self.verbose = verbose #self._ignore_invalid_columns = True self._experiments = pd.DataFrame() self.df = pd.DataFrame() self.sim = self.df.copy() * 0 self.errors = self.df.copy() * 0 if filename is None: pass elif isinstance(filename, str): self.read() self.create_empty_simulation() self.errors = self.sim.copy() else: try: md = filename self.filename = md.filename self.df = md.df.copy() self._ = md._data.copy() self._missing_time_zero = md._missing_time_zero self.df = self.df.copy() self._experiments = md.experiments.copy() self._cellLine = md.cellLine self.sim = md.sim.copy() self.errors = md.errors.copy() except Exception as e: raise CNOError(e.message + "Invalid input file. Expecting a XMIDAS instance or valid filename") self._params = { 'plot_layout_space': 0.2, # spaces between axes 'plot_fontsize':16, 'plot_fontsize_times':16, 'plot_fontsize_species':16, 'plot_fontsize_perturbations':14, 'plot_fontsize_titles':16, 'plot_layout_shifttop': 1, 'plot_colorbar_N': 20, 'plot_orientation_perturbation_label': 90, 'plot_data_markersize': 5, 'plot_sim_lw': 4, 'plot_sim_color':'blue', } from easydev import AttrDict self._params = AttrDict(**self._params) def _manage_replicates(self): """ """ groups = self.df.groupby(level=self._levels).groups if any([len(this)>1 for this in groups.values()])==False: self.logging.info("No replicates found") else: newdf = self.df.groupby(level=self._levels).agg([np.mean, np.std]) return newdf
[docs] def average_replicates(self, inplace=False): """Average replicates if any :param bool inplace: default to False If inplace, a new dataframe :attr:`errors` is created and contains the errors (standard deviation) """ df = self._manage_replicates() if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): dfstd = df[[this for this in df.columns if "std" in this]] df = df[[this for this in df.columns if "mean" in this]] df.columns = [this[0] for this in df.columns] if inplace: self.df = df.copy() self.sim = self.df.copy() self.errors = dfstd.copy() else: return df
def __div__(self, this): m = self.copy() m.df /= this return m def __mul__(self, this): m = self.copy() m.df *= this return m def __sub__(self, this): # m1 + m2 or m1+=m2 m = self.copy() if isinstance(this, XMIDAS): m.df -= this.df else: m.df -= this return m def __add__(self, this): # m1 + m2 or m1+=m2 m = self.copy() if isinstance(this, XMIDAS): m.df += this.df else: m.df += this return m def __getitem__(self, item): """Simple alias to the dataframe's columns .. doctest:: >>> from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) >>> m['p38'].ix[0] 0.1076 >>> # equivalent to m.df['p38'].ix[0] .. note:: this is a read-only access """ if len(item)==3 and isinstance(item, str) != True: i1, i2, i3 = item return self.df.ix[i1].ix[i2].ix[i3] elif isinstance(item,str)==True: if item in self.df.columns: return self.df[item].copy() def _get_experiments(self): return self._experiments experiments = property(_get_experiments, doc="Return dataframe with experiments") def _get_names_species(self): return self.df.columns.values names_species = property(_get_names_species, doc="list of species") names_signals = property(_get_names_species, doc="same as :attr:`names_species`") species = property(_get_names_species, doc="Getter for the columns of the dataframe that represents the species/signals") signals = property(_get_names_species, doc="Getter for the columns of the dataframe that represents the species/signals") def _get_names_cues(self): cues = self.names_stimuli + self.names_inhibitors return cues names_cues = property(_get_names_cues, doc="Return list of stimuli and inhibitors together") def _get_cellLines(self): # XMIDAS created from an input file if len(self._data): names = [this for this in self._data.columns if "CellLine" in this] names = [this.split(":")[1] for this in names] return names # XMIDAS created from another builder e.g. MIDASBuilder else: names = self.df.index.levels[0] return names cellLines = property(_get_cellLines, doc="Return available cell lines") def _get_cellLine(self): return self._cellLine def _set_cellLine(self, name): if name not in self.cellLines: raise CNOError("Invalid cellLine name {}. Valid ones are {}".format(name, self.cellLines)) self._cellLine = name # TODO: do we need to call _init again ? self._init() cellLine = property(_get_cellLine, _set_cellLine, doc="Getter/Setter of the active cell line") def _get_times(self): times = self.df.index.levels[self._time_index] return sorted(list(times)) times = property(_get_times, doc="Getter to the different times") def _get_names_inhibitors(self): return list(self.experiments.Inhibitors.columns) names_inhibitors = property(_get_names_inhibitors, doc="return list of inhibitors") def _get_names_stimuli(self): return list(self.experiments.Stimuli.columns) names_stimuli = property(_get_names_stimuli, doc="returns list of stimuli")
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the dataframe to original data set""" self._init()
def _check_consistency_data(self): # times consistency all times must have same length pass
[docs] def reset_index(self): """Remove all indices (cellLine, time, experiment) Done in the 3 dataframes :attr:`df`, :attr:`sim` and :attr:`errors` """ self.df.reset_index(inplace=True) self.sim.reset_index(inplace=True) self.errors.reset_index(inplace=True)
[docs] def set_index(self): """Reset all indices (cellLine, time, experiment) Done in the 3 dataframes :attr:`df`, :attr:`sim` and :attr:`errors` """ if len(self.df): self.df.set_index(self._levels, inplace=True) self.sim.set_index(self._levels, inplace=True) self.errors.set_index(self._levels, inplace=True)
[docs] def remove_species(self, labels): """Remove a set of species :param labels: list of Species (list of strings) or just one species(single string or as a list. :: m.remove_species("p38") m.remove_species(["p38"]) """ labels = self._dev.to_list(labels) columns = self.df.columns[:] for label in labels: if label not in columns: self.logging.warning("{} not =in the species. skipped".format(label)) else: self.df.drop(label, axis=1, inplace=True) self.sim.drop(label, axis=1, inplace=True) self.errors.drop(label, axis=1, inplace=True)
[docs] def remove_cellLine(self, labels): if labels in self.cellLines and len(self.cellLines) == 1: raise ValueError("Irrelevant since there is only one cell line in the dataframe") else: raise NotImplementedError # self._remove_labels_from_level(labels, self._levels[0]) # need to handle _data as well removing rows that correspond to the cell line # set cell line to the remaining one if only one
[docs] def remove_times(self, labels): """Remove time values from the data :param list labels: one time point or a list of time points. Valid time points are in the :attr:`times` attribute. """ self._remove_labels_from_level(labels, "time")
[docs] def remove_experiments(self, labels): """Remove experiment(s) from the dataframe :param list labels: one experiment or a list of experiments. Valid experiments are in the :attr:`experiments.index` dataframe. Experiments are of the form "experiment_12". You can refer to an experiment by its number (e.g., here 12). """ self._remove_labels_from_level(labels, "experiment")
def _remove_labels_from_level(self, labels, level): """For a given level and a list of labels, this function figures out the rows to remove in the sim/errors/df data frames. This is a bit complicated but looks like the proper way """ labels = self._dev.to_list(labels) if level == "experiment": labels = [x if "experiment" in str(x) else "experiment_"+str(x) for x in labels] # FIXME try if it fails must call set_index self.reset_index() for label in labels: if label not in set(self.df[level]): self.logging.warning("{} not found. Skipped".format(label)) else: self.df.drop(self.df[self.df[level] == label].index, inplace=True) self.sim.drop(self.sim[self.sim[level] == label].index, inplace=True) self.errors.drop(self.errors[self.errors[level] == label].index, inplace=True) if level == "experiment": self.experiments.drop(label, inplace=True) # and now set the level back as before self.set_index()
[docs] def remove_stimuli(self, labels): """Remove a stimuli from the :attr:`experiment` dataframe :param labels: a string or list of string representing the stimuli """ self._remove_column_experiment(labels, level='Stimuli')
[docs] def remove_inhibitors(self, labels): """Remove inhibitor(s) from the :attr:`experiment` dataframe :param labels: a string or list of string representing the inhibitor(s) """ self._remove_column_experiment(labels, level='Inhibitors')
def _remove_column_experiment(self, labels, level): if level == 'Inhibitors': valid_names = self.names_inhibitors elif level == 'Stimuli': valid_names = self.names_stimuli labels = self._dev.to_list(labels) for label in labels: # m.experiments.columns.levels[1] contains all names even those that # are removed so need to use names_inhibitors instead if label not in set(valid_names): self.logging.warning("{} not found. Skipped".format(label)) else: self.experiments.drop((level,label), axis=1, inplace=True)
[docs] def rename_stimuli(self, names_dict): """Rename stimuli in the :attr:`experiment` dataframe :param names_dict: a dictionary with names (keys) to be replaced (values) :: from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.rename_species({"erk":"ERK", "akt":"AKT"}) .. seealso:: :meth:`rename_stimuli`, :meth:`rename_inhibitors` """ self._dev.check_param_in_list(names_dict.keys(), self.names_stimuli) self.experiments.rename(columns=names_dict, inplace=True)
[docs] def rename_inhibitors(self, names_dict): """Rename inhibitors :param names_dict: a dictionary with names (keys) to be replaced (values) :: from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.rename_species({"raf":"RAF"}) .. seealso:: :meth:`rename_stimuli`, :meth:`rename_species` """ self._dev.check_param_in_list(names_dict.keys(), self.names_inhibitors) self.experiments.rename(columns=names_dict, inplace=True)
[docs] def rename_species(self, names_dict): """Rename species in the main :attr:`df` dataframe :param names_dict: a dictionary with names (keys) to be replaced (values) :: from cno import cnodata, XMIDAS m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.rename_species({"erk":"ERK", "akt":"AKT"}) .. seealso:: :meth:`rename_stimuli`, :meth:`rename_inhibitors` """ self._dev.check_param_in_list(names_dict.keys(), self.df.columns) columns = list(self.df.columns) columns = [c if c not in names_dict.keys() else names_dict[c] for c in columns] self.df.columns = columns self.sim.columns = columns
[docs] def rename_cellLine(self, to_replace): """Rename cellLine indices :param dict to_replace: dictionary with mapping of values to be replaced. For example; to rename a valid cell line use:: m.rename_cellLine({"undefined": "PriHu"}) """ self.reset_index() self.df.replace({self._levels[0]: to_replace}, inplace=True) self.set_index() for k, v in to_replace.items(): if v in self.cellLines: raise ValueError('CellLine %s already a cell line name' % v) old = 'TR:' + k + ':CellLine' if old in self._data.columns: new = 'TR:' + v + ':CellLine' self._data.columns = [x.replace(old, new) for x in self._data.columns] if self.cellLine in to_replace.keys(): self._cellLine = to_replace[self.cellLine]
[docs] def rename_time(self, to_replace): """Rename time indices :param dict to_replace: dictionary with mapping of values to be replaced. For example; to convert time in minutes to time in seconds, use something like:: m.rename_time({0:0,1:1*60,5:5*60}) """ self.reset_index() # key may be same as value, in which case replace method fails. So, we get rid of them to_replace = dict([(k,v) for k,v in to_replace.items() if k!=v]) self.df.replace({"time": to_replace}, inplace=True) self.set_index()
[docs] def reset_experiments(self): """remove duplicated experiments and rename them from 0 to N If experiments are duplicated for some reasons (e.g., you removed an entire column with a given inibitor), then experiments may be duplicated. In which case, you may want to (1) remove the duplicated experiments (2) rename the name so that it goes from 0 to the new number of unique experiments and (3) reflect those changes into the **df** dataframe. There could be replicares in the resulting **df** attribute, which should be averaged by the user using :meth:`average_replicates` method. """ # figure out the list of experiments in terms of column labels. levels = self.experiments.columns.levels labels = self.experiments.columns.labels to_replace = {} list_exps = [(levels[0][l1], levels[1][l2]) for l1,l2 in zip(labels[0], labels[1])] groups = self.experiments.groupby(list_exps).groups for k,v in groups.items(): # if we have duplicated experiments, if len(v)>1: # let us rename them: for this in v: to_replace[this] = v[0] self.rename_experiments(to_replace) # in df and experiments dataframes #self.experiments.drop_duplicated() self.df.sortlevel(inplace=True) self.experiments.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # finally rename of experiment names to make sure it goes from 0 to N to_replace = [(k,'experiment_%s' %i) for i,k in enumerate(self.experiments.index)] self.rename_experiments(dict(to_replace))
[docs] def rename_experiments(self, to_replace): """Rename experiments in the **df** and **experiments** dataframes :param dict to_replace: a dictionary mapping old values (key) to new values (value) """ # the **df** attribute self.reset_index() to_replace = dict([(k,v) for k,v in to_replace.items() if k!=v]) self.df.replace({"experiment": to_replace}, inplace=True) self.set_index() # the experiments attribute: self.experiments.index = [to_replace[x] if x in to_replace.keys() else x for x in self.experiments.index]
[docs] def merge_times(self, how="mean"): """Not implemented yet""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_experiment(self, e): """Not implemented yet""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def scale_max(self, inplace=True): r"""Divide all data by the maximum over the entire data set .. math:: X = \frac{X}{M} where :math:`M = \max_{e,s,t} X` (with :math:`e` the experiment, :math:`s` the species, and :math:`t` the time). """ M = self.df.max().max() if inplace: self.df /= M self.errors /= M else: return self.df / M
[docs] def scale_max_across_experiments(self, inplace=True): r"""Rescale each species column across all experiments .. math:: X_s = \frac{X}{M_s} In the MIDAS plot, this is equivalent to dividing each column by the max over that column. So, on each column, you should get 1 max values set to 1 (if the max is unique). The minimum values may not be set to 0. """ M = self.df.max() newdf = self.df.divide(M, level="experiment") if inplace: self.df = newdf.copy() for col in M.index: self.errors[col] /= M.ix[col] else: return newdf
[docs] def scale_min_max_across_experiments(self, inplace=True): r"""Rescale each species column across all experiments .. math:: X_s = \frac{X-m_s}{M-m_s} where :math:`m = min_{e,s,t} X` and :math:`M = max_{e,s,t} X`, with :math:`e` the experiment, with :math:`s` the species, with :math:`t` the time. """ m = self.df.min() M = self.df.max() data = (self.df - m)/(M-m.astype(np.float64)) if inplace: self.df = data.copy() for col in M.index: self.errors[col] /= M.ix[col] - m.ix[col] else: return data
[docs] def scale_min_max(self, inplace=True): r"""Divide all data by the maximum over entire data set .. math:: X = \frac{X-m}{M-m} where :math:`m = min_{e,s,t} X` and :math:`M = max_{e,s,t} X`, with :math:`e` the experiment, with :math:`s` the species, with :math:`t` the time. This is an easy (but naive way) to set all data points between 0 and 1. """ m = self.df.min().min() M = self.df.max().max() # if X is normal distributed, # new errors of X-a is unchanged # new errors of (X-a)/(b-a) is to be divided by b-a if inplace: self.df -= m self.df /= (M-m) self.errors /= (M-m) else: newdf = self.df - m newdf /= (M-m) return newdf
[docs] def create_empty_simulation(self): """Populate the simulation dataframe with zeros. The simulation has the same layout as the experiment. The dataframe is stored in :attr:`sim`. """ self.sim = self.df * 0
[docs] def create_random_simulation(self): """Populate the simulation dataframe with uniformly random values. The simulation has the same layout as the experiment. The dataframe is stored in :attr:`sim`. """ self.sim = self.df * 0 + np.random.uniform(size=self.df.shape)
[docs] def get_diff(self, sim=None, squared=True, normed=True): r"""Return dataframe with differences between the data and simulation The dataframe returned contains the MSE (mean square error) by default. :param sim: if not provided, uses the :attr:`sim` attribute. :param normed: :param bool square: set to True to get MSE otherwise, returns the absolute values without squaring if square is True and normed is True: .. math:: \epsilon = \frac{1}{N_t} \left(X - X^s\right)^2 We then sum over time and if *normed* is False, :math:`N_t` is set to 1. """ # dataframe cannot be compared to None so, we need this trick: if isinstance(sim, types.NoneType): sim = self.sim if squared is True: diff = (sim - self.df).abs()**2 else: diff = (sim - self.df).abs() diff = diff.sum(level="experiment") if normed: N = len(self.times) diff = diff/float(N) return diff # PLOTTING
[docs] def corr(self, names=None, cmap='gist_heat_r', show=True): """plot correlation between the measured species :param list names: restriction to some species if provided. :param string cmap: a valid colormap (e.g. jet). Can also use "green" or "heat". .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% >>> from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) >>> m.corr(cmap="green") """ cmap = self._get_cmap(cmap) corr = self.df.corr() if show is True: N = corr.shape[0] names = self.df.columns[:] pylab.clf() pylab.pcolor(corr, edgecolors="k", cmap=cmap); pylab.xticks([x+0.5 for x in range(0,N)], names, rotation=90) pylab.yticks([x+0.5 for x in range(0,N)], names) pylab.tight_layout() pylab.colorbar() return corr
[docs] def plot_sim_data(self, markersize=3, logx=False, linestyle="--", marker="x", **kargs): """plot experimental curves .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: >>> from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) >>> m.plot_layout() >>> m.plot_data() >>> m.plot_sim_data() """ color = self._params['plot_sim_color'] lw = self._params['plot_sim_lw'] times = np.array(self.times) # if simulation do not have the same number of points as data simtimes = np.array(self.sim.index.levels[2]) vmin = float(self.sim.min(skipna=True).min(skipna=True)) vmin_data = float(self.df.min(skipna=True).min(skipna=True)) if logx == False: # a tick at x = 0, 0.5 in each box (size of 1) + last x=1 in last box xt = pylab.linspace(0, self.nSignals, self.nSignals*2+1) M = max(max(times), max(simtimes)) times = times/float(max(times)) simtimes = simtimes/float(M) xtlabels = self._get_xtlabels() else: M = float(max(times)) xtlin = pylab.linspace(0, self.nSignals, self.nSignals*2+1) xt = [int(x)+pylab.log10(1+pylab.mod(x,1)*M)/pylab.log10(1+M) for i,x in enumerate(xtlin)] xtlabels = self._get_xtlabels() M = max( max(pylab.log10(1+times)), max(pylab.log10(1+simtimes))) times = pylab.log10(1+times)/max(pylab.log10(1+times)) simtimes = pylab.log10(1+simtimes)/float(M) #for isim, sim in enumerate(self.sim): for i in range(0, self.nExps): for j in range(0, self.nSignals): # divide data by 1.1 to see results close to 1. signal = self.names_signals[j] exp = self.experiments.index[i] data = self.sim[signal][self.cellLine][exp] if vmin <0 or vmin_data<0: data/=2. data+=0.5 # sometimes we may want to get rid of all NA and show the lines. data = data.dropna() times = np.array(list(data.index)) simtimes = times / float(M) Xtimes = simtimes + j pylab.plot(Xtimes, data/1.05+(self.nExps-i-1), marker=marker, color=color, alpha=0.5, linestyle=linestyle, markersize=markersize, lw=lw) # plot(times+j, sim[i,j]/1.05+(self.nExps-i-1), 'b--o', # markersize=markersize) pylab.gca().set_xticklabels(xtlabels, fontsize=kargs.get("fontsize", 10)) pylab.gca().set_xticks(xt)
[docs] def plot2(self, logx=False, logy=False): # works only if there is at most one stim per experiment trend = Trend() assert all(self.experiments.Stimuli.sum(axis=1) <= 1) pylab.clf() nSignals = len(self.df.columns) nStimuli = len(self.experiments.Stimuli.columns) nInhibitors = len(self.experiments.Inhibitors.columns) nTimes = len(self.times) # How many drug per stimuli at max ? # Need to find unique combination of stimuli... for i, signal in enumerate(self.df.columns): # ... and loop here over the different combi for j, stimuli in enumerate(self.experiments.Stimuli.columns): pylab.subplot(nStimuli, nSignals, j*nSignals+1+i) # add the signal name on top if j == 0: pylab.title(self.df.columns[i]) if i == 0: pylab.ylabel(stimuli) df1 = self.experiments.Stimuli.query('%s == 1' % stimuli) for k,inhibitor in enumerate(self.experiments.Inhibitors.columns): df2 = self.experiments.Inhibitors.query('%s == 1' % inhibitor) experiment = df1.index.intersection(df2.index)[0] data = self.df.ix[self.cellLine].ix[experiment][signal] # .values trend.set(data) color = trend.get_bestfit_color() xt = np.array(self.times) / float(max(self.times)) + k pylab.plot(xt, data.values, '-o', color=color) pylab.fill_between(xt, data, 0, color=color, alpha=trend.alpha) pylab.axvline(k+1,color='k', alpha=0.2) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) pylab.ylim([0, pylab.ylim()[1]]) pylab.grid(True)
[docs] def focus_exp(self, y1=0, y2=None): # Once the plot() function called, you can easily focus on # a subset of rows if y2 is None: y2 = len(self.experiments) axes = pylab.gcf().get_axes() x1, x2 = axes[0].set_ylim(y1,y2) x1, x2 = axes[0].get_ylim() print(x1, x2) # now, set the 2 others ylimits ax1 = axes[1].set_ylim([x1,x2]) ax2 = axes[3].set_ylim([x1,x2]) pylab.plot([],[])
[docs] def plot_mse(self, mode='mse', cmap='heat', vmax=1, vmin=0, hold=False): """Simpler and faster version of plot() function""" if hold is False: pylab.clf() self.plot_layout() # Get the cmap if mode == "data": #should be one with zero being white cmap = self._colormap.get_cmap_heat_r() else: cmap = self._get_cmap(cmap) data = self.get_diff().ix[self.experiments.index].values pylab.pcolor(pylab.flipud(data), edgecolors='k', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) N = len(self.times) * len(self.species) Ntimes = len(self.times) df = self.df.ix[self.cellLine] sim = self.sim.ix[self.cellLine] xdata = [i+(j)/(Ntimes-1.) for i in range(0,len(self.species)) for j in range(0,Ntimes)] for exp in self.experiments.index: shift = len(self.experiments) - list(self.experiments.index).index(exp) - 1 pylab.plot(xdata, [x+shift for x in pylab.flatten(df.ix[exp].T.values)], color='k', lw=1, marker='x') pylab.plot(xdata, [x+shift for x in pylab.flatten(sim.ix[exp].T.values)], color='b', lw=2, marker='o', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) # plots all the data and simulated data #plot([0,1],[0,1], lw=2, color='blue', marker='o', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--'); pylab.xlim([0, len(self.species)]) pylab.ylim([0, len(self.experiments)]) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) #pylab.colorbar()
[docs] def plot_data(self, logx=False, color="black", **kargs): """plot experimental curves .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: >>> from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")); >>> m.plot_layout() >>> m.plot_data() .. note:: called by :meth:`plot` .. seealso:: :meth:`plot`, :meth:`plot_layout`, :meth:`plot_sim_data` """ mode = kargs.get("mode", "data") times = np.array(self.times) max_time = float(max(self.times)) markersize = self._params['plot_data_markersize'] if self.df.max().max() > 1 or self.df.min().min() < 0: if mode == 'data': self.logging.info("Data is not normalised. Scaling by max across of species and perturbations ") #else: # raise ValueError('data must be between 0 and 1 for simulation') if logx is False: # a tick at x = 0, 0.5 in each box (size of 1) + last x=1 in last box xt = pylab.linspace(0, self.nSignals, self.nSignals*2+1) times = times / max_time xtlabels = self._get_xtlabels(logx=True) else: M = max_time xtlin = pylab.linspace(0, self.nSignals, self.nSignals*2+1) xt = [int(x)+pylab.log10(1+pylab.mod(x,1)*M)/pylab.log10(1+M) for i,x in enumerate(xtlin)] xtlabels = self._get_xtlabels() times = pylab.log10(1+times)/max(pylab.log10(1+times)) trend = Trend() # do a copy to rescale the data locally df = self.df.copy() # we do not care about the cell line name. let us simplify the df df = df.ix[self.cellLine] vmax = float(df.max(skipna=True).max(skipna=True)) vmin = float(df.min(skipna=True).min(skipna=True)) if vmax > 1: df /= vmax errors = self.errors.copy() errors /= vmax # V(X/vmax) = V(X)/vmax errors.fillna(0, inplace=True) if errors.sum().sum() > 0: show_error = True else: show_error = False errors = errors.ix[self.cellLine] # start at zero _names_exps = [x[0] for x in list(df.index)] for j in range(0, self.nSignals): signal = self.names_signals[j] df2 = df[signal] for i in range(0, self.nExps): #for j in range(0, self.nSignals): #signal = self.names_signals[j] exp = self.experiments.index[i] #ii = df.index.levels[0].get_loc(exp) data = df2.ix[exp] #self.df2 = df2 #data = df2[ii:ii+2,j] if vmin <0: data /=2. data +=0.5 try: yerr = errors[signal].ix['average'].ix[exp] except: yerr = errors[signal].ix[exp] yerr = list(pylab.flatten(yerr.values)) trend.set(data) # y-axis ratio ratio = 0.95 Xtimes = trend.normed_times Xtimes += j if mode == "data": color = trend.get_bestfit_color() if color is None and bool(np.isnan(data.sum())) is True: pylab.fill_between(Xtimes, ratio * np.array([1] * len(Xtimes)) + self.nExps-i-1, self.nExps-i-1, color='grey') continue pylab.plot(Xtimes, ratio*data + self.nExps-i-1 , 'k-o', markersize=markersize, color=color, mfc='gray') if show_error is True: pylab.errorbar(Xtimes, ratio*data + self.nExps-i-1, yerr=yerr, color='k', ecolor='k', elinewidth=3, linewidth=3) # if data are NA, do not use pylab.fill_between(Xtimes, ratio*data + self.nExps-1-i , self.nExps-1-i, alpha=trend.alpha/1.1, color=color) else: pylab.plot(Xtimes, ratio*data + self.nExps-i-1 , 'k-o', markersize=markersize, color="k", mfc='gray') if show_error is True: pylab.errorbar(Xtimes, ratio*data + self.nExps-i-1, yerr=yerr, ecolor='k', elinewidth=3, linewidth=3, color='k') # plot(times+j, sim[i,j]/1.05+(self.nExps-i-1), 'b--o', markersize=markersize) pylab.gca().set_xticklabels(xtlabels, fontsize=kargs.get("fontsize",10)) pylab.gca().set_xticks(xt)
def _get_cmap(self, cmap=None): if cmap == "heat": cmap = self._colormap.get_cmap_heat_r() elif cmap == "green": cmap = self._colormap.get_cmap_red_green() return cmap def _get_diff_data(self, mode, squared=True): diffs = self.get_diff(self.sim, squared=squared) # we re-order the dataframe with the indices of the experiments # we will do the same with the data ! diffs = diffs.ix[self.experiments.index] if mode == "mse": diffs = np.ma.array (diffs, mask=np.isnan(diffs)) elif mode == "data": pass return diffs
[docs] def imshow(self, time, colorbar=True, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, edgecolors='k'): """vmax and vmin are replaced so that we have a symmetric colorbar centered around 0""" if cmap is None: import colormap cmap = colormap.cmap_builder('red', 'black', 'green') pylab.clf() ax = self.plot_layout(cmap=cmap, colorbar=colorbar, mode='mse') # now replaces the main images with the data at a given time # can not select in a given order of experiments a multi index # so, we first use xs to get a dtaframe. Then, we select the experiments # in the order found in self.experiments df = self.df.xs((self.cellLine, slice(None), time)).ix[self.experiments.index] data = pylab.flipud(df.as_matrix()) data = np.ma.array(data, mask=np.isnan(data)) # should be ax_cb = pylab.gcf().axes[5] if vmax is None: vmax = data.max().max() if vmin is None: vmin = data.min().min() # we make the cb symmetric around 0 if abs(vmin) > vmax: vmax = abs(vmin) else: vmin = -vmax ax.pcolormesh(data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, edgecolors=edgecolors) self._set_colorbar(ax_cb, vmin, vmax, cmap=cmap)
def _set_colorbar(self, ax_cb, vmin, vmax, cmap='jet'): N = self._params['plot_colorbar_N'] cbar = pylab.linspace(0, 1, N) indices = [int(x) for x in cbar*(N-1)] cbar = [cbar[i] for i in indices] ax_cb.pcolor(np.array([cbar, cbar]).transpose(), cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax_cb.yaxis.tick_right() ticks = np.array(ax_cb.get_yticks()) M = max(ticks) indices = [int(N*x) for x in ticks/(float(M))] ax_cb.set_yticks(indices) tic = vmin + np.array(indices)/float(N)*(vmax-vmin) try: tic = [int(x*100)/100. for x in tic] ax_cb.set_yticklabels(tic) ax_cb.set_xticks([],[]) except: pass
[docs] def plot_layout(self, cmap="heat", rotation=90, colorbar=True, vmax=None, vmin=0., mode="data", **kargs): """plot MSE errors and layout :param cmap: :param rotation: :param colorbar: :param vmax: :param vmin: :param mode: :param int fignum: figure number .. plot:: :width: 80% :include-source: >>> from cno import cnodata, XMIDAS >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")); >>> m.plot_layout() .. note:: called by :meth:`plot` .. seealso:: :meth:`plot`, :meth:`plot_layout`, :meth:`plot_sim_data` """ # get the number (default figure or otherwise one defined by the user) fignum = kargs.get('fignum', pylab.gcf().number) # Get the cmap if mode == "data": #should be one with zero being white cmap = self._colormap.get_cmap_heat_r() else: cmap = self._get_cmap(cmap) # The data to show in the main subplot diffs = self._get_diff_data(mode) # aliases fct = self._params['plot_fontsize_times'] fcp = self._params['plot_fontsize_perturbations'] fcti = self._params['plot_fontsize_titles'] # The layout gs = pylab.GridSpec(10, 10, wspace=self._params['plot_layout_space'], hspace=self._params['plot_layout_space']) fig = pylab.figure(num=fignum, figsize=(10, 6)) shift_top = self._params['plot_layout_shifttop'] layout_width = 7 w1 = layout_width + 1 w2 = layout_width + 2 ax_main = fig.add_subplot(gs[shift_top:, 0:layout_width]) ax_main.set_yticks([], []) ax_main.set_xticks([], []) # stimuli if len(self.names_stimuli) > 0: ax_stim = fig.add_subplot(gs[shift_top:, layout_width:w1]) ax_stim.set_yticks([], []) ax_stim.set_xticks([], []) ax_stim_top = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:shift_top, layout_width:w1]) ax_stim_top.set_yticks([], []) ax_stim_top.set_xticks([], []) # inhibitors if len(self.names_inhibitors) > 0: ax_inh = fig.add_subplot(gs[shift_top:, w1:w2]) ax_inh.set_yticks([], []) ax_inh.set_xticks([], []) ax_inh_top = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:shift_top, w1:w2]) ax_inh_top.set_yticks([], []) ax_inh_top.set_xticks([], []) # colorbar if colorbar and mode == 'mse': ax_cb = fig.add_subplot(gs[shift_top:, w2:10]) #ax_cb.set_yticks([], []) ax_cb.set_xticks([], []) # MAIN subplot with signals M = np.nanmax(diffs) # figure out the maximum individual MSE m = np.nanmin(diffs) # figure out the minimum individual MSE vmax_user = vmax vmax = max(1, M) # if M below 1, set the max to 1 otherwise to M if vmax_user: vmax = vmax_user pylab.sca(ax_main) if mode == "mse": try: cmap.set_bad("grey", 1.) except: pass pylab.pcolormesh(pylab.flipud(diffs)**self.cmap_scale, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, edgecolors='k'); elif mode == "data": try:cmap.set_bad("grey", 1.) except: pass pylab.pcolormesh(pylab.flipud(diffs*0), cmap=cmap, edgecolors='k'); # Some tuning of the main plot pylab.sca(ax_main) pylab.axis([0, diffs.shape[1], 0, diffs.shape[0]]) # the species name on the top ax2 = ax_main.twiny() ax2.set_xticks([i+.5 for i,x in enumerate(self.names_species)]) N = len(self.names_species) ax2.set_xticks(pylab.linspace(0.5, N-1, N)) ax2.set_xticklabels(self.names_species, rotation=self._params['plot_orientation_perturbation_label'], fontsize=self._params['plot_fontsize_species']) # the stimuli if len(self.names_stimuli) > 0: pylab.sca(ax_stim) #stimuli = np.where(np.isnan(self.stimuli)==False, self.stimuli, 0.5) stimuli = self.stimuli pylab.pcolor(1-pylab.flipud(stimuli), edgecolors='gray', cmap='gray', vmin=0,vmax=1); #ax_stim.set_yticks([], []) ax_stim.set_xticks([i+.5 for i,x in enumerate(self.names_stimuli)]) ax_stim.set_xticklabels(self.names_stimuli, rotation=rotation, fontsize=fcp) pylab.axis([0,self.stimuli.shape[1], 0, self.stimuli.shape[0]]) # the inhibitors if len(self.names_inhibitors)>0: pylab.sca(ax_inh) #inhibitors = np.where(np.isnan(self.inhibitors)==False, # self.inhibitors, 0.5) inhibitors = self.inhibitors pylab.pcolor(1-pylab.flipud(inhibitors), edgecolors='gray', cmap='gray', vmin=0,vmax=1); #ax_inh.set_yticks([],[]) ax_inh.set_xticks([i+.5 for i,x in enumerate(self.names_inhibitors)]) ax_inh.set_xticklabels(self.names_inhibitors, rotation=rotation, fontsize=fcp) pylab.axis([0,self.inhibitors.shape[1], 0, self.inhibitors.shape[0]]) # the stimuli if len(self.names_stimuli) > 0: pylab.sca(ax_stim_top) pylab.text(0.5,0.5, "Stimuli", color="blue", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=int(fcti/1.5)) # the inhibitors if len(self.names_inhibitors) > 0: pylab.sca(ax_inh_top) pylab.text(0.5,0.5, "Inhibitors", color="blue", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=int(fcti/1.5)) # colorbar. we build our own colorbar to place it on the RHS if colorbar and mode == "mse": pylab.sca(ax_cb) N = self._params['plot_colorbar_N'] cbar = pylab.linspace(0, 1, N) indices = [int(x) for x in cbar**self.cmap_scale*(N-1)] cbar = [cbar[i] for i in indices] pylab.pcolor(np.array([cbar, cbar]).transpose(), cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax_cb.yaxis.tick_right() ticks = np.array(ax_cb.get_yticks()) M = max(ticks) indices = [int(N*x) for x in ticks**self.cmap_scale/(M**self.cmap_scale)] ax_cb.set_yticks(indices) if vmax == 1: # set number of digits tic = np.array(indices)/float(N) tic = [int(x*100)/100. for x in tic] ax_cb.set_yticklabels(tic) else: ax_cb.set_yticklabels([int(x*100)/100. for x in np.array(indices)/float(N)*vmax]) ax_cb.set_xticks([],[]) pylab.sca(ax_main) return ax_main
def _get_nExps(self): return len(self.experiments) nExps = property(_get_nExps, doc="return number of experiments") def _get_stimuli(self): return self.experiments.Stimuli stimuli = property(_get_stimuli, doc="return the stimuli dataframe") def _get_inhibitors(self): return self.experiments.Inhibitors inhibitors = property(_get_inhibitors, doc="return the inhibitors dataframe") def _get_nSignals(self): return len(self.df.columns) nSignals = property(_get_nSignals, doc="return the number of signals") def _get_xtlabels(self, logx=False): """build the time labels vector The vector is [t0,tmid,t0,tmid,...t0,tmid,tend] """ t0 = self.times[0] t2 = self.times[-1] xtlabels = [int(t0),int((t2-t0)/2)] * self.nSignals + [int(t2)] return xtlabels
[docs] def xplot(self, bbox=False, *args, **kargs): """Same as :meth:`plot` using the xkcd layout for fun!""" with pylab.xkcd(): self.plot(*args, **kargs) mybbox = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5) if bbox: pylab.text(3, 12, "XMIDAS", fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=mybbox) tx = pylab.title("XMIDAS", bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)) tx.set_position((0.6, 1.15))
[docs] def plot(self, mode='data', **kargs): """Plot data contained in :attr:`experiment` and :attr:`df` dataframes. :param string mode: must be either "mse" or "data" (defaults to data) :param fignum: figure number if mode is 'mse', calls also plot_layout, plot_data and plot_sim_data else calls plot_layout and plot_data .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.plot(mode="mse") """ if mode == "mse": if self.df.min().min() < 0: self.logging.warning("values are expected to be positive") if self.df.max().max() > 1: self.logging.warning("values are expected to be normalised") kargs['mode'] = 'mse' self.plot_layout(**kargs) self.plot_data(**kargs) self.plot_sim_data(**kargs) else: kargs['mode'] = 'data' self.plot_layout(**kargs) self.plot_data(**kargs)
[docs] def boxplot(self, mode="time"): """Plot boxplot of the dataframe with the data :param str mode: time or species .. plot:: from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.boxplot(mode="species") m.boxplot(mode="time") """ if mode == "time": self.df.reset_index().boxplot(by="time") pylab.tight_layout() else: # return_type= axes is to remove warning in pandas # The default value for 'return_type' will change to 'axes' in a future release. self.df.boxplot(return_type='axes')
[docs] def radviz(self, species=None, fontsize=10): """ .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.radviz(["ap1", "gsk3", "p38"]) """ if species == None: species = list(self.df.columns) from pandas.tools.plotting import radviz df = self.df.reset_index() del df['time'] del df['cell'] pylab.figure(1) pylab.clf() radviz(df[['experiment']+species], "experiment") pylab.legend(fontsize=fontsize)
[docs] def to_measurements(self): """Returns a Measurements instance Each datum in the dataframe :attr:`df` is converted into an instance of :class:`~cno.io.measurement.Measurements`. :return: list of experiments. :: mb = MIDASbuilder(m.to_measurements) mb.xmidas """ experiments = [] for row in self.df.iterrows(): cellLine, exp, time = row[0] data = row[1] inhibitors = self.experiments.ix[exp].Inhibitors stimuli = self.experiments.ix[exp].Stimuli for species in data.index: e = Measurement(species, time=time, stimuli=dict(stimuli), inhibitors=dict(inhibitors), value=data[species], cellLine=cellLine) experiments.append(e) return experiments
[docs] def to_csv(self, filename, expand_time_column=False, export_only_current_cellLine=True): return self.to_midas(filename, expand_time_column=False, export_only_current_cellLine=export_only_current_cellLine)
[docs] def to_midas(self, filename, expand_time_column=False, export_only_current_cellLine=True): """Save XMIDAS into a MIDAS CSV file. By default, only the current cell line is exported. Multi cell line are not saved. :param str filename: """ f = open(filename, "w") # TODO: cellline header = ["TR:%s:CellLine"%self.cellLine] header += ['TR:'+this for this in self.experiments.Stimuli.columns] header += ['TR:'+this+'i' for this in self.experiments.Inhibitors.columns] if expand_time_column == False: header += ["DA:ALL"] else: header += ["DA:" + x for x in self.df.columns] try: header += ["DV:" + x for x in self.df.columns] except Exception: print(self.df.columns) raise Exception header = ",".join(header) f.write(header + "\n") for time in self.times: # experiments of levels is 1 # better to use experiments df so that order is same as in experiments for exp in self.experiments.index: if (self.cellLine, exp, time) not in self.df.index: continue measurements = self.df.xs((self.cellLine, exp, time)) measurements = measurements[self.df.columns] # maybe not needed # keep it for now to be sure that order of measurements is same as in the header experiment = self.experiments.ix[exp] values = list(experiment.Stimuli.values) + list(experiment.Inhibitors.values) # FIXME use instance if type(measurements) == pd.core.series.Series: if expand_time_column == False: rowdata = [1] + values + [time] + list(measurements) else: rowdata = [1] + values + [time]*len(self.df.columns) + list(measurements) f.write(",".join(["{}".format(x) for x in rowdata]) + "\n") elif type(measurements) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: for measurement in measurements.values: if expand_time_column == False: rowdata = [1] + values + [time] + list(measurement) else: rowdata = [1] + values +\ [time]*len(self.df.columns) + list(measurement) f.write(",".join(["{}".format(x) for x in rowdata]) + "\n") else: raise TypeError() f.close()
[docs] def normalise(self, mode, inplace=True, changeThreshold=0, **kargs): """Normalise the data :param mode: 'time' or 'control' :param bool inplace: Defaults to True. .. warning:: not fully tested. the mode "time" should work. The control mode has been tested on 2 MIDAS files only. This is a complex normalisation described in :class:`~cno.io.midas_normalisation.XMIDASNormalise` """ if self.df.max().max() <=1 and self.df.min.min()>=0: raise CNOError("data already between 0 and 1") assert mode in ["fold_change", "time", "control"], "mode must be control,fold_change or time" kargs['changeThreshold'] = changeThreshold if mode == "time": n = normalisation.XMIDASNormalise(self, **kargs) normed_midas = n.time_normalisation() elif mode == "control": n = normalisation.XMIDASNormalise(self, **kargs) normed_midas = n.control_normalisation() elif mode == 'fold_change': raise NotImplementedError if inplace is False: return normed_midas else: self.df = normed_midas.copy()
[docs] def add_uniform_distributed_noise(self, inplace=False, dynamic_range=1, mode="bounded"): """add random (uniformaly distributed) noise to the dataframe The noise is uniformly distributed between -0.5 and 0.5 and added to the values contained in the dataframe (for each combinaison of species and time/experiment). New values are :math:`\hat{X}=X + \mathcal{U}(-.5, .5)*dr`, where dr is the dynamical range. Note that final values may be below zero or above 1. If you do not want this feature, set the mode to "bounded" (The default is **free**). **bounded** means :param bool inplace: False by default :param float dynamic_range: a multiplicative value set to the noise :param str mode: bounded (between min and max of the current data) or free """ # axis=1 means each values is modified # axis=0 means the same value is added to the entire column dr = dynamic_range # add a unique random number to each value irrespective of level/axis if mode == "bounded": # because we use min() and max(), we cannot use apply but must use # applymap. Otherwise, identical random are generated for each # species newdf = self.df.applymap(lambda x: x + np.random.uniform(-x.min(),1-x.max())*dr) elif mode == "free": newdf = self.df + np.random.uniform(self.df) * dr else: raise CNOError("mode can be bounded or free") if inplace: self.df = newdf.copy() else: return newdf
[docs] def add_gaussian_noise(self, mu=0, sigma=0.1, inplace=False): r"""add gaussian noise to the data. Results may be negative or above 1 :param float beta: see equation :param float sigma: see equation (default to 0.1) :param bool inplace: Default to False .. math:: \hat{X} = X + \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma) """ # random.normal accepts x and takes its shape to return random values. # so, the addition of x and the ouptut of np.random.normal is as # expected: points by point. newdf = self.df.apply(lambda x:x + np.random.normal(mu, scale=sigma)) if inplace: self.df = newdf else: return newdf
def _make_df_compatible(self): """if you use MakeBuilder, you can really add any combi of experiments However, the resulting df built is not MIDAS compatible for sure. For example, not all same time are available for each experiment. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_residual_errors(self, level="time", normed=False): r"""Return vector with residuals errors The residual errors are interesting to look at in the context of a boolean analysis. Indeed, residual errors is the minimum error that is unavoidable with a boolean network and comes from the discrete nature of such a model. In a boolean analysis, one would compare 0/1 values to continuous values between 0 and 1. Therefore, however good is the optimisation, the value of the goodness of fit term cannot go under this residual error. :param: level to sum over :return: a time series with summed residual errors :math:`\sum (round(x)-x)^2` the summation is performed over species and experiment by default. .. doctest:: >>> from cno import cnodata, XMIDAS >>> m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyMMB_T2.csv")) >>> m.get_residual_errors() time 0 0.000000 10 2.768152 100 0.954000 dtype: float64 if normed is False, returns: .. math:: \sum_{level} \left( X - \bf{round}( X) \right)^2 where level can be either over time or experiment. If normed is True, divides the time series by number of experiments and number of times .. note:: if normed set to False, same results as in CellNOptR for mode set to time. """ diff = (self.df - self.df.apply(lambda x: x.round(), axis=1)) diff_square = diff.apply(lambda x: x**2, axis=1) S = diff_square.sum(level=level).sum(axis=1) if normed : S /= len(self.experiments) * len(self.signals) return S
[docs] def get_max_errors(self, level='time', normed=False): """Returns max error possible Should be below one once normalised but could be as low as 0.5 """ diff = (self.df - (1-self.df.apply(lambda x: x.round(), axis=1))) diff_square = diff.apply(lambda x: x**2, axis=1) S = diff_square.sum(level=level).sum(axis=1) if normed : S /= len(self.experiments) * len(self.signals) return S
[docs] def copy(self): x = XMIDAS() x._data = self._data.copy() x._missing_time_zero = self._missing_time_zero x.df = self.df.copy() x._experiments = self.experiments.copy() x._cellLine = self.cellLine x.sim = self.sim.copy() x.errors = self.errors.copy() return x
def __str__(self): txt = "Your data set contains {} cellLines\n".format(len(self.cellLines)) txt += " Current selected cell line is {}\n".format(self.cellLine) txt += "\nThe data contains \n" txt += "{} Species:\n\t {}\n".format(len(self.names_species), self.names_species) txt += "{} inhibitors:\n\t {}\n".format(len(self.names_inhibitors), self.names_inhibitors) txt += "{} stimuli:\n\t {}\n".format(len(self.names_stimuli), self.names_stimuli) return txt
[docs] def pca(self, pca_components=2, fontsize=16): """PCA analysis .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.pca() """ from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA(n_components=pca_components) #t = self.df[signal] #pca.fit(t.unstack(1)) for signal in self.df.columns: t = self.df[signal].fillna(0) X = t.unstack() X_r = pca.fit(X).transform(X) pylab.plot(X_r[:,0], X_r[:,1], 'o', label=signal) print(signal, pca.explained_variance_ratio_) pylab.legend(fontsize=fontsize) return pca
[docs] def discretize(self, **kargs): return self.discretise(**kargs)
[docs] def discretise(self, inplace=True, N=2): """Discretise data by rounding up the values :param int N: number of discrete values (defaults to 2). If set to 2, values will be either 0 or 1. If set to 5, values wil lbe in [0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1] :param inplace: .. warning. data has to be normalised """ assert N >= 2, "N must be at least equal to 2" N = N-1. self.logging.info("Discretization between 0-1 assuming normalised data") if inplace: self.df = self.df.apply(lambda x: (x*N).round()/N) else: df = self.df.apply(lambda x: (x*N).round()/N) return df
[docs] def round(self, inplace=True, decimals=0): """Round values to a given decimal""" if inplace == True: self.df = self.df.apply(lambda x : x.round(decimals=decimals)) else: return self.df.values.apply(lambda x : x.round(decimals=decimals))
[docs] def hcluster(self, mode="experiment", metric='euclidean', leaf_rotation=90, leaf_font_size=12, **kargs): """Plot the hiearchical cluster (simple approach) .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.hcluster("species") """ kargs['leaf_font_size'] = leaf_font_size kargs['leaf_rotation'] = leaf_rotation assert mode in ["experiment", "time", "species"] from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram pylab.clf() if mode == "experiment": distxy = squareform(pdist(self.df.unstack("time"), metric=metric)) elif mode == "time": distxy = squareform(pdist(self.df.unstack("experiment"), metric=metric)) elif mode == "species": distxy = squareform(pdist(self.df.transpose(), metric=metric)) try: R = dendrogram(linkage(distxy), **kargs) except: R = dendrogram(linkage(distxy, method='complete'), **kargs) self._debug = R leaves = R['leaves'] if mode == "time": pylab.xticks(pylab.xticks()[0], self.times[leaves]) pylab.title("Clustering by time") elif mode == "experiment": pylab.xticks(pylab.xticks()[0], self.experiments.index[leaves]) pylab.title("Clustering by experiments") else: pylab.xticks(pylab.xticks()[0], self.species[leaves]) pylab.title("Clustering by species") ylim = pylab.ylim() if ylim[0] == 0: pylab.ylim([0-ylim[1]*.05, ylim[1]]) pylab.tight_layout()
[docs] def heatmap(self, cmap="heat", transpose=False): """Hierarchical clustering on species and one of experiment/time level .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.heatmap() .. note:: time zero is ignored. Indeed, data at time zero is mostly set to zero, which biases clustering. """ cmap = self._get_cmap(cmap) from biokit.viz.heatmap import Heatmap data = self.df.query('time>0').unstack(2).ix[self.cellLine] if transpose: h = Heatmap(data.transpose()) else: h = Heatmap(data) h.plot(cmap=cmap) return h
[docs] def shuffle(self, mode="experiment", inplace=True): """Shuffle data This method does not alter the data but shuffles it depending on the user choice. :param str mode: type of shuffling (see below) :param bool inplace: Defaults to True The **mode** parameter can be #. `timeseries` shuffles experiments and species; timeseries are unchanged. #. `all`: through times, experiments and species. No structure kept sum of the data is constant. #. `signal` (or `species` or `column`): within a column, timeseries are shuffled. So, sum over signals is constant. #. `experiment` (or `index`): with a row (experiment), timeseries are shuffled. Sum of data over a row is constant. Original data: .. plot:: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.plot() Shuffling all timeseries (shuffling rows and columsn in the plot): .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import XMIDAS, cnodata m = XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) m.shuffle(mode="timeseries") m.plot() .. warning:: shuffling is made inplace. """ if mode == "all": # The random.shuffle function does not work!! somehow sum of # data increases or decreases # One must use numpy.random.shuffle instead shape = self.df.shape data = self.df.values.reshape(shape[0]*shape[1]) np.random.shuffle(data) count = 0 # not very efficient but works for now for i in range(0, shape[0]): for j in range(0, shape[1]): self.df.values[i][j] = data[count] count += 1 elif mode in ["signal", "species", "column"]: # sum on a species is constant for c in self.df.columns: np.random.shuffle(self.df[c].values) elif mode in ["index", "experiment"]: # m.df.sum(level="experiment").sum(axis=1) is constant for this_index in self.df.index: np.random.shuffle(self.df.ix[this_index].values) elif mode == "timeseries": # swap boxes species = list(self.species) exps = list(self.experiments.index) pairs = [(s,e) for s in species for e in exps] # permutation now np.random.shuffle(pairs) df = self.df.copy() # FIXME: cell not implemented yet count = 0 for s in species: for e in exps: rand_s = pairs[count][0] rand_e = pairs[count][1] data = list(df[rand_s].ix[self.cellLine].ix[rand_e]) self.df[s].ix[self.cellLine].ix[e] = data count += 1 else: raise CNOError("unknown mode {0} in shuffle()".format(mode))
[docs] def sort_experiments_by_stimuli(self): """Sort experiments by stimuli Affects the experiment dataframe for th rendering but do not change the dataframe that contains the data. """ N = len(self.experiments) list_exps = [('Stimuli', stimulus) for stimulus in self.names_stimuli] list_exps += [('Inhibitors', inhibitor) for inhibitor in self.names_inhibitors] new_order = self.experiments.groupby(list_exps).groups new_order = [new_order[x] for x in sorted(new_order.keys())] new_order = list(pylab.flatten(new_order)) assert len(new_order )== N self._experiments = self.experiments.reindex_axis(new_order, axis=0)
[docs] def sort_experiments_by_inhibitors(self): """Sort the experiments by inhibitors Affects the experiment dataframe for th rendering but do not change the dataframe that contains the data. """ N = len(self.experiments) list_exps = [('Inhibitors', inhibitor) for inhibitor in self.names_inhibitors] list_exps += [('Stimuli', stimulus) for stimulus in self.names_stimuli] new_order = self.experiments.groupby(list_exps).groups new_order = [new_order[x] for x in sorted(new_order.keys())] new_order = list(pylab.flatten(new_order)) assert len(new_order )== N self._experiments = self.experiments.reindex_axis(new_order, axis=0)
def __eq__(self, other): if all(other.df == self.df) == False: return False if all(other.experiments == self.experiments) == False: return False return True
[docs]class Trend(object): """Utility that figures out the trend of a time series .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from cno import cnodata from cno.io import midas # get a time series xm = midas.XMIDAS(cnodata("MD-ToyPB.csv")) ts = xm.df['ap1']['Cell']['experiment_0'] # set a trend instance trend = midas.Trend() trend.set(ts) trend.plot() trend.get_bestfit_color() """ def __init__(self): self.data = None
[docs] def set(self, ts): """Set the data with the parameter :param ts: a Pandas TimeSeries """ self.data = ts
def _get_times(self): return self.data.index.values times = property(_get_times, doc="return time array") def _get_values(self): return self.data.values values = property(_get_values, doc="return the value array") def _get_normed_times(self): # Here, time 0 is zero so we can divide by Max only return self.times / float(self.times.max()) normed_times = property(_get_normed_times, doc="return normed time array") def _get_normed_values(self): # FIXME do we want to use the span ?? #span = float(self.values.max()) - float(self.values.min()) return self.values / float(self.values.max()) #return (self.values -self.values.min())/ span normed_values = property(_get_normed_values, doc="return normed value array") def _get_alpha(self): try: alpha = np.trapz(self.normed_values, self.normed_times) except: alpha = 'white' return alpha alpha = property(_get_alpha, doc="return strength of the signal")
[docs] def transient(self, x=None): if x == None: x = self.times M = max(x) v = np.array([(M-y)/(M/2.) if y>=M/2. else y/(M/2.) for y in x]) return self._normed(v)
[docs] def constant(self, x=0): v = np.array([x] * len(self.times)) v = self._normed(v) return v
def _normed(self, v): sumsq = np.sqrt(sum([this**2 for this in v])) return v/sumsq
[docs] def earlier(self, x=None, n=3., N=4.): if x == None: x = self.times M = max(x) v = np.array([(M-y)/(n*M/N) if y>=M/N else y/(M/N) for y in x]) return self._normed(v)
[docs] def sustained(self, x=None, L=0.5): if x == None: x = self.times M = max(x) m = L * M v = np.array([y if y<m else m for y in x]) return self._normed(v)
[docs] def inverse_sustained(self, x=None, L=0.5): if x == None: x = self.times M = max(x) m = L * M v = np.array([(M-y) if y < m else M-m for y in x]) return self._normed(v)
[docs] def later(self, x=None, L=0.5): if x == None: x = self.times M = max(x) m = L * M v = np.array([0 if y<m else y-m for y in x]) return self._normed(v)
def _correlate(self, a, b): a = self._normed(a) b = self._normed(b) return np.correlate(a,b) def _get_correlation(self, a): correlation = {} correlation['later'] = self._correlate(a, self.later()) correlation['earlier'] = self._correlate(a, self.earlier()) correlation['earlier2'] = self._correlate(a, self.earlier(n=1,N=10)) correlation['transient'] = self._correlate(a, self.transient()) correlation['constant_half'] = self._correlate(a, self.constant(0.5)) correlation['constant_unity'] = self._correlate(a, self.constant(1)) correlation['sustained'] = self._correlate(a, self.sustained(L=.5)) correlation['inverse_sustained'] = self._correlate(a, self.inverse_sustained(L=.5)) return correlation
[docs] def plot(self): """Plots the data and possible choices of trends""" data = self.values corrs = self._get_correlation(data) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(self.times, self._normed(data), label="data", lw=4, ls="--", color='k') # transient pylab.plot(self.times, self.transient(), 'o-', label="transient " + str(corrs['transient'])) # earlier pylab.plot(self.times, self.earlier(), 'o-', label="earlier " + str(corrs['earlier'])) pylab.plot(self.times, self.earlier(n=1, N=10), 'o-', label="earlier2 " + str(corrs['earlier2'])) # later pylab.plot(self.times, self.later(), 'o-', label="later " + str(corrs['later'])) # constant pylab.plot(self.times, self.constant(.5), 'o-', label="constant " + str(corrs['constant_half'])) # sustained pylab.plot(self.times, self.sustained(L=.5), 'o-', label="sustained" + str(corrs['sustained'])) pylab.plot(self.times, self.inverse_sustained(L=.5), 'o-', label="inv sustained" + str(corrs['inverse_sustained'])) pylab.legend(fontsize=10)
[docs] def get_bestfit(self): corrs = self._get_correlation(self.normed_values) keys,values = (corrs.keys(), corrs.values()) # M = max(values) return keys[np.argmax(values)]
[docs] def get_bestfit_color(self): # somehow must cast to python bool... if bool(np.isnan(self.data.sum())) is True: return None corrs = self._get_correlation(self.normed_values) keys,values = (corrs.keys(), corrs.values()) # M = max(values) values = [x[0] for x in values] if np.isnan(np.nanmax(values)): return 'purple' else: res = keys[np.nanargmax(values)] #except: # res = keys[np.argmax(values)] if "constant" in res: return "black" elif "later" in res: return "red" elif "transient" in res: return "yellow" elif "earlier" in res: return "purple" elif "sustained" in res: return "green" else: return "white"