Source code for splipy.utils.smooth
__doc__ = 'Implementation of various smoothing operations on a per-controlpoint level.'
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy as np
import splipy.curve_factory as cf
[docs]def smooth(obj):
"""Smooth an object by setting the interior control points to the average of
itself and all neighbours (e.g. 9 for surfaces, 27 for volumes). The edges
are kept unchanged, and any rational weights are kept unchanged.
:param obj: The object to smooth
:type obj: :class:`splipy.SplineObject`
n = obj.shape
averaging_mask = np.ones([3]*len(n)+[1])
averaging_mask /= averaging_mask.size
new_controlpoints = ndimage.convolve(obj.controlpoints, averaging_mask)
if obj.rational:
interior = tuple([slice(1,-1,None)]*len(n) + [slice(0,-1,None)])
interior = tuple([slice(1,-1,None)]*len(n) + [slice(None,None,None)])
obj.controlpoints[interior] = new_controlpoints[interior]