Package bap :: Module adt
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Source Code for Module bap.adt

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  """Algebraic Data Types for Python. 
  4  Algebraic Data Types is not an attempt to add a strict typing 
  5  discipline to Python, and the word ``type'' here has a much broader 
  6  meaning. Types represent models of reasoning about objects. This 
  7  models we, humans, employ everyday (at least those of us, who do the 
  8  thinking). These are just methods (among others) that we're using to 
  9  structure our knowledge. For example, we can say, that both 
 10  ``Bananas`` and ``Apples`` are ``Fruits`` (biologists, please stop 
 11  reading at this point). With this phrase we constructively defined a 
 12  new type (concept, idea), that we named the ``Fruit``. To contrast 
 13  with abstraction, we didn't try to find anything common between these 
 14  two entities, and to remove the differences, we just stated, that the 
 15  Fruit is either Banana or Apple. No more, no less. We just used an 
 16  alteration to define something. Another example of the alteration 
 17  would be to say, that a human is either a man or woman. 
 19  If we will reason about types, as sets, then the alteration can be 
 20  viewed as a union. A disjoint union in our case, as we're not loosing 
 21  any information (we are not abstracting anything out). The union 
 22  operation is isomorphic to the summation in arithmetic, that's why we 
 23  call such types - sum types. A dual of the sum is a product. The 
 24  product models and idea of a composition, i.e., when an entity is 
 25  composed of other entities. For example, a ``Bicycle`` is a 
 26  combination of ``Wheels``, ``Frame`` and ``Handlebars``. And a ``Car`` 
 27  is a combination of ``Wheels``, ``Body``, ``Doors``, and 
 28  ``Engine``. Again, we described concepts constructively, we didn't try 
 29  to make any abstractions. (In fact, we employed an abstraction, when 
 30  we made a choice how to represent the compound object, by omitting 
 31  parts that are not relevant, with respect to our task. But this is a 
 32  completely different modus of reasoning, that is in fact orthogonal to 
 33  ADT). 
 35  Finally, we can mix both concepts together to model even more complex 
 36  ideas. For example, we can define that a ``Vehicle`` is either a 
 37  ``Car`` or ``Bicycle``. Suppose, that we're trying to model road 
 38  traffic. In that case we can tell that we have two kinds of road 
 39  users, either a ``Motorist`` that is a combination of a ``Car``, 
 40  ``Driver``, ``Passengers`` and ``Luggage``, and a ``Bicyclist`` that 
 41  is a composition of ``Bicycle`` and the ``Driver``. You may see, that 
 42  we apply the sum and product recursively, that's why the ADT types are 
 43  also called recursive types. The same way as you can build complex 
 44  algebraic expressions using sum and product, we can build complex data 
 45  using a combination of sum and product. The whole set of algebraic 
 46  data types is a closure of sum and product operations. 
 48  We can define such complex concepts as lists, tables, trees and, even, 
 49  natural numbers, using only ADT. For example, a list is either Empty, 
 50  or it is a Pair of an element and the rest of a List (note that since 
 51  the type is recursive, we can use the type in its own definition). For 
 52  example, ``[1,2,3]`` can be represented as 
 53  ``Pair(1,Pair(2,Pair(3,Empty())))``. A Natural number is either Zero 
 54  or a Successor of a Natural number, so that we can represent 3 as 
 55  ``Successor(Successor(Successor(Zero())))``. So, we don't even need 
 56  numerals, to represent the list [1,2,3]: 
 58  ``` 
 59  Pair(Successor(Zero()), 
 60    Pair(Successor(Successor(Zero())), 
 61      Pair(Successor(Successor(Successor(Zero()))), 
 62        Empty()))) 
 63  ``` 
 65  You may notice, that these examples are actually syntactically valid 
 66  Python code.  So we're now close to the point, where we can define, 
 67  how we will represent ADT in Python. It is believed, that Python 
 68  doesn't support ADT (at least it is not listed in wikipedia as one of 
 69  such languages), but as examples above show, this is not true. 
 71  We will use inheritance to represent sum types. For example to say, that 
 72  Fruit is Banana or Apple, we do the following: 
 74      class Fruit(ADT): pass 
 75      class Banana(Fruit): pass 
 76      class Apple(Fruit): pass 
 79  The product types, aka tuples, are already in the language, so we're 
 80  done. We will use the following syntax, to say that a Bicycle is a 
 81  product of Wheels, Frame and Handlebars: 
 83      class Bicycle(ADT) : pass 
 84      class Wheels(ADT) : pass 
 85      class Frame(ADT) : pass 
 86      class Handlebars(ADT) : pass 
 88      Bicycle(Wheels(), Frame(), Handlebars()) 
 90  We're not trying to enforce the type discipline here, by guaranteeing, 
 91  that it is only possible to construct a Bicycle only from this three 
 92  things. This is Python anyway. 
 94  So, it looks like that we didn't introduce anything at all, other than 
 95  extra verbose syntax, hidden by some type theoretic mumbo jumbo. Well 
 96  yes, but this is only on a surface. The idea behind this library is 
 97  that ADT is a great generalization, which we can employ to write code, 
 98  that will work for any ADT. 
100  The first generalization, is that we can easily print any ADT in a 
101  unified syntax, and this syntax can be chosen to be a valid subset of 
102  Python syntax. In fact it is also a valid subset of many other 
103  programming languages, such as Ruby, JavaScript, Java, C, OCaml, 
104  Haskell, etc. That also mean, that we can easily parse them back, 
105  especially if the language provides an access to the parser (like 
106  Python). Thus, ADT is a nice data representation format (like json, 
107  xml, S-expressions), that is very suitable for storing hierarchical data. 
109  The second generalization, is that we can employ the same method of 
110  processing ADT. A usual way of processing lists and other iterable 
111  objects, is to apply some operation over every consecutive element of 
112  the list. ADT are more general, than lists (in fact lists a special 
113  case of ADT). ADT are hierarchical, so the elements have also 
114  ancestor/descendant relationships in addition to the 
115  successor/predecessor. Also, every element of an ADT value, is tagged 
116  by a name. And theses names also forms a separate type hierarchy, so 
117  that we have both object and type hierarchies. Given such a general 
118  structure, we need to find a general way of iteration over it. We will 
119  call it visiting. So visiting is a generalization of an iteration, 
120  where the computation is represented by an object called Visitor, that 
121  applies itself to each structural element of the ADT object. The 
122  visitor object has a method for each type of structural component, and 
123  thanks to a unified representation of the ADT type, it knows how to 
124  deconstruct any instance of ADT. So, we generalized a way of 
125  traversing data structure, so that a user of it needs only to specify 
126  the computation, that needs to be applied for each, or some 
127  elements. 
129  We can compare visiting with a regular iteration over some 
130  hierarchical data structures, like compounds of lists and 
131  maps. Suppose, that we're modeling a library, and started with the 
132  following representation: 
135       Library -> Shelf -> Book -> (Author, Title) 
137  And we wrote a function that will count a total number of distinct authors: 
139       def count_authors(library): 
140           authors = set() 
141           for shelf in library: 
142               for book in shelf: 
143                   authors.add( 
144           return len(authors) 
146  The code looks fine, but it has one problem, it hardcodes the 
147  structure of our library. If at some point of time we decide, that we 
148  chose a wrong representation and it is much better to represent it as: 
150      Author -> Title -> Library -> Shelf 
152  Then we need to rewrite our ``count_authors`` function. On the other 
153  hand, with the visitor approach the following code will work with both 
154  representations. 
157      class AuthorCounter(Visitor): 
158          def __init__(self): 
159              self.authors = set() 
160          def visit_Author(self, author): 
161              self.authors.add(author) 
163       def count_authors(library): 
164          counter = AuthorCounter() 
166          return len(counter.authors) 
169  This variant is slightly more verbose, but is easier to implement, as 
170  we don't need to know the hierarchical structure of the data, and 
171  anything about the data representation. Moreover, it is easier to 
172  support, as it will not break, when something is added or removed from 
173  the library structure. 
175  The visitor pattern really starts to shine, when the hierarchy is much 
176  more complex, than in the example, that we provided above. For 
177  example, Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) tend to be very complex even for 
178  toy languages, and writing the traversing code for them is very 
179  tedious. Moreover, the code needed to be repeated over and over again, 
180  leading to fragile and hard to support programs. 
183  """ 
185  from collections import Iterable,Sequence,Mapping 
187 -class ADT(object):
188 """Algebraic Data Type. 189 190 This is a base class for all ADTs. ADT represented by a tuple of 191 arguments, stored in a `arg` field. Arguments should be instances 192 of ADT class, numbers, strings or lists. Empty set of arguments is 193 permitted. A one-tuple is automatically untupled, i.e., `Int(12)` 194 has value `12`, not `(12,)`. A name of the constructor is stored 195 in the `constr` field 196 197 A structural comparison is provided. 198 199 """
200 - def __init__(self, *args):
201 self.constr = self.__class__.__name__ 202 self.arg = args if len(args) != 1 else args[0]
204 - def __cmp__(self,other):
205 return self.__dict__.__cmp__(other.__dict__)
207 - def __repr__(self):
208 def qstr(x): 209 if isinstance(x, (int)): 210 return '0x{0:x}'.format(x) 211 elif isinstance(x, ADT): 212 return str(x) 213 elif isinstance(x, tuple): 214 return "(" + ", ".join(qstr(i) for i in x) + ")" 215 else: 216 return '"{0}"'.format(x)
217 def args(): 218 if isinstance(self.arg, tuple): 219 return ", ".join(qstr(x) for x in self.arg) 220 else: 221 return qstr(self.arg)
222 223 return "{0}({1})".format(self.constr, args()) 224 225
226 -class Visitor(object):
227 """ADT Visitor. 228 This class helps to perform iterations over arbitrary ADTs. 229 230 231 When visitor runs, it will visit each constituent of an ADT. 232 When an ADT instance is visited, the visitor will first look 233 for method named `enter_C` for each class `C` in the MRO of 234 the ADT instance. All found methods will be invoked. 235 236 Then it will look for a method called `enter_C` for each class `C` 237 in the MRO sequence of the ADT class. If one is found, 238 then it will be called, other classes in the MRO sequence will not 239 be considered. 240 241 Finally, the visitor will look for a method called `leave_C` using 242 the same algorithm as described for the `enter_C` method. 243 244 The algorithm, described above, actually implements the 245 depth-first traversal. Methods starting with the prefix `enter` 246 are called right before the corresponding subtree is visited 247 (preorder). Methods starting with the `leave` are called just 248 after the subtree is visited. Methods starting with `visit` 249 actually perform the visiting. If it is not overridden, then 250 `visit_ADT` method is invoked, that will continue traversal to the 251 subtree. If `visit_C` method is overridden (where `C` is name of 252 class in the MRO of the ADT instance), then it is responsibility 253 of the `visit_C` method to call `run` method to continue 254 traversal. If `run` is not called, then the traversal will not 255 continue. It is possible to change the order of traversal, by 256 overriding `visit` methods. Usually, it is better to keep away 257 from the `visit` methods, and use `enter` (the preorder traversal) 258 if possible. However, if it is needed to inject some code between 259 the traversal of two subtrees of a tree, or if an order should be 260 changed, then the visit method is a way to go. 261 262 By default, every element of an ADT is traversed. It is possible 263 to terminate the traversal abnormally (to short-circuit) by 264 returning not-a-None value from any of the methods. The returned 265 value will be a result of the `run` method. 266 267 268 Example 269 ------- 270 271 Suppose we have a small expression language with defined as 272 follows: 273 274 >>> class Exp(ADT) : pass 275 >>> class Binop(Exp) : pass 276 >>> class Unop(Exp) : pass 277 >>> class Value(Exp) : pass 278 >>> class Add(Binop) : pass 279 >>> class Mul(Binop) : pass 280 >>> class Neg(Unop) : pass 281 >>> class Var(Value) : pass 282 >>> class Int(Value) : pass 283 284 285 We will write an abstract interpreter that will calculate a sign 286 of expression. In our abstraction, we now a sign of constants, 287 signs of variables are unknown. The negation operation negates the 288 sign of expression, and any binary operation preserves the sign, 289 if both operands have the same sign, otherwise the sign is 290 undefined. We will use the following lattice to represent our 291 abstraction: 292 293 294 True False 295 | | 296 +--+--+ 297 | 298 None 299 300 The same expressed in Python: 301 302 303 >>> class Sign(Visitor) : 304 def __init__(self): 305 self.neg = None 306 307 def visit_Binop(self,exp): 308[0]) 309 lhs = self.neg 310[1]) 311 rhs = self.neg 312 if lhs != rhs: 313 self.neg = None 314 315 def leave_Neg(self,exp): 316 if self.neg is not None: 317 self.neg = not self.neg 318 319 def enter_Var(self,var): 320 self.neg = None 321 322 def enter_Int(self,n): 323 self.neg = n < Int(0) 324 325 We overrode method ``visit_Binop`` that will be invoked for both, 326 addition and subtraction, since in our abstraction they behave the 327 same. We chose to override the ``visit`` stage instead of the 328 ``enter`` or leave, because we wanted to inject our code between 329 visiting left and right branch of the expression. We overrode 330 `leave_Neg` to switch the sign _after_ the enclosed expression is 331 visited. Since variable can have arbitrary sign, we're must stop 332 the sign analysis as soon as we have a variable. Finally, for constants 333 we just look at their sign. 334 335 336 To test our sign analysis let's write a simple expression, 337 338 >>> exp = Add((Neg(Neg(Int(1)))), Mul(Int(2), Neg(Neg(Int(3))))) 339 340 It is easy to see that it is positive (in fact it is not). In the 341 infix notation, the expression corresponds to 342 343 344 >>> -(-1) + 2 * -(-3) 345 7 346 347 So, let's run the analysis: 348 349 >>> exp = Add((Neg(Neg(Int(1)))), Mul(Int(2), Neg(Neg(Int(3))))) 350 >>> ai = Sign() 351 >>> 352 >>> print("exp {0} is {1}".format(exp, 353 "negative" if ai.neg else 354 "unknown" if ai.neg is None else 355 "positive")) 356 357 For an ADT of type C the method `visit_C` is looked up in the 358 visitors methods dictionary. If it doesn't exist, then `visit_B` is 359 looked up, where `B` is the base class of `C`. The process continues, 360 until the method is found. This is guaranteed to terminate, 361 since visit_ADT method is defined. 362 363 Note: Non ADTs will be silently ignored. 364 365 Once the method is found it is called. It is the method's responsiblity 366 to recurse into sub-elements, e.g., call run method. 367 368 For example, suppose that we want to count negative values in 369 some BIL expression: 370 371 class CountNegatives(Visitor): 372 def __init__(self): 373 self.neg = False 374 self.count = 0 375 376 def visit_Int(self, int): 377 if int.arg < 0 and not self.neg \ 378 or int.arg > 0 and self.neg: 379 self.count += 1 380 381 def visit_NEG(self, op): 382 was = self.neg 383 self.neg = not was 384 385 self.neg = was 386 387 We need to keep track on the unary negation operator, and, of 388 course, we need to look for immediates, so we override two methods: 389 visit_Int for Int constructor and visit_NEG for counting unary minuses. 390 (Actually we should count for bitwise NOT operation also, since it will 391 change the sign bit also, but lets forget about it for the matter of the 392 exercise (and it can be easily fixed just by matching visit_UnOp)). 393 394 When we hit visit_NEG we toggle current sign, storing its previous value 395 and recurse into the operand. After we return from the recursion, we restore 396 the sign. 397 398 """ 399
400 - def visit_ADT(self, adt):
401 """Default visitor. 402 403 This method will be called for those data types that has 404 no specific visitors. It will recursively descent into all 405 ADT values. 406 """ 407 if isinstance(adt.arg, tuple): 408 return self.__induct(adt.arg) 409 elif isinstance(adt.arg, ADT): 410 return
412 - def __induct(self, xs):
413 return next((r for r in ( for x in xs) if r), None)
415 - def visit_Seq(self,adt):
416 """Deconstructs sequences""" 417 return self.__induct(adt.arg[0])
419 - def visit_Map(self,adt):
420 """Deconstructs maps""" 421 return self.__induct(adt.arg[0])
422 423
424 - def run(self, adt):
425 """ -> result 426 427 """ 428 if isinstance(adt, ADT): 429 430 for meth in ("enter", "visit", "leave"): 431 for cls in adt.__class__.mro(): 432 name = "{0}_{1}".format(meth, cls.__name__) 433 fn = getattr(self, name, None) 434 if fn is not None: 435 r = fn(adt) 436 if r is not None: 437 return r 438 if meth == "visit": 439 break
441 -class Seq(ADT,Sequence) :
442 - def __init__(self, *args) :
443 super(Seq,self).__init__(args) 444 self.elements = args[0]
446 - def __getitem__(self,i) :
447 return self.elements.__getitem__(i)
449 - def __len__(self) :
450 return self.elements.__len__()
452 - def find(self,key, d=None) :
453 """find(key[, d=None]) -> t 454 455 Looks up for a term that matches with a given key. 456 457 If the key is a string, starting with `@' or `%', then a term 458 with the given identifier name is returned. Otherwise a term 459 with a matching `name' attribute is returned (useful to find 460 subroutines). 461 462 If a key is an instance of Tid class, then a term with 463 corresponding tid is returned. 464 465 If a key is a number, or an instance of `bil.Int' class, then 466 a term with a matching address is returned. 467 468 Example 469 ------- 470 471 In the following example, all searches return the 472 same object 473 474 475 >>> main = proj.program.subs.find('main') 476 >>> main = proj.program.subs.find( 477 >>> main = proj.program.subs.find( 478 """ 479 def by_id(t,key) : return == key 480 def by_name(t,key) : 481 if key.startswith(('@','%')): 482 return == key 483 else: 484 return hasattr(t,'name') and == key
485 def by_addr(t,key) : 486 value = t.attrs.get('address', None) 487 if value is not None: 488 return parse_addr(value) == key
489 490 test = by_addr 491 if isinstance(key,str): 492 test = by_name 493 elif isinstance(key,Tid): 494 test = by_id 495 elif isinstance(key,Int): 496 key = key.value 497 test = by_addr 498 499 for t in self : 500 if test(t,key) : return t 501 return d 502 503
504 -class Map(ADT,Mapping) :
505 - def __init__(self, *args) :
506 super(Map,self).__init__(args) 507 self.elements = dict((x.arg[0],x.arg[1]) for x in args[0])
509 - def __getitem__(self,i) :
510 return self.elements.__getitem__(i)
512 - def __len__(self) :
513 return self.elements.__len__()
515 - def __iter__(self) :
516 return self.elements.__iter__()
517 518
519 -def visit(visitor, adt):
520 521 if isinstance(adt, Iterable): 522 for x in adt: 523 524 else: 525 526 return visitor
527 528 529 530 531 if __name__ == "__main__":
532 - class Fruit(ADT) : pass
533 - class Bannana(Fruit) : pass
534 - class Apple(Fruit) : pass
535 536 assert(Bannana() == Bannana()) 537 assert(Bannana() != Apple()) 538 assert( Apple() < Bannana()) 539