Source code for seriesmarker.test.util.examples.mad_love_example

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016 Tobias Röttger <>
# This file is part of SeriesMarker.
# SeriesMarker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# SeriesMarker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from datetime import date

from import Actor
from pytvdbapi.api import Season, Episode
from pytvdbapi.banner import Banner

from seriesmarker.test.util.examples.base_example import BaseExample

[docs]class MadLoveExample(BaseExample): """Used to check correct handling of multiple occurrence of director (Pamela Fryman, HIMYM + ML)""" @classmethod
[docs] def series_attributes(cls): attributes = { 'Actors': ['Jason Biggs', 'Sarah Chalke', 'Tyler Labine', 'Judy Greer', 'Sarah Wright'], 'Airs_DayOfWeek': 'Monday', 'Airs_Time': '8:30PM', 'ContentRating': 'TV-14', 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 14), 'Genre': ['Comedy', 'DUMMYGENRE'], 'IMDB_ID': 'tt1684910', 'Language': 'en', 'Network': 'CBS', 'NetworkID': '', 'Overview': b"MAD LOVE is a comedy about a quartet of New Yorkers - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other... at least for now. Ben, a lawyer, is a hopeless romantic trying to build a relationship with Kate, a beautiful, smart girl whom Ben thinks is the woman of his dreams. Larry, Ben's unrefined best friend and co-worker, is a guy who doesn't believe in love and has a long track record as the third wheel. Connie, Kate's roommate, works as a nanny and finds Larry aggravating... or does she? Larry and Connie have a lot in common, but refuse to let their guard down long enough to see it.", 'Rating': 7.6, 'RatingCount': 14, 'Runtime': 30, 'SeriesID': 78742, 'SeriesName': 'Mad Love', 'Status': 'Ended', 'actor_objects': [], 'added': '2010-09-02 12:03:09', 'addedBy': 39111, 'banner': 'graphical/186551-g2.jpg', 'fanart': 'fanart/original/186551-1.jpg', 'id': 186551, 'lastupdated': 1343400449, 'poster': 'posters/186551-1.jpg', # 'seasons' : TODO 'zap2it_id': '', } return attributes;
[docs] def seasons(cls, show): """ Director: Pamela Fryman, DUMMYDIRECTOR Actor: Rachel Boston, DUMMYGUEST Writer: Adrian Wenner, DUMMYWRITER1, DUMMYWRITER2 """ season1 = Season(1, show) attributes = { 'Combined_episodenumber': 1, 'Combined_season': 1, 'DVD_chapter': '', 'DVD_discid': '', 'DVD_episodenumber': '', 'DVD_season': '', 'Director': ['Pamela Fryman', 'DUMMYDIRECTOR'], 'EpImgFlag': 2, 'EpisodeName': 'Fireworks', 'EpisodeNumber': 1, 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 14), 'GuestStars': ['Rac2'], 'IMDB_ID': '', 'Language': 'en', 'Overview': b'When Ben Parr and Kate Swanson accidentally meet at the top of the Empire State Building, they make a date for later that evening and each bring along their best friends, Larry and Connie, who instantly despise each other.', 'ProductionCode': '', 'Rating': 7.6, 'RatingCount': 27, 'SeasonNumber': 1, 'Writer': ['DUMMYWRITER1', 'DUMMYWRITER2'], 'absolute_number': '', 'filename': 'episodes/186551/3351461.jpg', 'id': 3351461, 'lastupdated': 1339322155, 'seasonid': 379611, 'seriesid': 186551, } episode11 = cls.create_episode(attributes, season1) season1.episodes = {1: episode11} season2 = Season(2, show) attributes = { 'Combined_episodenumber': 3, 'Combined_season': 1, 'DVD_chapter': '', 'DVD_discid': '', 'DVD_episodenumber': '', 'DVD_season': '', 'Director': '', 'EpImgFlag': 2, 'EpisodeName': 'The Kate Gatsby', 'EpisodeNumber': 3, 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 28), 'GuestStars': '', 'IMDB_ID': '', 'Language': 'en', 'Overview': b"Ben gives bad advice to Kate not realizing that the advice could ruin a friendship that Kate and Connie have as well as the party being planned for Kate's birthday.", 'ProductionCode': '', 'Rating': 7.6, 'RatingCount': 19, 'SeasonNumber': 1, 'Writer': 'Adrian Wenner', 'absolute_number': '', 'filename': 'episodes/186551/3486231.jpg', 'id': 3486231, 'lastupdated': 1339322255, 'seasonid': 379612, 'seriesid': 186551, } episode21 = cls.create_episode(attributes, season2) season2.episodes = {1: episode21} return {1: season1, 2: season2}
[docs] def banner(cls, show): mirror = "" attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'posters/186551-1.jpg', 'BannerType': 'poster', 'BannerType2': '680x1000', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 8.5, 'RatingCount': 2, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 786301, } banner1 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'seasons/186551-1-2.jpg', 'BannerType': 'season', 'BannerType2': 'season', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 6.0, 'RatingCount': 1, 'Season': 1, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 796361, } banner2 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'seasons/186551-1-2.jpg', 'BannerType': 'season', 'BannerType2': 'season', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 6.0, 'RatingCount': 1, 'Season': 2, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 7963611, } banner3 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) return [banner1, banner2, banner3]
[docs] def roles(cls, show): attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226641.jpg', 'Name': 'Jason Biggs', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 0, 'id': 226641, 'image_url': '', } role1 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226661.jpg', 'Name': 'Sarah Chalke', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 1, 'id': 226661, 'image_url': '', } role2 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226651.jpg', 'Name': 'Judy Greer', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 2, 'id': 226651, 'image_url': '', } role4 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226681.jpg', 'Name': 'Sarah Wright', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 3, 'id': 226681, 'image_url': '', } role5 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) return [role1, role2, role4, role5]
[docs] def seasons_update(cls, show): """ Season: Adds 0, Updates Season 1, Removes Season 2 Episode: Adds 0.1, Updates Episode 1.1, Adds Episode 1.2, Removes Episode 2.1 Episode0.1: Guest: Add Brittany Snow Writer: Add Corey Nickerson Director: Add Beth McCarthy-Miller Episode1.1: Guest: Keep Rachel Boston, Remove DUMMYGUEST, Add GUESTDUMMY Writer: Keep DUMMYWRITER2, Remove DUMMYWRITER1, Add WRITERDUMMY Director: Keep Pamela Fryman, Remove DUMMYDIRECTOR, Add DIRECTORDUMMY Episode1.2: Guest: Add Martin Starr Writer: Add Rob DesHotel Director: Add Scott Ellis Episode2.1: Writer: Remove Adrian Wenner """ season0 = Season(0, show) attributes = { 'Combined_episodenumber': 4, 'Combined_season': 1, 'DVD_chapter': '', 'DVD_discid': '', 'DVD_episodenumber': '', 'DVD_season': '', 'Director': 'Beth McCarthy-Miller', 'EpImgFlag': 2, 'EpisodeName': 'Little Sister, Big City', 'EpisodeNumber': 4, 'FirstAired': date(2011, 3, 7), 'GuestStars': 'Brittany Snow', 'IMDB_ID': '', 'Language': 'en', 'Overview': b"Kate welcomes her younger sister Julia for a visit and doesn't realize that her sister is all grown up. Larry and Connie decide to support each other at the bar.", 'ProductionCode': '', 'Rating': 7.9, 'RatingCount': 19, 'SeasonNumber': 1, 'Writer': 'Corey Nickerson', 'absolute_number': '', 'filename': 'episodes/186551/3486241.jpg', 'id': 3486241, 'lastupdated': 1339322312, 'seasonid': 379610, 'seriesid': 186551, } episode01 = cls.create_episode(attributes, season0) season0.episodes = {1: episode01} season1 = Season(1, show) attributes = { 'Combined_episodenumber': 11, 'Combined_season': 11, 'DVD_chapter': '11', 'DVD_discid': '11', 'DVD_episodenumber': '11', 'DVD_season': '11', 'Director': ['Pamela Fryman', 'DIRECTORDUMMY'], 'EpImgFlag': 22, 'EpisodeName': 'New Fireworks', 'EpisodeNumber': 11, 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 15), 'GuestStars': ['GUESTDUMMY', 'Rachel Boston'], 'IMDB_ID': '1234', 'Language': 'de', 'Overview': b'CHANGED When Ben Parr and Kate Swanson accidentally meet at the top of the Empire State Building, they make a date for later that evening and each bring along their best friends, Larry and Connie, who instantly despise each other.', 'ProductionCode': '1234', 'Rating': 7.7, 'RatingCount': 28, 'SeasonNumber': 1, 'Writer': ['DUMMYWRITER2', 'WRITERDUMMY'], 'absolute_number': '1122', 'filename': 'episodes/186551/3351462.jpg', 'id': 3351461, 'lastupdated': 1339322156, 'seasonid': 379611, 'seriesid': 186551, } episode11 = cls.create_episode(attributes, season1) attributes = { 'Combined_episodenumber': 2, 'Combined_season': 1, 'DVD_chapter': '', 'DVD_discid': '', 'DVD_episodenumber': '', 'DVD_season': '', 'Director': 'Scott Ellis', 'EpImgFlag': 2, 'EpisodeName': 'Friends and Other Obstacles', 'EpisodeNumber': 2, 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 21), 'GuestStars': 'Martin Starr', 'IMDB_ID': '', 'Language': 'en', 'Overview': b"Ben and Kate aren't able to go on their first date because Larry and Connie are keeping them from it.", 'ProductionCode': '', 'Rating': 7.5, 'RatingCount': 21, 'SeasonNumber': 1, 'Writer': 'Rob DesHotel', 'absolute_number': '', 'filename': 'episodes/186551/3486221.jpg', 'id': 3486221, 'lastupdated': 1339322208, 'seasonid': 379611, 'seriesid': 186551, } episode12 = cls.create_episode(attributes, season1) season1.episodes = {1: episode11, 2: episode12} return {0: season0, 1: season1}
[docs] def attributes_update(cls, show): """Used to check correct handling of update behavior Genre: add Action; remove DUMMYGENRE; keep Comedy Actor: add DUMMY ACTOR2; remove Jason Biggs; keep Sarah Chalke, Tyler Labine, Judy Greer, Sarah Wright Changed attributes are: Actors, Rating, Status """ attributes = { 'Actors': ['Sarah Chalke', 'Tyler Labine', 'DUMMY ACTOR 1', 'Judy Greer', 'Sarah Wright', 'DUMMY ACTOR 2'], 'Airs_DayOfWeek': 'Tuesday', 'Airs_Time': '8:45PM', 'ContentRating': 'TV-16', 'FirstAired': date(2011, 2, 15), 'Genre': ['Action', 'Comedy'], 'IMDB_ID': 'tt1684911', 'Language': 'de', 'Network': '', 'NetworkID': 'dummy_id', 'Overview': b"Mad Love is a comedy about a quartet of New Yorkers - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other... at least for now. Ben, a lawyer, is a hopeless romantic trying to build a relationship with Kate, a beautiful, smart girl whom Ben thinks is the woman of his dreams. Larry, Ben's unrefined best friend and co-worker, is a guy who doesn't believe in love and has a long track record as the third wheel. Connie, Kate's roommate, works as a nanny and finds Larry aggravating... or does she? Larry and Connie have a lot in common, but refuse to let their guard down long enough to see it.", 'Rating': 7.8, 'RatingCount': 15, 'Runtime': 35, 'SeriesID': 78743, 'SeriesName': 'Mad LOVE', 'Status': 'Finished', 'actor_objects': [], 'added': '2010-09-02 12:04:09', 'addedBy': 39112, 'banner': 'graphical/186551-g3.jpg', 'fanart': 'fanart/original/186551-2.jpg', 'id': 186551, 'lastupdated': 1343400450, 'poster': 'posters/186551-2.jpg', # 'seasons' : TODO 'zap2it_id': 'dummy_id', } return attributes;
[docs] def banners_update(cls, show): """ Remove Season2 banner Update Season1 and Series banner Add Season0 banner """ mirror = "" attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'fanart/original/186551-3.jpg', 'BannerType': 'poster', 'BannerType2': '680x1000', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 8.5, 'RatingCount': 2, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 78630101, } banner1 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'fanart/original/186551-3.jpg', 'BannerType': 'season', 'BannerType2': 'season', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 8.0, 'RatingCount': 1, 'Season': 1, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 796361, } banner2 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) attributes = { 'BannerPath': 'seasons/186551-1-2.jpg', 'BannerType': 'season', 'BannerType2': 'season', 'Language': 'en', 'Rating': 6.0, 'RatingCount': 1, 'Season': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'id': 7963610, } banner3 = Banner(mirror, attributes, show) return [banner1, banner2, banner3]
[docs] def roles_update(cls, show): attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/22664101.jpg', 'Name': 'Jason Bigs', 'Role': 'DUMMYROLE', 'SortOrder': 2, 'id': 226641, 'image_url': '', } role1 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226661.jpg', 'Name': 'Sarah Chalke', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 1, 'id': 226661, 'image_url': '', } role2 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) attributes = { 'Image': 'actors/226671.jpg', 'Name': 'Tyler Labine', 'Role': '', 'SortOrder': 2, 'id': 226671, 'image_url': '', } role3 = cls.create_actor(attributes, show) return [role1, role2, role3]