
Source code for sloth.read_nd2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of SLOTH - stick/like object tracking in high-resolution.
#    Copyright (C) 2012 Monika Kauer
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#@authors: M.Kauer, B.Kauer
import struct, array, StringIO
[docs]class Nd2File: "Read Nikon ND2 format as produced by NIS-Elements AR 4.00.03 (Build 775)" def __init__(self, f): self.f = f self.chunks = self.read_chunkmap() self.meta = {} for name in filter(lambda x: x.endswith("LV!") or "LV|" in x, self.chunks.keys()): self.meta.update(self.read_lv_encoding(self.read_chunk(self.chunks[name]), 1)) self.attr = self.meta["SLxImageAttributes"] def read_chunk(self, chunk):[0]) h = struct.unpack("IIQ", assert h[0] == 0xabeceda, "invalid magic %x"%h[0][0]+16+h[1]) return[2])
[docs] def read_chunkmap(self): "read the map of the chunks at the end of the file", 2) mapptr=struct.unpack("32sQ", assert mapptr[0]=="ND2 CHUNK MAP SIGNATURE 0000001!" data = self.read_chunk(mapptr[1:]) pos = 0 res = {} while True: p = data.index("!",pos)+1 res[data[pos:p]] = struct.unpack("QQ", data[p : p+16]) # abort if we found the magic end if data[pos:p] == mapptr[0]: break pos = p + 16 return res
[docs] def read_coordinates(self): """read the microscope coordinates and temperatures Missing: get chunknames and types from xml metadata""" res = {} fmt_double = ["X","Y", "Z", "Z1", "Z2", "AcqTimesCache", "CameraTemp1", "CameraTemp2"] fmt_int = ["AcqFramesCache", "PFS_OFFSET", "PFS_STATUS"] for postfix in fmt_double+fmt_int: name = "CustomData|%s!"%postfix if name in self.chunks: st = self.read_chunk(self.chunks[name]) res[postfix] = array.array(postfix in fmt_int and "I" or "d", st) return res
def read_lv_encoding(self, data, count): data = StringIO.StringIO(data) res = {} for c in range(count): lastpos = data.tell() hdr = if not hdr: break typ = ord(hdr[0]) name =*ord(hdr[1])) name = name.decode("utf16")[:-1].encode("utf8") if typ == 1: value, = struct.unpack("B", elif typ in [2, 3]: value, = struct.unpack("I", elif typ == 5: value, = struct.unpack("Q", elif typ == 6: value, = struct.unpack("d", elif typ == 8: value = while value[-2:] != "\x00\x00": value += value = value.decode("utf16")[:-1].encode("utf8") elif typ == 9: cnt, = struct.unpack("Q", value = array.array("B", elif typ == 11: newcount,length = struct.unpack("<IQ", length -= data.tell()-lastpos value = self.read_lv_encoding(, newcount) # XXX do not know for what these offsets? are unknown = array.array("I",*8)) else: assert 0, "%s hdr %x:%x unknown"%(name, ord(hdr[0]), ord(hdr[1])) if not name in res: res[name] = value else: if type(res[name]) != type([]): res[name] = [res[name]] res[name].append(value) x = assert not x, "skip %d %s"%(len(x), repr(x[:30])) return res def get_image(self, nr): assert nr >= 0 and nr < self.attr["uiSequenceCount"] assert self.attr["ePixelType"] == 1 d = self.read_chunk(self.chunks["ImageDataSeq|%d!"%nr]) acqtime = struct.unpack("d", d[:8])[0] res = [acqtime] for i in range(self.attr["uiComp"]): a = array.array("H", d) res.append(a[4+i::self.attr["uiComp"]]) return res def get_ppm(self, nr, layer): x = self.get_image(nr) layer = x[layer+1] m = max(layer) layer.byteswap() return "P5\n%d %d\n%d\n"%(self.attr["uiWidth"], self.attr["uiHeight"], m) + layer.tostring()
class SeedDetection: def __init__(self, **args): self.args = args def debug(self, *x): print >>sys.stderr, " ".join(map(str, x)) def draw_line(self, image, width, color, x1, y1, x2, y2): "simple bresenham" deltax, deltay = abs(x2 - x1), -abs(y2 - y1) err = deltax + deltay while True: image[y1*width+x1] = color if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2: break e = 2*err if e > deltay: err += deltay x1 += x1 < x2 and 1 or -1 if e < deltax: err += deltax y1 += y1 < y2 and 1 or -1 def new_object(self, objects, hints, y, xmin, xmax): "add a new horizontal line segment as new object and merge with old objects" v = (y, xmin, xmax) objectnr = None for nr in hints.get(y-1, []): items = objects.get(nr, []) for i in range(len(items)-1, -1, -1): if items[i][0] < (y - 1): break if items[i][0] == y: continue assert items[i][0] == y -1 if max(xmin, items[i][1]) <= min(xmax, items[i][2]): if not objectnr: objectnr = nr else: objects[objectnr] = list(set(objects[objectnr]).union(items)) objects[objectnr].sort() del objects[nr] break if objectnr: objects[objectnr].append(v) else: objectnr = (y<<16)+xmin assert objectnr not in objects objects[objectnr] = [v] hints.setdefault(y, set()) hints[y].add(objectnr) def detect_objects(self, image, width, height): "detect objects line by line by checking for a certain limit" use_green = self.args["use_green"] parameter = self.args["parameter"] maximum = max(image[1]) + (use_green and max(image[2]) or 0) minimum = min(image[1]) + (use_green and min(image[2]) or 0) objects = {} hints = {} output = self.args["output_ppm"] and use_green layer = image[1] prev = False diff = (maximum-minimum) / parameter for i in range(height*width): value = image[1][i] if use_green: value += image[2][i] v = (value-minimum) > diff if v != prev: if not v: end = i - 1 y = end/width while start/width != y: self.new_object(objects, hints, start/width, start % width, width-1) start += width - (start % width) self.new_object(objects, hints, y, start % width, end%width) prev = v start = i if output: layer[i] = value # v and max(maximum/2,value) or value return layer, objects def filter_objects(self, objects, width, height): "filter objects that are to short, to thick or out of bounds" accounting = {"count": 0, "length": 0, "bounds":0, "thick": 0} res = [] for k in objects: items = objects[k] pymin = (items[ 0][1],items[ 0][0]) pymax = (items[-1][1],items[-1][0]) pxmin = pymin pxmax = pymin for i in items: if i[2] > pxmax[0]: pxmax = (i[2],i[0]) if i[1] < pxmin[0]: pxmin = (i[1],i[0]) vx = (pxmax[0] - pxmin[0]+1)**2 vy = (pymax[1] - pymin[1]+1)**2 l1 = (pxmin[0]-pymin[0])**2+(pxmin[1]-pymin[1])**2 l2 = (pymin[0]-pxmax[0])**2+(pymin[1]-pxmax[1])**2 l3 = (pxmax[0]-pymax[0])**2+(pxmax[1]-pymax[1])**2 l4 = (pymax[0]-pxmin[0])**2+(pymax[1]-pxmin[1])**2 thickness = min(max(l1, l3), max(l2,l4), vx, vy)**0.5 length = (vx+vy)**0.5 # guarantee a minimum length if length < self.args["minlength"]: accounting["length"]+=1 #self.debug("(%3d %3d)"%pymin,"(%3d %3d)"%pymax, "%6.2f"%length, "skip length") reason = 1 # make sure it is not outside the picture elif not pxmin[0] or pxmax[0] == width-1 or not pymin[1] or pymax[1] == height-1: accounting["bounds"]+=1 #self.debug("(%3d %3d)"%pxmin,"(%3d %3d)"%pxmax, "(%3d %3d)"%pymin,"(%3d %3d)"%pymax, "skip bounds") reason = 2 # and that it is not to thick elif thickness > self.args["maxthickness"]: accounting["thick"]+=1 #self.debug("(%3d %3d)"%pxmin,"(%3d %3d)"%pxmax, "(%3d %3d)"%pymin,"(%3d %3d)"%pymax, "%6.2f"%thickness, "skip thickness") reason = 3 else: self.debug("(%3d %3d)"%pxmin,"(%3d %3d)"%pxmax, "(%3d %3d)"%pymin,"(%3d %3d)"%pymax, "len", "%6.2f"%length, "thick", "%6.2f"%thickness, "ok") accounting["count"]+=1 reason = 0 res.append((pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax, items, reason)) return accounting, res def detect(self, image, width, height, nr): self.debug("start picture", nr, self.args) layer,objects = self.detect_objects(image, width, height) accounting,objects = self.filter_objects(objects, width, height) self.debug("end picture", nr, accounting) if not self.args["output_ppm"]: return m = max(max(layer), 0x100) # draw the lines into the picture for pxmin,pxmax, pymin, pymax, items, reason in objects: for y,xmin,xmax in items: self.draw_line(layer, width, [0, m, m/2, m/2][reason], xmin, y, xmax, y) # diagonals self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pxmin[0], pxmin[1], pxmax[0], pxmax[1]) self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pymin[0], pymin[1], pymax[0], pymax[1]) # boundary #self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pxmin[0], pxmin[1], pymin[0], pymin[1]) #self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pymin[0], pymin[1], pxmax[0], pxmax[1]) #self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pxmax[0], pxmax[1], pymax[0], pymax[1]) #self.draw_line(layer, width, m, pymax[0], pymax[1], pxmin[0], pxmin[1]) # output the PPM file layer.byteswap() sys.stdout.write("P5\n%d %d\n%d\n"%(width, height, m) + layer.tostring()) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys, pprint filename = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("-"), sys.argv[1:])[0] nd = Nd2File(open(filename)) if "-m" in sys.argv: pprint.pprint(nd.meta) elif "-c" in sys.argv: keys = nd.chunks.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: print k elif "-x" in sys.argv: import xml.dom.minidom as xml for name in filter(lambda x:x.startswith("CustomDataVar|"), nd.chunks): x = xml.parseString(nd.read_chunk(nd.chunks[name])) print x.toprettyxml().encode("utf8"), elif "-t" in sys.argv: for n in nd.meta["SLxImageTextInfo"]: if nd.meta["SLxImageTextInfo"][n]: print nd.meta["SLxImageTextInfo"][n] elif "-a0" in sys.argv: for i in range(nd.attr["uiSequenceCount"]): sys.stdout.write(nd.get_ppm(i, 0)) elif "-a1" in sys.argv: for i in range(nd.attr["uiSequenceCount"]): sys.stdout.write(nd.get_ppm(i, 1)) elif "-p" in sys.argv: for i in range(nd.attr["uiComp"]): sys.stdout.write(nd.get_ppm(12, i)) elif "-z" in sys.argv: detect = SeedDetection(parameter=4.25, minlength=15, maxthickness=15, use_green=False, output_ppm=True) detect.detect(nd.get_image(0), nd.attr["uiWidth"], nd.attr["uiHeight"], 0) detect.args["use_green"] = True for i in range(min(1000, nd.attr["uiSequenceCount"])): detect.detect(nd.get_image(i), nd.attr["uiWidth"], nd.attr["uiHeight"], i) else: print "Usage %s -[cmxtap] FILE"%sys.argv[0]