Source code for auromat.coordinates.geodesic

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

This module contains functions for calculating and working with
geodetic coordinates.

from __future__ import division
from six.moves import range

import logging
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from geographiclib.constants import Constants

wgs84A = Constants.WGS84_a/1000
wgs84B = wgs84A * (1 - Constants.WGS84_f)

Location = namedtuple('Location', ['lat','lon']) # in degrees

[docs]def distance(location1, location2): """ Return the shortest distance in meters between two locations. """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(, location1.lon,, location2.lon, Geodesic.DISTANCE) d = data['s12'] return d
[docs]def angularDistance(location1, location2): """ Return the shortest angular distance in degrees on an auxiliary sphere between two locations. """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(, location1.lon,, location2.lon, Geodesic.EMPTY) a = data['a12'] return a
[docs]def line(location1, location2, resolution=1000): """ Return points on the given geodesic in the given resolution. If the distance between the two locations is smaller than the requested resolution, then the line points consist only of the unchanged start and end locations. :type location1: Location :type location2: Location :param resolution: in meters :rtype: ndarray of shape (n, 2) with [lat,lon] order :return: line points in degrees """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(, location1.lon,, location2.lon, Geodesic.AZIMUTH | Geodesic.DISTANCE) az = data['azi1'] d = data['s12'] line = Geodesic.WGS84.Line(, location1.lon, az, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE) num = d//resolution if num < 2: logging.warn('Geodesic line has less than two points at ' + str(resolution) + 'm resolution' + 'for a line length of ' + str(d) + 'm. The input points are returned as-is.') return np.array([[, location1.lon], [, location2.lon]]) latLons = [] ds = np.linspace(0, d, num) for dStartToPoint in ds: data = line.Position(dStartToPoint, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE) latLons.append([data['lat2'], data['lon2']]) return np.array(latLons)
[docs]def destination(location, azimuth, distance): """ Return the location when starting at `location` and travelling in direction `azimuth` for `distance` meters. :param lon, lat, azimuth: in degrees :param distance: in meters :rtype: :class:`Location` """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(, location.lon, azimuth, distance) lon, lat = data['lon2'], data['lat2'] return Location(lat, lon)
[docs]def intermediate(location1, location2, f=0.5): """ Return the location when travelling `f * distance(location1,location2)` meters starting at `location1` in direction of `location2`. :type location1: Location :type location2: Location :param f: fraction to travel from `location1` to `location2` :rtype: :class:`Location` """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(, location1.lon,, location2.lon, Geodesic.AZIMUTH | Geodesic.DISTANCE) d = data['s12'] az = data['azi1'] data2 = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(, location1.lon, az, d*f, Geodesic.LATITUDE | Geodesic.LONGITUDE) lon, lat = data2['lon2'], data2['lat2'] return Location(lat, lon)
[docs]def course(location1, location2): """ Return the course/azimuth in degrees when travelling from `location1` to `location2`. """ data = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(, location1.lon,, location2.lon, Geodesic.AZIMUTH) az = data['azi1'] return az
def _courseDelta(a1, a2): """ angles in degrees see """ if a2 < a1: a2 += 360 left_turn_amount = a2 - a1 if left_turn_amount == 180: return 0 elif left_turn_amount > 180: return left_turn_amount - 360 else: return left_turn_amount def _courseDeltaSum(points): """ returns delta sum in integer degrees (either -360, -180, 0, 180, or 360) see: Note: points must be in degrees as lat, lon pairs Note: points must be ordered such that they form a non-intersecting polygon Note: the first point must not be repeated at the end """ # calculate initial and ending courses for each arc points = np.asarray(points) assert points.ndim == 2 and points.shape[1] == 2 arcs = len(points)-1 courses = np.empty(arcs*2) for i in range(arcs): lon1, lat1 = points[i,1], points[i,0] lon2, lat2 = points[i+1,1], points[i+1,0] courses[2*i] = course(Location(lat1,lon1), Location(lat2,lon2)) courses[2*i+1] = course(Location(lat2,lon2), Location(lat1,lon1)) + 180 # calculate course deltas deltas = np.empty(arcs*2) deltas[0] = _courseDelta(courses[arcs*2-1], courses[0]) for i in range(1, arcs*2): deltas[i] = _courseDelta(courses[i-1], courses[i]) deltaSum = np.around(np.sum(deltas), decimals=1) assert deltaSum in [-360,-180,0,180,360] return deltaSum
[docs]def containsOrCrossesPole(points): """ Return whether the given polygon contains or crosses one of the poles. :param points: ordered points forming a non-intersecting unclosed polygon :type points: ndarray of shape (n,2) with lat,lon coordinates in degrees :rtype: bool """ deltaSum = _courseDeltaSum(points) containsPole = False if abs(deltaSum) == 360: logging.debug("pole: no") elif abs(deltaSum) == 180: containsPole = True logging.debug("pole: CROSSED") elif deltaSum == 0: containsPole = True logging.debug("pole: CONTAINED") return containsPole