Package cjklib :: Module build :: Class CharacterRadicalStrokeCountBuilder :: Class CharacterRadicalStrokeCountGenerator
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Class CharacterRadicalStrokeCountGenerator

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Generates the character to radical/residual stroke count mapping.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dbConnectInst, characterSet, quiet=False)
Initialises the CharacterRadicalStrokeCountGenerator.
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getFormRadicalIndex(self, form)
Returns the Kangxi radical index for the given component.
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set of dict
filterForms(self, formSet)
Filters the set of given radical form entries to return only one single occurrence of a radical.
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getEntries(self, char, zVariant, strokeCountDict, decompositionDict, entriesDict)
Gets all radical/residual stroke count combinations from the given decomposition.
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Provides the radical/stroke count entries.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dbConnectInst, characterSet, quiet=False)

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Initialises the CharacterRadicalStrokeCountGenerator.

  • dbConnectInst (instance) - instance of a DatabaseConnector
  • characterSet (set) - set of characters to generate the table for
  • quiet (bool) - if true no status information will be printed to stderr

getFormRadicalIndex(self, form)

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Returns the Kangxi radical index for the given component.

  • form (str) - component
Returns: int
radical index of the given radical form.

filterForms(self, formSet)

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Filters the set of given radical form entries to return only one single occurrence of a radical.

  • formSet (set of dict) - radical/residual stroke count entries as generated by getEntries().
Returns: set of dict
subset of input

To Do (Lang): On multiple occurrences of same radical (may be in different forms): Which one to choose? Implement to turn down unwanted forms.

getEntries(self, char, zVariant, strokeCountDict, decompositionDict, entriesDict)

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Gets all radical/residual stroke count combinations from the given decomposition.

Returns: list
all radical/residual stroke count combinations for the character
  • ValueError - if IDS is malformed or ambiguous residual stroke count is calculated

To Do (Fix): Remove validity check, only needed as long decomposition entries aren't checked against stroke order entries.