Source code for seriesmarker.persistence.factory.series_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016 Tobias Röttger <>
# This file is part of SeriesMarker.
# SeriesMarker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# SeriesMarker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SeriesMarker.  If not, see <>.

from seriesmarker.persistence.database import db_remove_season, db_remove_role
from seriesmarker.persistence.factory.banner_factory import BannerFactory
from seriesmarker.persistence.factory.base_factory import BaseFactory
from seriesmarker.persistence.factory.role_factory import RoleFactory
from seriesmarker.persistence.factory.season_factory import SeasonFactory
from import Actor
from seriesmarker.persistence.model.genre import Genre
from seriesmarker.persistence.model.series import Series
from seriesmarker.persistence.model.series_extra import SeriesExtra
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SeriesFactory(BaseFactory): """Factory to create series objects from TheTVDB data."""
[docs] def new_series(self, pytvdb_show, update=None): """Creates a persistable series object from TheTVDB data. This method will create a new :class:`.Series` instance from pytvdbapi data. If a series object is given, the existing one will be updated with the data instead. In both cases, it also traverses the seasons and episodes of a series, using :class:`.SeasonFactory`, to populate it with data. :param pytvdb_show: The data to create the series instance from. :type pytvdb_show: :class:`.pytvdbapi.api.Show` :param update: A series to update with new data. :type update: :class:`.Series` :returns: The newly created or updated :class:`.Series` instance. """ if update == None: series = Series() = series.extra = SeriesExtra() else: series = update series.series_name = pytvdb_show.SeriesName series.overview = pytvdb_show.Overview series.status = pytvdb_show.Status series.last_updated = pytvdb_show.lastupdated series.rating = -1 if pytvdb_show.Rating is "" else pytvdb_show.Rating series.rating_count = pytvdb_show.RatingCount series.content_rating = pytvdb_show.ContentRating series.language = pytvdb_show.Language series.banner = pytvdb_show.banner series.fanart = pytvdb_show.fanart series.poster = pytvdb_show.poster series.first_aired = None if pytvdb_show.FirstAired is "" else pytvdb_show.FirstAired series.airs_day_of_week = pytvdb_show.Airs_DayOfWeek series.airs_time = pytvdb_show.Airs_Time series.runtime = pytvdb_show.Runtime series.added = pytvdb_show.added series.added_by = pytvdb_show.addedBy = pytvdb_show.Network series.network_id = pytvdb_show.NetworkID series.series_id = pytvdb_show.SeriesID series.imdb_id = pytvdb_show.IMDB_ID series.zap2it_id = pytvdb_show.zap2it_id self._handle_list_attribute(series.genre, pytvdb_show.Genre, Genre) self._handle_list_attribute(series.actors, pytvdb_show.Actors, Actor) self._handle_seasons(series, pytvdb_show.seasons) self._handle_roles(series, pytvdb_show.actor_objects) series.extra.banner = BannerFactory.new_banner(banner_type="poster", banners=pytvdb_show.banner_objects, update=series.extra.banner) return series
[docs] def _handle_roles(self, series, pytvdb_actors): """Updates or adds the roles of a series. By using the :class:`.RoleFactory`, each role of the series data is compared to existing roles in the database, to update the series. New roles are added, existing roles are updated and missing roles will be deleted. :param series: The series to update role data for. :type series: :class:`.Series` :param pytvdb_actors: The new role data from TheTVDB. :type pytvdb_actors: list """ roles = series.extra.roles for role in roles: try: pytvdb_actor = next(actor for actor in pytvdb_actors if == RoleFactory.new_role(pytvdb_actor, update=role) logger.debug("Updated role {} from '{}'".format(role, series.series_name)) except StopIteration: db_remove_role(role) logger.debug("Removed role {} from '{}'".format(role, series.series_name)) for pytvdb_actor in pytvdb_actors: try: next(role for role in roles if == except StopIteration: new_role = RoleFactory.new_role(pytvdb_actor) roles.append(new_role) logger.debug("Added role {} from '{}'".format(new_role, series.series_name))
[docs] def _handle_seasons(self, series, pytvdb_seasons): """Updates or adds the seasons of a series. By using the :class:`.SeasonFactory`, each season of the series data is compared to existing seasons in the database, to update the series. New seasons are added, existing seasons are updated and missing seasons will be deleted. :param series: The series to update season data for. :type series: :class:`.Series` :param pytvdb_seasons: The new season data from TheTVDB. :type pytvdb_seasons: list """ season_factory = SeasonFactory() for season in series.seasons: if season.season_number in pytvdb_seasons: season_factory.new_season(series, pytvdb_seasons[season.season_number], update=season) if season_factory.added or season_factory.removed: self.updated.append((season, season_factory.added, season_factory.removed)) season_factory.reset() logger.debug("Updated season {} of '{}'".format(season.season_number, series.series_name)) else: db_remove_season(season) self.removed.append(season) logger.debug("Removed season {} of '{}'".format(season.season_number, series.series_name)) for pytvdb_season in pytvdb_seasons.values(): try: next(season for season in series.seasons if == next(iter(pytvdb_season)).seasonid) except StopIteration: new_season = season_factory.new_season(series, pytvdb_season, None) series.seasons.append(new_season) self.added.append(new_season) logger.debug("Added season {} of '{}'".format(new_season.season_number, series.series_name))