auromat.utils module

A collection of utility functions which should eventually become part of the auromat.util package.

auromat.utils.angleBetween(v1, v2)[source]

Return the angles in radians between two unit vector arrays. Angles are in [0,pi].


Return the convex hull spanning the given points.

Parameters:points – array of shape (n,2)
Return type:array of shape (m,2)
auromat.utils.extend(instance, new_class)[source]

Apply inheritance after object creation.

auromat.utils.findNearest(a, x)[source]

Find item in sorted list a that is closest to x and return its index.

If x has the same distance to both neighbors, the index of the left one is returned.


Finds the outline of a binary image, assuming that the inner structure is filled with True’s. The returned points are in clockwise order and can be used as a polygon. This works for concave forms as well.

Parameters:im – shape (h,w)
Return type:ndarray of shape (n,2) in x,y order
auromat.utils.pointsInsidePolygon(points, polygon)[source]

Return for each point if it lies inside the given polygon.

  • points – shape (n,2)
  • polygon – unclosed, shape (n,2)
Return type:

boolean ndarray of shape (n,)

auromat.utils.polygonArea(poly, signed=False)[source]

Return area of an unclosed polygon.

Parameters:poly – (n,2)-array

Return centroid point of an unclosed polygon.

Parameters:poly – (n,2)-array
Return type:tuple (x,y)
auromat.utils.signedAngleBetween(v1, v2)[source]

Return the angles in radians between two 2D vector arrays. Angles are in [-pi,pi].


Return the unit vectors of an array of vectors.


np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=1) for numpy < 1.8.


Return a copy of the input array where consecutive duplicates (on the first dimension) are removed.

Parameters:arr – list or ndarray
Return type:ndarray