Source code for auromat.mapping.mapping

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

This module provides core classes to handle georeferenced images.
Most classes are base classes which are inherited from in other modules
of this package.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from six.moves import range, map
from six import add_metaclass

import logging
import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
import copy

import numpy as np
import as ma

import astropy.units as u
from astropy import constants as const
from astropy.coordinates.angles import Angle

from auromat.coordinates.transform import j2000ToLatLon, rotatePole, geoToMLatMLT,\
    geodetic2Ecef, smToLatLon, mltToSmLon, j2000ToMLatMLT
from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import wgs84A, wgs84B, containsOrCrossesPole
import auromat.utils
from auromat.coordinates import geodesic
from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import Location
from auromat.coordinates.intersection import sphereLineIntersection,\
from auromat.util.image import loadImage
from auromat.utils import outline, convexHull, polygonCentroid, extend
from auromat.util.decorators import lazy_property, inherit_docs
import warnings

Size = namedtuple('Size', ['width','height'])
PixelScales = namedtuple('PixelScales', ['width', 'height', 'diagonal'])
PixelScale = namedtuple('PixelScale', ['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max'])

[docs]class BoundingBox(object): """ Describes a geographical bounding box that can span across the discontinuity. """ def __init__(self, latSouth, lonWest, latNorth, lonEast): """ :param number latSouth: in degrees [-90,90] :param number lonWest: in degrees [-180,180] :param number latNorth: in degrees [-90,90] :param number lonEast: in degrees [-180,180] """ assert -180 <= lonWest <= 180, 'Longitude: ' + str(lonWest) assert -180 <= lonEast <= 180, 'Longitude: ' + str(lonEast) assert -90 <= latSouth <= 90, 'Latitude: ' + str(latSouth) assert -90 <= latNorth <= 90, 'Latitude: ' + str(latNorth) self._latSouth = latSouth self._lonWest = lonWest self._latNorth = latNorth self._lonEast = lonEast @property def latSouth(self): return self._latSouth @property def lonWest(self): return self._lonWest @property def latNorth(self): return self._latNorth @property def lonEast(self): return self._lonEast @property def topLeft(self): """ North west corner of the bounding box. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ return Location(self.latNorth, self.lonWest) @property def bottomLeft(self): """ South west corner of the bounding box. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ return Location(self.latSouth, self.lonWest) @property def topRight(self): """ North east corner of the bounding box. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ return Location(self.latNorth, self.lonEast) @property def bottomRight(self): """ South east corner of the bounding box. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ return Location(self.latSouth, self.lonEast) @lazy_property def _minSphericalRectangle(self): """ based on useful as stereographic projection parameters for drawing Note that this currently only works for bounding boxes spanning less than 180 degrees in longitude. For greater longitude ranges the returned center is still correct but the size is wrong. :rtype: tuple (center, size) with size a named tuple (width, height) with values in km and center a named Location tuple """ if self.containsPole: if self.latNorth == 90: # north pole center = Location(90, 0) width = geodesic.distance(center, Location(self.latSouth, 0))*2 else: # south pole center = Location(-90, 0) width = geodesic.distance(center, Location(self.latNorth, 0))*2 height = width else: lonWest = self.lonWest lonEast = self.lonEast if lonWest > lonEast: lonEast += 360 lonc = (lonWest+lonEast)/2 lonc = Angle(lonc * u.deg).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree if lonEast - lonWest > 180: warnings.warn('The bounding box spans more than 180deg in longitude. ' 'The returned size of the minimum spherical rectangle will be incorrect.') # TODO only works when longitude range is less than 180 deg # -> this is because the geodesic distance is not oriented and always # returns the shortest distance width = geodesic.distance(self.bottomLeft, self.bottomRight) width2 = geodesic.distance(self.topLeft, self.topRight) if width2 > width: # southern hemisphere width = width2 bottomCenter = geodesic.intermediate(self.bottomLeft, self.bottomRight, 0.5) topDataCenter = Location(self.latNorth, lonc) height = geodesic.distance(topDataCenter, bottomCenter) center = geodesic.intermediate(topDataCenter, bottomCenter, 0.5) else: # northern hemisphere topCenter = geodesic.intermediate(self.topLeft, self.topRight, 0.5) bottomDataCenter = Location(self.latSouth, lonc) height = geodesic.distance(bottomDataCenter, topCenter) center = geodesic.intermediate(bottomDataCenter, topCenter, 0.5) return center, Size(width/1000, height/1000) @lazy_property def center(self): """ Center of the minimum spherical rectangle that fits the bounding box. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ center, _ = self._minSphericalRectangle return center @lazy_property def size(self): """ Width and height in km of the minimum spherical rectangle that fits the bounding box. Note that the size is only correct if the bounding box spans less than 180 degrees in longitude. :rtype: Size """ _, size = self._minSphericalRectangle return size @property def containsDiscontinuity(self): """ Return whether the bounding box contains the 180 degree discontinuity. :rtype: bool """ return self.lonWest > self.lonEast or self.containsPole @property def containsPole(self): """ Return whether the bounding box contains the north and/or south pole. :rtype: bool """ return self.lonWest == -180 and self.lonEast == 180 and \ (self.latNorth == 90 or self.latSouth == -90) @staticmethod
[docs] def minimumBoundingBox(latLons): """ Return the smallest bounding box that contains all given coordinates. :param latLons: iterable of (lat,lon) pairs :rtype: BoundingBox """ bbs = [BoundingBox(lat, lon, lat, lon) for [lat,lon] in latLons] minBB = BoundingBox.mergedBoundingBoxes(bbs) return minBB
[docs] def mergedBoundingBoxes(boundingBoxes): """ Return the smallest bounding box that contains all given bounding boxes. :param boundingBoxes: iterable of BoundingBox instances :rtype: BoundingBox """ boundingBoxes = list(boundingBoxes) lats = [bb.latSouth for bb in boundingBoxes] + [bb.latNorth for bb in boundingBoxes] lons = [(bb.lonWest,bb.lonEast) for bb in boundingBoxes] latSouth = np.min(lats) latNorth = np.max(lats) lonWest, lonEast = BoundingBox._minimumBoundingBoxLons(lons) return BoundingBox(latSouth, lonWest, latNorth, lonEast)
@staticmethod def _minimumBoundingBoxLons(lons): lons = np.asarray(lons) xs = np.sort(lons.ravel()) assert len(xs) % 2 == 0 xs = np.concatenate((xs,[xs[0]+360])) lonsUnwrapped = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(np.deg2rad(lons))) coversInterval = np.zeros(len(xs)-1, dtype=bool) for i in range(1, len(xs)): for bb in lonsUnwrapped: if bb[0] <= xs[i-1] and bb[1] >= xs[i]: coversInterval[i-1] = True break intervalLengths = xs[1:] - xs[:-1] gapLengths = ma.masked_array(intervalLengths, coversInterval) biggestGapIdx = np.argmax(gapLengths) # ignoring other possible maximums lonWest, lonEast = xs[biggestGapIdx+1], xs[biggestGapIdx] lonWest = Angle(lonWest * u.deg).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree lonEast = Angle(lonEast * u.deg).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree return lonWest, lonEast def __eq__(self, obj): return isinstance(obj, BoundingBox) and \ self.latNorth == obj.latNorth and self.latSouth == obj.latSouth and \ self.lonWest == obj.lonWest and self.lonEast == obj.lonEast def _ne__(self, obj): return not self == obj def __repr__(self): return 'BoundingBox(latSouth={0}, lonWest={1}, latNorth={2}, lonEast={3})'.format( self.latSouth, self.lonWest, self.latNorth, self.lonEast)
MappingProperties = namedtuple('MappingProperties', 'altitude cameraPosGCRS boundingBox photoTime ' 'centroid cameraFootpoint identifier') @add_metaclass(ABCMeta)
[docs]class BaseMapping(object): """ Base class for all mapping objects. Describes a georeferenced image for a given altitude. The following assertions always hold: If a pixel in img is defined, then it is guaranteed that the corresponding center and corner coordinates are defined, as well as the elevation. If a pixel in img is NOT defined, then the corresponding center coordinate and elevation are also not defined; one of its corner coordinates may be defined in case a neighbouring pixel is defined, otherwise it is not defined. More formally: - If lats[y,x] is not masked, then lons[y,x] is not masked, and vice versa. - If latsCenter[y,x] is not masked, then lonsCenter[y,x] is not masked, and vice versa. - If lats[y,x] is not masked, then at least one of latsCenter[y,x], latsCenter[y,x-1], latsCenter[y-1,x-1] or latsCenter[y-1,x] is not masked. - If latsCenter[y,x] is not masked, then lats[y,x], lats[y+1,x], lats[y+1,x+1] and lats[y,x+1] are not masked. - If img[y,x] is not masked, then latsCenter[y,x] is not masked, and vice versa. - If elevation[y,x] is not masked, then latsCenter[y,x] is not masked, and vice versa. """ def __init__(self, altitude, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=None): """ :param number altitude: the altitude in km onto which the image is mapped :param array-like cameraPosGCRS: [x,y,z] camera position in GCRS coordinates, in km :param datetime.datetime photoTime: date the photo was taken :param str identifier: a string which uniquely names this mapping (e.g. ISS030-E-84614); it must be usable for parts of a filename :param dict metadata: a flat dictionary of informational metadata that is used when exporting a mapping """ assert altitude >= 0 cameraPosGCRS = np.asarray(cameraPosGCRS) assert cameraPosGCRS.shape == (3,) self._altitude = altitude self._cameraPosGCRS = cameraPosGCRS self._photoTime = photoTime self._identifier = identifier self._metadata = metadata # cached values of derived attributes self._centroid = None self._outlines = None self._boundingBox = None self._pixelScales = None self._mlatmlt = None self._mlatmltCenter = None @property def properties(self): """ Return information about the mapping as a named tuple. :rtype: MappingProperties """ return MappingProperties(identifier=self.identifier, altitude=self.altitude, cameraPosGCRS=self.cameraPosGCRS, boundingBox=self.boundingBox, photoTime=self.photoTime, centroid=self.centroid, cameraFootpoint=self.cameraFootpoint)
[docs] def checkGuarantees(self): """ Checks if the guarantees defined for coordinate and data arrays are fulfilled. See the docstring of this class. Note: This method is meant only for testing purposes. """ lats, lons = self.lats, self.lons latsCenter, lonsCenter = self.latsCenter, self.lonsCenter mlat, mlt = self.mLatMlt mlatCenter, mltCenter = self.mLatMltCenter img = self.img elevation = self.elevation # we use masked arrays, so there must be no NaN's in the unmasked parts assert not np.any(np.isnan(lats)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(latsCenter)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(mlat)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(elevation)) # If lats[y,x] is not nan, then lons[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(lats), ~ma.getmaskarray(lons))) # If latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, then lonsCenter[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter), ~ma.getmaskarray(lonsCenter))) # If lats[y,x] is not nan, then at least one of latsCenter[y,x], latsCenter[y,x-1], # latsCenter[y-1,x-1] or latsCenter[y-1,x] is not nan. latsCenterNotNanPadded = np.zeros((latsCenter.shape[0]+2, latsCenter.shape[1]+2), bool) latsCenterNotNanPadded[1:-1,1:-1] = ~ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter) assert np.all(np.logical_or.reduce((ma.getmaskarray(lats), latsCenterNotNanPadded[1:,1:], latsCenterNotNanPadded[1:,:-1], latsCenterNotNanPadded[:-1,:-1], latsCenterNotNanPadded[:-1,1:] ))) # If latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, then lats[y,x], lats[y+1,x], # lats[y+1,x+1] and lats[y,x+1] are not nan. latsNotNan = ~ma.getmaskarray(lats) assert np.all(np.logical_or(ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter), np.logical_and.reduce((latsNotNan[:-1,:-1], latsNotNan[1:,:-1], latsNotNan[1:,1:], latsNotNan[:-1,1:] )))) # If img[y,x] is not nan, then latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. latsCenterNotNan = ~ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter) imgNan = ma.getmaskarray(img) for d in range(img.shape[2]): assert np.all(np.logical_xor(imgNan[:,:,d], latsCenterNotNan)) # If elevation[y,x] is not nan, then latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(elevation), latsCenterNotNan)) # If mlatCenter[y,x] is not nan, then latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(mlatCenter), latsCenterNotNan)) # If mltCenter[y,x] is not nan, then latsCenter[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(mltCenter), latsCenterNotNan)) # If mlat[y,x] is not nan, then lats[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(mlat), latsNotNan)) # If mlt[y,x] is not nan, then lats[y,x] is not nan, and vice versa. assert np.all(np.logical_xor(ma.getmaskarray(mlt), latsNotNan))
@property def altitude(self): """ Mapping altitude in km. """ return self._altitude @property def cameraPosGCRS(self): return self._cameraPosGCRS @lazy_property def cameraFootpoint(self): """ The camera footpoint in geodetic coordinates. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ camFootLat, camFootLon = j2000ToLatLon([self.cameraPosGCRS], self.photoTime) return Location(camFootLat[0], camFootLon[0]) @property def photoTime(self): """ :rtype: datetime.datetime """ return self._photoTime @property def identifier(self): """ :rtype: str """ return self._identifier @property def metadata(self): """ :rtype: dict """ if self._metadata is None: return {} else: return self._metadata @abstractproperty def lats(self): """ A masked array of shape (img.shape[0]+1, img.shape[1]+1) containing the latitude of every pixel corner. """ @abstractproperty def lons(self): """ A masked array of shape shape (img.shape[0]+1, img.shape[1]+1) containing the longitude of every pixel corner. """ @abstractproperty def latsCenter(self): """ A masked array of shape shape (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) containing the latitude of every pixel center. """ @abstractproperty def lonsCenter(self): """ A masked array of shape (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) containing the longitude of every pixel center. """ @property def isPlateCarree(self): """ Return whether the latitude/longitude arrays describe a plate carree projection (regular grid). """ return isPlateCarree(self.lats, self.lons)
[docs] def checkPlateCarree(self): """ Raises an error when the latitude/longitude arrays do not describe a plate carree projection (regular grid). """ return checkPlateCarree(self.lats, self.lons)
@property def mLatMlt(self): """ Tuple of masked arrays of the geomagnetic latitude/magnetic local time of every pixel corner. :rtype: tuple(mlat, mlt) with array shape (img.shape[0]+1, img.shape[1]+1). """ if self._mlatmlt is None: self._mlatmlt = self._mLatMlt(self.lats, self.lons) return self._mlatmlt @property def mLatMltCenter(self): """ Tuple of masked arrays of the geomagnetic latitude/magnetic local time of every pixel center. :rtype: tuple(mlat, mlt) with shape (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]). """ if self._mlatmltCenter is None: self._mlatmltCenter = self._mLatMlt(self.latsCenter, self.lonsCenter) return self._mlatmltCenter def _mLatMlt(self, lats, lons): mask = ma.getmaskarray(lats) lats, lons = np.deg2rad(, np.deg2rad( geoX, geoY, geoZ = geodetic2Ecef(lats, lons, self.altitude, wgs84A, wgs84B) geo = np.dstack((geoX,geoY,geoZ)) mlat, mlt = geoToMLatMLT(geo.reshape(-1,3), self.photoTime) mlat = mlat.reshape(geo.shape[0], geo.shape[1]) mlt = mlt.reshape(geo.shape[0], geo.shape[1]) mlat = ma.masked_array(mlat, mask) mlt = ma.masked_array(mlt, mask) return mlat, mlt @abstractproperty def img(self): """ Masked array of shape (h,w,n) and type (u)int. """ @abstractproperty def img_unmasked(self): """ Like img but as a normal numpy array (not a masked array). The purpose of this property (compared to is to implement more efficient ways to access the image data, in the case that the coordinates (lat, lon, etc.) are not needed. These would be calculated to properly mask the image. """ @abstractproperty def elevation(self): """ Elevation in degrees for each pixel center, that is, a masked array of shape (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]). """ @abstractproperty def rgb(self): """ A representation of img as a masked (h,w,3) uint8 RGB image with a range [0,255]. This is a convenience property for easy display of the image data. This array shall never be modified directly, only through the underlying img. Note to implementers: If this property is cached then care must be taken when a mapping gets masked. For example, when implementing :meth:`createMasked` then the cache may be invalidated. """ @abstractproperty def rgb_unmasked(self): """ Like rgb but as a normal numpy array (not a masked array). The purpose of this property (compared to is to implement more efficient ways to access the image data, in the case that the coordinates (lat, lon, etc.) are not needed. These would be calculated to properly mask the image. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def createResampled(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img): """ Returns a new mapping object with the given values. Each subclass can decide what the most appropriate class for the resampled data is. E.g. ThemisMapping uses itself, while AstrometryMapping uses GenericMapping. This is important as only the original class knows how to interpret the img data (if it's not standard RGB in the case of THEMIS). See :func:`auromat.resample.resample` for an application of this method. :param elevation: can be None """
[docs] def createMasked(self, centerMask): """ Return a copy of this mapping with the given mask applied to img, latsCenter, lonsCenter, and elevation. Implementing classes must override this method and handle the lats and lons attributes and possible others. See :meth:`maskedByElevation` for an application of this method. :param centerMask: the mask is not copied and should not be used after anymore after calling this method """ # mask is copied, data is not _latsCenter = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) _lonsCenter = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) _img = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) _elevation = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) class MaskedMapping(object): @property def latsCenter(self): return _latsCenter @property def lonsCenter(self): return _lonsCenter @property def img(self): return _img @property def elevation(self): return _elevation m = copy.copy(self) extend(m, MaskedMapping) return m
@property def outline(self): """ The complete outline of this mapping. Note that the outline can be concave. """ full, _ = self._fullAndConvexOutlines return full @property def outlineConvexHull(self): """ The convex hull of the regular outline. """ _, convex = self._fullAndConvexOutlines return convex @property def _fullAndConvexOutlines(self): if self._outlines is None: mask = ~ma.getmaskarray(self.lats) outl = outline(mask) # full outline outlLats = self.lats[outl[:,1], outl[:,0]] outlLons = self.lons[outl[:,1], outl[:,0]] outlLatLon = np.transpose([outlLats, outlLons]) # convex hull outlConvex = convexHull(outl) outlConvexLats = self.lats[outlConvex[:,1], outlConvex[:,0]] outlConvexLons = self.lons[outlConvex[:,1], outlConvex[:,0]] outlConvexLatLon = np.transpose([outlConvexLats, outlConvexLons]) self._outlines = outlLatLon, outlConvexLatLon return self._outlines @property def boundingBox(self): """ In case containsPole is True, this bounding box is degenerate! It will span the full longitude range in this case. """ if self._boundingBox is None: outlLats = self.outline[:,0] outlLons = self.outline[:,1] latMin, latMax = np.min(outlLats), np.max(outlLats) lonMin, lonMax = np.min(outlLons), np.max(outlLons) # To make pole checking faster we reduce the outline. # Removing points from the full outline could produce a # self-intersecting polygon, therefore the convex hull of # the full outline is used such that this cannot happen. pointCount = len(self.outlineConvexHull) sampleCount = min(pointCount, 50) indices = np.round(np.linspace(0, pointCount-1, sampleCount)).astype( reducedOutline = self.outlineConvexHull[indices] if containsOrCrossesPole(reducedOutline): lonWest = -180 lonEast = 180 # find out which pole! if latMax < 0: # south pole latSouth = -90 latNorth = latMax else: # north pole latNorth = 90 latSouth = latMin else: # we assume that mappings are smaller than 180deg longitudes # and use this assumption to determine if the mapping contains # the discontinuity if lonMax-lonMin > 180: # contains discontinuity westLons = outlLons>0 eastLons = ~westLons lonWest = np.min(outlLons[westLons]) lonEast = np.max(outlLons[eastLons]) else: lonWest = lonMin lonEast = lonMax latNorth, latSouth = latMax, latMin bb = BoundingBox(latSouth, lonWest, latNorth, lonEast) self._boundingBox = bb return self._boundingBox @property def containsDiscontinuity(self): """ Return whether the bounding box contains the discontinuity. """ return self.boundingBox.containsDiscontinuity @property def containsPole(self): """ Return whether the bounding box contains a pole. """ return self.boundingBox.containsPole @property def centroid(self): """The centroid of the mapping based on the plate-carree projection. :rtype: auromat.coordinates.geodesic.Location """ if self._centroid is None: if self.containsPole: # TODO rotate away from pole, see resample module raise NotImplementedError elif self.containsDiscontinuity: lats = self.outline[:,0] lons = self.outline[:,1] lons = Angle((lons + 180) * u.deg).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree outline = np.transpose([lats, lons]) lat,lon = polygonCentroid(outline) centroidLon = Angle((lon + 180) * u.deg).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree self._centroid = Location(lat, centroidLon) else: lat,lon = polygonCentroid(self.outline) self._centroid = Location(lat, lon) return self._centroid @property def arcSecPerPx(self): """ Min, max, median, and mean angular sizes of pixels/polygons determined for the width, height, and diagonal of 1000 polygons. :rtype: PixelScales """ if self._pixelScales is None: # create polygons without colors # (copied from auromat.draw.createPolygonsAndColors) latLonDeg = ma.dstack((self.lats, self.lons)) verts = ma.concatenate(( latLonDeg[0:-1, 0:-1], latLonDeg[0:-1, 1: ], latLonDeg[1: , 1: ], latLonDeg[1: , 0:-1], ), axis=2) verts = verts.reshape((latLonDeg.shape[0]-1)*(latLonDeg.shape[1]-1), 4, 2) hasNans = ma.getmaskarray(verts).any(axis=-1).any(axis=-1) verts = verts[~hasNans] # calculate angular sizes for 1000 polygons using the polygon width # (just 1000 because geographiclib is quite slow due to no array support) polyCount = verts.shape[0] sampleCount = min(polyCount, 1000) indices = np.round(np.linspace(0, polyCount-1, sampleCount)).astype( widthSizesDeg = [geodesic.angularDistance(Location(poly[0][0], poly[0][1]), Location(poly[1][0], poly[1][1])) for poly in verts[indices]] heightSizesDeg = [geodesic.angularDistance(Location(poly[1][0], poly[1][1]), Location(poly[2][0], poly[2][1])) for poly in verts[indices]] diagonalSizesDeg = [geodesic.angularDistance(Location(poly[0][0], poly[0][1]), Location(poly[2][0], poly[2][1])) for poly in verts[indices]] # reduce to some useful values scales = [] for sizesDeg in [widthSizesDeg, heightSizesDeg, diagonalSizesDeg]: meanDegPerPx = np.mean(sizesDeg) medianDegPerPx = np.median(sizesDeg) minDegPerPx = min(sizesDeg) maxDegPerPx = max(sizesDeg) meanArcSecPerPx = (meanDegPerPx * u.deg).to(u.arcsec).value medianArcSecPerPx = (medianDegPerPx * u.deg).to(u.arcsec).value minArcSecPerPx = (minDegPerPx * u.deg).to(u.arcsec).value maxArcSecPerPx = (maxDegPerPx * u.deg).to(u.arcsec).value scales.append(PixelScale(meanArcSecPerPx, medianArcSecPerPx, minArcSecPerPx, maxArcSecPerPx)) self._pixelScales = PixelScales(width=scales[0], height=scales[1], diagonal=scales[2]) return self._pixelScales
[docs] def maskedByElevation(self, minElevation=10): """ Return a new mapping with data masked below the given minimum elevation. A previously applied mask is ignored. Note that the new mapping reuses the existing arrays and just exchanges the masks. :param int minElevation: 0 to 90, in degrees :rtype: BaseMapping """ assert self.elevation is not None centerMask = (self.elevation < minElevation).filled(True) if np.all(centerMask): raise ValueError('minElevation=' + str(minElevation) + ' would mask all pixels!') newMapping = self.createMasked(centerMask) newMapping.setDirty() return newMapping
[docs] def maskedByPolygon(self, polygon): """ Returns a copy of this mapping where the image is masked using the given polygon. Only those pixels are retained where all of its corners are inside the polygon. A previously applied mask is ignored. Note that the new mapping reuses the existing arrays and just exchanges the masks. .. warning:: If the mapping or the polygon contains the discontinuity and/or poles then this method tries to handle it in a best-effort approach. It may happen that this approach fails where the resulting mapping could contain invalid data. :param array-like polygon: ordered points of an unclosed polygon in [lat,lon] order :rtype: BaseMapping """ polygon = np.asarray(polygon) latLonGrid = np.dstack((, latLonGridFlat = latLonGrid.reshape(-1, 2) polyBoundingBox = BoundingBox.minimumBoundingBox(polygon) polyContainsPole = containsOrCrossesPole(polygon) if self.containsDiscontinuity or polyBoundingBox.containsDiscontinuity: angle = 180 polygon = polygon.copy() for arr in [latLonGridFlat, polygon]: arr[:,1] = Angle((arr[:,1] + angle) * u.deg).wrap_at(angle * u.deg).degree elif self.containsPole or polyContainsPole: angle = 90 xaxis = [1,0,0] for arr in [latLonGridFlat, polygon]: arr[:,0], arr[:,1] = rotatePole(np.deg2rad(arr[:,0]), np.deg2rad(arr[:,1]), self.altitude, angle=angle, axis=xaxis) isInside = auromat.utils.pointsInsidePolygon(latLonGridFlat, polygon) isInside = isInside.reshape(self.lats.shape) mask = ~isInside | self.lats.mask if np.all(mask): raise ValueError('The given mask would mask all pixels!') # we mask every pixel which misses at least one of its four corner coordinates centerMask = np.logical_or.reduce((mask[:-1,:-1], mask[1:,:-1], mask[:-1,1:], mask[1:,1:])) newMapping = self.createMasked(centerMask) newMapping.setDirty() return newMapping
[docs] def setDirty(self): """ Sets all values of cached properties to None so that they are recalculated the next time they are accessed. """ self._outlines = None self._boundingBox = None self._centroid = None self._pixelScales = None self._mlatmlt = None self._mlatmltCenter = None
[docs]def checkPlateCarree(lats, lons): """ Checks whether the given 2D coordinate arrays describe a plate carree projection, that is, if the latitudes (longitudes) are evenly spaced and monotonically decreasing (increasing). :param ndarray lats: 2D latitude array :param ndarray lons: 2D longitude array :raise ValueError: when the projection is not plate carree """ if ma.isMaskedArray(lats): lats, lons =, if np.any(np.isnan(lats)): raise ValueError('coordinates contains NaNs') lons = np.unwrap(np.deg2rad(lons)) # x=lon must be monotonically increasing # y=lat must be monotonically decreasing if lons[0,-1]-lons[0,0] <= 0: raise ValueError('longitudes are not monotonically increasing') if lats[0,0]-lats[-1,0] <= 0: raise ValueError('latitudes are not monotonically decreasing') # lat and lon must be evenly spaced eps = 1e-4 deltaLon = lons[0,1:] - lons[0,:-1] isLonRegular = np.max(deltaLon) - np.min(deltaLon) < eps if not isLonRegular: raise ValueError('longitudes are not evenly spaced') deltaLat = lats[:-1,0] - lats[1:,0] isLatRegular = np.max(deltaLat) - np.min(deltaLat) < eps if not isLatRegular: raise ValueError('latitudes are not evenly spaced')
[docs]def isPlateCarree(lats, lons): """ Return whether the given 2D coordinate arrays describe a plate carree projection, that is, if the latitudes (longitudes) are evenly spaced and monotonically decreasing (increasing). :param ndarray lats: 2D latitude array :param ndarray lons: 2D longitude array :rtype: bool """ try: checkPlateCarree(lats, lons) except: return False else: return True
[docs]class DefaultRGBMixin(object): """ Mixin for use with :class:`BaseMapping`. Interprets an 8 bit (uint8) or 16 bit (uint16) 3-channel image as RGB image with the channels in RGB order. """ @property def rgb(self): return ma.masked_array(self.rgb_unmasked, mask=self.img.mask) @property def rgb_unmasked(self): if self.img_unmasked.dtype == np.uint8: img = self.img_unmasked elif self.img_unmasked.dtype == np.uint16: img = self.img_unmasked.copy() img *= 255/65535 img = img.astype(np.uint8) else: raise NotImplementedError if img.shape[2] == 3: return img elif img.shape[2] == 1: return np.repeat(img, 3, 2) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown img format')
[docs]class ArrayImageMixin(DefaultRGBMixin): """ Mixin for use with :class:`BaseMapping`. Interprets an 8 bit (uint8) or 16 bit (uint16) 3-channel array as RGB image with the channels in RGB order. """ def __init__(self, img): assert img.ndim == 3 assert img.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16] if not ma.isMaskedArray(img): img = ma.masked_array(img) self._img = img @property def img(self): return self._img @property def img_unmasked(self): return
[docs]class FileImageMixin(DefaultRGBMixin): """ Mixin for use with :class:`BaseMapping`. Loads an 8 or 16 bit image file and converts it to an RGB image in case it is grayscale. """ # TODO don't convert grayscale to RGB, only for rgb property later on # -> relevant for MIRACLE def __init__(self, imagePath): self._imagePath = imagePath self._img = None self._img_unmasked = None @property def img(self): if self._img is None: self._img = ma.masked_array(self.img_unmasked) return self._img @property def img_unmasked(self): if self._img_unmasked is None: img = loadImage(self._imagePath) self._img_unmasked = img return self._img_unmasked @property def imagePath(self): return self._imagePath
def _doSanitize(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, img, elevation, afterMasking=False): """ Sanitizes the given masked data arrays such that _checkGuarantees() returns True. This method works directly on the masks of the given arrays. :param afterMasking: If True, skips steps which are not needed when sanitizing an already sanitized mapping that has been masked. """ t0 = time.time() centerMaskShared = isinstance(latsCenter.mask, np.ndarray) and \ latsCenter.mask is lonsCenter.mask is elevation.mask cornerMaskShared = isinstance(lats.mask, np.ndarray) and lats.mask is lons.mask # first, apply img mask to center coordinates imgMask = ma.getmaskarray(img)[:,:,0] latsCenter[imgMask] = ma.masked if not centerMaskShared: lonsCenter[imgMask] = ma.masked # now, make sure lats,lons,latsCenter,lonsCenter are consistent latsCenterNanPadded = np.ones((latsCenter.shape[0]+2, latsCenter.shape[1]+2), bool) latsCenterNanPadded[1:-1,1:-1] = ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter) allNeighboursMissing = np.logical_and.reduce((latsCenterNanPadded[1:,1:], latsCenterNanPadded[1:,:-1], latsCenterNanPadded[:-1,:-1], latsCenterNanPadded[:-1,1:])) lats[allNeighboursMissing] = ma.masked if not cornerMaskShared: lons[allNeighboursMissing] = ma.masked if not afterMasking: latsNan = ma.getmaskarray(lats) anyCornerMissing = np.logical_or.reduce((latsNan[:-1,:-1], latsNan[1:,:-1], latsNan[1:,1:], latsNan[:-1,1:])) latsCenter[anyCornerMissing] = ma.masked if not centerMaskShared: lonsCenter[anyCornerMissing] = ma.masked # and again in case there are new corners without neighbors latsCenterNanPadded = np.ones((latsCenter.shape[0]+2, latsCenter.shape[1]+2), bool) latsCenterNanPadded[1:-1,1:-1] = ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter) allNeighboursMissing = np.logical_and.reduce((latsCenterNanPadded[1:,1:], latsCenterNanPadded[1:,:-1], latsCenterNanPadded[:-1,:-1], latsCenterNanPadded[:-1,1:])) lats[allNeighboursMissing] = ma.masked if not cornerMaskShared: lons[allNeighboursMissing] = ma.masked # finally, apply coords mask back to img and elevation img[ma.getmaskarray(latsCenter)] = ma.masked if not centerMaskShared: elevation[ma.getmaskarray(img)[:,:,0]] = ma.masked print('sanitize:', time.time()-t0, 's')
[docs]def sanitize_data(cls): """ A decorator for classes inheriting from :class:`BaseMapping`. It lazily sanitizes data such that :meth:`BaseMapping.checkGuarantees` is satisfied. This decorator assumes the most general case. If a more optimized sanitization technique can be implemented for a specific mapping class, then this should be done and this decorator not be used. """ @inherit_docs class SanitizedMapping(cls): @property def lats(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lats) @property def lons(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lons) @property def latsCenter(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.latsCenter) @property def lonsCenter(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lonsCenter) @property def img(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.img) @property def elevation(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.elevation) def createMasked(self, centerMask): # mask is copied, data is not latslonsmask = ma.getmaskarray(self.lats).copy() _lats = ma.masked_array(, latslonsmask) _lons = ma.masked_array(, latslonsmask) _latsCenter = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) _lonsCenter = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) imgMask = np.repeat(centerMask[:,:,None], self.img.shape[2], 2) _img = ma.masked_array(, imgMask) _elevation = ma.masked_array(, centerMask) class attrs(object): lats=_lats lons=_lons latsCenter=_latsCenter lonsCenter=_lonsCenter img=_img elevation=_elevation class MaskedMapping(object): @property def lats(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lats) @property def lons(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lons) @property def latsCenter(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.latsCenter) @property def lonsCenter(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.lonsCenter) @property def img(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.img) @property def elevation(self): return self._sanitized(lambda s: s.elevation) def _sanitized(self, p): self._sanitize(attrs) return p(attrs) m = copy.copy(self) extend(m, MaskedMapping) m.isSanitized = False m.afterMasking = True return m def _sanitized(self, p): self._sanitize(super(SanitizedMapping, self)) return p(super(SanitizedMapping, self)) def _sanitize(self, attrs): if getattr(self, 'isSanitized', False): return afterMasking = getattr(self, 'afterMasking', False) _doSanitize(attrs.lats, attrs.lons, attrs.latsCenter, attrs.lonsCenter, attrs.img, attrs.elevation, afterMasking=afterMasking) self.isSanitized = True SanitizedMapping.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ return SanitizedMapping
@sanitize_data @inherit_docs
[docs]class GenericMapping(ArrayImageMixin, BaseMapping): """ A mapping consisting of precalculated latitudes/longitudes/elevation values. """ def __init__(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elev, alti, img, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=None): """ :param ndarray lats: (h+1,w+1) in degrees :param ndarray lons: (h+1,w+1) in degrees :param ndarray latsCenter: (h,w) in degrees :param ndarray lonsCenter: (h,w) in degrees :param ndarray elev: (h,w) in degrees; can also be None :param number alti: the altitude in km onto which the image was mapped (e.g. 110) :param ndarray img: uint8 or uint16 array of shape (h,w) for grayscale or (h,w,3) for RGB :param array-like cameraPosGCRS: [x,y,z] in km :param datetime.datetime photoTime: """ h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] assert lats.shape == lons.shape == (h+1, w+1) assert latsCenter.shape == lonsCenter.shape == (h, w) assert elev is None or elev.shape == (h, w) ArrayImageMixin.__init__(self, img) BaseMapping.__init__(self, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata) self._lats = ma.masked_invalid(lats, copy=False) if not ma.isMA(lats) else lats self._lons = ma.masked_invalid(lons, copy=False) if not ma.isMA(lons) else lons self._latsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(latsCenter, copy=False) if not ma.isMA(latsCenter) else latsCenter self._lonsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(lonsCenter, copy=False) if not ma.isMA(lonsCenter) else lonsCenter self._elevation = ma.masked_invalid(elev, copy=False) if not ma.isMA(elev) else elev @property def lats(self): return self._lats @property def lons(self): return self._lons @property def latsCenter(self): return self._latsCenter @property def lonsCenter(self): return self._lonsCenter @property def elevation(self): return self._elevation def createResampled(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img): mapping = GenericMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, self.altitude, img, self.cameraPosGCRS, self.photoTime, self.identifier, metadata=self.metadata) return mapping @staticmethod def fromMapping(mapping): """ Create a :class:`GenericMapping` from the given mapping. Useful for removing additional data of a more specific mapping class. Note that this method can only be used if the image data is compatible to :class:`GenericMapping` (standard uint8 or uint16 grayscale/RGB arrays). """ m = GenericMapping(mapping.lats, mapping.lons, mapping.latsCenter, mapping.lonsCenter, mapping.elevation, mapping.altitude, mapping.img, mapping.cameraPosGCRS, mapping.photoTime, mapping.identifier, mapping.metadata) try: m.isSanitized = mapping.isSanitized m.afterMasking = mapping.afterMasking except: pass return m # for sphinx: this avoids the class being displayed as an alias of SanitizedMapping # The bases are displayed wrongly though.
GenericMapping.__name__ = 'GenericMapping'
[docs]class MappingCollection(object): def __init__(self, mappings, identifier, mayOverlap=True): """ A collection of mappings for the same photo time (+- a few seconds). :type mappings: list of :class:`BaseMapping` objects :param string identifier: e.g. THEMIS-2012. :param mayOverlap: True if some mappings may overlap each other This information is used for drawing polygons. When True, then the pixels of all mappings are joined together, sorted by elevation, and drawn in the same order (such that low-elevation polygons of one mapping are overdrawn by higher-elevation polygons of another overlapping mapping). """ self._mappings = mappings self._identifier = identifier self._mayOverlap = mayOverlap @property def identifier(self): return self._identifier @property def empty(self): """ Whether this collection contains no mappings. """ return len(self.mappings) == 0 @property def mappings(self): return self._mappings @property def mayOverlap(self): return self._mayOverlap
[docs] def maskedByElevation(self, minElevation=10): mappings = [m.maskedByElevation(minElevation) for m in self.mappings] return MappingCollection(mappings, self.identifier, self.mayOverlap)
@property def boundingBox(self): """ The smallest bounding box containing the bounding boxes of all mappings. """ boundingBoxes = [mapping.boundingBox for mapping in self.mappings] return BoundingBox.mergedBoundingBoxes(boundingBoxes) @property def photoTime(self): """ The median of the photo times of all mappings. """ times = sorted(m.photoTime for m in self.mappings) return times[len(times)//2] def __len__(self): return len(self._mappings)
[docs]class BaseMappingProvider(object): """ Base class for all mapping providers. """ def __init__(self, maxTimeOffset): """ :param maxTimeOffset: in seconds """ self.maxTimeOffset = maxTimeOffset @abstractproperty def range(self): """ The dates of the first and last available mappings. :rtype: datetime tuple (from, to) """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def contains(self, date): """ Return True if there is a mapping for the given date within +-maxTimeOffset. :param datetime date: :rtype: bool """
[docs] def containsAny(self, dates): """ Return True if there is a mapping for at least one of the given dates within +-maxTimeOffset. :param dates: list of datetime objects :rtype: bool """ return any(self.contains(date) for date in dates)
[docs] def get(self, date): """ Returns the mapping which is closest to the given date within +-maxTimeOffset. :param datetime date: :rtype: BaseMapping or MappingCollection :raise ValueError: when no mapping exists for the given date """
[docs] def getById(self, identifier): """ Returns the mapping with the given identifier. :param string identifier: :rtype: BaseMapping or MappingCollection :raise ValueError: when no mapping with the given identifier exists """
[docs] def getSequence(self, dateBegin=None, dateEnd=None): """ Returns a generator of mappings ordered by date for the given date range. If dateBegin and dateEnd are None, then all available mappings are returned. :param datetime dateBegin: :param datetime dateEnd: inclusive :rtype: list of BaseMapping or MappingCollection objects """
[docs]def MaskByElevationProvider(provider, *args, **kw): """ Wrap the given mapping provider by masking every returned mapping by elevation. :param provider: the provider to wrap See :func:`BaseMapping.maskedByElevation` for masking parameters. """ def mask(m): return m.maskedByElevation(*args, **kw) class MaskingProvider(object): def get(self, *args, **kw): m = super(MaskingProvider, self).get(*args, **kw) return mask(m) def getById(self, *args, **kw): m = super(MaskingProvider, self).getById(*args, **kw) return mask(m) def getSequence(self, *args, **kw): m = super(MaskingProvider, self).getSequence(*args, **kw) return map(mask, m) provider = copy.copy(provider) extend(provider, MaskingProvider) return provider
[docs]def inflatedEarthIntersection(cameraToPixelDirection, cameraPos, earthInflation=110, earthModel='wgs84'): """ Return the intersection points with an inflated earth when shooting rays originating at `cameraPos` and going in the direction `cameraToPixelDirection`. When `earthModel` is 'sphere' then the shape of the inflated earth is described by a sphere with radius `earthRadius + earthInflation`. When `earthModel` is 'wgs84' then the shape of the inflated earth is described by an ellipsoid with an equatorial axis of `wgs84A + earthInflation` and a polar axis of `wgs84B + earthInflation` where `wgs84A` and `wgs84B` refers to the `World Geodetic System 84 <>`_. :param cameraToPixelDirection: direction vectors in ICRS from camera location to pixel/sky location, shape (n,3) :param cameraPos: ndarray of xyz J2000 coordinates in km :param earthInflation: in km, how much to expand the earth when intersecting, use 0 for earth intersection :param earthModel: earth model, either 'wgs84' or 'sphere' """ assert ((cameraToPixelDirection.ndim == 1 and cameraToPixelDirection.shape[0] == 3) or (cameraToPixelDirection.ndim == 2 and cameraToPixelDirection.shape[1] == 3)) t0 = time.time() if earthModel == 'wgs84': a = wgs84A + earthInflation b = wgs84B + earthInflation intersectionAurora = ellipsoidLineIntersection(a, b, cameraPos, cameraToPixelDirection) elif earthModel == 'sphere': earthRadius = sphereRadius = earthRadius + earthInflation intersectionAurora = sphereLineIntersection(sphereRadius, cameraPos, cameraToPixelDirection) else: raise ValueError('unsupported earth model: ' + earthModel) print('inflatedEarthIntersection:', time.time()-t0, 's') return intersectionAurora
class _SMMapping(GenericMapping): @property def cameraFootpoint(self): mlat, mlt = j2000ToMLatMLT([self.cameraPosGCRS], self.photoTime) smlon = mltToSmLon(mlt) return Location(mlat[0], smlon[0])
[docs]def convertMappingToSM(mapping): """ Return a new mapping with the coordinates transformed to solar magnetic latitudes and longitudes. .. warning:: This function is not intended for regular use. If you need to access MLat/MLT coordinates, use the :attr:`BaseMapping.mLatMlt` and :attr:`BaseMapping.mLatMltCenter` attributes. See :func:`auromat.draw.drawStereographicMLatMLT` for an application of this function. :param BaseMapping mapping: A mapping where latitudes and longitudes are given in the standard geodetic coordinate system. :rtype: BaseMapping """ mlat, mlt = mapping.mLatMlt mlat, mlt =, smlons = mltToSmLon(mlt) mlatCenter, mltCenter = mapping.mLatMltCenter mlatCenter, mltCenter =, smlonsCenter = mltToSmLon(mltCenter) newMapping = _SMMapping(mlat, smlons, mlatCenter, smlonsCenter, mapping.elevation, mapping.altitude, mapping.img, mapping.cameraPosGCRS, mapping.photoTime, mapping.identifier) return newMapping
[docs]def convertSMMappingToGeo(mapping): """ Inverse operation to :func:`convertMappingToSM`. """ smlats, smlons =, smlatsCenter, smlonsCenter =, lats, lons = smToLatLon(smlats, smlons, mapping.photoTime) latsCenter, lonsCenter = smToLatLon(smlatsCenter, smlonsCenter, mapping.photoTime) newMapping = GenericMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, mapping.elevation, mapping.altitude, mapping.img, mapping.cameraPosGCRS, mapping.photoTime, mapping.identifier) return newMapping