biokit 0.0.3 documentation

Source code for biokit.viz.corrplot

import string

from colormap import cmap_builder

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Circle, Rectangle, Wedge
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import pandas as pd



 - addrect if clustering


[docs]class Corrplot(object): """An implementation of correlation plotting tools (corrplot) Input must be a dataframe (Pandas) with data (any values) or a correlation matrix (square) with values between -1 and 1. If NAs are found in the correlation matrix, there are replaced with zeros. Data can also be a correlation matrix as a 2-D numpy array containing the pairwise correlations between variables. Labels will be numerical indices though. By default from red for positive correlation to blue for negative ones but other colormaps can easily be provided. .. plot:: :width: 50% :include-source: from biokit.viz import corrplot import string letters = string.uppercase[0:10] import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(dict(( (k, np.random.random(10)+ord(k)-65) for k in letters))) c = corrplot.Corrplot(df) c.plot() .. seealso:: All functionalities are covered in this `notebook <>`_ """ def __init__(self, data, pvalues=None, na=0): #input data can be a dataframe only #try: self.df = pd.DataFrame(data, copy=True) #except: # self.df = pd.DataFrame(data) compute_correlation = False w, h = self.df.shape if self.df.max().max() >1 or self.df.min().min()<-1: compute_correlation = True if w !=h: compute_correlation = True if list(self.df.index) != list(self.df.columns): compute_correlation = True if compute_correlation: print("Computing correlation") cor = self.df.corr() self.df = cor # replace NA with zero self.df.fillna(na, inplace=True) self.params = {'colorbar.N': 100, 'colorbar.orientation':'vertical'} def _set_default_cmap(self): = cmap_builder('#AA0000','white','darkblue')
[docs] def order(self, method='complete', metric='euclidean',inplace=False): """Rearrange the order of rows and columns after clustering :param method: any scipy method :param metric: any scipy distance :param bool inplace: if set to True, the dataframe is replaced """ import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hierarchy import scipy.spatial.distance as distance d = distance.pdist(self.df) D = distance.squareform(d) Y = hierarchy.linkage(D, method=method, metric=metric) ind1 = hierarchy.fcluster(Y, 0.7*max(Y[:,2]), 'distance') Z = hierarchy.dendrogram(Y, no_plot=True) idx1 = Z['leaves'] cor2 = self.df.ix[idx1][idx1] if inplace is True: self.df = cor2 else: return cor2 self.Y = Y self.Z = Z self.idx1 = idx1 self.ind1 = ind1 #treee$order == Z.leaves and c.idx1 # hc = c.ind1 #clustab <- table(hc)[unique(hc[tree$order])] #cu <- c(0, cumsum(clustab)) #mat <- cbind(cu[-(k + 1)] + 0.5, n - cu[-(k + 1)] + 0.5, #cu[-1] + 0.5, n - cu[-1] + 0.5) #rect(mat[,1], mat[,2], mat[,3], mat[,4], border = col, lwd = lwd)
[docs] def plot(self, num=1, grid=True, rotation=30, colorbar_width=10, lower=None, upper=None, shrink=0.9, axisbg='white', colorbar=True, label_color='black', fontsize='small', edgecolor='black', method='ellipse', order=None, cmap=None ): """plot the correlation matrix from the content of :attr:`df` (dataframe) :param grid: add grid (Defaults to True) :param rotation: rotate labels on y-axis :param lower: if set to a valid method, plots the data on the lower left triangle :param upper: if set to a valid method, plots the data on the upper left triangle :param method: shape to be used in 'ellipse', 'square', 'rectangle', 'color', 'text', 'circle', 'number', 'pie'. :param cmap: a valid cmap from matplotlib of colormap package (e.g., jet, or Here are some examples provided that the data is created and pass to c:: c = corrplot.Corrplor(dataframe) c.plot(cmap=('Orange', 'white', 'green')) c.plot(method='circle') c.plot(colorbar=False, shrink=.8, upper='circle' ) """ # default if cmap != None: try: if isinstance(cmap, str): = cmap_builder(cmap) else: = cmap_builder(*cmap) except: print("incorrect cmap. Use default one") self._set_default_cmap() else: self._set_default_cmap() self.shrink = shrink self.fontsize = fontsize self.edgecolor = edgecolor if order == 'hclust': df = self.order(method='hclust') else: df = self.df plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(num=num, facecolor=axisbg) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal', axisbg=axisbg) # subplot resets the bg color, let us set it again fig.set_facecolor(axisbg) width, height = df.shape labels = (df.columns) # add all patches to the figure # TODO check value of lower and upper if upper is None and lower is None: mode = 'method' diagonal = True elif upper and lower: mode = 'both' diagonal = False elif lower is not None: mode = 'lower' diagonal = True elif upper is not None: mode = 'upper' diagonal = True else: raise ValueError if mode == 'upper': self._add_patches(df, upper, 'upper', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'lower': self._add_patches(df, lower, 'lower', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'method': self._add_patches(df, method, 'both', ax, diagonal=True) elif mode == 'both': self._add_patches(df, upper, 'upper', ax, diagonal=False) self._add_patches(df, lower, 'lower', ax, diagonal=False) # shift the limits to englobe the patches correctly ax.set_xlim(-0.5, width-.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, height-.5) # set xticks/xlabels on top ax.xaxis.tick_top() xtickslocs = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_xticks(xtickslocs) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation, color=label_color, fontsize=fontsize, ha='left') ax.invert_yaxis() ytickslocs = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.set_yticks(ytickslocs) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color) plt.tight_layout() if grid is True: for i in range(0, width): ratio1 = float(i)/width ratio2 = float(i+2)/width # TODO 1- set axis off # 2 - set xlabels along the diagonal # set colorbar either on left or bottom if mode == 'lower': plt.axvline(i+.5, ymin=1-ratio1, ymax=0., color='grey') plt.axhline(i+.5, xmin=0, xmax=ratio2, color='grey') if mode == 'upper': plt.axvline(i+.5, ymin=1 - ratio2, ymax=1, color='grey') plt.axhline(i+.5, xmin=ratio1, xmax=1, color='grey') if mode in ['method', 'both']: plt.axvline(i+.5, color='grey') plt.axhline(i+.5, color='grey') # can probably be simplified if mode == 'lower': plt.axvline(-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='grey') plt.axvline(width-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1./width, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axhline(width-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.axhline(-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1./width, color='grey',lw=2) plt.xticks([]) for i in range(0, width): plt.text(i, i-.6 ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=rotation, verticalalignment='bottom') plt.text(-.6, i ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=0, horizontalalignment='right') plt.axis('off') # can probably be simplified elif mode == 'upper': plt.axvline(width-.5, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axvline(-.5, ymin=1-1./width, ymax=1, color='grey', lw=2) plt.axhline(-.5, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.axhline(width-.5, xmin=1-1./width, xmax=1, color='grey',lw=2) plt.yticks([]) for i in range(0, width): plt.text(-.6+i, i ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, horizontalalignment='right', rotation=0) plt.text(i, -.5 ,labels[i],fontsize=fontsize, color=label_color, rotation=rotation, verticalalignment='bottom') plt.axis('off') # set all ticks length to zero ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='both',which='both', length=0) if colorbar: N = self.params['colorbar.N'] cb = plt.gcf().colorbar(self.collection, orientation=self.params['colorbar.orientation'], shrink=.9, boundaries= np.linspace(0,1,N), ticks=[0,.25, 0.5, 0.75,1])[-1,-.5,0,.5,1]) cb.set_clim(0,1) # make sure it goes from -1 to 1 even though actual values may not reach that range
def _add_patches(self, df, method, fill, ax, diagonal=True): width, height = df.shape labels = (df.columns) patches = [] colors = [] for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): if fill == 'lower' and x > y: continue elif fill == 'upper' and x < y: continue if diagonal is False and x==y: continue datum = (df.ix[x, y] +1.)/2. d = df.ix[x, y] d_abs = np.abs(d) #c = self.pvalues[x, y] rotate = -45 if d > 0 else +45 #cmap = self.poscm if d >= 0 else self.negcm if method in ['ellipse', 'square', 'rectangle', 'color']: if method == 'ellipse': func = Ellipse patch = func((x, y), width=1 * self.shrink, height=(self.shrink - d_abs*self.shrink), angle=rotate) else: func = Rectangle w = h = d_abs * self.shrink #FIXME shring must be <=1 offset = (1-w)/2. if method == 'color': w = 1 h = 1 offset = 0 patch = func((x + offset-.5, y + offset-.5), width=w, height=h, angle=0) if self.edgecolor: patch.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #patch.set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) colors.append(datum) if d_abs > 0.05: patch.set_linestyle('dotted') #ax.add_artist(patch) patches.append(patch) #FIXME edgecolor is always printed elif method=='circle': patch = Circle((x, y), radius=d_abs*self.shrink/2.) if self.edgecolor: patch.set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #patch.set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) colors.append(datum) if d_abs > 0.05: patch.set_linestyle('dotted') #ax.add_artist(patch) patches.append(patch) elif method in ['number', 'text']: from easydev import precision #FIXME if d<0: edgecolor = 'red' elif d>0: edgecolor = 'blue' ax.text(x,y, precision(d, 2), color=edgecolor, fontsize=self.fontsize, horizontalalignment='center', weight='bold', alpha=d_abs, withdash=False) elif method == 'pie': S = 360 * d_abs patch = [ Wedge((x,y), 1*self.shrink/2., -90, S-90), Wedge((x,y), 1*self.shrink/2., S-90, 360-90), ] #patch[0].set_facecolor(cmap(d_abs)) #patch[1].set_facecolor('white') colors.append(datum) colors.append(0.5) if self.edgecolor: patch[0].set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) patch[1].set_edgecolor(self.edgecolor) #ax.add_artist(patch[0]) #ax.add_artist(patch[1]) patches.append(patch[0]) patches.append(patch[1]) if len(patches): col1 = PatchCollection(patches, array=np.array(colors), ax.add_collection(col1) self.collection = col1
if __name__ == "__main__": import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(dict(( (k, np.random.random(10)) for k in ['ABCDEF']))) fig = Corrplot(df, None).plot()