
class SearchModel(parent=None)[source]

Bases: PySide.QtCore.QAbstractTableModel

This model is used to display search results in a SearchDialog.


Initializes the model.

Parameters:parent (PySide.QtCore.QObject) – The parent of the model.

Appends a node to the end of the model.

Parameters:node (SearchNode) – The node to add to the model.

Removes all nodes from the model.

columnCount(parent=<PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0) ) >)[source]

Describes the number of columns the model is using.

Parameters:parent (QModelIndex) – The parent to return the number of columns for.
Returns:The number of columns.

Overrides QAbstractItemModel.columnCount()

data(index, role=PySide.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)[source]

Returns the data under the given role from the model at a given index.

  • index (QModelIndex) – The position of the model to get data from.
  • role (int) – Determines the kind of data to get from the model.

The series name, at the given index, for PySide.QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole.


The pytvdbapi.api.Show, hold by the node at the given index, for PySide.QtCore.Qt.UserRole.


The decoration() of the node, at the given index, for PySide.QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole.


The desired column dimension, at the given index, for PySide.QtCore.Qt.SizeHintRole.



Returns the node at the given index of the model.

Parameters:index (QModelIndex) – The index to get the associated node from.


The banner_loader may cause an access to an invalid index if another search with less results was initiated before all banner were loaded. Prevent the beginning of a new search before the last has been finished, or clear the banner_loader at clearing this model. Afterwards remove the warning log. Also remove the None check at setData of this model then.

Returns:The TreeNode if a node is associated with the given index, otherwise None.
removeRows(position, rows, parent=<PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0) ) >)[source]

Removes a number of nodes from a given parent, beginning at a given position.

  • position (int) – The index to start removing nodes from.
  • rows (int) – The number of nodes to remove from the parent.
  • parent (QModelIndex) – The parent to remove the nodes from.

True if the nodes were successfully removed, otherwise False.

Overrides QAbstractItemModel.removeRows()

rowCount(parent=<PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex(-1, -1, 0x0, QObject(0x0) ) >)[source]

Returns the number of rows (nodes), currently added to the model.

Parameters:parent (QModelIndex) – The parent to return the number of rows for.
Returns:The number of SearchNode added to the model.

Overrides QAbstractItemModel.rowCount()

setData(index, value, role=PySide.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole.DecorationRole)[source]

Sets the given value of the given role at the given index.

This method is also whenever a banner was loaded to set the node’s decoration to a PySide.QtGui.Pixmap and refresh the views afterwards.

  • index (QModelIndex) – The position to set the value at.
  • value (PySide.QtGui.Pixmap) – Value to be set at given index.
  • role (int) – Determines the kind of data to set for the item.

True if successful, otherwise False.

Overrides QAbstractItemModel.setData()

staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>