cellnopt.admin 0.6.4 documentation

Source code for cellnopt.admin.multidistribute

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of the cellnopt software
#  Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cellnopt.admin
#  http://pythonhosted.org/cellnopt.admin
# $:Id $
"""This module is a generalisation of the :mod:`distribute` module."""
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from os.path import join as pj
import glob
import time
from easydev.tools import shellcmd
include = ["*"]
from distribute import DistributeRPackage

__all__ = ["MultiDistributeRPackage"]

[docs]class MultiDistributeRPackage(object): """Script to ease distribution of R package from SVN >>> d = MultiDistributeRPackage() >>> d.distribute() Best is to call multidistribute from command line:: python multidistribute.py --revision HEAD --packages CNORdt CNORfuzzy python multidistribute.py --revision 666 """ def __init__(self, packages=[], revision="HEAD"): self.packages = packages if len(self.packages) == 0: self.packages = DistributeRPackage._valid_packages.keys() self.revision = revision self.packages_name_rev = []
[docs] def distribute(self): """Build the distributions of all CellNOptR packages and plugins. List containing CellNOptR, CNORdt, CNORode, CNORfuzzy, MEIGOR, CNORfeeder """ for package in self.packages: print("Creating %s distribution" % package) d = DistributeRPackage(package , revision=self.revision) d.logging.debugLevel="ERROR" d.distribute() self.packages_name_rev.append(d.package_name_rev)
[docs] def help(): """Return usage help message""" print("\nPURPOSE:"+__doc__) print("USAGE: python multidistribute.py --revision 500") print("USAGE: python multidistribute.py --revision 500 --packages pkg1 pkg2") print("--revision must be provided and given before --packages ") print("--packages is optional. If not provided, all packages are distributed") print("Possible package names are %s ." % DistributeRPackage._valid_packages.keys())
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys print("RUNNING multidistribute.py") print("===========================================") print("Author: T. Cokelaer, $Rev: 3673 $") import tempfile print(len(sys.argv)) if "--help" in sys.argv: MultiDistributeRPackage.help() elif len(sys.argv) == 3: assert sys.argv[1] == "--revision", MultiDistributeRPackage.help() revision = sys.argv[2] packages = [] d = MultiDistributeRPackage(packages, revision=revision) d.distribute() elif len(sys.argv) >= 5: revision = "HEAD" assert sys.argv[3] == "--packages", MultiDistributeRPackage.help() packages = sys.argv[4:] d = MultiDistributeRPackage(packages, revision=revision) d.distribute() else: print("Unrecognised format") MultiDistributeRPackage.help()