This tutorial will show you the basics of creating a Theme assuming that you have installed Sublimescheme package.
If you are getting any problem after installation, please uninstall and if possible delete the package from the directory it is stored(Although not really required)
As at this walkthrough, the current version was v1.0.6
If you have a version lesser than this, please use
pip install sublimescheme upgrade
Creating your first color scheme
First create a folder to make things organised. Give this any name and create a new .py file into it. Also give this .py file any name.
I have created a file called "" inside a directory(folder) called "test"
In the .py file (in my case, import the sublimescheme package this way:
from sublimescheme.generate import *
from sublimescheme.scopes import *
will enable you to create your color schemes while thesublimescheme.scopes
will allow you to see and remind you of the available scopes you can use for syntax highlighting in case you want to write a lot. This will really come in handy. You can also check them here
Generating the Color scheme’s head document
We will be making use of the Make class of the generate
Make accepts two arguments only, the first being the
theme's name
. It will also be used as the folder name but you can always rename if afterwards. and the second beingAuthor's name
. This name will be used when generating a README file as well as in the theme to specify an author.
So create an instance of make. You can choose any name but i have chosen sample
sample = Make("Teddy", "Mr Bean")
A folder will now be created as shown below
Inside the folder, an empty .tmTheme file is also created. This is where all the syntax highlighting information will be populated to.
At the moment the teddy.tmTheme file is empty and we will now populate it with some lines of code in the file.
In your python file (mine being, call .start()
on your class instance as shown below
sample = Make("Teddy", "Mr Bean")
The result will look something like this:
To generate the interface for your sublime text,you need to call .head() on your class shown in the folowing code:
sample.head(fg="#000", bg="#FFFFFF", ct="#F00", inv="#0FF", lh="#004312", se="#eeffee", fh="#00BFFF", fhf="f0f0f0", sb="#E996F7", sg="#abcdef")
Note: All the arguments are completely optional but add more functionalities to your theme.
options are:
options are:\n\tag –> activeGuide
bg –> background
ct –> caret
fg –> foreground
fh –> findHighlight
fhf –> findHighlightForeground
gf –> gutterForeground
gu –> guide
gut –> gutter
ins –> inactiveSelection
inv –> invisibles
lh –> lineHighlight
sb –> selectionBorder
se –> selection
sg –> stackGuide\nwhile the values must be valid HEX color values.
This will generate similar things as these.
Generating the Color scheme’s body document
Leave three new lines after your .head() code
Note: We have skipped the body part for now. Let’s leave the best for the last.
Completing the Color Scheme
Call .complete() on your class instance to finish up the theme and add the remainnig necessary codes.
You could pass in an optional “uuid” argument to .sample so that you will have a “Universally unique identifier” which can be found at Online UUID Generator.
If you don’t provide one, a default uuid will be generated for you but you will be surprised that thousands of other users will have the same UUID as you.
sample.complete() #or
Your .theme is now complete. Feel free to take a look at it as a Python IDLE look-alike theme is now generated for you. 240+ lines of codes without sweat. Easy right?
Generating a README file
This is optional but in case you want to share yuor theme and a readme file is needed. Readme could be passed no argument or one, two or even three. They are:
readme (repository URL, user email, screenshot)
You can also supply just the Repository URL if you want. or just first two arguments. If the third argument is ommitted, a screenshot line would be ommitted.
If you want to include a screenshot, first copy the image imto the color scheme directory and include its path as the third argument
Call .readme() on your class instance e.g.
sample.readme() #
but preferably:
make.readme("", "", "teddy.jpg")
This will create a file inside your color scheme folder with contents similar to:
In case you like the color scheme, its called Wildlife
Making a packages.json file
This section is not compulsory but useful if you want to share your theme on the packagecontrol website.
call .packages() on your class instance to generate a packages.json file. You can then copy and paste the contents of the packages.json
file into the right folder of the repository folder in your forked repository.
It takes just one argument which is (your repository URL or dedicated website) you have made for your color scheme.
The packages.json file would look like the screenshot below.
Generating the Color scheme’s body document
Now to the interesting part. Remember we left a space previously in the tutorial.
That space is needed for customization and we will add only two scopes here and I guess you understand it already.
call .body() on your class instance and pass arguments. Arguments one (Your short description), argument two (your language scope), and other optional arguments as seen below. the optional argument values should be “HEX Color code”
Here, we are making a suntax highlight for Ruby numbers.
sample.body('Ruby: Numbers', 'constant.numeric.ruby', fs='italic', fg='#f0f', bg='#0ff')
And the result looks like this.
Another example
sample.body("C++ keyword", "keyword.control.c++", fs="bold italic underline", fg="#ff0000")
Note: You can add as many .body() as you like but it has to be after .head() and before .complete()
You may find calling scopes() useful after you have imported it with
from sublimescheme.scopes import *