
Source code for sloth.select_ROI_defs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jun 25 17:45:50 2012
  This file is part of SLOTH - stick/like object tracking in high-resolution.
    Copyright (C) 2012 Monika Kauer

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
@author: Monika Kauer
from sloth import image_processing as ip
from sloth import vectorial
from sloth import data_reader
from sloth import image_analyser_defs as iad
import pylab
import array
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, sqrt

[docs]def show_movie(filename,fps=0.1, start=0): """dispays nd2 movie from start to end""" image_file=ip.MyImageFile(filename, dual_color=True) image = image_file.get_frame(0) f=pylab.figure() pylab.ion() end=image_file.number_frames m=pylab.imshow(image,interpolation='nearest', cmap="gray") pylab.draw() for frame in range(start, end): image = image_file.get_frame(frame) m.set_data(image) pylab.draw() f.canvas.flush_events() print frame #time.sleep(1)
[docs]def make_kymo(data,filename_movie, framerate, twocolor): """produces a kymograph from tip data and movie""" image_file=ip.MyImageFile(filename_movie, dual_color=twocolor) tip1x=data[0] tip1y=data[1] tip2x=data[2] tip2y=data[3] length1=data[4] length2=data[5] kymo=[] if tip1x==[] or tip2x==[] or tip1y==[] or tip2y==[]: return 0,0,[],[] l1max=int(max(length1)) #calculate maximal length l2max=int(max(length2)) shift=20 #how far is MT from borders midpoint=(vectorial.Vector(tip1x[0],tip1y[0])+vectorial.Vector(tip2x[0],tip2y[0]))*0.5 l0=abs(vectorial.Vector(tip1x[0],tip1y[0])-vectorial.Vector(tip2x[0],tip2y[0])) for frame in range(0,max([len(length1),len(length2)])): image = image_file.get_frame(frame) linear_image = array.array("H", image.tostring()) direction1=vectorial.Vector(tip1x[frame],tip1y[frame])-midpoint profile1=ip.end_profile2(linear_image,image.shape[0],midpoint,direction1.normalize(),l1max+shift) direction2=vectorial.Vector(tip2x[frame],tip2y[frame])-midpoint profile2=ip.end_profile2(linear_image,image.shape[0],midpoint,direction2.normalize(),l2max+shift+int(l0/2)) profile=profile1[::-1]+profile2 kymo.append(profile) #post processing to get it to image format if len(kymo)>0: pylab.imshow(kymo, cmap="gray", interpolation="nearest") len1=map(lambda x: -x+shift+l1max,length1) len2=map(lambda x: x+shift+l1max,length2) pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(len1,range(len(length1)),'-', color='red') pylab.plot(len2,range(len(length2)),'-', color='blue')
[docs]def growth_speed(length1,framerate, linreg=False, start=0, end=10000, output=True): '''input is length data as read in read data''' fit1=[] a_1=0 stderr1=0 #create time in ms time1=np.arange(0,len(length1)*framerate,framerate) if start or end: time1=time1[start:end] length1=length1[start:end] if linreg: (a_1,b_1,r1,p1,stderr1)=stats.linregress(time1,length1) #correct standard error, wrong definition in stats package stderr1=sqrt(1./(len(time1)-2)*a_1**2*(1-r1**2)/r1**2) print(' growth velocity length1: %.2f +-%.2f um/min \n ' % (a_1*60,stderr1*60)) for i in time1: fit1.append(a_1*i+b_1) if output: fig=pylab.figure(103,figsize=(8,5)) pylab.ion() pylab.plot(time1/framerate,length1,'-', label='length1') if linreg: pylab.plot(time1/framerate,fit1) #pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel('index of data') pylab.ylabel('length in nm') pylab.title('Current velocity: %.2f +- %.2f um/min'%(a_1*60,stderr1*60)) pylab.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() #this is velocity in um/min a_1=a_1*60 stderr1=stderr1*60 return a_1,stderr1