Source code for auromat.resample

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

This module resamples mappings in a given resolution in the plate carree
projection, relative to either geodetic or MLat/MLT coordinates.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from six.moves import map

import time

import numpy as np
import as ma

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import astropy
import copy
from functools import partial
if LooseVersion(astropy.__version__) < '0.4':
    raise RuntimeError('astropy<0.4 is unsupported due to bugs in handling non-contiguous arrays')
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import astropy.units as u

import scipy.interpolate

from auromat.utils import pointsInsidePolygon, extend
from auromat.mapping.mapping import BaseMapping, MappingCollection,\
    convertMappingToSM, convertSMMappingToGeo
from auromat.coordinates.transform import rotatePole      
from auromat.util.histogram import histogram2d
from auromat.coordinates import geodesic
from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import Location

[docs]def plateCarreeResolution(boundingBox, arcsecPerPx): """ Approximates the latitude and longitude resolution of a plate carree projection from the given spherical resolution for the area given by the bounding box. The approximation is calculated for the bounding box center. :type boundingBox: auromat.mapping.mapping.BoundingBox :param arcsecPerPx: spherical resolution :rtype: tuple (latPxPerDeg, lonPxPerDeg) """ degPerPx = (arcsecPerPx * u.arcsec).to( latPxPerDeg = 1/degPerPx latMiddle = (boundingBox.latNorth + boundingBox.latSouth)/2 middleLeft = Location(latMiddle, boundingBox.lonWest) middleRight = Location(latMiddle, boundingBox.lonEast) lonMiddleDistance = geodesic.angularDistance(middleLeft, middleRight) px = lonMiddleDistance/degPerPx lonEast = boundingBox.lonEast if boundingBox.lonWest > lonEast: lons = lonEast+360 - boundingBox.lonWest else: lons = lonEast - boundingBox.lonWest lonMiddlePxPerDeg = px/lons return latPxPerDeg, lonMiddlePxPerDeg
[docs]def resampleMLatMLT(mapping, **kw): """ Resamples a mapping such that MLat/MLT become regular grids. See :func:`resample` for parameters. """ sm = convertMappingToSM(mapping) smResampled = resample(sm, **kw) geo = convertSMMappingToGeo(smResampled) return geo
[docs]def resample(mappingOrCollection, pxPerDeg=25, arcsecPerPx=None, containsPole=None, method='mean'): """ Returns a new mapping (or collection) where the colors and elevation are resampled into a regular latitude/longitude grid (plate carree projection) with y=latitude and x=longitude. If 'mean' binning is used as resampling method then take into account that this will lead to holes for low elevation angles if a high resampling resolution is used. This is because binning does not interpolate when there are zero data points in a given bin. Mask the mapping by elevation (e.g. 10deg) to get rid of the areas with holes. :param mappingOrCollection: :param None|number|tuple pxPerDeg: tuple (latPxPerDeg, lonPxPerDeg) or a number if both are the same :param None|number arcsecPerPx: spherical resolution, used to approximate pxPerDeg, has precedence over pxPerDeg :param None|bool containsPole: specify True|False to skip pole checking algorithm :param method: binning: 'mean'; interpolation: 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic'; Note that linear and cubic take considerably longer and use much more memory while they don't bring any benefit over 'nearest' if the goal is downsampling. :rtype: a subclass of BaseMapping or MappingCollection """ def doResample(mapping, pxPerDeg, arcsecPerPx, containsPole): # trigger calculation of properties so that they are not included in the timing measurements mapping.lats mapping.latsCenter mapping.elevation mapping.img t0 = time.time() if containsPole is None: containsPole = mapping.containsPole if arcsecPerPx: pxPerDeg = plateCarreeResolution(mapping.boundingBox, arcsecPerPx) else: try: _, _ = pxPerDeg except TypeError: assert pxPerDeg is not None pxPerDeg = (pxPerDeg, pxPerDeg) print('pxPerDeg: ' + str(pxPerDeg)) imgIsInt = mapping.img.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64] # merge elevation with rgb array and extract channels afterwards merged = np.dstack((mapping.img.astype(np.float64).filled(np.nan), mapping.elevation.filled(np.nan))) lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, merged = \ _resample(mapping.latsCenter.filled(np.nan), mapping.lonsCenter.filled(np.nan), mapping.altitude, merged, lambda: mapping.outline, mapping.boundingBox, pxPerDeg, mapping.containsDiscontinuity, containsPole, method=method) img, elevation = np.dsplit(merged, [-1]) if imgIsInt: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): img = np.round(img) img = np.require(ma.masked_invalid(img, copy=False), mapping.img.dtype) if mapping.img.ndim == 2: img = img.reshape(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) elevation = elevation.reshape(elevation.shape[0],elevation.shape[1]) elevation = ma.masked_invalid(elevation, copy=False) resampledMapping = mapping.createResampled(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img) print('resampling:', time.time()-t0, 's') return resampledMapping if isinstance(mappingOrCollection, BaseMapping): resampled = doResample(mappingOrCollection, pxPerDeg, arcsecPerPx, containsPole) elif isinstance(mappingOrCollection, MappingCollection): mappings = [] for mapping in mappingOrCollection.mappings: mappings.append(doResample(mapping, pxPerDeg, arcsecPerPx, containsPole)) resampled = MappingCollection(mappings, mayOverlap=mappingOrCollection.mayOverlap) else: raise ValueError('First argument must be a mapping or a mapping collection, but is: {}'. format(type(mappingOrCollection))) return resampled
def _resample(latsCenter, lonsCenter, altitude, data, outlineLatLonFn, boundingBox, pxPerDeg, containsDiscontinuity=False, containsPole=False, method='mean'): """ Note: Each channel is resampled on its own. :param latsCenter: (h,w) :param lonsCenter: (h,w) :param data: float data for each pixel center, (h,w,n) with n>0, or (h,w) :param pxPerDeg: tuple (latPxPerDeg, lonPxPerDeg) :rtype: tuple (lat, lon, latCenter, lonCenter, data) """ latMin = boundingBox.latSouth latMax = boundingBox.latNorth lonMin = boundingBox.lonWest lonMax = boundingBox.lonEast if containsPole: print('contains pole') outlineLatLon = outlineLatLonFn() outlineLats = outlineLatLon[:,0] outlineLons = outlineLatLon[:,1] # rotation of latitude/poles needs to happen in cartesian space based on earth as sphere # only a very small error will be introduced here as the outline form is not a segment of a sphere but an ellipsoid # -> as the outline is very small in size, this won't be a problem angle = 90 axis = [1,0,0] outlineLats, outlineLons = rotatePole(np.deg2rad(outlineLats), np.deg2rad(outlineLons), altitude, angle=angle, axis=axis) outlineLats, outlineLons = np.rad2deg(outlineLats), np.rad2deg(outlineLons) outlineLatLon[:,0] = outlineLats outlineLatLon[:,1] = outlineLons latMin, latMax = np.min(outlineLats), np.max(outlineLats) lonMin, lonMax = np.min(outlineLons), np.max(outlineLons) latsCenter_, lonsCenter_ = rotatePole(np.deg2rad(np.ravel(latsCenter)), np.deg2rad(np.ravel(lonsCenter)), altitude, angle=angle, axis=axis) latsCenter = np.rad2deg(latsCenter_.reshape(latsCenter.shape)) lonsCenter = np.rad2deg(lonsCenter_.reshape(lonsCenter.shape)) elif containsDiscontinuity: print('contains discontinuity') outlineLatLon = outlineLatLonFn() outlineLats = outlineLatLon[:,0] outlineLons = outlineLatLon[:,1] # rotate longitudes out of 180° discontinuity; poles stay where they are # this introduces no additional error (e.g. due to ellipsoidal form) angle = 180 outlineLons = Angle((outlineLons + angle) * u.deg).wrap_at(angle * u.deg).degree outlineLatLon[:,1] = outlineLons lonMin, lonMax = np.min(outlineLons), np.max(outlineLons) lonsCenter = Angle((lonsCenter + angle) * u.deg).wrap_at(angle * u.deg).degree # create regular plate carree grid within bounding box where y=lat and x=lon # Note: For a given pxPerDeg, all resamplings are aligned to the same global grid. latPxPerDeg, lonPxPerDeg = pxPerDeg assert latPxPerDeg > 0 and lonPxPerDeg > 0 nLat, nLon, latMinInGrid, latMaxInGrid, lonMinInGrid, lonMaxInGrid =\ fixedGrid(pxPerDeg, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax) assert nLat > 1, 'nlat={}, latMax={}, latMin={}, pxperdeg={}'.format(nLat, latMaxInGrid, latMinInGrid, pxPerDeg) assert nLon > 1, 'nlon={}, lonMax={}, lonMin={}, pxperdeg={}'.format(nLon, lonMaxInGrid, lonMinInGrid, pxPerDeg) # the center coordinates are the ones which lie on the grid, corners are calculated latSpaceCenter, latStep = np.linspace(latMaxInGrid, latMinInGrid, num=nLat, retstep=True) lonSpaceCenter, lonStep = np.linspace(lonMinInGrid, lonMaxInGrid, num=nLon, retstep=True) # skip first and last coordinate center coordinate, otherwise we would have to calculate corner # coordinates outside the determined range, which could trigger certain edge cases latSpace = latSpaceCenter[:-1] + latStep/2 lonSpace = lonSpaceCenter[:-1] + lonStep/2 latSpaceCenter = latSpaceCenter[1:-1] lonSpaceCenter = lonSpaceCenter[1:-1] #latGrid, lonGrid = np.meshgrid(latSpace, lonSpace, indexing='ij') # 'indexing' not supported in np 1.6 latGrid, lonGrid = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(latSpace, lonSpace)).T latGridCenter, lonGridCenter = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(latSpaceCenter, lonSpaceCenter)).T # do the actual resampling dataResampled = _resampleCenterData(latsCenter, lonsCenter, data, latSpaceCenter, lonSpaceCenter, latStep, lonStep, method) # mask grid points which are outside the outline # This is needed as 'linear' and 'cubic' only mask points outside the *convex hull*, # which is not enough as we have concave forms. In those corner cases the data is interpolated. # With 'nearest', nothing is masked. # With 'mean', there is no inter/extrapolation, so we can skip the additional masking. if method != 'mean': # Based on the masked grid points the data is masked if any of its 4 corner points is masked. outlineLatLon = outlineLatLonFn() latLonGridFlat = np.asarray([np.ravel(latGrid), np.ravel(lonGrid)]).T isOutside = ~pointsInsidePolygon(latLonGridFlat, outlineLatLon).reshape(latGrid.shape) mask = np.logical_or.reduce((isOutside[:-1,:-1], isOutside[1:,:-1], isOutside[:-1,1:], isOutside[1:,1:])) dataResampled[mask] = np.nan # rotate back coordinates if previously rotated if containsPole: angle = -90 axis = [1,0,0] latGridFlat, lonGridFlat = rotatePole(np.deg2rad(latGrid.ravel()), np.deg2rad(lonGrid.ravel()), altitude, angle=angle, axis=axis) latGrid = np.rad2deg(latGridFlat.reshape(latGrid.shape)) lonGrid = np.rad2deg(lonGridFlat.reshape(latGrid.shape)) latGridCenterFlat, lonGridCenterFlat = rotatePole(np.deg2rad(latGridCenter.ravel()), np.deg2rad(lonGridCenter.ravel()), altitude, angle=angle, axis=axis) latGridCenter = np.rad2deg(latGridCenterFlat.reshape(latGridCenter.shape)) lonGridCenter = np.rad2deg(lonGridCenterFlat.reshape(latGridCenter.shape)) elif containsDiscontinuity: angle = 180 lonGrid = Angle((lonGrid + angle) * u.deg).wrap_at(angle * u.deg).degree lonGridCenter = Angle((lonGridCenter + angle) * u.deg).wrap_at(angle * u.deg).degree return latGrid, lonGrid, latGridCenter, lonGridCenter, dataResampled
[docs]def fixedGrid(pxPerDeg, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax): """ Aligns the given bounding box to a fixed plate carree grid as defined by `pxPerDeg`. :param lonMin,lonMax: must NOT contain the discontinuity """ latPxPerDeg, lonPxPerDeg = pxPerDeg nLatAll = latPxPerDeg*180 + 1 nLonAll = lonPxPerDeg*360 + 1 latSpaceAll = np.linspace(-90, 90, int(round(nLatAll))) lonSpaceAll = np.linspace(-180, 180, int(round(nLonAll))) latMinInGrid = latSpaceAll[np.argmax(latSpaceAll > latMin) - 1] latMaxInGrid = latSpaceAll[np.argmax(latSpaceAll >= latMax)] lonMinInGrid = lonSpaceAll[np.argmax(lonSpaceAll > lonMin) - 1] lonMaxInGrid = lonSpaceAll[np.argmax(lonSpaceAll >= lonMax)] nLat = int(round(latPxPerDeg*(latMaxInGrid-latMinInGrid) + 1)) nLon = int(round(lonPxPerDeg*(lonMaxInGrid-lonMinInGrid) + 1)) return nLat, nLon, latMinInGrid, latMaxInGrid, lonMinInGrid, lonMaxInGrid
def _resampleCenterData(latsCenter, lonsCenter, centerData, latSpaceCenter, lonSpaceCenter, latStep, lonStep, method): """ :param method: binning: 'mean'; interpolation: 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic'; Note that linear and cubic take considerably longer and use much more memory while they don't bring any benefit over 'nearest' if the goal is downsampling. """ if centerData.ndim == 2: scalarData = True centerData = centerData[...,None] else: scalarData = False # interpolate center data at grid point centers centerInLatsFlat, centerInLonsFlat = np.ravel(latsCenter), np.ravel(lonsCenter) centerNonNans = ~np.isnan(centerInLatsFlat) centerInLatsFlatFiltered = centerInLatsFlat[centerNonNans] centerInLonsFlatFiltered = centerInLonsFlat[centerNonNans] centerFlat = centerData.reshape(-1,centerData.shape[2]) centerFlatFiltered = centerFlat[centerNonNans] if method in ['nearest', 'linear', 'cubic']: centerResampled = scipy.interpolate.griddata( (centerInLatsFlatFiltered,centerInLonsFlatFiltered), centerFlatFiltered, (latSpaceCenter[:,None], lonSpaceCenter[None,:]), method=method) elif method == 'mean': # this is about 20-50% slower than griddata's 'nearest' bins = (len(lonSpaceCenter), len(latSpaceCenter)) # the bin egdes must be monotonically increasing, therefore we do that and flip it afterwards # so that latitudes are decreasing range_ = [[lonSpaceCenter[0]-lonStep/2, lonSpaceCenter[-1]+lonStep/2], [latSpaceCenter[-1]+latStep/2, latSpaceCenter[0]-latStep/2]] data = [centerFlatFiltered[:,d] for d in range(centerData.shape[2])] countAndData,_,_ = histogram2d(centerInLonsFlatFiltered, centerInLatsFlatFiltered, bins=bins, range=range_, weights=[None]+data) count = countAndData[0].T resampled = [] for d in range(centerData.shape[2]): data = centerFlatFiltered[:,d] dataOut = countAndData[d+1].T dataOut[count==0.0] = np.nan with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): dataOut /= count # flip so that latitudes are decreasing dataOut = np.flipud(dataOut) resampled.append(dataOut) centerResampled = np.dstack(resampled) elif method == 'median': raise NotImplementedError # # # else: raise NotImplementedError assert centerResampled.shape == (len(latSpaceCenter), len(lonSpaceCenter), centerData.shape[2]),\ str(centerResampled.shape) + ' != ' + str((len(latSpaceCenter), len(lonSpaceCenter), centerData.shape[2])) if scalarData: centerResampled = centerResampled.reshape(centerResampled.shape[0], centerResampled.shape[1]) return centerResampled
[docs]def ResampleProvider(provider, **kw): """ Wrap the given mapping provider by resampling every returned mapping. :param provider: the provider to wrap See :func:`resample` for masking parameters. """ resampleFn = partial(resample, **kw) class ResamplingProvider(object): def get(self, *args, **kw): m = super(ResamplingProvider, self).get(*args, **kw) return resampleFn(m) def getById(self, *args, **kw): m = super(ResamplingProvider, self).getById(*args, **kw) return resampleFn(m) def getSequence(self, *args, **kw): m = super(ResamplingProvider, self).getSequence(*args, **kw) return map(resampleFn, m) provider = copy.copy(provider) extend(provider, ResamplingProvider) return provider