Power FlowΒΆ

The “pylon” package contains classes for defining a power system model and power flow solvers.

from pylon import Case, Bus, Branch, Generator, NewtonPF, FastDecoupledPF

Import “sys” so the report can be written to stdout.

import sys

Start by building up a one branch case with a generator at one end

bus1 = Bus()
g = Generator(bus1, p=80.0, q=10.0)

and fixed load at the other.

bus2 = Bus(p_demand=60.0, q_demand=4.0)

Connect the two buses

line = Branch(bus1, bus2, r=0.05, x=0.01)

and add it all to a new case.

case = Case(buses=[bus1, bus2], branches=[line], generators=[g])

Choose to solve using either Newton’s method

solver = NewtonPF(case)

or Fast Decoupled method

solver = FastDecoupledPF(case).solve()

and then call the solver.


Write the case out to view the results.


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