
So, let’s suppose you have some documents that you want to search. The first thing to do is to get the RestPose server installed and running; see the RestPose documentation on Installation for details of this.

Then, you can install the RestPose python client (we suggest in a virtualenv), using:

$ pip install restpose

Indexing some documents is as simple as:

import restpose
server = restpose.Server('http://localhost:7777')
doc = { 'text': 'Hello world', 'tag': 'A tag' }
coll = server.collection("test_coll")
coll.add_doc(doc, doc_type="blurb", doc_id=1)

And then, searching those documents can be done by:

>>> s = coll.doc_type("blurb").field("text").text("Hello")
>>> s.matches_estimated
>>> s[0].data == {'text': ['Hello world'],
...               'tag': ['A tag'],
...               'type': ['blurb'],
...               'id': ['1']}

The rest of this overview goes through some of the subtle details and extra features we just skipped over in that example.

Connecting to the server

Once the server is running, it provides a REST API over HTTP. The server runs on port 7777 by default, and for the rest of this tutorial we’ll assume that it’s running on the same machine as you’re using the python client on, and is running on the default port.

from restpose import Server
server = Server('http://localhost:7777')

Adding a document

As far as RestPose is concerned, a document is a set of fields, each of which has a name, and each of which has one or more values. Documents also have types and IDs. The document type is used to determine how each field should be interpreted; the configuration of how to index and search each field can be specified for each document type (though you will often be able to use RestPose’s default configuration). The ID is used to identify the document, and is unique within a given type.

IDs must be specified when sending a document to the RestPose server; the python client currently doesn’t automatically allocate IDs if they are missing.

Documents are stored within collections, which are just named groups of documents. It is not currently possible to search transparently across multiple collections. Collections should be used when you have independent projects, but wish to share the resources of a server across them.

doc = { 'text': 'Hello world', 'tag': 'A tag' }
coll = server.collection("test_coll")
coll.add_doc(doc, doc_type="blurb", doc_id=1)

If all goes well, within a short time (usually a fraction of a second), the document will have been indexed. However, using the above calls the changes won’t be fully applied until a few seconds later (by default, until 5 seconds of inactivity), and the new document will be available for searching until this has occurred. This delay is deliberate, and is to allow bulk updates to be performed efficiently, but can be avoided using a checkpoint.


Documents are added asynchronously; it’s important to realise that the add_doc function will only report an error if it is unable to insert the document into the indexing queue on the server (eg, because the server is down, or overloaded). It will not report an error if the document is invalid in some way, and the document will not immediately be available for searching.

In addition, documents are processed in parallel; if I add document A and then add document B, it is quite possible for processing of document B to finish before processing of document A.

There is of course, a way to check for errors, to ensure the ordering of particular modification operations and also to ensure that changes are made ready for searching without the usual wait for inactivity. These tasks are all performed using CheckPoints.

>>> checkpt = coll.checkpoint().wait()
>>> checkpt.total_errors, checkpt.errors, checkpt.reached
(0, [], True)

Essentially, what’s happening here is that the checkpoint is put into the indexing queue in such a way that it will be processed only when all tasks placed onto the queue before it have been completed, and that it will be processed before any tasks placed onto the query after it are started. When it is processed, the preceding changes are committed (ie, made available for searching).

The wait method blocks until the checkpoint has been processed. Alternatively, if you don’t want to block, the checkpt.reached property will reflect the current state of the checkpoint on the server.


Currently, the server doesn’t support long-polling for checkpoint status, so the wait() method is implemented by polling the server periodically. This implementation is likely to be improved in future.

It is also possible to make a checkpoint which doesn’t cause a commit, in order to collect errors and control ordering of processing operations. To do this, simply pass commit=False to the Collection.checkpoint method when creating the checkpoint.

Field types


This section needs rewriting for clarity (sorry!).

There are many different ways in which the data supplied in a field can be processed and made available for searching. The way in which each field is indexed is controlled by the collection configuration, and can be adjusted separately for each document type.

Essentially, the configuration maps each field name to a field type, and associates various parameters with those field types.

Additionally, when a new field is seen (ie, one for which the configuration doesn’t have an entry), the configuration contains a list of patterns which are applied in order, and the first match is used to configure the new field.

Currently, the RestPose Python client doesn’t provide much support to help you work with collection configuration; it just provides a mechanism for getting and setting the full configuration as a hierarchical structure. The full configuration of a collection may be obtained from the server using the the Collection.config property. This may then be modifed and applied back to the property. For example, to add a pattern to the default configuration for a new document type (ie, to the configuration which will be used when a new document type is seen for the first time):

>>> c = coll.config
>>> c['default_type']['patterns'].insert(0,
...    ['test',
...     {'group': 'T', 'max_length': 10, 'too_long_action': 'error',
...      'type': 'exact'}])
>>> coll.config = c

After the above, adding a new document to the collection with a previously unseen document type would cause the configuration for indexing the document type to process a field called “test” for exact matching, in group “T”, but produce an error if any entries in the “test” field were longer than 10 characters.

Details of the field types available, the parameters which can be applied to them, and the default list of patterns, are contained in the server documentation: Types and Schemas.


There are several ways to build up and perform a search in RestPose. Here’s a simple example:

>>> search = coll.field('text').text('Hello')
>>> print len(search)
>>> search[0].data
{u'text': [u'Hello world'], u'tag': [u'A tag'], u'type': [u'blurb'], u'id': [u'1']}

By convention, the word query is used in RestPose to refer to a set of operations which can be used to match and associate a weight with a set of documents. The word search is then used as a noun to refer to an object comprising a query, and any other options involved in performing the search (for example, the offset of the first result to retrieve from the server, or options controlling additional information to retrieve). The word search is also used as a very to refer to the operation of performing a search.

Queries can be constructed in several ways. Firstly, a query can be created which searches the contents of a named field.

>>> query = coll.field.text.parse('Hello')

In this case, query will represent a query on the “text” field, and will use the query parser configured for that field to build a query from the word “Hello”. The query will also be bound to the collection coll, so that when it is performed, the entire collection will be searched. We say that the target of the query is the entire collection.


if the field name is not a valid python identifier, or is stored in a variable, you can use an alternative syntax of calling the coll.field property, passing the field name as a parameter. For example:

>>> query = coll.field('text').parse('Hello')

A query can also be created which is bound to a document type within a collection; when such a query is performed, only documents of the given type will be considered for matching. For example, the following command will produce a query which has a target of the “blurb” document type within the collection.

>>> query = coll.doc_type('blurb').field('text').text('Hello')

A query can also be created which is bound to neither a document type nor a collection; before such a query can be performed it must be given a target (which can be done by combining it with a query which is already associated with a target, or by explicitly setting a target using the set_target method.).

>>> from restpose import Field
>>> query = Field('text').text('Hello')

What’s happening behind the scenes here is that the field method and the Field factory produce a FieldQuerySource object, which provides various methods for creating queries.

Some query types can be performed across all fields; for this, the AnyField factory can be used to create unbound queries, or the any_field method can be used to create bound queries on collections or document types. The documentation for each query type indicates whether it is valid to search across all fields with that query type.

Primitive query types

There are several “primitive” query types other than the “text” type described so far. Most of these are only applicable to fields which have been configured in particular ways. For full details of the search options available in RestPose, see the server documentation on Searches; this section will discuss how to construct each type of query in Python.

  • FieldQuerySource.text(text, op='phrase', window=None)[source]

    Create a query for a piece of text in the field.

    This is a simple search for a matching sequences of words (subject to whatever processing has been performed on the field to conflate variant forms of words, such as stemming or word splitting for CJK text).

    • text – The text to search for. If empty, this query will match no results.
    • op – The operator to use when searching. One of “or”, “and”, “phrase” (ordered proximity), “near” (unordered proximity). Default=”phrase”.
    • window – Only relevant if op is “phrase” or “near”. Window size in words within which the words in the text need to occur for a document to match; None=length of text. Integer or None. Default=None
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field contains text matching the phrase “Hello world”.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.text("Hello world")
  • FieldQuerySource.parse(text, op='and')[source]

    Parse a structured query, searching the field.

    Unlike text, this allows various operators to be used in the query; for example, parentheses may be used, and operators such as “AND” may be used


    Document the operators permitted.

    Beware that the parser is unable to make sense of some query strings (eg, those with mismatched parentheses). If such a query string is used, an error will be returned by the server when the search is performed.

    • fieldname – The field to search within.
    • text – Text to search for. If empty, this query will match no results.
    • op – The default operator to use when searching. One of “or”, “and”. Default=”and”.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field contains both “Hello” and “world”, but not “big”.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.text("Hello world -big")
  • FieldQuerySource.is_in(values)[source]

    Create a query for fields which exactly match the given values.

    A document will match if at least one of the stored values for the field exactly matches at least one of the given values.

    This query type is currently available only for “exact”, “id” and “cat” field types.

    • value – A container holding the values to search for. As a special case, if a string is supplied, this is equivalent to supplying a container holding that string.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “tag” field has a value of “edam”, “cheddar” or “leicester”.

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_in(['edam', 'cheddar', 'leicester'])

    Search for documents in which the “tag” field has a value of “edam”.

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_in('edam')
  • FieldQuerySource.equals(value)

    Create a query for fields which exactly match the given value.

    Matches documents in which the supplied value exactly matches the stored value.

    This query type is currently available only for “exact”, “id” and “cat” field types.

    This query type may be constructed using the == operator, or the equals method.

    • value – The value to search for.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “tag” field has a value of “edam”.

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.equals('edam')

    Or, equivalently (but less conveniently for chained calls)

    >>> query = (coll.field.tag == 'edam')
  • FieldQuerySource.range(begin, end)[source]

    Create a query for field values in a given range.

    Matches documents in which one of the stored values in the field are in the specified range, including both the begin and end values.

    This type is currently available only for “double”, “date” and “timestamp” field types.

    • begin – The start of the range.
    • end – The end of the range.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “num” field has a value in the range 0 to 10 (including the endpoints).

    >>> query = coll.field.num.range(0, 10)
  • FieldQuerySource.is_descendant(categories)[source]

    Create a query for field values which are categories which are descendants of one of the given categories.

    A document will match if at least one of the stored values for the field exactly matches a descendant of the given categories.

    This query type is available only for “cat” field types.

    • categories – A container holding the categories to search for. As a special case, if a string is supplied, this is equivalent to supplying a container holding that string.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “tag” field is a descendant of a value of “cheese”

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_descendant('cheese')

    or, equivalently:

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_descendant(['cheese'])

    See also: Taxonomies and categories

  • FieldQuerySource.is_or_is_descendant(categories)[source]

    Create a query for field values which are categories which are descendants of one of the given categories.

    A document will match if at least one of the stored values for the field exactly matches a descendant of the given categories.

    This query type is available only for “cat” field types.

    • categories – A container holding the categories to search for. As a special case, if a string is supplied, this is equivalent to supplying a container holding that string.
    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “tag” field has a value of “cheese”, or has a value which is a descendant of “cheese”.

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_or_is_descendant('cheese')

    or, equivalently:

    >>> query = coll.field.tag.is_or_is_descendant(['cheese'])

    See also: Taxonomies and categories

  • FieldQuerySource.exists()[source]

    Search for documents in which the field exists.

    This type may be used to search across all fields.

    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field exists.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.exists()

    Search for documents in which any field exists.

    >>> query = coll.any_field.exists()
  • FieldQuerySource.nonempty()[source]

    Search for documents in which the field has a non-empty value.

    This type may be used to search across all fields.

    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field has a non-empty value.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.nonempty()

    Search for documents in which any field has a non-empty value.

    >>> query = coll.any_field.nonempty()
  • FieldQuerySource.empty()[source]

    Search for documents in which the field has an empty value.

    This type may be used to search across all fields.

    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field has an empty value.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.empty()

    Search for documents in which any field has an empty value.

    >>> query = coll.any_field.empty()
  • FieldQuerySource.has_error()[source]

    Search for documents in which the field produced errors when parsing.

    This type may be used to search across all fields.

    Example :

    Search for documents in which the “text” field had an error when parsing.

    >>> query = coll.field.text.has_error()

    Search for documents in which any field had an error when parsing.

    >>> query = coll.any_field.has_error()


it is perfectly possible to construct a query on a field which cannot be performed due to the way in which a field has been configured; many queries can only be performed on certain types of field. If you do this, you’ll get an error when you try to perform the search, not when you construct the query.

There are also a couple of primitive query types which aren’t specific to a field, and can be created by methods of Collection or DocumentType.

  • QueryTarget.all()[source]

    Create a query which matches all documents.

  • QueryTarget.none()[source]

    Create a query which matches no documents.

Combining queries

Queries can be combined using several operators to build a query tree. These operators can be used to produce various boolean combinations of matching results, and also to influence the way in which weights are combined.

There are many ways in which queries can be combined; the simplest to describe are the boolean operations:

  • Boolean AND

    A query can be constructed which only returns documents which match all of a set of subqueries.

    class restpose.query.And(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches only the documents matched by all subqueries.

    The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains both the value 'foo' and the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = And(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...             Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the & operator:


    Produce an And query combining this query with other.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains both the value 'foo' and the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') & Field('tag').equals('bar')
  • Boolean OR

    A query can be constructed which only returns documents which match all of a set of subqueries.

    class restpose.query.Or(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches the documents matched by any subquery.

    The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries which match.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains at least one of the value 'foo' or the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Or(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...            Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the | operator:


    Produce an Or query combining this query with other.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains at least one of the value 'foo' or the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') | Field('tag').equals('bar')
  • Boolean AND-NOT

    Rather than supporting a unary NOT operator (which would return all documents not matched by a query), RestPose implement an “AndNot” operator, which returns documents which match one query, but do not match another query.

    The lack of a unary NOT operator is because it is not generally possible to efficiently compute a list of all the documents in a Collection which do not match a query with the datastructures in use by RestPose. Also, because it is difficult to associate useful scores with documents matching a unary NOT operator, it is rarely desirable to implement a unary NOT operator. If you really need a unary NOT, you can use an all query as part of the AndNot operator.

    To construct a query which returns documents which match one query, but do not match any of a set of other queries:

    class restpose.query.AndNot(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches the documents matched by the first subquery, but not any of the other subqueries.

    The weights returned are the weights in the first subquery.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo' but not the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = AndNot(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...                Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the - operator:


    Produce an AndNot query combining this query with other.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo' and not the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') - Field('tag').equals('bar')
  • Filter

    A filter query is a query which returns documents and weights from an initial query, but removes any documents which do not match another query (or set of queries).

    The Filter constructor allows a query to be constructed which returns documents which match all of a set of subqueries, but only returns the weight from the first of these subqueries.

    class restpose.query.Filter(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches the documents matched by all the subqueries, but only returns weights from the first subquery.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo', with weights from this match, but only where the tag field also contains the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Filter(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...                Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the filter method:


    Return the results of this query filtered by another query.

    This returns only documents which match both the original and the filter query, but uses only the weights from the original query.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo', filtered to only include documents in which the tag field also contains the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo').filter(Field('tag').equals('bar'))
  • AndMaybe

    An AndMaybe query is a query which returns only those documents which match an initial query, but adds weights from a set of other subqueries. This can be used to adjust weights based on external factors (for example, matching tags), without causing extra documents to match the query.

    The AndMaybe constructor allows a query to be constructed which returns documents which match all of a set of subqueries, but only returns the weight from the first of these subqueries.

    class restpose.query.AndMaybe(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches the documents matched by the first subquery, but adds additional weights from the other subqueries.

    The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo', with weights from this match, but with additional weights for any of these documents in which the tag field contains the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = AndMaybe(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...                  Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the and_maybe method:


    Return the results of this query, with additional weights from another query.

    This returns exactly the documents which match the original query, but adds the weight from corresponding matches to the other query.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo', but with additional weights for any matches containing the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo').and_maybe(Field('tag').equals('bar'))
  • Weight multiplication and division

    The weights returned from a query can be modified by multiplying them by a constant (positive) factor. This can be used to bias the results from part of a combined query over the results from other parts of a combined query.

    The MultWeight constructor allows a query to be constructed which returns exactly the same documents as a subquery, but with the weight multiplied by a factor.

    class restpose.query.MultWeight(query, factor, target=None)[source]

    A query which matches all the documents matched by another query, but with the weights multiplied by a factor.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo', with weights multiplied by 2.5.

    >>> query = MultWeight(Field('tag').equals('foo'), 2.5)

    Build a query in which the weights are multiplied by a factor.

    Such a query can also be constructed by use of the * operator, applied to a positive number and a query (the query may be either on the right hand or left hand side):


    Return a query with the weights scaled by a multiplier.

    This can be used to build a query in which the weights of some subqueries are increased or decreased relative to the other subqueries.

    • mult – The multiplier to apply. Must be a positive number.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains the value 'foo' and the weights are multiplied by 2.5

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') * 2.5

    Weights can also be divided using the / operator.

  • Boolean XOR

    Finally, RestPose also supports an XOR operator - this is rarely of much practical use, but is included for completeness of boolean operators.

    A query can be constructed which only returns documents which match an odd number of a set of subqueries.

    class restpose.query.Xor(*queries, **kwargs)[source]

    A query which matches the documents matched by an odd number of subqueries.

    The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries which match.

    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains exactly one of the value 'foo' or the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Xor(Field('tag').equals('foo'),
    ...             Field('tag').equals('bar'))

    Such a query can also be constructed by joining two queries with the ^ operator:


    Produce an Xor query combining this query with other.

    • other – The query to combine with this query.
    Example :

    A query returning documents in which the tag field contains exactly one of the value 'foo' or the value 'bar'.

    >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') ^ Field('tag').equals('bar')

Performing searches

Now you’ve done all this work to get a query, you’ll almost certainly want to perform a search using it. Fortunately, this is very easy.

If you wish to control exactly when a search is sent to the server, you can perform a search directly using the search method on a Collection or DocumentType. This returns a SearchResults object which provides convenient access to the results as returned from the server.

However, an alternative approach which is often more convenient is also provided: Query objects can be sliced and subscripted to get at the list of matching documents. They also support various methods and properties to get statistics about things like the number of matching documents. Communication with the server will be performed when necessary, and the results of such communication will be cached.

For example, suppose we have a query such as:

>>> query = coll.field('text').text('Hello')

To get the first result of a query:

>>> print query[0]
SearchResult(rank=0, data={u'text': [u'Hello world'], u'tag': [u'A tag'], u'type': [u'blurb'], u'id': [u'1']})

Suppose you want the top 10 results. One approach would be to subscript the query with 0, 1, 2, etc. This will actually be fairly efficient - the Python RestPose client will request pages of results when it doesn’t know how many results you’re going to want (the default page size is 20, but this can be adjusted by changing the page_size property). You can even iterate over all matching documents using the standard python iteration mechanism; the iterator will return SearchResult objects.

>>> for r in query: print r
SearchResult(rank=0, data={u'text': [u'Hello world'], u'tag': [u'A tag'], u'type': [u'blurb'], u'id': [u'1']})

To get just the first 10 results of the query, you can slice the query; this returns a TerminalQuery, which has all the same properties for performing searches as the other Query classes we’ve discussed so far, but may not be combined with other Query objects. The TerminalQuery can be subscripted and iterated, but (unless the slice has an open upper end) you are guaranteed that the results will be requested from the server in a single page of size and offset governed by the slice. Query and TerminalQuery have a common base class of Searchable.

The Xapian search engine, used by RestPose, implements some sophisticated optimisations for calculating the top results of a query without having to calculate all the possible documents matching a query. To give these optimisations as much scope to work as possible, you should usually slice your query before accessing individual search results.

To get the total number of matching documents, you can use the len builtin on a Query object. This will cause a search to be performed if necessary, and will return the exact number of matching documents. However, again, if you do not need the exact number of matching documents, you can allow the Xapian optimisations to work a lot better by using a set of properties which produce an estimate and bounds on the number of matching documents. Specifically:

  • the matches_lower_bound property returns a lower bound on the number of matching documents.
  • the matches_estimated property returns an estimate of the number of matching documents.
  • the matches_upper_bound property returns an upper bound on the number of matching documents.
  • the estimate_is_exact property returns True if the estimate produced by matches_estimated is known to be the exact number of matching documents.
  • the has_more property returns True if there are any matches after the slice represented by the Searchable. This can be useful for paginating. (If the slice is open-ended, or the Searchable hasn’t been sliced, this returns False).

It is possible to influence how much work Xapian performs when searching to calculate the number of matching documents. This can be done using the check_at_least method, which produces a new TerminalQuery with the supplied check_at_least value. When the search is performed, Xapian will check at least this number of documents for being potential matches to the search (if there are sufficient matches). This ensures that the estimate and bounds will be exact if fewer documents match than the supplied number; higher check_at_least values will increase the accuracy of the estimate, but will reduce the speed at which the search is performed.

Setting the check_at_least value can also be useful when calculating additional match information, such as counting term occurrence, and faceting.

Another useful property is the total_docs property, which returns the number of documents in the target of the search (ie, in the DocumentType or Collection searched).

Taxonomies and categories

You may have noticed the is_descendant and is_or_is_descendant methods above. These allow you to take advantage of the taxonomy feature of RestPose, which allows you to define a hierarchy of categories, and to search for documents in which a value is not only an exact match for a category, but also to search for documents in which a value is an exact match for any of the descendants of a category.

The taxonomy structure (ie, the hierarchy of categories) is stored in the collection, and associated with a name. To get a list of the defined taxonomies in a collection, you can use the Collection.taxonomies method, which returns a list of names:

>>> taxonomy_names = coll.taxonomies()

To build up a taxonomy, you can make a Taxonomy object from a collection:

>>> taxonomy = coll.taxonomy('my_taxonomy')

Parent-child relationships between categories can then be built up using the add_parent and remove_parent calls.

>>> taxonomy.add_parent('child_cat', 'parent_cat')
>>> taxonomy.remove_parent('child_cat', 'parent_cat')

Individual categories can be added or removed using the add_category and remove_category methods.

The list of top level categories (ie, those without parents) can be retrieved using top, and individual category details can be retrieved with get_category

These calls can be performed at any time - any document updates which need to be made to reflect the new hierarchy will be performed as necessary.


If possible, it is better to put the hierarchy in place before adding documents, since this will require less work in total.


Currently, the taxonomy feature is not designed to perform well with large numbers of entries in the category hierarchy (ie, more than a few hundred entries). Performance improvements are planned, but if you need to use the feature with deep hierarchies, contact the author on IRC or email.

Additional information (Facets, Term occurrence)

Often, it is useful to be able to get additional information along with a search result; for example, in a faceted search application, it is desirable to get counts of the number of matching documents which have each value of a field, which are then used to display options for narrowing down the search.

Currently, RestPose supports getting two types of additional information: occurrence counts for terms, and co-occurrence counts for terms. While the occurrence counts feature could be used to support a faceted search interface, it wouldn’t perform particularly well, because it is fairly slow to access the term occurrence counts. More efficient support for faceted search (involving storing the required information in a slot allowing for faster access) will be implemented in a future release; if you have urgent need of it, contact the author on IRC (in #restpose on irc.freenode.net).

Term occurrence

RestPose can calculate counts of each term seen in matching documents. To do this, use calc_occur on the Searchable to indicate that the information should be calculated during the search.

Searchable.calc_occur(group, prefix, doc_limit=None, result_limit=None, get_termfreqs=False, stopwords=[])[source]

Get occurrence counts of terms in the matching documents.

Warning - fairly slow.

Causes the search results to contain counts for each term seen, in decreasing order of occurrence. The count entries are of the form: [suffix, occurrence count] or [suffix, occurrence count, termfreq] if get_termfreqs was true.

  • group – group to check for terms in.
  • prefix – prefix of terms to check occurrence for
  • doc_limit – number of matching documents to stop checking after. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None
  • result_limit – number of terms to return results for. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None
  • get_termfreqs – set to true to also get frequencies of terms in the db. Boolean. Default=False
  • stopwords – list of stopwords - term suffixes to ignore. Array of strings. Default=[]

Note; if group is specified as an empty string, this can be used to count occurrences of terms in all fields. In this case, terms will be represented by the group name, followed by a tab, followed by the normal term.

The occurrence counts can then be retrieved via the Searchable.info property. Note that it is usually advisable to set the check_at_least value for such a search, to ensure that a reasonable number of potential matches will be included when calculating the occurrence counts. Conversely, because calculating this requires access to the termlists for each document observed, which is a slow operation, the calc_occur method allows you to limit the number of documents checked using the doc_limit parameter; you can set this to get a sampling of the documents in the index, rather than potentially checking all of them (note that such a sampling isn’t unbiased, unfortunately; the documents which are sampled will be the ones nearer the start of the index, which usually means those documents which were indexed first).

Term co-occurrence

Similarly, Restpose can calculate counts of which term-pairs occur together most often. To do this, use calc_cooccur on the Searchable to indicate that the information should be calculated during the search.

Searchable.calc_cooccur(group, prefix, doc_limit=None, result_limit=None, get_termfreqs=False, stopwords=[])[source]

Get cooccurrence counts of terms in the matching documents.

Warning - fairly slow (and O(L*L), where L is the average document length).

Causes the search results to contain counts for each pair of terms seen, in decreasing order of cooccurrence. The count entries are of the form: [suffix1, suffix2, co-occurrence count] or [suffix1, suffix2, co-occurrence count, termfreq of suffix1, termfreq of suffix2] if get_termfreqs was true.

  • group – group to check for terms in.
  • prefix – prefix of terms to check co-occurrence for
  • doc_limit – number of matching documents to stop checking after. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None
  • result_limit – number of terms to return results for. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None
  • get_termfreqs – set to true to also get frequencies of terms in the db. Boolean. Default=False
  • stopwords – list of stopwords - term suffixes to ignore. Array of strings. Default=[]

Note; if group is specified as an empty string, this can be used to count occurrences of terms in all fields. In this case, terms will be represented by the group name, followed by a tab, followed by the normal term.

The same options as when calculating term occurrence counts apply for controlling the number of documents considered when calculating this information. Note that calculating this is significantly more expensive than calculating the pure occurrence counts, so in a large system you might well want to start with small limits, and gradually increase the counts until performance is no longer acceptable.

Realisers: associating search results with external objects

In many situations, the search index is built from objects which are stored in an external database. When this is the case, it is desirable to be able to associate a search result with the object in the database which it represents. For example, in a Django project, a search index might be built up by processing objects from the Django ORM, and it would be desirable for templates to be able to access the appropriate ORM object directly, rather than just being able to access the fields stored in the search engine.

This can of course be done manually, but the RestPose client provides some support to make this cleaner and more convenient. In brief: searches can be provided with a “realiser” function, which is called when neccessary to look up the objects associated with a set of results; these objects can then be accessed via the SearchResult.object property.


document how to set realiser functions


document what realiser functions need to do


give an example realiser for use with Django

Getting a section of search results based on a particular document

Sometimes, it’s useful to be able to get the section of a search result set containing a particular document, rather than just a section of a result set based on an offset. For example, imagine you’re providing an interface which allows users to page through a resultset where documents are constantly being added to the underlying database, so additional documents may be added at any time.

In this situation, it may be better to ask for the results which follow a particular document, rather than to ask for the next page of results by a fixed offset. This is particularly true if documents are being returned sorted by most-recent first; using this technique.

Note that this interface can also be used to get the rank of a given document in a set of search results, without having to iterate through the search results on the client side.

To get a section of results based on a given document, you can use the fromdoc method on a Searchable.

Note that it is not valid to call fromdoc on a resultset which has already been sliced; doing so will raise a ValueError. Also, if the fromdoc specified does not exist, or is not in the results of the query, the query will fail when executed, raising a RequestFailed error.