Source code for auromat.mapping.astrometry

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import time
import numpy as np
import as ma

import auromat.utils
from auromat.util.decorators import lazy_property, inherit_docs
from auromat.mapping.mapping import BaseMapping, GenericMapping, inflatedEarthIntersection
from auromat.coordinates.transform import j2000ToLatLon, j2000ToMLatMLT,\
from auromat.utils import vectorLengths
from auromat.coordinates.wcs import pix2world

[docs]class BaseAstrometryMapping(BaseMapping): """ A mapping which calculates its coordinates based on the camera position and its WCS definition. """ def __init__(self, wcsHeader, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata={}, fastCenterCalculation=False): """ :param alti: mapping altitude in km :param fastCenterCalculation: Calculates center coordinates directly from the mean of the corner coordinates. """ BaseMapping.__init__(self, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata) self._wcsHeader = wcsHeader self.fastCenterCalculation = fastCenterCalculation if fastCenterCalculation: # When calculating center coordinates from corners it is already assured # that the centers are only defined when all its corners are defined. # This then carries over to the elevation calculation. # Note that img must be masked manually in the subclass! self.isSanitized = True self._mlatmlt = None self._mlatmltCenter = None @property def wcsHeader(self): return self._wcsHeader @lazy_property def cameraToPixelCornerDirection(self): """ Direction vector for each pixel corner. """ return pixelDirection(self.wcsHeader, corner=True) @lazy_property def cameraToPixelCenterDirection(self): """ Direction vector for each pixel center. """ if self.fastCenterCalculation: return self._calcCenters(self.cameraToPixelCornerDirection) else: return pixelDirection(self.wcsHeader, corner=False) @property def ra(self): """ Right ascension for each pixel center. For debugging purposes only! """ photoWidth, photoHeight = self.wcsHeader['IMAGEW'], self.wcsHeader['IMAGEH'] ra, _ = pix2world(self.wcsHeader, photoWidth, photoHeight) return ra @property def dec(self): """ Descension for each pixel center. For debugging purposes only! """ photoWidth, photoHeight = self.wcsHeader['IMAGEW'], self.wcsHeader['IMAGEH'] _, dec = pix2world(self.wcsHeader, photoWidth, photoHeight) return dec @lazy_property def intersectionInflatedCorner(self): """ Returns the point of intersection with the inflated earth for each pixel corner. """ intersectionInflated = inflatedEarthIntersection(self.cameraToPixelCornerDirection.reshape(-1,3), self.cameraPosGCRS, self.altitude) return intersectionInflated.reshape(self.cameraToPixelCornerDirection.shape) @lazy_property def intersectionInflatedCenter(self): """ Returns the point of intersection with the inflated earth for each pixel center. """ if self.fastCenterCalculation: intersectionInflated = self._calcCenters(self.intersectionInflatedCorner) else: intersectionInflated = inflatedEarthIntersection(self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection.reshape(-1,3), self.cameraPosGCRS, self.altitude) intersectionInflated = intersectionInflated.reshape(self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection.shape) return intersectionInflated @property def distance(self): """ Distance for each pixel center between camera and intersection point. For debugging purposes only! """ vectors = (self.intersectionInflatedCenter - self.cameraPosGCRS).reshape(-1, 3) lens = vectorLengths(vectors).reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) return lens @property def lats(self): lats, _ = self._latsLonsCorner return lats @property def lons(self): _, lons = self._latsLonsCorner return lons @property def latsCenter(self): lats, _ = self._latsLonsCenter return lats @property def lonsCenter(self): _, lons = self._latsLonsCenter return lons @lazy_property def _latsLonsCorner(self): latDeg, lonDeg = j2000ToLatLon(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.reshape(-1,3), self.photoTime) latDeg = latDeg.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[1]) lonDeg = lonDeg.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[1]) latDeg, lonDeg = ma.masked_invalid(latDeg, copy=False), ma.masked_invalid(lonDeg, copy=False) return latDeg, lonDeg @lazy_property def _latsLonsCenter(self): latDeg, lonDeg = j2000ToLatLon(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.reshape(-1,3), self.photoTime) latDeg = latDeg.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) lonDeg = lonDeg.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) latDeg, lonDeg = ma.masked_invalid(latDeg, copy=False), ma.masked_invalid(lonDeg, copy=False) return latDeg, lonDeg @staticmethod def _calcCenters(corners): centers = corners[:-1,:-1] + corners[:-1,1:] centers += corners[1:,1:] centers += corners[1:,:-1] centers /= 4 return centers
[docs] def setDirty(self): """ Overrides BaseMapping.setDirty() """ self._mlatmlt = None self._mlatmltCenter = None super(BaseAstrometryMapping, self).setDirty()
@property def mLatMlt(self): """ Overrides BaseMapping.mLatMlt. We directly use the J2000 coordinates (instead of GEO) as source here to minimize numerical errors caused by additional transformations and to gain some speed. """ if self._mlatmlt is None: mlat, mlt = j2000ToMLatMLT(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.reshape(-1,3), self.photoTime) mlat = mlat.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[1]) mlt = mlt.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCorner.shape[1]) mask = ma.getmaskarray(self.lats) self._mlatmlt = ma.masked_array(mlat, mask), ma.masked_array(mlt, mask) return self._mlatmlt @property def mLatMltCenter(self): """ Overrides BaseMapping.mLatMltCenter. We directly use the J2000 coordinates (instead of Lat/Lon->GEO) as source here to minimize numerical errors caused by additional transformations and to gain some speed. """ if self._mlatmltCenter is None: mlat, mlt = j2000ToMLatMLT(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.reshape(-1,3), self.photoTime) mlat = mlat.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) mlt = mlt.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) mask = ma.getmaskarray(self.latsCenter) self._mlatmltCenter = ma.masked_array(mlat, mask), ma.masked_array(mlt, mask) return self._mlatmltCenter @lazy_property def elevation(self): """ Elevation for each pixel center. Angles are between 0 (horizon) and 90 (nadir) degrees. """ pixelToCameraDirection = -self.cameraToPixelCenterDirection intersectionUnit = auromat.utils.unitVectors(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.reshape(-1,3)) alpha = auromat.utils.angleBetween(pixelToCameraDirection.reshape(-1,3), intersectionUnit) alpha = alpha.reshape(self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[0], self.intersectionInflatedCenter.shape[1]) np.rad2deg(alpha, alpha) np.subtract(90, alpha, alpha) elevation = ma.masked_invalid(alpha, copy=False) return elevation
[docs] def createResampled(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img): mapping = GenericMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, self.altitude, img, self.cameraPosGCRS, self.photoTime, self.identifier, metadata=self.metadata) return mapping
[docs]class ImageMaskAstrometryMixin(object): """ Helper mixin class which handles the fastCenterCalculation=True case for images. Has to be applied as last step in the hierarchy, e.g.: MyClass(ImageMaskAstrometryMixin, FileImageMixin, BaseSpacecraftMapping) """ def __init__(self): self._img = None @property def img(self): if self._img is None: img = super(ImageMaskAstrometryMixin, self).img if self.fastCenterCalculation: # see BaseAstrometryMapping.__init__ for why this is needed mask = ma.getmaskarray(self.latsCenter) imgMask = np.repeat(mask[:,:,None], 3, 2) img = ma.masked_array(, mask=imgMask) self._img = img return self._img
[docs]def pixelDirection(fitsWcsHeader, corner=True): """ Calculates the direction vector in ICRS for each pixel corner or center, given a WCS solution. Technically, the returned cartesian ICRS coordinates would have to be converted to GCRS/J2000 for the earth-intersection calculations, but this would involve distances which aren't available here. The solution is that we pretend that the ICRS coordinates are GCRS coordinates. This is acceptable because the error is lower than pixel resolution. (ICRF/GCRS diff is around 0.01" while ISS photography is around 20-100"/px) :param dictionary fitsWcsHeader: must also contain IMAGEW, IMAGEH in pixels :rtype: unit direction vector array of shape (IMAGEH+1, IMAGEW+1, 3) if corner==True, otherwise (IMAGEH, IMAGEW, 3) """ photoWidth, photoHeight = fitsWcsHeader['IMAGEW'], fitsWcsHeader['IMAGEH'] t0 = time.time() camToPixelDirection = pix2world(fitsWcsHeader, photoWidth, photoHeight, corner=corner, ascartesian=True) print('pix2world:', time.time()-t0, 's') assert np.all(np.array(camToPixelDirection.shape) == np.array([photoHeight + corner, photoWidth + corner, 3])), \ '{} != {}'.format(camToPixelDirection.shape, [photoHeight + corner, photoWidth + corner, 3]) return camToPixelDirection