Source code for auromat.coordinates.wcs

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import matrix_multiply
from astropy.wcs.wcs import WCS
from auromat.utils import vectorLengths
from auromat.coordinates.transformations import euler_matrix
from auromat.coordinates.transform import cartesian_to_spherical,\
    from numexpr import evaluate as ne
except ImportError:
    ne = None

[docs]def pix2world(wcsHeader, width, height, startX=0, startY=0, corner=True, ascartesian=False): """ Calculate RA, Dec coordinates of a given pixel coordinate rectangle. ra, dec = pix2world(..) ra and dec are indexed as [y,x] Each array element contains the RA,Dec coords of the top left corner of the given pixel if corner==True, otherwise the coords of the pixel center. If corner==True, an additional row and column exists at the bottom and right so that it is possible to get the bottom and right corner values for those pixels. :param dictionary wcsHeader: WCS header :param width: width of rectangle :param height: height of rectangle :param startX: x coordinate of rectangle, can be negative :param startY: y coordinate of rectangle, can be negative If ascartesian=False: :rtype: tuple(ra, dec) with arrays of shape (height+1,width+1) if corner==True, else (height,width) If ascartesian=True: :rtype: array of shape (height[+1],width[+1],3) with x,y,z order """ if corner: startX -= 0.5 # top left corner instead of pixel center startY -= 0.5 x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(startX,startX+width+corner), np.arange(startY,startY+height+corner)) # check if TAN projection and use our fast version, otherwise fall-back to astropy if wcsHeader['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN' and wcsHeader['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN' and \ wcsHeader['LATPOLE'] == 0.0: res = tan_pix2world(wcsHeader, x, y, 0, ascartesian=ascartesian) else: wcs = WCS(wcsHeader) ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(x, y, 0, ra_dec_order=True) if ascartesian: np.deg2rad(ra, ra) np.deg2rad(dec, dec) res = spherical_to_cartesian(None, dec, ra, astuple=False) else: res = ra, dec return res
[docs]def tan_pix2world(header, px, py, origin, ascartesian=False): """ Fast reimplementation of astropy.wcs.wcs.wcs_pix2world with support for only the TAN projection. Speedup is about 2x. :rtype: tuple (ra,dec) in degrees, or cartesian coordinates in one array (h,w,3) if ascartesian=True """ assert origin in [0,1] assert px.shape == py.shape shape = px.shape px = px.ravel() py = py.ravel() assert header['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN' assert header['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN' assert header['LATPOLE'] == 0.0 lonpole = header['LONPOLE'] ra_ref = header['CRVAL1'] # degrees dec_ref = header['CRVAL2'] px_ref = header['CRPIX1'] py_ref = header['CRPIX2'] cd = np.array([[header['CD1_1'], header['CD1_2']], [header['CD2_1'], header['CD2_2']]]) # make pixel coordinates relative to reference point and put them in one array pxy = np.empty((len(px),2), float) pxy[:,0] = px pxy[:,0] -= px_ref pxy[:,1] = py pxy[:,1] -= py_ref if origin == 0: pxy += 1 # projection plane coordinates xy = matrix_multiply(cd, pxy[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(pxy.shape) # [18% of execution time] del pxy # native spherical coordinates # spherical projection if ne: x = xy[:,0] y = xy[:,1] r = ne('sqrt(x*x+y*y)') else: r = vectorLengths(xy) if ne: lon = ne('arctan2(x, -y)') # [6% of execution time] else: lon = np.arctan2(xy[:,0], -xy[:,1]) del xy #lat = np.arctan(180/(np.pi*r)) # optimized: with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): np.reciprocal(r, r) np.multiply(180/np.pi, r, r) if ne: ne('arctan(r)', out=r) else: np.arctan(r, r) lat = r # celestial spherical coordinates # spherical rotation euler_z = ra_ref+90 euler_x = 90-dec_ref #euler_z2 = lonpole-90 euler_z2 = -(lonpole-90) # for some reason, this needs to be negative, contrary to paper rotmat = euler_matrix(np.deg2rad(euler_z), np.deg2rad(euler_x), np.deg2rad(euler_z2), 'rzxz')[:3,:3] lmn = spherical_to_cartesian(None, lat, lon, astuple=False) # [12% of execution time] lmnrot = matrix_multiply(rotmat, lmn[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(lmn.shape) # [17% of execution time] if ascartesian: return lmnrot.reshape(shape + (3,)) dec, ra = cartesian_to_spherical(lmnrot[:,0], lmnrot[:,1], lmnrot[:,2], with_radius=False) # [15% of execution time] np.rad2deg(dec, dec) np.rad2deg(ra, ra) # wrap at 360deg so that values are in [0,360] ra -= 360 np.mod(ra, 360, ra) # [12% of execution time] ra = ra.reshape(shape) dec = dec.reshape(shape) return ra, dec