Implementation of various curve utilities
(pts, normalize=False)[source]¶ Calculate knots corresponding to a curvelength parametrization of a set of points.
Parameters: - pts (numpy.array) – A set of points
- normalize (bool) – Whether to normalize the parametrization
Returns: The parametrization
Return type: [float]
(curve)[source]¶ Evaluate the curve in all its knots.
Parameters: curve ( splipy.Curve
) – The curveReturns: The curve points Type: numpy.array
Implementation of image based mesh generation.
(X, L=50, R=30, D=15)[source]¶ Detects corners of traced outlines using the SAM04 algorithm.
The outline is assumed to constitute a discrete closed curve where each point is included just once. Increasing D and R will give the same number of corners or fewer corners.
Parameters: - X (numpy.array) – A traced outline forming a discrete closed curve (size n × 2)
- L (float) – Controls the scale at which corners are measured.
- R (float) – Controls how close corners can appear.
- D (float) – The lower bound for the corner metric. Corner candidates with lower metric than this are rejected.
Returns: The indices of X that consitute corner points
Return type: numpy.array
(filename)[source]¶ Generate a single B-spline surface corresponding to convex black domain of a black/white mask image. The algorithm traces the boundary and searches for 4 natural corner points. It will then generate 4 boundary curves which will be used to create the surface by Coons Patch.
Parameters: filename (str) – Name of image file to read Returns: B-spline surface Return type: splipy.Surface
(filename)[source]¶ Generate B-spline curves corresponding to the edges in a black/white mask image.
Parameters: filename (str) – Name of image file to read Returns: All curves generated by tracing the black/white edges Return type: [ splipy.Curve
(filename, N=[30, 30], p=[4, 4])[source]¶ Generate a B-spline surface approximation given by the heightmap in a grayscale image.
Parameters: - filename (str) – Name of image file to read
- N ((int,int)) – Number of controlpoints in u-direction
- p ((int,int)) – Polynomial order (degree+1)
Returns: Normalized (all values between 0 and 1) heightmap approximation
Return type:
Implementation of various refinement schemes.
(obj, S, n[, direction=0])[source]¶ Refine an object towards both edges in a direction, by sampling an arctan function.
Parameters: - obj (
) – The object to refine - S (float) – The slope of the arctan function.
- n (int) – The number of knots to insert
- direction – The direction to refine in
- obj (
(obj, alpha, n[, direction=0][, reverse=False])[source]¶ Refine a spline object by making a geometric distribution of element sizes.
Parameters: - obj (
) – The object to refine - alpha (float) – The length ratio between two sequential knot segments
- n (int) – The number of knots to insert
- direction – The direction to refine in
- reverse (bool) – Set to True to refine towards the other end
- obj (
(objs, n)[source]¶ Subdivide a list of objects by splitting them up along existing knot lines. The resulting partition will roughly the same number of elements on all pieces. By splitting along n lines, we generate n + 1 new blocks.
The number of subdivisions can be a list of integers: one for each direction, or a single integer for uniform sudivision.
Parameters: - objs – Objects to split
- n (int or [int]) – Number of subdivisions to perform
Returns: New objects
Return type:
Implementation of various smoothing operations on a per-controlpoint level.
(obj)[source]¶ Smooth an object by setting the interior control points to the average of itself and all neighbours (e.g. 9 for surfaces, 27 for volumes). The edges are kept unchanged, and any rational weights are kept unchanged.
Parameters: obj ( splipy.SplineObject
) – The object to smooth