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Source code for cno.io.cna

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of the cinapps.tcell package
#  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer (cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk)
#  Distributed under the GLPv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: www.cellnopt.org
""":Topic: **Module dedicated to the CNA reactions data structure**

:Status: for production but not all features implemented.

from __future__ import print_function

from cno.io.reactions import Reactions
from cno.io.sif import SIF
from cno.misc import CNOError

__all__ = ["CNA"]

[docs]class CNA(Reactions): """Reads a reaction file (CNA format) This class has the :class:`Interaction` class as a Base class. It is used to read **reactions** files from the CNA format, which is a CSV-like format where each line looks like:: mek=erk 1 mek = 1 erk | # 0 1 0 436 825 1 1 0.01 The pipe decompose the strings into a LHS and RHS. The LHS is made of a unique identifier without blanks (mek=erk). The remaining part is the reaction equation. The equal sign "=" denotes the reaction arrow. Identifiers, coefficients and equal sign must be separated by at least one blank. The ! sign to indicate not. The + sign indicates an OR relation. .. warning:: The + sign indicates an OR as it should be. However, keep in mind that in CellNOptR code, the + sign indicates an AND gate. In this package we always use **+** for an OR and **^** or **&** for an AND gate. .. warning:: in the CNA case, some reactions have no LHS or RHS. Such reactions are valid in CNA but may cause issue if converted to SIF .. note:: there don't seem to be any AND in CNA reactions. The RHS is made of * a default value: # or a value. * a set of 3 flags representing the time scale * flag 1: whether this interaction is to be excluded in logical computations * flag 2: whether the logical interaction is treated with incomplete truth table * flag 3: whether the interaction is monotone * reacBoxes (columns 5,6,7,8) * monotony (col 9) In this class, only the LHS are used for now, however, the RHS values are stored in different attributes. :: >>> from cno.io import Reactions >>> from cno import getdata >>> a = Reactions(getdata('test_reactions')) >>> reacs = a.reactions .. seealso:: CNA class inherits from :class:`cno.io.reaction.Reaction` """ def __init__(self, filename=None, type=2, verbose=False): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param str filename: an optional filename containing reactions in CNA format. If not provided, the CNA object is empty but you can add reactions using :meth:`~cno.io.cna.CNA.add_reaction`. However, attributes such as :attr:`~cno.io.cna.CNA.reacBoxes` will not be populated. :param integer type: only type 2 for now. :param bool verbose: False by default .. todo:: type1 will be implemented on request. """ super(CNA, self).__init__() self.strict_rules = False #self.metabolites = metabolites # must be a class LoadMetabolites self.filename = filename self.verbose = verbose self.type = type if type != 2: raise NotImplementedError("only type 2 implemented") # Attributes populated while reading the data. #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.reacBoxes = [] #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.incTruthTable = [] #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.timeScale = [] #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.excludeInLogical = [] #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.reacText = [] #: populated when reading CNA reactions file self.monotony = [] #flag 3 self.reacDefault = [] if filename: self._read_reactions() self._get_species() def _read_reactions(self): """Read a reactions file and populate readID""" f = open(self.filename, "r") data = [] # the data structure to populate for line in f.readlines(): # for each line # convert tab.to white space, remove trailing and \n character line = line.replace('\t',' ').replace('\n','').strip() # do not consider commented or empty lines if line.startswith("%") or line.startswith('#'): pass if len(line) == 0: print("Found an empty line. Skipped") else: data.append(line) f.close() # scan all the data for i, x in enumerate(data): try: beforePipe, afterPipe = x.split('|') # there should be only one pipe per # line, so if it fails, this is a format error except ValueError as err: raise ValueError("Error msg to do") reacID = beforePipe.split()[0].strip() if reacID.count('=') != 1: raise ValueError("Error line %s: wrong format expected one " %(i+1) + "only one = sign, found %s" % reacID.count('=')) else: self.add_reaction(reacID) reacText = beforePipe.replace(reacID, "").strip() self.reacText.append(reacText) parameters = afterPipe.split() if len(parameters) != 9: raise ValueError("Error line %s: did no find expected numbers of parameters" % i+1) if self.type == 1: # not finished reacDefault, reacMin, reacMax, objFunc, d, d, d, d, reacVariance = parameters mue = [] stoichMat = [] elif self.type == 2: # First, the reac default value. if parameters[0].isalnum(): self.reacDefault.append(float(parameters[0])) elif parameters[0].strip()=='#': self.reacDefault.append(float('NaN')) else: raise ValueError("""Error line %s: unexpected value in the first column after pipe character (%s)""" % (str(i+1), parameters[0])) self.incTruthTable.append(float(parameters[1])) self.timeScale.append(float(parameters[2])) self.excludeInLogical.append(float(parameters[3])) self.monotony.append(float(parameters[8])) self.reacBoxes.append([i+1, float(parameters[4]), float(parameters[5]), 0, float(parameters[6]), float(parameters[7])]) # clean up the reacDefault: could be # or number if self.verbose == True: print(self)
[docs] def to_sif(self, filename=None): """Export the reactions to SIF format :: from cno.io import CNA r = CNA() r.add_reaction("a=b") r.add_reaction("a+c=e") r.to_sif("test.sif") Again, be aware that "+" sign in Reaction means "OR". Looking into the save file, we have the a+c=e reactions (a=e OR c=e) expanded into 2 reactions (a 1 e) and (c 1 e) as expected:: a 1 b a 1 e c 1 e """ s = SIF() for reac in self.reactions: try: s.add_reaction(reac) except CNOError: print("Skipped {} reaction".format(reac)) s.save(filename)