Optimal Power FlowΒΆ

This tutorial provides a guide for solving an Optimal Power Flow problem using Pylon.

First import the necessary components from Pylon.

from pylon import Case, Bus, Branch, Generator, OPF

Import “sys” for writing to stdout.

import sys

Create two generators, specifying their marginal cost.

bus1 = Bus(p_demand=100.0)
g1 = Generator(bus1, p_min=0.0, p_max=80.0, p_cost=(0.0, 6.0, 0.0))
bus2 = Bus()
g2 = Generator(bus2, p_min=0.0, p_max=60.0, p_cost=(0.0, 9.0, 0.0))

Connect the two generator buses

line = Branch(bus1, bus2, r=0.05)

and add it all to a case.

case = Case(buses=[bus1, bus2], branches=[line], generators=[g1, g2])

Linearised DC optimal power flow

dc = True

or non-linear AC optimal power flow may be selected.

dc = False

Pass the case to the OPF routine and solve.

OPF(case, dc).solve()

View the results as ReStructuredText.


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