CellNOpt homepage|cellnopt 0.1.3 documentation

Source code for cno.io.measurements

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of the cinapps.tcell package
#  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer (cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk)
#  Distributed under the GLPv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: www.cellnopt.org
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import random
import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

__all__ = ["Measurement", "Measurements", "MIDASBuilder"]

[docs]class Measurement(object): """Data structure to store a measurement. Givem a list of stimuli and inhibitor, stores a measure at a given time. >>> from cno.io.midas_extra import Measurement >>> m = Measurement("AKT", 0, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) """ def __init__(self, protein_name, time, stimuli, inhibitors, value, cellLine="undefined", units='second'): """ :param str protein: :param float time: :param dict stimuli: a dictionary :param dict inhibitors: a dictionary :param float measurement: the value :param str cellLine: Defaults to "undefined" :param str units: Defaults to "second" (not yet used) """ self._time = time self._stimuli = None self.stimuli = stimuli self._measurement = value self._protein_name = protein_name self._inhibitors = None self.inhibitors = inhibitors self._cellLine = cellLine self._units = units def _get_units(self): return self._units def _set_units(self, units): assert units in ["second", "hour", "minute", "day"] self._units = units units = property(_get_units, _set_units ,doc="units (second, hour, minute, day") def _get_cellLine(self): return self._cellLine def _set_cellLine(self, cellLine): assert isinstance(cellLine, str) self._cellLine = cellLine cellLine = property(_get_cellLine, _set_cellLine) def _get_time(self): return self._time def _set_time(self, time): assert isinstance(time, (int, float)) assert time>=0 time = property(_get_time, _set_time) def _get_protein_name(self): return self._protein_name def _set_protein_name(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) self._protein_name = name protein_name = property(_get_protein_name, _set_protein_name) def _get_stimuli(self): return self._stimuli def _set_stimuli(self, stimuli): isinstance(stimuli, dict) for k,v in stimuli.items(): if v >1 or v<0: raise ValueError("Value of the stimulus {} must be inside the range [0,1]".format(k)) self._stimuli = stimuli.copy() stimuli = property(_get_stimuli, _set_stimuli) def _get_inhibitors(self): return self._inhibitors def _set_inhibitors(self, inhibitors): isinstance(inhibitors, dict) for k,v in inhibitors.items(): if v >1 or v<0: raise ValueError("Value of the inhibitor {} must be inside the range [0,1]".format(k)) self._inhibitors = inhibitors.copy() inhibitors = property(_get_inhibitors, _set_inhibitors) def _get_data(self): return self._measurement def _set_data(self, data): assert isinstance(data, (int, float)) self._measurement = data data = property(_get_data, _set_data)
[docs] def cues_as_dict(self): data = self.stimuli.copy() data.update(self.inhibitors) return data
[docs] def get_cues(self): cues = sorted(self.stimuli.keys()) + sorted(self.inhibitors.keys()) return cues
def __str__(self): txt = "Protein {} (cellLine {}) measured at time {} has value: {}".format( self.protein_name, self.cellLine, self.time, self.data) txt += " for the following measurement: \n\tStimuli: {}\n\tInhibitors: {}.".format( self.stimuli, self.inhibitors) return txt
[docs]class Measurements(list): """Data structure to store list of measurements >>> es = Measurements() >>> e1 = Measurement("AKT", 0, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) >>> e2 = Measurement("AKT", 5, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.5) >>> es.add_measurements([e1,e2]) """ def __init__(self, measurements=None): if measurements: self.add_measurements(measurements)
[docs] def add_measurements(self, measurements): if isinstance(measurements, list) is False: measurements = [measurements] for exp in measurements: # FIXME do we need a costly copy here ? self.append(copy.deepcopy(exp))
def _get_species(self): species = sorted(list(set([e.protein_name for e in self]))) return species species = property(_get_species) def _get_stimuli(self): stimuli = set() for e in self: stimuli = stimuli.union(e.stimuli.keys()) return stimuli stimuli = property(_get_stimuli) def _get_inhibitors(self): inhibitors = set() for e in self: inhibitors = inhibitors.union(e.inhibitors.keys()) return inhibitors inhibitors = property(_get_inhibitors)
[docs] def get_protein(self): return [x.protein_name for x in self]
[docs] def get_data(self): return [x.data for x in self]
[docs] def get_time(self): return [x.time for x in self]
[docs] def get_cell(self): return [x.cellLine for x in self]
[docs]class MIDASBuilder(object): """STarts a MIDAS file from scratch and export 2 CSV MIDAS file. .. warning:: to be used with care. Right now it seems to work but still in development. >>> m = MIDASBuilder() >>> e1 = Measurement("AKT", 0, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) >>> e2 = Measurement("AKT", 5, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.5) >>> e3 = Measurement("AKT", 10, {"EGFR":1}, {"AKT":0}, 0.9) >>> e4 = Measurement("AKT", 0, {"EGFR":0}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) >>> e5 = Measurement("AKT", 5, {"EGFR":0}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) >>> e6 = Measurement("AKT", 10, {"EGFR":0}, {"AKT":0}, 0.1) >>> for e in [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6]: ... m.add_measurement(e) >>> m.to_midas("test.csv") This class allows one to add measurements to obtain a dataframe compatible with XMIDAS class, which can then be saved using XMIDAS.to_midas. If an inhibitor or stimuli is not provided, we assume ti is absent (set to zero). """ def __init__(self): self.measurements = Measurements()
[docs] def test_example(self, Nspecies=20, N=10, times=[0,10,20,30]): """ N number of stimuli and inhibitors Ntime = There are duplicates so Nrows = N*2 * Ntimes * 2 """ self.measurements = Measurements() """e1 = Measurement("DIG1", 0, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 1) e2 = Measurement("DIG1", 0, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 1.2) e3 = Measurement("DIG1", 0, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 1.3) e4 = Measurement("DIG2", 0, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 3) e5 = Measurement("DIG2", 10, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 2) e6 = Measurement("DIG1", 10, {"EGF":1, "Akt":1}, {}, 1.5) e7 = Measurement("DIG3", 20, {"EGF":1, "Akt":0}, {}, 3.5) self.add_list_measurements([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6, e7])""" species = ['AKT' + str(i) for i in range(1,Nspecies)] stimuli = ['S'+str(i) for i in range(1, N)] inhibitors = ['I'+str(i) for i in range(1, N)] for this in species: N1 = random.randint(1, N) N2 = random.randint(1, N) random.shuffle(stimuli) random.shuffle(inhibitors) d_sti = dict([(x,1) for x in stimuli[0:N1]]) d_sti.update(dict([(x,0) for x in stimuli[N1:]])) d_inh = dict([(x,1) for x in inhibitors[0:N2]]) d_inh.update(dict([(x,0) for x in inhibitors[N2:]])) for time in times: e = Measurement(this, time, d_sti, d_inh, random.random()) self.add_measurements(e) # add duplicated values e = Measurement(this, time, d_sti, d_inh, random.random()) self.add_measurements(e)
def __len__(self): return len(self.measurements)
[docs] def add_measurements(self, measurements): self.measurements.add_measurements(measurements)
[docs] def get_colnames(self): return self.measurements[0].get_cues()
def _get_stimuli(self): return self.measurements.stimuli stimuli = property(_get_stimuli) def _get_inhibitors(self): return self.measurements.inhibitors inhibitors = property(_get_inhibitors)
[docs] def get_df_exps(self): stimuli = list(self.stimuli) inhibitors = list(self.inhibitors) Ns = len(stimuli) Ni = len(inhibitors) Nrows = len(self) N = Ns+Ni df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(N*Nrows).reshape(Nrows, N), index=range(0,Nrows), columns=[['Stimuli']*Ns + ['Inhibitors']*Ni, stimuli + inhibitors]) df.sortlevel(axis=1, inplace=True) # this is the slowest part in the 2 next loops. for stimulus in stimuli: df.loc[:,('Stimuli', stimulus)] = [x.stimuli.get(stimulus, 0) for x in self.measurements] for inhibitor in inhibitors: df.loc[:,('Inhibitors', inhibitor)] = [x.inhibitors.get(inhibitor, 0) for x in self.measurements] df['time'] = self.measurements.get_time() df['cell'] = self.measurements.get_cell() df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'index':'experiment'}, inplace=True) # set indexes now based on cell name, time and index, which will need # to be renamed as condition df.set_index(['cell', 'experiment', 'time'], inplace=True) groups = df.groupby(by=list(df.columns.values)).groups df = df.drop_duplicates() experiment_names = ['experiment_%s' % i for i in range(0, len(groups.keys()))] df.reset_index(inplace=True) self._df = df.copy() # add dummy inhibitors and stimuli columns to create the # strucuture, then remove them df['Inhibitors', '__dummy__'] = [1] * df.shape[0] df['Stimuli', '__dummy__'] = [1] * df.shape[0] df = df[['experiment', 'Inhibitors', 'Stimuli']] del df['Inhibitors', '__dummy__'] del df['Stimuli', '__dummy__'] # drop time and cell info # FIXMEL warning raised from call here below df.loc[:,'experiment'] = experiment_names #df.set_index(['cell', 'experiment', 'time'], inplace=True) df.set_index(['experiment'], inplace=True) return df, groups
[docs] def get_df_data(self): df = pd.DataFrame({ 'protein': self.measurements.get_protein(), 'data': self.measurements.get_data(), 'time': self.measurements.get_time(), 'cell': self.measurements.get_cell() }) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'index':'experiment'}, inplace=True) return df
def _get_xmidas(self): # FIXME if no time zero provided, assumes this is a fold change # and set all values to zero. from cno.io.midas import XMIDAS xm = XMIDAS() if len(self.measurements) == 0: return xm xm.df = self.get_df_data() df_exps, groups = self.get_df_exps() # set the name of the experiments in the first df (df_exps) xm._experiments = df_exps # set name of the experiments in second df (based on the group) # FIXME: multi cell line fails here mapping = {} for i, name_exp in enumerate(df_exps.index): # loop over experiments # looking for the indices (row index) of the experiments # within a group exps = groups[tuple(df_exps.ix[i].values)] exp_index = [exp[1] for exp in exps] # all those rows should be named with same experiment name # that is the variabe we are looping on (name) for j in exp_index: mapping[j] = name_exp # we can now rename the experiment in the dataframe that containts the data # indeed for now experiments are just values from 0 to N xm.df.loc[exp_index, 'experiment'] = name_exp self._df_data = xm.df.copy() # now that experiments have been renamed, we can pivot the dataframe xm.df = pd.pivot_table(xm.df, index=['cell', 'experiment', 'time'], columns='protein', values='data') #xm.df.reset_index(inplace=True) #xm.df['experiment'] = [mapping[x] for x in xm.df['experiment'].values] #xm.df.set_index(['cell', 'experiment', 'time'], inplace=True) xm.create_empty_simulation() # cell line must be set to one of the cell lines xm.cellLine = xm.cellLines[0] xm.errors = xm.df * 0 return xm xmidas = property(_get_xmidas)