Source code for restpose.query

# -*- coding: utf-8 -
# This file is part of the restpose python module, released under the MIT
# license.  See the COPYING file for more information.

Queries in RestPose.

.. testsetup::

    from restpose import Field, And, Or, Xor, AndNot, Filter, AndMaybe, \


import copy
import six

def _query_struct(query):
    """Get a structure to be sent to the server, from a Query.

    if isinstance(query, Query):
        return copy.deepcopy(query._query)
    elif hasattr(query, 'items'):
        return dict([(k, copy.deepcopy(v)) for (k, v) in query.items()])
    raise TypeError("Query must either be a restpose.Query object, or have an 'items' method")

def _target_from_queries(queries):
    """Get a target from some queries.

    If the queries contain differing targets (other than some containing None),
    raises an exception.

    Returns None if none of the queries have a target set.

    target = None
    for query in queries:
        if query._target is not None:
            if target is not None and target is not query._target:
                raise ValueError("Queries have inconsistent targets.")
            target = query._target
    return target

[docs]class Searchable(object): """An object which can be sliced or iterated to perform a query. """ #: Number of results to get in each request, if size is not explicitly set. page_size = 20 _query = None _offset = 0 _size = None _check_at_least = 0 _fromdoc = None _info = None _order_by = None _results = None _realiser = None def __init__(self, target): """Create a new Searchable. target is the object that the search will be performed on. For example, a restpose.Collection or restpose.DocumentType object. """ self._target = target
[docs] def set_realiser(self, realiser): """Set the function to get objects associated with results. Overrides the default realiser for the query target. """ if self._realiser is realiser: return self result = copy.copy(self) result._realiser = realiser return result
[docs] def set_target(self, target): """Return a searchable, with the target set. If the target was already set to the same value, returns self. Otherwise, returns a copy of target. """ if self._target is target: return self result = copy.copy(self) result._target = target return result
[docs] def search(self): """Explicitly force a search for this query to be performed. This ignores any cached results, and always makes a call to the server. The query should usually be sliced before calling this method. If the slice does not specify an endpoint, the server will use its internal limit on the number of results, so only a small number of results will be returned unless a larger number is explictly set by slicing. :returns: The results of the search. """ if self._target is None: raise ValueError("Target of search not set") self._results = return self._results
def _build_search(self, offset=None, size=None, check_at_least=None): """Build the search structure to send to the server. """ body = dict(query=self._query) if offset is None: offset = self._offset if offset: body['from'] = offset if size is None: size = self._size if size is not None: body['size'] = size if check_at_least is None: check_at_least = self._check_at_least if check_at_least: body['check_at_least'] = check_at_least if self._fromdoc is not None: body['fromdoc'] = self._fromdoc if self._info is not None: body['info'] = self._info if self._order_by is not None: body['order_by'] = self._order_by return body def _ensure_results(self, offset, size, check_at_least): """Ensure that the results contain items from offset to size, with check_at_least being at least the value set. """ if self._target is None: raise ValueError("Target of search not set") if size is None: size = self.page_size if self._results is not None: need_recalc = False if offset < self._results.offset: need_recalc = True elif (offset + size > self._results.offset + self._results.size_requested): need_recalc = True elif check_at_least == -1: if self._results.total_docs > self._results.check_at_least: need_recalc = True elif check_at_least is not None and check_at_least >= 0: if check_at_least > self._results.check_at_least: need_recalc = True if not need_recalc: return # Ensure that we're always checking for at least one more result than # we're actually wanting, so that we can tell if there are more # results. if check_at_least is None or (check_at_least >= 0 and check_at_least <= offset + size): check_at_least = offset + size + 1 s = self._build_search(offset, size, check_at_least) #print "search: ", s self._results = #print "raw results: ", self._results._raw def _ensure_results_stats(self): """Ensure that the results contain stats. """ # If any results have been calculated, we have stats. if self._results is None: if self._size is None: # Just fetch the first page self._ensure_results(self._offset, self.page_size, self._check_at_least) else: # Get whole slice. self._ensure_results(self._offset, self._size, self._check_at_least) def _ensure_results_contain(self, rank): """Ensure that the results contain the given rank. If no size is set, and the offset is after the starting offset, will fetch the necessary page of results (according to the page_size setting). If size is set, and the offset is within the valid range, will fetch the results. Otherwise, will raise IndexError. """ if rank < self._offset: raise IndexError("Rank requested is outsize slice range.") if self._size is not None and self._offset + self._size <= rank: raise IndexError("Rank requested is outsize slice range.") if self._results is not None: # Check if the requested range for the results includes the # specified rank. if self._results.offset <= rank and \ self._results.offset + self._results.size_requested > rank: return if self._size is None: # Fetch a page of results. page_num = int((rank - self._offset) / self.page_size) self._ensure_results(self._offset + page_num * self.page_size, self.page_size, self._check_at_least) else: # Fetch the specified results. self._ensure_results(self._offset, self._size, self._check_at_least) @property
[docs] def total_docs(self): """Get the total number of documents searched. """ self._ensure_results_stats() return self._results.total_docs
[docs] def offset(self): """Get the offset of the first result item (0-based). """ if self._fromdoc is not None: raise ValueError("result set offset is not meaningful when " "using fromdoc") return self._offset
[docs] def size_requested(self): """Return the requested size of the result set. This returns None if no limit has been placed on the size of the result set to return. """ return self._size
[docs] def matches_lower_bound(self): """A lower bound on the number of matches. """ self._ensure_results_stats() return self._results.matches_lower_bound
[docs] def matches_estimated(self): """An estimate of the number of matches. """ self._ensure_results_stats() return self._results.matches_estimated
[docs] def matches_upper_bound(self): """An upper bound on the number of matches. """ self._ensure_results_stats() return self._results.matches_upper_bound
[docs] def estimate_is_exact(self): """True if the value returned by matches_estimated is exact, False if it isn't (or at least, isn't guaranteed to be). """ return self.matches_lower_bound == self.matches_upper_bound
[docs] def has_more(self): """Return True if there are more results after the current slice. If a limit has been placed on the size of the result set, returns True if there are more results after this limit, and False otherwise. If no limit has been placed on the size of the result set, returns False. """ if self._size is None: return False end = self._offset + self._size if self.matches_lower_bound > end: return True if self.matches_upper_bound <= end: return False # Ensure that we know if there are more results. self._ensure_results(self._offset, self._size, end + 1) # Lower bound is now guaranteed to be accurate if it's less than or # equal to end, and guaranteed to be at least end + 1 if the actual # value is end + 1 or greater. return self.matches_lower_bound > end
def __len__(self): """Get the exact number of matching documents for this Query. Note that searches often don't involve calculating the exact number of matching documents, so this will often force a search to be performed with a check_at_least value of -1, which is something to be avoided unless it is strictly neccessary to know the exact number of matching documents. If you just need a rough idea of the number of matching documents, see `matches_estimated`, and the associated `matches_lower_bound`, `matches_upper_bound` and `estimate_is_exact` properties. Also, note that if this is a TerminalQuery which has been sliced, this will return the number of results in the sliced region. """ if self._results is not None and self._results.estimate_is_exact: total = self._results.matches_estimated else: # Need to run a search with check_at_least = -1 to ensure exact # estimate. self._ensure_results(self._offset, self._size, -1) assert self._results.estimate_is_exact total = self._results.matches_estimated # Note - the following code could be shrunk using min and max, but # please leave it as is until test branch coverage for it is at 100%. if total < self._offset: return 0 total = total - self._offset if self._size is not None and total > self._size: return self._size return total def __iter__(self): """Get an iterator over the results in this Query. """ return QueryIterator(self) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an item, or a slice of results. """ if not isinstance(key, (slice, six.integer_types)): raise TypeError("keys must be slice objects, or integers") if isinstance(key, slice): result = TerminalQuery(self) result._apply_slice(key) return result key = int(key) if key < 0: raise IndexError("Negative indexing is not supported") size = self._size if size is not None and key >= size: raise IndexError("Index out of range of slice of results") if self._fromdoc is None: rank = self._offset + key self._ensure_results_contain(rank) return self._results.at_rank(rank) else: assert self._offset == 0 self._ensure_results(0, size, self._check_at_least) return self._results.items[key]
[docs] def fromdoc(self, doc_type, doc_id, offset = 0, size = 0, fromdoc_pagesize = None): """Get a subset of the result set, based on the position of a particular base document. :param doc_type: The type of the base document. :param doc_id: The ID of the base document. :param offset: The position offset for the start of the results to return. This may be negative to return results before the base document; if this would result in trying to return results with a rank less than zero, the calculated rank will be clipped to zero. :param size: The number of results to attempt to return. :param fromdoc_pagesize: The number of results to calculate at a time internally when working out what position the base document is at. This may usually be left as the server default, but can be varied for performance reasons. """ if self._offset != 0 or self._size is not None: raise ValueError("fromdoc can not be used with a sliced result set") result = TerminalQuery(self) result._fromdoc = { 'type': doc_type, 'id': doc_id, 'from': offset, } if fromdoc_pagesize: result._fromdoc['pagesize'] = fromdoc_pagesize result._size = int(size) return result
[docs] def check_at_least(self, check_at_least): """Set the check_at_least value. This is the minimum number of documents to try and check when running the search - useful mainly when you want reasonably accurate counts of matching documents, but don't want to retrieve all matches. Returns a new Search, with the check_at_least value to use when performing the search set to the specified value. """ result = TerminalQuery(self) result._check_at_least = int(check_at_least) return result
RELEVANCE = object()
[docs] def order_by(self, field, ascending=None): """Set the sort order. """ order_item = {} if field is self.RELEVANCE: order_item['score'] = 'weight' else: # assert that field is a string, because we may well want to allow # more complex types to be specified in future, and don't want to # risk breaking existing applications at that point. assert isinstance(field, six.string_types) order_item['field'] = field if ascending is not None: order_item['ascending'] = ascending result = TerminalQuery(self) result._order_by = [order_item] return result
[docs] def info(self): """Get the list of information items returned by the search. """ self._ensure_results_stats() return
[docs] def calc_occur(self, group, prefix, doc_limit=None, result_limit=None, get_termfreqs=False, stopwords=[]): """Get occurrence counts of terms in the matching documents. Warning - fairly slow. Causes the search results to contain counts for each term seen, in decreasing order of occurrence. The count entries are of the form: [suffix, occurrence count] or [suffix, occurrence count, termfreq] if get_termfreqs was true. :param group: group to check for terms in. :param prefix: prefix of terms to check occurrence for :param doc_limit: number of matching documents to stop checking after. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None :param result_limit: number of terms to return results for. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None :param get_termfreqs: set to true to also get frequencies of terms in the db. Boolean. Default=False :param stopwords: list of stopwords - term suffixes to ignore. Array of strings. Default=[] Note; if group is specified as an empty string, this can be used to count occurrences of terms in all fields. In this case, terms will be represented by the group name, followed by a tab, followed by the normal term. """ result = TerminalQuery(self) if result._info is None: result._info = [] result._info.append({'occur': dict(group=group, prefix=prefix, doc_limit=doc_limit, result_limit=result_limit, get_termfreqs=get_termfreqs, stopwords=stopwords, )}) return result
[docs] def calc_cooccur(self, group, prefix, doc_limit=None, result_limit=None, get_termfreqs=False, stopwords=[]): """Get cooccurrence counts of terms in the matching documents. Warning - fairly slow (and O(L*L), where L is the average document length). Causes the search results to contain counts for each pair of terms seen, in decreasing order of cooccurrence. The count entries are of the form: [suffix1, suffix2, co-occurrence count] or [suffix1, suffix2, co-occurrence count, termfreq of suffix1, termfreq of suffix2] if get_termfreqs was true. :param group: group to check for terms in. :param prefix: prefix of terms to check co-occurrence for :param doc_limit: number of matching documents to stop checking after. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None :param result_limit: number of terms to return results for. None=unlimited. Integer or None. Default=None :param get_termfreqs: set to true to also get frequencies of terms in the db. Boolean. Default=False :param stopwords: list of stopwords - term suffixes to ignore. Array of strings. Default=[] Note; if group is specified as an empty string, this can be used to count occurrences of terms in all fields. In this case, terms will be represented by the group name, followed by a tab, followed by the normal term. """ result = TerminalQuery(self) if result._info is None: result._info = [] result._info.append({'cooccur': dict(group=group, prefix=prefix, doc_limit=doc_limit, result_limit=result_limit, get_termfreqs=get_termfreqs, stopwords=stopwords, )}) return result
if six.PY3: __str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__() else: __str__ = lambda x: unicode(x).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return six.u('<Query(%s)>') % ( self._build_search() )
[docs]class QueryIterator(object): """Iterate over the results of a query. """ def __init__(self, query): self.query = query self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): try: result = self.query[self.index] except IndexError: raise StopIteration self.index += 1 return result next = __next__ # Python 2 compatibility
[docs]class Query(Searchable): """Base class of all queries. All query subclasses should have a property called "_query", containing the query as a structure ready to be converted to JSON and sent to the server. """ def __init__(self, target=None): super(Query, self).__init__(target)
[docs] def __mul__(self, mult): """Return a query with the weights scaled by a multiplier. This can be used to build a query in which the weights of some subqueries are increased or decreased relative to the other subqueries. :param mult: The multiplier to apply. Must be a positive number. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'`` and the weights are multiplied by 2.5 >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') * 2.5 """ return MultWeight(self, mult, target=self._target)
def __rmul__(self, lhs): """Return a query with the weights scaled by a multiplier. This can be used to build a query in which the weights of some subqueries are increased or decreased relative to the other subqueries. """ return self.__mul__(lhs) def __div__(self, rhs): """Return a query with the weight divided by a number. """ # Note: only used for python 2.x. return self.__mul__(1.0 / rhs) def __truediv__(self, rhs): """Return a query with the weight divided by a number. """ return self.__mul__(1.0 / rhs)
[docs] def __and__(self, other): """Produce an And query combining this query with ``other``. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains both the value ``'foo'`` and the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') & Field('tag').equals('bar') """ return And(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs] def __or__(self, other): """Produce an Or query combining this query with ``other``. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains at least one of the value ``'foo'`` or the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') | Field('tag').equals('bar') """ return Or(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Produce an AndNot query combining this query with ``other``. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'`` and not the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') - Field('tag').equals('bar') """ return AndNot(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs] def filter(self, other): """Return the results of this query filtered by another query. This returns only documents which match both the original and the filter query, but uses only the weights from the original query. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'``, filtered to only include documents in which the ``tag`` field also contains the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo').filter(Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ return Filter(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs] def and_maybe(self, other): """Return the results of this query, with additional weights from another query. This returns exactly the documents which match the original query, but adds the weight from corresponding matches to the other query. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'``, but with additional weights for any matches containing the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo').and_maybe(Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ return AndMaybe(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs] def __xor__(self, other): """Produce an Xor query combining this query with ``other``. :param other: The query to combine with this query. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains exactly one of the value ``'foo'`` or the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Field('tag').equals('foo') ^ Field('tag').equals('bar') """ return Xor(self, other, target=self._target)
[docs]class QueryField(Query): """A query in a particular field. """ def __init__(self, fieldname, querytype, value, target=None): super(QueryField, self).__init__(target=target) self._query = dict(field=[fieldname, querytype, value])
[docs]class QueryMeta(Query): """A query for meta information (about field presence, errors, etc). """ def __init__(self, querytype, value, target=None): super(QueryMeta, self).__init__(target=target) self._query = dict(meta=[querytype, value])
[docs]class QueryAll(Query): """A query which matches all documents. """ _query = {"matchall": True} def __init__(self, target=None): super(QueryAll, self).__init__(target=target)
[docs]class QueryNone(Query): """A query which matches no documents. """ _query = {"matchnothing": True} def __init__(self, target=None): super(QueryNone, self).__init__(target=target)
QueryNothing = QueryNone
[docs]class CombinedQuery(Query): """Base class of Queries which are combinations of a sequence of queries. Subclasses must define self._op, the operator to use to combine queries. """ def __init__(self, *queries, **kwargs): target = kwargs.get('target', None) try: del kwargs['target'] except KeyError: pass if len(kwargs) != 0: raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword arguments: %s" % ', '.join(kwargs.keys())) if target is None: queries = tuple(queries) # Handle queries being an iterator. target = _target_from_queries(queries) super(CombinedQuery, self).__init__(target=target) self._query = {self._op: list(_query_struct(query) for query in queries)}
[docs]class And(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches only the documents matched by all subqueries. The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains both the value ``'foo'`` and the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = And(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "and"
[docs]class Or(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches the documents matched by any subquery. The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries which match. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains at least one of the value ``'foo'`` or the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Or(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "or"
[docs]class Xor(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches the documents matched by an odd number of subqueries. The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries which match. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains exactly one of the value ``'foo'`` or the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Xor(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "xor"
[docs]class AndNot(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches the documents matched by the first subquery, but not any of the other subqueries. The weights returned are the weights in the first subquery. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'`` but not the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = AndNot(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "and_not"
[docs]class Filter(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches the documents matched by all the subqueries, but only returns weights from the first subquery. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'``, with weights from this match, but only where the ``tag`` field also contains the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = Filter(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "filter"
[docs]class AndMaybe(CombinedQuery): """A query which matches the documents matched by the first subquery, but adds additional weights from the other subqueries. The weights are the sum of the weights in the subqueries. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'``, with weights from this match, but with additional weights for any of these documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'bar'``. >>> query = AndMaybe(Field('tag').equals('foo'), ... Field('tag').equals('bar')) """ _op = "and_maybe"
[docs]class MultWeight(Query): """A query which matches all the documents matched by another query, but with the weights multiplied by a factor. :example: A query returning documents in which the ``tag`` field contains the value ``'foo'``, with weights multiplied by 2.5. >>> query = MultWeight(Field('tag').equals('foo'), 2.5) """ def __init__(self, query, factor, target=None): """Build a query in which the weights are multiplied by a factor. """ if target is None: target = query._target super(MultWeight, self).__init__(target=target) factor = float(factor) if factor < 0: raise ValueError("factor in MultWeight must be postive") self._query = dict(scale=dict(query=_query_struct(query), factor=factor))
[docs]class TerminalQuery(Searchable): """A Query which has had offsets or additional search options set. This is produced from a Query when additional search options are set. It can't be combined with other Query objects, since the semantics of doing so would be confusing. """ def __init__(self, orig, slice=None): super(TerminalQuery, self).__init__(orig._target) self._query = orig._query self._offset = orig._offset self._size = orig._size self._check_at_least = orig._check_at_least self._fromdoc = copy.copy(orig._fromdoc) self._info = copy.copy(orig._info) self._order_by = copy.copy(orig._order_by) if slice is not None: self._apply_slice(slice) def _apply_slice(self, slice): """Restrict the range of documents to return from the query. """ if slice.step is not None and int(slice.step) != 1: raise IndexError("step values != 1 are not supported") # Get start from the slice, or 0 if not specified. if slice.start is not None: start = int(slice.start) if start < 0: raise IndexError("Negative indexing is not supported") else: start = 0 # Get stop from the slice, or None if not specified. if slice.stop is not None: stop = int(slice.stop) if stop < 0: raise IndexError("Negative indexing is not supported") else: stop = None # Set the starting offset. if self._fromdoc is None: self._offset = start + self._offset else: self._fromdoc['from'] = self._fromdoc['from'] + start # Update the size. oldsize = self._size if stop is None: if oldsize is not None: self._size = max(oldsize - start, 0) else: if oldsize is not None: newstop = min(oldsize, stop) else: newstop = stop self._size = max(newstop - start, 0)
[docs]class SearchResult(object): def __init__(self, rank, data, results): self.rank = rank = data self._object = None self._results = results @property def object(self): """Get the object associated with this result. Requires an object generator to have been set, or the object to have been explicitly set earlier. """ if self._object is None: self._results._realise(self.rank) return self._object @object.setter
[docs] def object(self, object): """Set the object for this result. """ self._object = object
if six.PY3: __str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__() else: __str__ = lambda x: unicode(x).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return six.u('SearchResult(rank=%d, data=%s)') % ( self.rank,, )
[docs]class SearchResults(object): """The results returned from the server when performing a search. """ def __init__(self, raw, realiser=None): #: The raw results returned from the server. self._raw = raw #: The matching documents. self._items = None #: Information associated with the search results (eg, term #: occurrence, facets). self._infos = None #: The total number of documents searched. self.total_docs = raw.get('total_docs', 0) #: The offset of the first result item. self.offset = raw.get('from', 0) #: The requested size. self.size_requested = raw.get('size_requested', 0) #: The requested check_at_least value. self.check_at_least = raw.get('check_at_least', 0) #: A lower bound on the number of matches. self.matches_lower_bound = raw.get('matches_lower_bound', 0) #: An estimate of the number of matches. self.matches_estimated = raw.get('matches_estimated', 0) #: An upper bound on the number of matches. self.matches_upper_bound = raw.get('matches_upper_bound', 0) #: The function used to create objects associated with results. self._realiser = realiser
[docs] def set_realiser(self, realiser): """Set the function to get objects associated with results. This function will be passed two lists of result items: - first, a list of result items which must be given objects to associate with them. - second, a list of result items which it is desirable to associate an object with; this can be used to perform bulk lookups. And should assign the object to the object property of each of these. """ self._realiser = realiser
[docs] def estimate_is_exact(self): """Return True if the value returned by matches_estimated is exact, False if it isn't (or at least, isn't guaranteed to be). """ return self.matches_lower_bound == self.matches_upper_bound
[docs] def items(self): """The matching result items.""" if self._items is None: self._items = [SearchResult(rank, data, self) for (rank, data) in enumerate(self._raw.get('items', []), self.offset)] return self._items
def _realise(self, rank): """Realise the object for the result at a given rank. ie; use the object generator to make the corresponding object. May realise other objects, too. """ needed_item = self.items[rank - self.offset] if needed_item._object is not None: return needed = [needed_item] wanted = [item for item in self.items if item._object is None] self._realiser(needed, wanted) @property
[docs] def info(self): """The list of information items returned from the server.""" return self._raw.get('info', [])
[docs] def at_rank(self, rank): """Get the result at a given rank. The rank is the position in the entire result set, starting at 0. Raises IndexError if the rank is out of the range in the result set. """ index = rank - self.offset if index < 0: raise IndexError return self.items[index]
def __iter__(self): """Get an iterator over all items in this result set. The iterator produces SearchResult items. """ return iter(self.items) def __len__(self): """Get the number of items in this result set. This is the number of items produced by iterating over the result set. It is not (usually) the number of items matching the search. """ return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.items.__getitem__(key) if six.PY3: __str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__() else: __str__ = lambda x: unicode(x).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): result = six.u('SearchResults(offset=%d, size_requested=%d, ' 'check_at_least=%d, ' 'matches_lower_bound=%d, ' 'matches_estimated=%d, ' 'matches_upper_bound=%d, ' 'items=[%s]') % ( self.offset, self.size_requested, self.check_at_least, self.matches_lower_bound, self.matches_estimated, self.matches_upper_bound, ', '.join(str(item) for item in self.items), ) if result += six.u(', info=%s' % str( return result + six.u(')')